Age of Arcane

Chapter 114

Chapter 114
Inspector Meteor gave the order, and a group of imperial spies rushed forward.When the five people were pushed to the ground, none of them reacted, could they kill us.

"You can't do that! We want a fair trial, we want to see Mr. Lawson... woo woo..."

The imperial agents found rags from somewhere to gag the mouths of the five people, and then pulled them aside like pigs.

The five people struggled and wailed desperately, in exchange for punches and kicks.

Councilor Virgil couldn't stand it, and he said to Luke: "No matter what crime they committed, it should be submitted to the city court together with the evidence you collected. They have the right to hire a lawyer to defend themselves, and they have the right to demand a fair trial." right……"

Before Councilor Virgil could finish speaking, the imperial agents had already completed the execution.

The long knife passed through the back cleanly, and the five fell to the ground without making a sound.

Under the night wind blowing, everyone felt a biting cold.


Really kill!
The people in the mining area are very familiar with each other. The Lawson Fire Crystal Mine is a well-known large mine. These five people are very arrogant and domineering on weekdays. No one does not know them.I didn't expect to kill just like that, just like killing five chickens.

The field of tens of thousands of people was silent, and everyone looked at the Inspector Meteor with a look of fear.

The imperial spies who had completed the execution returned to Luke, and Luke waved them to stand aside before saying to Virgil: "Your Excellency, we are all senior public officials of the Empire, don't tell me lies that you don't even believe.

According to my investigation, the use of slave labor in the northern mining area of ​​Raging Wave City is very serious, and they are all used blatantly.I have found so much evidence in such a short time since I came to Raging City, don't tell me that the security department in Raging City is incompetent and doesn't know about the crimes that happened here, right? "

Virgil immediately said: "Your evidence is all the one-sided story of your Secret Intelligence Bureau, five imperial citizens were killed by you without making any excuses, you are abusing the power His Majesty gave you.

I advise you to stop as soon as possible and leave this place to me. The city security department will investigate what happened here! "

"Evidence?" Luke chuckled and said, "There is evidence in front of's just that you can't see it!"

Luke ignored Fugil, and said into the microphone: "The imperial agents of the Cape Secret Affairs Bureau!"

All the spies in the field shouted: "Please tell the inspector!"

"From now on... anyone in the field who dares to escape will be killed on the spot!"

"Yes, Inspector!"

"Who dares to resist, kill on the spot!"

"Yes, Inspector!"

"Very good, very good! Show me everyone!"

"Yes, Inspector!"

With marines taking over the surrounding guards, more Imperial agents enter the scene.The machine race and Naga patrolled the squatting crowd, and the oppressive feeling of power made the people in the mining area dare not move around.

Congressman Virgil, who wanted to take the initiative away from the Bureau of Secret Intelligence, finally noticed these Naga.

Sea people?

Since when did the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau have Haizu?
Is it...

Sure enough, Ible hacked the gold.

Luke glanced at Senator Virgil, and saw that he was staring at the Nagas wondering what he was thinking, so he showed a faint smile.

Let's get things going here first.

Luke said into the microphone: "I know that in the mining area in the north of Raging City, not only the Lawson Fire Crystal Mine uses slave labor. Since we are here, we will investigate other mines together. field.

Let me declare in advance that our Haijiao District Secret Intelligence Bureau only punishes the chief culprit.How the accomplices and accomplices are tried and sentenced depends on Congressman Virgil and the Public Security Department, and our Bureau of Secret Intelligence does not care.

Therefore, whether you are a victim or an accomplice, you can report.Today I will use the power His Majesty bestowed upon me to seek justice for Brother Shelm and all the citizens of the empire who died in the mine! "

Luke's words fell to the ground, and everyone was moved.

The mine personnel under custody became restless, and many of them burst into tears.

Someone stood up and pointed at the supervisors and cursed at them; someone took off their tattered clothes to show their scars.

The overseers and private soldiers who used to flaunt their might were all trembling there.

Suddenly a man who looked like a supervisor jumped up, and he knocked away an imperial agent beside him and was about to flee.But a snake tail was faster than him, his ankle was entangled, and before he fell to the ground, a knife flashed and he was torn apart, blood and flesh scattered all over the ground.

Mrs. Tasia's six arms drew and retracted the knife at the same time. Before many people could see clearly, four of them were hidden under the blanket she was wearing.

A gunshot diverted people's attention.

Shelley turned the gun back into the holster, and not far in front of her, another person who was trying to escape was shot in the head.

"Run! Go on!" Shelley yelled.

No one dared to move.

Inspector Meteor said that only the culprit should be pursued.The culprits are those few people, there is no need to rush to death in such a hurry.

After a short period of commotion, order was restored in the arena.

Luke sat back in the chair with satisfaction, and Karina sat next to him, recording the statement with a mechanical typewriter.

Next is the time for Inspector Meteor to settle the case.

A personal certificate was pulled in front of Luke by imperial agents, including miners, slave labor, mine supervisors and private soldiers.

Because the use of slave labor in the northern mining area is blatant, the process of collecting evidence is also simple.

The confession was signed and affixed, and all the identified criminals were tied up and brought in front of Luke.

Some people escaped during this period, but under the heavy siege, they were instantly beheaded on the spot.

Some people want to encourage their subordinates to resist, but no one dares to respond, which is also a fate of being cut to pieces.

Luke kept his promise to only punish the main criminal, even though most of the criminals brought before him were handed over to the sheriffs.

This made the order in the arena more stable, and the heinous people were isolated and conspicuous.

One night passed like this, more than 30 people were arrested, and only seven of them were executed on the spot.

The harvest is a large stack of thick confessions, and several large boxes of bills and bills found from various mines.

At dawn, Luke stood up with a yawn.

Said to Fugil, who stayed up all night with him, "I have finished my affairs, and I will leave it to Your Excellency the Councilor to deal with.

There are also other mines that have not been visited by me, and the slave workers in them rely on you to rescue them.


We withdraw! "

After speaking, Luke walked outside the station leaning on a cane.

Pisco, who was holding a blinding flag of the Bureau of Secret Affairs, shouted loudly: "The inspector ordered that the Bureau of Secret Affairs in Haijiao District close the team."

"Yes, Inspector!"

All the spies of the Empire withdrew, leaving only Senator Virgil facing tens of thousands of mine personnel and more than a dozen corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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