Age of Arcane

Chapter 151 Ancient Civilization

Chapter 151 Ancient Civilization
The orange-red fire burned from the dragon snake, giving Luke the feeling that he was... alchemy?
After waiting for about an hour, there was no change in the fire, and the dragon and snake seemed to be asleep.

Luke had never seen anything like this before, and there was nothing he could do but wait.He looked at his pocket watch, it was time to go to work.

But Ben Inspector decided to miss work.

Luke let the main body guard the burning dragon snake on the table in the secret room, and the main consciousness controlled the elf Qingkong to leave and enter the Oulu Academy in the subspace.

In the early morning of Raging Waves City, Oulu Academy had just entered the night.

The college buildings shrouded in night are strange and magnificent, and the magical lights lit up everywhere add a layer of magic to the place.

The Oulu battle mages have strengthened the academy's defenses, and security devices can be seen everywhere, as well as patrolling Abyss leopards.

Oulu Academy has encountered several invasions by abyss mages, all of which have been repelled, and the academy has also suffered some losses.

It's just that these intrusions are more like temptations. Dean Willred can feel that the Abyss Temple is definitely planning a large-scale attack against Oulu Academy.

Especially after publicly acknowledging that the elf Qingkong was hired as the magic professor of the academy, the frequency of invasions by the abyss mages increased.

When Luke came to the dean's office, Dean Willred was still working.

"Mentor..." Luke who came in called softly.

Seeing his disciple, Will Reid pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Sit down... I didn't see you during the day, but you came at night. Is there something important?"

After Luke sat down, the little monkey poured her a cup of tea.

Luke gave the little monkey a candy, and then said to Will Reed: "I think I will soon find out where the abyss mage is hiding."

Hearing this news, Dean Willred was very happy: "Very good, very good...The impact these abyss mages have had on the academy is really too great. Many out-of-school practice courses had to be cut or cancelled.

Once you find them, you can take the initiative to launch an offensive.

What preparation do you need for college? "

"We can't let too many people know before taking action, we will make detailed plans after Viscount Iscoran finds them.


Luke told Dean Willred about his meeting with Mrs. Mihir.

After learning of the support of the Duke of Celtic behind the Abyss Temple, Will Reid also felt incredible and asked: "Are you sure that the headquarters of the Abyss Temple is in Tedgar Hill?"

"This is the information given by the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, and there is a high probability that it is true. Mentor... As for the group of abyss mages in Raging Waves City, as long as they are found, Oulu Academy can easily eliminate them. But facing a duke Support the Abyss Temple, we must be prepared for a long-term battle.

Mrs. Mihir proposed to set up a battle mage department in the city government office, that is, the academy has a standing military force. "

Willred seriously thought about Mrs. Mihir's proposal.

In the end, he refused as Luke expected: "Staying away from politics is the principle that Oulu Academy has adhered to since its establishment. The Temple of the Abyss is the enemy of the academy, but it is not the whole of the academy.

If we set up a battle mage department in the city government office, many things will be out of our control.

Please decline Mrs. Mihir’s kindness for me. Oulu College will still strengthen technical and commercial cooperation with Mihir’s laboratory. "

Luke replied: "I will pass on your words, my mentor, to Mrs. Mihir. It's just... the Temple of the Abyss will be a major threat to the academy for a long time to come, and it is very likely that it will turn into a protracted war war.

You need to prepare early. "

"The college will increase its investment in military strength." Will Reid nodded approvingly, and then asked: "You have missed a lot of classes, do you have any questions, I can answer them for you now."

Facing Willred, Luke suddenly thought of the egg exchanged from the future.The old dean is nearly [-] years old, so he is really well-informed, can you see something?
"Teacher, recently I saw a special set of spells. I have searched a lot of information, but I can't find its origin. Can you explain it for me?"

Luke picked up the pen and paper from the table, and copied a spell according to the pattern on the egg.

Then give it to Will Red.

And Dean Willred only took a look, and his whole energy was focused on this incantation.

"Where did you see this spell?"

"In a book."

Will Reid knew that his secret disciple was unwilling to say it, but he still expressed his opinion: "The text that composes this incantation is the ancient Shuo Jin language, you should know the Shuo Jin civilization."

Luke is very clear about the background of this kind of game: "Know...the Glittering Gold Civilization, Angel Civilization, Shadow Civilization, Purgatory Civilization, and Dragon Civilization are the five ancient civilizations that have continued to this day.

The gold certificates and silver certificates that are commonly used in the world are issued by the Shuojin civilization.I know some of the glowing gold scripts, but these spells don't seem to have anything to do with the glowing gold scripts. "

Will Reid replied: "This is the ancient Jin language, which is very different from the secularized Jin language. I am afraid that most Jin people will not be able to recognize these characters. I can't recognize all of them. I can only Probably guess... This is a sealing spell.

The original individuals of these ancient civilizations were very powerful, and they were the gods we recognize.And these ancient words are the phonetic notation of pure energy by those powerful individuals. The energy that a combination of spells can mobilize is unimaginable for us now. "

Following Dean Willred's narration, Luke also recalled the background of the era.

The five ancient civilizations of Shining Gold, Angel, Shadow, Purgatory, and Giant Dragon led the world into the initial era of civilization.All races and countries in the world today have developed based on these five ancient civilizations.

But just like the plots that most game settings will use, a war broke out between these five civilizations and destroyed the foundation of civilization.

The current five civilizations, strictly speaking, are the five powerful races that have continued the afterglow of the five ancient civilizations.They either integrate into this secular world, or open up an independent space to escape from the world, which has lost its former glory.

The time when the era game started was another explosion of civilization and technology, and the world entered a new peak era.

As for the origin of that egg...

Luke realized that his inquiries were focusing on future items that players would draw in raffles, ignoring monuments.

It's just that the "rotation of the present and the future" isn't a future item!

How to extract an ancient egg.

This is already the second time that an abnormal situation has occurred in the secret art. The last time it destroyed the Nulei Tower, this time the time axis will be reversed directly.

(End of this chapter)

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