Age of Arcane

Chapter 136 Dean's Entrustment

Chapter 136 Dean's Entrustment

Even if he didn't show his appearance, but changed his voice, Will Reed still had the power to easily let students quickly enter the learning state.

The occult apprentices quickly sat down in their seats, and a new day of lessons began.

"Today we will learn a secret word first, and then learn the secret from the source of the secret. Now you go to the material cabinet at the back of the classroom and get green crystals, bloodstones, scorpion tails, alfalfa, and all the materials used to draw the array map. utensils..."

When the students went to get the props, Dean Willred continued: "Before magic was discovered, the secret technique was the first means for the ancestors of all races to fight against nature. The ancestors collected mysterious props from the wild, and then Gradually mastered some methods of making mysterious props.

The secret language I want to teach you now is called 'Tail Needle', its secret language is divided into two sections, one is to make 'Tail Needle', and the other is to release 'Tail Needle'.

This is an offensive secret technique, the tail needle has a toxin attack, and different toxin effects are shown according to the different auxiliary words.Therefore, use such occult techniques on others strictly in non-dangerous situations. "

After getting the props they needed, the students returned to their respective seats and answered together: "Yes, the mysterious professor."

Mysterious Professor is the name that Dean Willred gave himself in the Department of Occult Arts.

Then he drew a diagram of the formation on the blackboard, and then explained the layout of the words of the secret technique.

Luke also listened very carefully.

The secret word "tail needle" is a very low-level secret technique, but it is a kind of secret technique with many changes.Depending on the type of the subject scorpion and the different combinations of the adjuncts, there will be countless variations in the final effect it presents.

Paralysis, hallucination, weakening, recovery, poisonous, exorcism...

And it belongs to multiple secret words, making mysterious props and releasing them separately.It is possible to make a "tail needle" and store it first, and then release it when it needs to attack.

The secret technique stored in Luke's mobile phone also contains the "tail needle" series of secret words, but they have all been separated from the low-level category.With great power, it is naturally difficult to collect the mysterious props needed.At least for the current Luke, it is not a secret language that can be used casually.

It is also a kind of trouble to master the secret technique language that is too advanced.

Dean Will Reid said that "tail needle" is the most basic combination, even if other changes are extended, the required props are very common.

Easy to make and easy to use.

The first secret language was completed, and a one-inch-long needle was placed on the desk in front of the students.

The color of the needle is light gray, indicating that it has a mild paralyzing effect.

Dean Willred asked Bruce Ban to distribute the white mice to the students. After finishing the second secret language, he shot the mice with the tail needle and paralyzed them all.

Then Dean Will Reed talked about some extensions of the "tail needle" and some summed up extended combination theories.

"Some dangers are hanging over Rage City, and also hanging over Oulu Academy. When you encounter some things, the preset secret technique is a very good supplement to magic.

Next, a class assistant will instruct you to make some 'tail pins'

This class is over.

Professor Clear Sky, come with me. "

After Dean Willred finished speaking, he teleported out of the classroom.

Luke also teleported out immediately.

In the dean's office, Luke was teasing the little monkey, who had dared to climb on Luke.

"In the few days when you didn't come to class, a lot of things happened in Raging Waves City. The honorable councilor Virgil became a prisoner, and Viscount Iskran entered the city security department.

There is also the meteorite inspector of the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau... Obviously the eldest princess is behind everything.

Are you working for Madame Mihir?

Oulu College has a deep cooperation with her husband's laboratory, and Mr. Mihir is an outstanding student who graduated from here. "

Luke sat across from the desk, and she grabbed the little monkey off her body and put it on the table, then put the magic hat on it.

"In a sense, Mrs. Mihir and I are using each other. She wants to use me to increase her influence in Raging Waves City, and I need her to help me cleanse those crimes so that I can provide more information for my future activities. convenient.

Dean, you asked me to come here, you should not just ask this question, right? "

At this time, Luke saw the little monkey crawling out from behind Willred.She lifted the magic hat, and it was empty.

Dean Willred took out a document from the drawer and pushed it in front of Luke.

"This is a letter from the Public Security Department in the central area of ​​Raging Waves City.

There are several cases of missing persons in the central city, and two sheriffs have died in order to investigate this case.The newly appointed Director Priestley Caesar is facing many difficulties. He hopes that our Oulu Academy can send a battle mage to assist in the investigation of this case. "

Luke threw a candy under his hat and picked up the file to read.

Caesar is also a student who graduated from Oulu College and has been mentored by Dean Will Reid.

Although Nishizawa's wording in the letter is very euphemistic, it can be seen that his process of becoming the director of the Central City Police Department has not been smooth.If you don't know your subordinates well, it's difficult to execute orders. In short, you are rejected.

But the central city is the core of Raging Waves City, and there are many big shots living here.

During this period of time, there were cases of missing persons in various districts of Raging Waves City, but the pressure on the Public Security Department in the central district was far greater than that in other districts.

Therefore, Nishizawa can only turn to Oulu Academy for help. After all, these disappearances are most likely related to the Abyss Mage.

And Oulu Academy and Abyss Temple are enemies.

"You called me here, are you going to promise Director Caesar?"

Dean Willed replied: "The Abyss Mage and the Abyss Temple are the mistakes made by Oulu Academy. Oulu Academy has the obligation and responsibility to protect Rage City from the abyss mage.

I want to cooperate with the security department of Raging Waves City to eliminate or expel these abyss mages.If you are willing to help, I would like to officially hire you as a professor of Oulu College, and as an Oulu battle mage to assist Director Nishizawa in investigating the case of missing persons.

As long as their location is determined, the Oulu Academy will do everything possible to encircle them. "

With that said, Dean Willred took out another letter of engagement from the drawer.

At this time, the dean is not as kind as before, and his whole body exudes fighting spirit for the Abyss Temple.

As a witness to that disaster, he knew the abyss mage.This is a battle where there is no possibility of peace talks. If you can take the initiative to eliminate these abyss mages in Raging Waves City, you must not give them the opportunity to attack Oulu Academy.

Luke signed the invitation letter without hesitation, and then picked up the mage hat on the table. The little monkey was hiding under the hat and eating candy.

"The abyss mage is our common enemy, and I have accepted this task."

 The cause of the epidemic will be updated first, and the rest will be written and posted in the evening.Hope the epidemic will pass soon.

(End of this chapter)

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