Age of Arcane

Chapter 141 Who are you loyal to?

Chapter 141 Who are you loyal to?
Luke took people to eat and drink in the exclusive room of Iskran. One wall of the room led to the performing arts hall on the first floor outside. From here, the opera being performed on the stage could be clearly seen.

The hall was full of seats, both men and women were dressed in formal attire, quietly watching the performance on the stage.

It’s just that the imperial agents obviously don’t know how to appreciate the opera. Except for Kailinna lying on the fence and being fascinated by the story in the play, everyone else focused on the food and drinks.

Sandpaper even grabbed a large piece of barbecue with both hands and gnawed it directly, as if he hadn't eaten for a few days.

That unbearable experience had a great impact on her behavior and mind.

The other spies didn't know any dining etiquette, and it was their first time visiting Sissi Palace.In the face of exquisite food and fine wine, of course one must eat and drink enough to go back and brag.

Therefore, when Viscount Iscoran walked in, he saw the scene in front of him and deliberately withdrew to see if he had entered the wrong room.

That's right!

Seeing the arrival of Iscoran, Luke said to his subordinates: "You go to another place to eat, I have something to discuss with the viscount. Sandpaper... You eat too much, go out and do some activities."

"I haven't eaten yet..." Seeing the detective winking at him, Sandpaper grabbed the towel and wiped the oil stains on his hands and face, then jumped off the chair, and said like a child, "I went out to play... ..."

Together the spies moved the food on the table outside.

Viscount Iscoran sat down opposite Luke, and the waiter replaced it with red wine and some fruits.

Then leave and close the door.

Iscoran said to Luke: "I have notified the people here. In the future, the inspector does not need any appointments when he comes to Sissai Palace. If there is no room, come here. All your expenses here today will be paid by me. "

Luke grabbed a bunch of grapes and put them in his mouth.

"Thank you, Lord Viscount, is your work in the Government Affairs Office going well?"

Iscoran didn't know the purpose of Luke's sudden arrival here, so he replied truthfully: "I just took office, and I am still handing over and getting familiar with a lot of work. I believe that the city security department will be able to operate normally soon. Thank you The help provided by the inspector and the smooth handover of the defense of the government affairs department have made my integration into the city security department much smoother."

Iscoran's thanks were very sincere, and he did not expect that the Haijiao District Secret Information Bureau would withdraw from the Government Affairs Office so simply.

Without mentioning any additional conditions, they all left as soon as they said they would leave.

He gave enough face to the city security department, so that Viscount Iskran could enter the job smoothly.

Luke said: "I do things for the eldest princess. I just want to maintain the stability of Rage City. I don't have extravagant demands. I have done what I should do, so there is no need to disgust others there.

I came this time... to discuss the Abyss Temple with the Viscount.During this period of time, many people disappeared in the Cape District, and the number of missing persons in other urban areas has also increased. I suspect that it is related to the Abyss Mage.

My lord is now the City Security Inspector. If you can eradicate the Abyss Temple from Raging Waves City under your command, it will definitely be of great help to your promotion in the next step. "

When it came to the Temple of the Abyss, Viscount Iskran couldn't help but frown.

"The Virgil incident caused great damage to the security department of Raging Waves City, some senior security officers escaped, and the other five detectives from the Bureau of Secret Affairs were transferred away by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

There is no way to maintain normal night patrols on many streets.

Even if the Oulu Academy expresses its willingness to help, we must find out these abyss mages by ourselves.Did the Inspector find anything? "

Luke ate the grapes and didn't answer immediately.

Kailinna was still immersed in the opera and did not notice the arrival of Viscount Iskran, perhaps she was enjoying the good memories of the past.

After a while, Luke suddenly asked, "Do you love this city?"

Viscount Iscoran didn't know why Inspector Meteor asked such a question, he replied: "Of course, this is my home."

"Would you give your life for this city?"

"Inspector, why did you suddenly ask these questions?" Such a heavy question made Iscoran very puzzled.

"Answer me first!"

Iscoran replied: "Of course! This city was built on the land guarded by my ancestors. It is the duty of the Iscoran family to protect it!

Inspector, what do you mean by this...? "

"How do you protect it?"

Viscount Iscoran thought for a moment, but found that he could not give a complete answer.

Luke said: "This land existed before the arrival of the Iscoran family, and it will still exist after the Iscoran family's demise, and it does not need anyone's protection.

This city belongs to the empire, and if the Iscoran family wants to protect this city, they must first protect the empire. "

"The Iskran family is loyal to the empire. This is the promise made by the Iskran ancestors to the ancestors of the Golden Shield royal family."

"Then let me see the loyalty of the Iscoran family to the empire. The headquarters of the Abyss Temple is hidden in the Tedgar Hills, and the Abyss Mage has been protected by the Celtic Duke.

Now the abyss mage has arranged a blood sacrifice secret technique somewhere in Raging Waves City, and at least hundreds of people or more Raging Waves City citizens have been killed by them.As long as they are not found and eliminated, this number will increase again.

Lord Viscount, do you have any clues to tell me? "

"This is a frame-up!" Viscount Iscoran said angrily.

Iscoran's voice startled Karina, she turned around and saw that the inspector was talking with Viscount Iscoran, and immediately came behind Luke in a panic.

"Sorry, Inspector."

Luke waved his hand casually to show that it was okay, and said to Iscoran across the table: "We have been looking for the elf Qingkong for so many days and couldn't find her because she is under the protection of Mrs. Mihir. There are more abyss mages, but still There is no trace of them, proving that they accepted the protection of some great people.

Don't doubt the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the Secret Service.

The main body of the Abyss Temple is in the Tedgar Hills, and the Abyss Mage is hiding in Rage City under the protection of the Duke of Celtic.

The Duke wants to get the Book of Calamity, he wants to embrace the abyss to gain the power of the abyss. "

"What evidence do you have?"

Luke looked at Viscount Escoran's pale face, and said with a smile, "Your expression is the evidence...what made our Viscount lose his composure?
at this point!
Who are you loyal to?Who are you going to protect?
As a member of the Brotherhood of Blades, who is your sword directed at? "

The sudden blow and difficult decision made Viscount Iscoran's eyes bloodshot and red, and the uncontrollable magic power rippling caused the airflow in the room to turmoil.

Karina pulled out her magic wand and pointed it at Iscoran, her hands trembling violently due to nervousness.

Iskran asked Luke: "Who are you? Who are you?"

Luke replied calmly: "I am Meteor, the inspector of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District. His Majesty's personal soldier, and the princess's subordinate.

Lord Viscount, what is your answer to me? "

(End of this chapter)

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