Age of Arcane

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Luke teleported to Botu Square through the virtual teleportation anchor, and walked all the way to the lighthouse street on the roof.

Find the assassin's bar and jump off.

Xieyan Tess moved very quickly, the bodies of Brother Chick had been taken away, and the traces of fighting on the ground had also been treated briefly.

Professional is professional.

After a few knocks on the tavern door, the small window opened to reveal Tas's yellow eyes.

Before Luke could say the code word, the door opened.

"Miss Qingkong, you came back so quickly? The headquarters of the Furious Axe is a castle that is not easy to enter. The giant tree itself has very strong strength and is protected by so many subordinates.

You don't need to be discouraged when you can't find your shot.

Come in for a drink, and I can get Billy the Lizardman to give you some info about the Furyaxe and the Giants for free. "

Luke walked past Tas, flicking a silver coupon with his fingers.

"Tes, you talk so much nonsense!"

Tas stretched out his tentacles and quickly took the silver coupon.

"Thank you for your generosity, Miss Clear Sky, and have a wonderful evening."

The elf who entered the tavern once again attracted the attention of all the guests, and some people couldn't help but took out their pocket watches to check the time.

In such a short period of time, running at full speed to the headquarters of the Furious Axe Party and coming back would not be enough.

Lizardman Billy put a glass of wine in front of Luke: "You can kill the Cheek brothers to prove your strength, but the giant tree will not be as stupid as the Chick brothers, otherwise the Furious Axe would not have the current power.

I've sorted out all the property on Brother Chick for you... it's all here. "

Billy took a bag from under the counter and put it on the bar.

Then he saw the elf put a human head in front of him.

It turned turned out to be the head of the horned demon giant tree! .

That's right, it's Jumu's head, and his pair of horns are so characteristic.

"You, you really killed the giant tree?"

How can this be?

In such a short time, it would be nice to be able to run back and forth to the headquarters of the Furious Axe, but you even killed Jumu!
Is he standing at the door of Fury Ax headquarters, waiting for you to chop off his head?

The giant log's head caused commotion in the tavern.

No one wants to believe that the elf can kill the giant tree in such a short time, but the giant tree's head is actually there.

Here are all assassins and people related to assassins, who know how to distinguish the authenticity of the head.

He is a giant tree.

The Horned Demon who founded the Furious Axe Party.

Luke brushed the hair that blocked his eyes, took a sip of the wine on the table, and then unzipped the bag.

It contains some money and useful tools and weapons.

Without the things in the warehouse, these things are what I urgently need.

Luke closed his bag and said to Billy the Lizardman, "Is this the head of a giant tree? You should be able to identify it, and you can also send someone to the Furious Axe headquarters to investigate.

All I care about is the bounty. "

Lizardman Billy took out a wooden box from under the counter and put the giant wooden head in it.It's just that the horns of the giant wood are too big, and Billy couldn't close the wooden box even after adjusting several directions, so he had to put his head away first.

Then he said to Luke with a little embarrassment: "Miss Weather. This is indeed the head of the giant tree. You can kill the giant tree so quickly, which surprised all of us here.

It is an honor for us at the Cape Assassin Tavern to receive a powerful assassin like you.

As for the bounty offered by the giant tree... this amount is too large, and there is not so much cash in the tavern now.If you are willing to wait until tomorrow, you can take 5000 gold coupons from me. "

In the era game, you can get the reward immediately after completing the task.

But now, after all, it is a bit different from the game, and 5000 gold coupons are indeed a huge sum of money.

1 gold coupon is considered a huge sum of money, equivalent to 5000 Reichsmarks.

"Yes, the bounty can be taken tomorrow." Luke said, "Two thousand gold coupons will be exchanged for silver coupons for me, and one hundred gold coupons will be exchanged for Reichsmark."

"No problem, Miss Weathering Sky, I'll exchange some of the gold coupons for easy-to-spend change.

Is there anything else I can do for you? "

Luke pulled out a few Reichsmarks and put them on the table.

"I invite everyone here to have a drink."

Lizardman Billy put away the money and said, "Thank you, Miss Weatherlight."

The people in the tavern raised their glasses together and shouted: "Thank you Miss Qingkong, it is our honor to know you."

Luke drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, then picked up the bag and walked out.

"I'll get the money tomorrow night, bye."

Billy saluted and said, "Goodbye!"

Luke left the Assassin's Tavern, and then returned to the clock tower near Shelley's house through the virtual teleportation anchor.

First take out a sum of money and put it in the corner of the clock tower, and find a stone to press on it.

Then look at the window on the second floor of Shelley's house.

What a fantastic night.

Offline, charging...

The figure of Qingkong disappeared on the clock tower, and Luke, who was lying in the room, opened his eyes.

The mobile phone in consciousness enters the charging state.

And I didn't feel any discomfort because of controlling the clear sky to run back and forth in the Haijiao area, and I was even in good spirits because the main body had slept.

Now the "Heart of the Red Dragon Neil Cologne" is in Qingkong's backpack, check the summoning process of the Red Dragon Neil Cologne...

A wind lamp burning fin whale blubber is required.

A piece of 120cm×120cm drawing paper made of alfalfa grass, oil paint made of lantern nectar and stone talcum powder, and a brush for array art.

Five crystals, ten bloodstones, one kilogram of sulfur, and the corpse of an adult male red bat.

These things are not easy to get in a short time in Cape District.

However, in the mysterious store in the central area of ​​Raging Waves City, you should be able to buy all the materials for summoning the red dragon Neilcoron at once.

Anyway, I have to go to the assassin's tavern tomorrow to get the bounty, and I just got the money to go to the central city.

Prepare the materials needed for the secret ritual.

sleep now!
Luke fell into a deep sleep again, completely unaware of what the entire Cape area was like after she killed her all the way.

A vicious homicide occurred in a warehouse at the Wharf in Wind Lane, killing 17 people including the warehouse leader Ron.

After receiving the alarm, the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau immediately dispatched a security officer to the scene. Seventeen dead people were still standing at the entrance of the storage area in the form of ice sculptures.

Witnesses said that the murderer was a female elf who claimed to be named Clear Sky.

She said that there was something with Ron, and after tricking Ron out, she rushed to the killer.

The murder scene in the windshield alley has not yet been sealed off, yet another invasion occurred at the headquarters of the Furious Axe.

There is news from insiders.

More than 100 people died, including Jumu, the boss of the Furious Axe Party and several key members of the Wild Wind Party.

The murderer is a female elf with the ability to create large ice rinks.

She calls herself Clear Sky...

Clear skies!
Another female elf named Qingkong appeared on the ice rink again.

The murderer of the two massacres was the same person.

First there was the warehouse at the Wharf in Wind Lane, and then there was the Furious Axe Party, which had a lot of interests in the wharf.

What is her purpose?
Moreover, with the death of the giant tree, the vitality of the Mad Axe Party was severely injured, and the interests it vacated would inevitably cause competition among various forces.

The Haijiao area, which was already chaotic, will become even more chaotic starting tomorrow.

The sheriffs of Haijiao District Public Security Bureau are bigger than each other.

(End of this chapter)

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