Age of Arcane

Chapter 122 The Glory of the Republic

Chapter 122 The Glory of the Republic
Luke couldn't help feeling that Mrs. Mihir is really a woman with very strong political ambitions, and her ability to grasp opportunities is also admirable.

At the same time, he is very clear about his field of expertise.

Shape the fairy Qingkong into a city hero, or further package it into a super popular goddess of the whole people.The force and influence of Fairy Qingkong have been blessed to her, greatly improving her status.

In the big changes in the power redistribution in Raging Waves City, this will undoubtedly put her in a very good position.

And for Luke...

It must be a good thing to be able to wash the clear sky.After all, carrying a reward of one billion Reichsmarks means you can brag, but there is no real benefit.Unless Luke is willing to pull out another criminal group as Clear Sky.

But I really don't have the energy.

You can open your activities by clearing the sky, and you don't have to be wary of those bounty hunters all the time.

It’s just that the process on the ontology side has gone too far, and it belongs to being dragged forward by events.

On the Qingkong side, it is not a question of super-span, this TM is a cross-version.

Can you hold on?

Luke felt a little guilty, but it was "really fragrant"!
"Madam, let me state in advance that I don't have that much time to act with you."

"I understand that you don't need to appear in public too much. Mystery can make people crazy for you. Leave the other things to me..."

In the interests of Mrs. Mihir, she doesn't need Qingkong to appear in front of the public too much.She needs the halo of the clear sky, but if the halo is too bright, she will shine herself in the halo.

Luke also considered some of his own gains and losses in the choice.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what Qingkong does here, it's better to clean up first, and let's talk about the future after being able to move freely.

"Well... interesting. I agree with this collaboration, Mrs. Hill."

"Thank you Miss Sunny Sky."

Luke clinked glasses with Mrs. Mihir, and an idol group was officially established.

After drinking a cup of tea, Mrs. Mihir said to Luke: "Virgil's operation against the Cape District should start. If you can go to the Cape District to support the Secret Service, I will have a convenient meeting with Inspector Meteor tomorrow." communicate.

Adding charges to Virgil requires the cooperation of Inspector Meteor. "

Luke originally planned to go to Cape District to see the situation there after this meeting.

This time it was an excuse to publicly support the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau.

"I still want to see the few disciples I have accepted. But since this is your request, I will go to Haijiao District... Let's stop here for today's meeting. I am looking forward to the changes in this city tomorrow."

Luke stood up and was about to leave, but Mrs. Mihir stopped her.

"Urban heroes should have the appearance of urban heroes. Your customized steam locomotive has been assembled, and it is below. I will show you."

"So fast?" Luke was a little surprised at the speed of locomotive assembly.

Mihir led Luke downstairs, and said with a smile, "This is Miss Weatherlight's customized steam locomotive. Of course, we are doing our best to manufacture it. And this is not a difficult job for my husband."

It is not difficult to meet, produced by Master Mihir, Luke is looking forward to his own steam locomotive.

Downstairs, Wen Lisha had already pushed the steam locomotive from the warehouse to the hall.

The body is red.

The most striking thing is the two large and somewhat exaggerated wheels at the front and rear.The wheels with a width of [-] centimeters allow this steam locomotive to stand up smoothly without support.

The length of the car body should reach 2.4 meters. The body is wrapped with red curved steel plates. There are two exhaust pipes on each side of the wheels behind the buttocks.

The round headlights and the dense pipes in the gaps of the car shell show the rough style of steam technology.

"It's very beautiful." Luke walked around the steam locomotive, and couldn't help expressing emotion: "It's exactly the same as I imagined. No... the details are handled better, I like this waistline very much, it looks head-heavy Tail light and packs a punch.”

Steam locomotives are a major feature of Anno games.

Owning a steam locomotive with both appearance and performance is the pursuit of all players in the game.

Luke has a collection of steam locomotives, but they're all in storage.

Now that she has a steam locomotive again, she straddles it unceremoniously.Lean forward to grab the handlebars with both hands and turn on the engine.

The power responds instantly, white steam is discharged from the rear exhaust pipe, and the sound of the engine is full of power.

Experience let Luke know that this is a good car!
Seeing the performance of Spirit Clear Sky, Mrs. Mihir knew that she really liked this car, and this was just what she liked.

"Miss Sunny Sky. Time is tight, we can only make this car to this extent. But we still have a very long time of cooperation, and we can slowly upgrade this car. I think many new technologies in our laboratory are Can be added on this steam locomotive.

Wonder if you like red?If I don't like it, I can have it repainted. "

Chinese red... Luke said he likes it very much.

"No need to change, I love this car, it's just waiting for me. Can I drive it out now?"

Mrs. Mihir asked Wen Lisha to open the door of the shop.

"Of course, it is yours. Give it a name, and let this city see the splendor of the Elven Clear Skies."

"Name? It's called the Glory of the Republic."

Luke turned the boost valve on the right handle, stepped on the clutch, and the forward momentum pushed the front wheels of the steam locomotive up.Luke pushed down the front of the locomotive, and the whole locomotive roared, pulling out white smoke and rushing out from the door of the shop.

Go out and drift, the body turns sideways, and then speeds away along the road.

Mrs. Mihir walked outside the door, looking at the disappearing figure of Elven Clear Sky, and the traces of steam scattered on the road.

Muttering and repeating the name that Fairy Clear Sky gave to the steam locomotive.

"Glory of Gonghe... Gonghe, who the hell is she?"

The republic is an idea emerging in this era of rapid development, and some foreign countries are already implementing the republic.

The current council of Raging Waves City was established under the influence of republican ideas from the outside world, and it is obviously a challenge to the imperial system of the Golden Shield Empire.But the royal family, who had been challenged by the Brotherhood of Blades for a long time, seemed to have a strong ability to accept new challenges.

Therefore, the royal family adapted to this era faster than those old-fashioned old nobles.

The current Raging Waves City is a representative example.

But the city belongs to the Empire after all.

Fairy Clear Sky named her steam locomotive "Glory of the Republic", literally putting her political stance on her head.

At this moment Madame Mihir felt a lump in her throat.

In the future, you can use the clear sky to increase your political capital, but you can't use it recklessly.The sense of distance must be properly measured, otherwise it will stumble.

Mrs. Mihir's originally happy heart suddenly felt more uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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