Age of Arcane

Chapter 102 Continue to exert pressure

Chapter 102 Continue to exert pressure
After Luke and Mrs. Mihir finished a pot of tea, Lisa Wen came up and told that she had prepared all the mysterious props and packed several large boxes.

Since it's free, Luke didn't count them all, and threw them into the space backpack.After saying goodbye to Mrs. Mihir, she found a place where no one was around and let Qingkong go offline.

As for the spiritual mask... definitely can't be used directly by the main body, and the corresponding secret words still need to be collected.Therefore, it is temporarily stored away, anyway, it will be used sooner or later.

The night passed so peacefully.

The next day, the aftermath of the collapse of the Rage Tower and the eruption of the city-wide parade began to erupt in Rage City.

Several influential newspapers did not hesitate to use several pages to report on what happened yesterday.Coupled with a few ironic cartoons, it is very provocative.

A newspaper whose boss is Mr. Ible almost pointed at the nose and scolded the inaction of the city security department.It even revealed the amount of city finances earmarked for law and order, accusing officials of the city security department of taking high salaries but doing nothing.

Although the scolding in other newspapers was not obvious, anyone who used their brains a little could see that the city security department had an inescapable responsibility for the collapse of Nulei Tower.

This cauldron was not only carried on the back of Congressman Virgil, but also welded to death.

Moreover, near the Nulei Tower in Central Park, there were also demonstrators gathered.There were also people shouting slogans in front of other squares and important buildings, asking the government affairs department to hold relevant personnel accountable.

There is a great drive to push the officials of the city security department from Congressman Virgil down to the end.

Compared to Mr. Virgil, who has been scolded by the public for being inferior to a pig, Mr. Ible appeared in the newspaper with a very positive image.


Stand up when Senator Virgil is at a loss!
Facing the tens of thousands of angry citizens of Rage City, the brave Councilor Ible did not flinch in the slightest.He fulfilled his duties as a city councilor, resolved the crisis in the government affairs hall with an impassioned speech, maintained the majesty of the city, and prevented the situation from deteriorating.

Some citizens even shed moved tears, realizing their reckless behavior under the light of Councilor Ible.


The accompanying comics are also very interesting.

Senator Ible is a fat tiger who wears a top hat and holds a staff of civilization, mighty yet kind.

Senator Virgil was a shivering monkey in fat clothes hiding behind the sheriff.

Seeing this, Luke couldn't help but spit out the coffee he drank in his mouth.Don't fits the scene at the time.

"Detective, are you all right?"

Karina, who was standing aside for her morning business report, took out a towel and wiped the spilled coffee.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Luke also helped to wipe it in a hurry, and then said, "Go on!"

"Yes, Inspector. I checked the case report submitted by Detective Thomas on the disappearance of Brother Shelm. The whole case handling process is clear, and the evidence is true and reliable... Detective Thomas is in the process of rescuing In the movie, it also shows the high quality of an imperial spy.

If we can find out that Detective Thomas has such excellent handling ability earlier, maybe we can save some of the reputation of our Cape Secret Service. "

Although it was only a small case of missing persons, Kailinna still did not hesitate to praise Thomas.

Among those closed case files full of loopholes, this one is really the only one.

"I don't think finding out about Agent Thomas' abilities early on will do much for the Cape Secret Service's reputation. Thomas' talents require someone who knows how to develop him and use him.

Any news from Senator Ible? "

Karina agreed with Luke's words.

If Thomas is allowed to handle the case under Shelley, it is most likely that... he has closed the case before he started the investigation.

Karina withdrew her somewhat distracted thoughts and answered the inspector's inquiry: "Inspector Thomas sent someone to send a message. Councilor Ible went to the government affairs hall early in the morning. He will submit the repair of Cape Harbor in the parliament. In the afternoon, several newspapers had an exclusive interview with the congressman.

If it goes well, there will be information related to the repair of Cape Harbor in tomorrow's newspaper. "

"It seems that the major newspapers in Raging Waves City have charged him a lot of money."

Karina asked, "Should we investigate?"

"No need... I'm just talking casually." Luke appeased Karina, who was a little highly motivated, and continued: "Given the actions of Councilor Ible yesterday, the parliament will not easily pass his agenda. Still need to continue Use the collapse of Nulei Tower to put pressure on the government affairs office and parliament.

If Congressman Virgil wants to keep his position, he must make a compromise on this matter. We must cooperate well with Congressman Ible.

Let the Black Mamba find some people to sit quietly in the square in front of the government affairs hall.Go in the morning and finish work in the evening, three hundred Reichsmarks a day.

If there are less than 2000 people demonstrating in the central square, let our people make up for it.In other urban areas, where there are many people coming and going, people will be stuffed there.

remember!Don't have any conflicts with the sheriff, let our people go when they drive away, and our people will go back when they leave.

Food and water have been arranged, and some of our agents will be sent to guard them far away to protect them.

Keep the heat going, newspapers will have topics to write about, and they won't be able to consume us. "

"Yes, Inspector." Karina recorded the order attentively.

At this time, Shelley opened the door and walked in: "Inspector, Mrs. Tasia came back last night, and now they are all at the Ranger headquarters."

"How many Naga did Mrs. Tasia bring?"

"147 people."

"Let them adapt to the land environment, and I will take them to kill people in a few days."

Shelley became interested: "Inspector, there is no need for Naga to kill people on land. Whom do you want to kill, I will take them there now."

Luke stood up, put on his hat and picked up his cane: "There are more people to be cut down, and the more people who can go, the better. Just send someone to the Rangers headquarters to report a letter, call Pisco, let's go to Diagonal Street .”

Hearing that the inspector wanted to go to Diagonal Street in person, Shelley changed his face to dissuade him: "Diagonal Street is a very special place, and the mechanical race there rejects us very much. If you have anything to ask, you can leave it to me, and I will go find it." Negotiate mightily."

Luke has already gone out: "In the cape area, there is no place I can't go. No one in the empire can reject the imperial agents, and we have to endure it no matter how we don't like it.

I'm going into Diagonal Street today. "

Seeing that the inspector insisted on messing with those machine races, Shelley had no choice but to keep up: "Inspector, I'll take more people with you."

"No, we're not going to exterminate them. Me, you, Pisco...Kelina will go too."

When the inspector called her name, Kailinna immediately stood up straight: "Obey, inspector!"

(End of this chapter)

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