Age of Arcane

Chapter 112 A Promise to Sandpaper

Chapter 112 A Promise to Sandpaper
Sandpaper looked at the check and put it in his pocket.

"You know a lot of things you shouldn't know."

In Sandpaper's mechanic shop, Luke does say things he shouldn't have known, and that's information the player gets later in the storyline.

"I know that means I know, and it has nothing to do with what you think it should or should not. You are not the only victim of the Grefali secret experiment."

"How are they now?"

Luke waved his hand, and everyone in the restaurant walked out.

"In a sense, they have forgotten that horrible experience and started a new life. If it is more efficient than killing people, they are much better than you."

"Cool freshman."

"If you wish to obtain this new life, I can arrange..."

Luke looks at the sandpaper, stubborn little girl.

The sandpaper dodged his gaze: "But I don't like being modified by people. No matter how scary it is, it is a part of me after all."

"Let me hear your decision, I respect your choice."

Sandpaper suddenly turned to look at Luke, and the tails of the two horses flew up.

"If I follow you, can you help me rescue them?"

You've changed your attitude in a hurry!


There was a look of regret in Sandpaper's eyes: "That day... I should have rescued them. But I was scared, I was terribly scared...

I saw him stand up, pick up his head, and that head smiled at me.

Me, I ran... kept running.

Leave them in captivity.

I'm really too scared..."

Tears flowed from the corners of the sandpaper eyes, fear, fear, annoyance, excitement... various emotions were constantly changing on her face.

Luke knew her mind was starting to scramble, so he put his hand on her head.

Damn game planning!
"Okay, I'll do my best to help you rescue them. But the opponent's power is huge, so don't be impatient, and follow my arrangements."

The plot begins!
Rescue... the cold and emotionless beautiful girl killer!they!
Burn or not?
Luke's reassurance quickly stabilized Sandpaper's mood, and she even subconsciously pressed her head against Luke's palm, like a kitten enjoying petting.

But Sandpaper immediately lost his composure with this action, and used a harsh tone to cover up his embarrassment: "Don't touch people's heads casually, they will not grow taller. Next time you dare to touch my head again, I will chop it off .”

Luke drew his hand back.

"Don't be so fierce... I'll let Kailina handle the entry procedures for you, and you will be a glorious imperial agent from now on. All the machines of the Secret Affairs Bureau in Haijiao District will be handed over to you, and work hard for this detective."


"Add 'Inspector'!"

"Understood, Inspector!"

Always escaping from her fictional Greyfari, Sandpaper is actually more eager to settle down and be cared for.

She likes life on Diagonal Street, so she constantly overcomes the idea of ​​escape in her heart and opens a store on Diagonal Street.

This time she is going to try to trust, to make up for the regrets in her heart.

Rescue those sisters who have been abandoned by themselves from imprisonment.

Sandpaper looked at Luke again, and in her eyes Grefali was standing beside the Inspector.

"You... can't escape!"

Sandpaper low and continue eating.

After dinner, the team set off.

The imperial spies blocked all the relevant roads, and the cover team passed.

On the other side of the pier, Yanyang Group organized more than 1000 people to serve as labor for this operation.They transport war machinery and materials to the ship, and they will also act with the army and be responsible for the transportation of materials on the mountain roads.

In order to transport combat personnel, labor, war machinery, and war consumption, Luke recruited six more merchant ships in addition to the four merchant ships under the Cape Secret Bureau, forming a ten-ship formation.

After all the personnel and supplies were on board, Luke boarded the bridge of the flagship Lucky Princess and announced that the fleet was leaving the port.

On the top of the mast, the red signal lights flashed alternately.The sails were hoisted, the steam turbines started, and the ten ships left the dock.High-power searchlights shone on the sea ahead, and the black fleet sailed north under the moonlight.

Before dawn, the fleet arrived at the landing point.

At dawn, the team completed the landing, and the whole army marched towards Lawson Fire Crystal Mine.

Mighty led the Machina, followed by Mrs. Tasia and the Naga.Luke led the imperial spies in the center, and the war machine walked with the rear team carrying the artillery unloaded from the ship.

The whole team was advancing very fast, and the people in the Lawson Fire Crystal Mine were approaching the city before they had finished their breakfast.

The alarm sounded over the fortress that surrounded the mine. The private soldiers guarding the mine rushed up the walls and watchtowers, and then looked dumbfounded at the army outside.

There was also a burly, shirtless man walking towards the fortress, holding a blinding flag flying in the wind with his mechanical arms.

It's the Imperial Secret Service!

What do they want to do?
The troops outside the fortress use their actions to show their purpose of coming here.

The war machine put down the artillery carried on its shoulders, and the artillery crew took a shovel to quickly dig holes to arrange the artillery positions.

Relying on their formidable strength, the mechanical clan lifted the armor plates used for ships, and set up a series of defensive artillery walls in front of the starting position.

And the Naga tribe in the sea.Although they didn't know that they were mixed with the Imperial Secret Service, they were all powerful fighters.

A large number of imperial agents in uniform lined up, posing an offensive posture.

The private soldiers guarding the fire crystal mine encountered the most battles, that is, fighting with other mines. Where have they seen such a formation!

And the other party is the Imperial Secret Service.

Before the fight even started, I was a little scared.

Pisco walked to the gate of the fortress holding the flag of the Imperial Secret Service, and shouted to the private soldiers above: "We are the special operations team of the Cape Secret Service! Inspector Meteor ordered you to immediately put down your weapons and attack us!" surrender!
If you dare to stand up and resist, you will be punished as treason! "

The hat of treason was buckled, which immediately shook the morale of the private soldiers in the fortress.

The information on the mining area is relatively closed, and they don't know what happened.How could it be possible for the defenders of a mine to fight against the entire empire, even against the ranger from the Secret Service outside.

At this time, a head of the mine supervisor appeared on the wall, and he shouted: "Don't listen to his nonsense! Mr. Lawson and Senator Woolf are good friends, and the mine still has the shares of the Senator. If the Secret Service comes to attack There must be news from us, Raging Waves City.

They must be fake!
See those naga...they're pirates!

Call me! "

After speaking, the overseer leader pulled out a revolver and fired continuously at Pisco.

Pisco's brain is a little silly, but his fighting nerves are very developed.He covered his head with his arms and rushed forward at full speed, hitting the gate of the wall like an angry bull.

"You bloody things, you won't know me if you change your arms!"

(End of this chapter)

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