Age of Arcane

Chapter 153 The Hijacked Nishizawa

Chapter 153 The Hijacked Nishizawa (4000 words)
Inside the Assassin's Tavern, Viscount Iskran drank alone and waited for news.

Thinking back to the meeting with Yomington yesterday.

It is obvious that the situation in Raging Waves City made Mr. Shoufu feel nervous. The Brotherhood and the Eldest Princess teamed up to break the alliance of the new nobles, inserting two nails into the city respectively.

Yomington has issued a warning.

Regarding this warning, what made Viscount Iskran even more disturbed was the relationship between the Duke of Celtic and the Temple of the Abyss.

Then there's the fraternity's connection to royalty.

He has a feeling that the conflicts among all parties in the empire have reached a critical point and may erupt at any time.

A civil war seemed inevitable.

Where should I stand?

Viscount Iscoran drank until night, thinking about the way out of the family.

"My lord..." Billy the Lizardman came over and asked Iskran in a low voice, "Is the tavern open tonight?"

"Shut down, I'm waiting for an important news."

"Yes, my lord."

When Billy was about to return to the bar, Viscount Iscoran called him: "How much information about smuggling have you collected?"

Lizardman Billy replied respectfully: "My lord...Because Inspector Meteor has arrested many officials recently, some people who were afraid of absconding were arrested by us.

We have collected a lot of evidence of smuggling by officials and merchants at all levels in Rough City, and these will be sent to you later.

My lord, these evidences can reshuffle the entire Raging Waves City. "

"Rage City will not reshuffle the cards, nor can it be reshuffled. I am going to the imperial capital to meet His Majesty. You should prepare as much evidence as possible."

"Yes, my lord."

At this time, a person covered in a smock appeared in the tavern: "My lord, I found it!"


Caesar sat in his special car for the director, driving on the streets shrouded in darkness.Entering the central city from West Tower City, even the difference in lighting is so obvious.

No wonder all the people in Raging Wave City want to live in the central city, it's a completely different experience.

Just now Caesar had a party with his former colleagues and friends from the Public Security Department in Xita City.

This is what Madame Mihir asked for.

She saw the predicament she was facing in the Public Security Department of the Central City, so she thought of transferring the sheriff of the West Tower City to the Central City, and she could choose the personnel at will.

Colleagues and friends who attended the party were very happy, and tomorrow they will report to the Public Security Department in the central city.

On the way back, Caesar was in a very good mood.

Drunkenness reminded him of Clear Sky again... Miss Clear Sky must have noticed that my work was not going well when she came to visit me, so she proposed to Mrs. Mihir to send some sheriffs from Sita City to help.

She is so kind, silently helping others without asking for anything in return.If it wasn't for Mrs. Mihir, I'm afraid the citizens of Raging City still don't know that Miss Skylight has saved the city so many times.

It was like after she saved me, she turned and left with only a smile on her face.

At this time the car stopped suddenly.

Without waiting for Caesar to ask, the driver said in a panic: "Director, ahead... there is a cloud of black smoke covering the road ahead.

It rushed over! "


Before Caesar looked forward, the entire carriage was enveloped in black smoke.The driver let out a scream and then there was no sound, and then a very polite voice echoed.

"Excuse me... are you Director Nishizawa of the Public Security Department in the central city?"

Caesar, who was trapped in the black smoke, drew out a dagger and stabbed towards the direction where the voice came from beside him.The tip of the dagger shone with light spots, illuminating a faint figure in the black smoke.

The dagger stabbed the opponent, but Caesar felt pain in his ribs.

Looking down, why did the dagger stab his body?

"Who are you?" Caesar asked loudly.

"Answer my question first."

"I am the person you are looking for, who are you?"

"I'm... insignificant. A noble person wants to see you..."

The black smoke dissipated and the car stopped in the middle of the road.

The driver lay on the seat looking horribly dead, and Caesar disappeared.


When Luke arrived, the street had been blocked, and the sheriffs knocked on the doors of nearby residents, looking for clues about Director Nishizawa's attack and disappearance.

Under the night, with street lights illuminating the black car, Mrs. Mihir stood on the side of the road with a very dignified expression.

Luke came to Mrs. Mihir's side, and asked after saluting, "Do you know who did it?"

Mrs. Mihir nodded and saluted, and replied: "I don't know, but I think it should be done by the abyss mages, they may want to ask about Qingkong's whereabouts from Caesar's mouth.

I should have given him some protection sooner. "

Luke asked worriedly, "Does Caesar know about our plan?"

"I didn't tell him... I just asked him to find some public security bureaus in Xita City and transfer them to the Central City Public Security Bureau. I didn't expect something to happen so quickly."

Madame Mihir's tone was very annoyed.

After finally choosing an agent, he was arrested just like that.If something happened to Nishizawa, the director of the Central City Police Department would be someone else's.

Luke comforted: "Since the abyss mage arrested Caesar to find Qingkong, he shouldn't kill him easily.

We will get him out. "

"I hope..." Madame Mihir sighed.

At this time, a secret agent came: "Inspector, Viscount Iscoran is here, and he is in the carriage over there."

Luke saw the carriage parked on the side of the road not far away.

"Ma'am, Viscount Iscoran should have some news, let's go and listen."

"Okay... please, Inspector."

Although she was impatient, Mrs. Mihir still maintained the demeanor that a nobleman should have.She glanced at the cars in the middle of the road, and then followed Luke towards Viscount Iskran's carriage.

Not only Viscount Iscorran was in the car, but Senator Ible was also there.

Luke and Mrs. Mihir sat down, the car door was closed, and the viscount's servants and imperial spies surrounded the car facing outward.

Councilor Ible first said: "Master Viscount was just discussing business with me. I didn't expect such a big incident to happen. Someone dared to rob Director Caesar, and he simply didn't pay attention to the government affairs office and council of Raging City.

Whoever is caught doing it must be severely punished. "

Luke looked at the two people sitting opposite and asked, "I'm curious what kind of business you're talking about."

Just as Senator Ible was about to answer, Viscount Iscoran said first: "Let me explain.

My men have found the hideout of the Abyss Mage, and they live in a residence owned by Senator Ible. "

Hearing that the abyss mages were still living in properties under his own name, Senator Ible suddenly became nervous.

"Master Viscount, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with the abyss mage. You must... your people must have made a mistake."

All three looked at Viscount Iscoran, waiting for his explanation.

Iscoran smiled: "Don't be nervous, I'm negotiating business with Councilor Ible just to make sure he's involved.

The fact is obviously that Mr. Senator has too many real estate properties, and he doesn't even know how many houses he owns in Raging Waves City.These abyss mages live in the house of the councilor, and as long as they find a few people who pretend to be the servants of the councilor, they can keep the sheriff and imperial spies from searching outside. "

Councilor Ible hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes... I don't usually go to those houses, and I don't have the energy to check them these days. Those houses are taken care of by the servants who stayed behind. The abyss mage must have killed my servants. , and then lived in without my permission."

The suspicion of Councilor Ible has been eliminated, and the next thing is to talk about how to surround and eliminate these abyss mages.

It's just that Mrs. Mihir proposed in the middle: "Master Abyss arrested Caesar to ask Qing Kong's whereabouts... If we arrange Qing Kong to meet with Lord Viscount.

Will they kill Caesar? "

Viscount Iscoran said: "Madam, I just found the hiding place of the abyss mages, but I can't be sure that all the abyss mages are inside. Only when the clear sky shows up can the abyss mages gather as much as possible.

Caesar, it can only depend on his own luck. "

"Is there no other way?" Mrs. Mihir was very unwilling to give up Caesar.

Iscoran looked at Luke, hoping that he could persuade Mrs. Mihir.

Luke said: "I think we should do everything we can to rescue Caesar."

"He's just a small character," Iscolan said.

Lu opened the curtain a little, and said to Iscoran: "Did you see the sheriff outside? Do you think they are anxious to get Caesar back now?
The entire Rage City knows that Caesar is the one we pulled up, and they are all watching how we will handle this matter.

You all know how many vacancies there will be in the administrative department of Rage City after the Virgil incident, and how many people want to fill them.And our old system for Raging City is an intruder, and the advantage we created with the arrival of Yomington is disappearing.

If we can't even do our best to rescue Nishizawa, who is willing to work for us? "

Luke's words made the three of them think of the deeper meaning after Caesar was taken captive.

With the arrival of Yomington, the original Rage City forces with the backbone are gathering strength again.If Caesar died at this time, the impact on this group would not be the death of a small person.

Viscount Iscoran was persuaded: "What should we do?"

Luke said: "You go to the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic. It is said that Caesar was kidnapped by an unknown person, and you can only delay the time you agreed to meet Qingkong.

Caesar was tied up, indicating that these abyss mages were not controlled by the special envoy.Expressing Qingkong's importance to Nishizawa can ensure that he will not be killed in a short time. "

Viscount Iscoran nodded: "I know what to do."

Luke then said to Mrs. Mihir: "You contact Qingkong immediately and let the battle mage of Oulu Academy prepare. When will the sheriff contacted by Caesar arrive?"

"They'll be there tomorrow morning."

"Ma'am, please get tired and wait for them at the Central Public Security Department. When they arrive, let them all go to the streets around the house where the abyss mage hides.

By clearing the streets, the Oulu battle mages can be teleported directly to encircle the house in the shortest possible time.

Then attack the abyss mage inside the house, and attack with the fastest speed, there is a high chance that Caesar can be rescued. "

It will take time to contact Qingkong and notify the Oulu battle mage to prepare for battle.

Tomorrow morning, the personnel from all parties will be in place, which is already very fast.

Mrs. Mihir said: "Thank you, Inspector...I will contact Qingkong now."

After Mrs. Mihir got out of the car, Mr. Ible asked: "What do I do?"

Luke thought for a while and said: "You can bring the newspaper reporters to the scene tomorrow morning, and let them see for themselves the battle that we jointly encircled and suppressed the abyss mage.

Maybe you can also give a speech.

Your presentation skills are excellent and we need you as our external spokesperson for our team. "

For Luke's compliment, Senator Ible tidied up his hat and appearance.

"The last speech in front of the government affairs hall building really made me discover my talent in speech. I will prepare tomorrow's speech when I go back, and I will also bring a magic painter to print the battle scenes under my name in the newspaper.

Although this will increase the cost of the newspaper, it will definitely bring my newspaper an unprecedented sales volume.

I'm going to go back and think about adding those ads to the paper.

goodbye! "

Senator Ible's business talent made him keenly aware of business opportunities, and the Oulu battle mage fought against the abyss mage.

A love and killing that spanned a hundred years, the encirclement and suppression of justice against evil.

This exclusive live news will definitely bring him incalculable wealth.

A large number of money-making plans poured out of the head of Mr. Ible, which made him leave impatiently.

Only Luke and Viscount Iskran were left in the carriage.

The loose carriage made Viscount Iscoran adjust his sitting posture, and then said to Luke: "Yomington came to me, and he warned me to quit."

"Obviously you declined!"

"Yes, after taking that step, I have no way out. He should have looked for you too. How did you answer him?"

Luke smiled and said, "I haven't given him a chance to warn me. I don't plan to see him until the Abyss Mage is done.

Tomorrow is our Liwei battle. The joint efforts of the Iscoran family, the Central City Public Security Department, Oulu College and the Cape District Secret Affairs Bureau are enough for the people of Raging City to get to know us well. "

"Oulu Academy is not involved in politics."

"Elf Qingkong is the magic professor of Oulu College. Tomorrow, she will lead the Oulu battle mages to encircle and suppress the abyss mages. She will kill and kill...

Oulu Academy does not participate in politics, but Oulu Academy affects Raging City all the time.

No one knows how many people in this city graduated from Oulu College, and how many people have scientific research and business cooperation with Oulu College.

No one dared to ignore any action of Oulu Academy, especially Fairy Clear Sky. "

Talking about the elf Qingkong, Viscount Iscoran showed a regretful expression: "The most regretful thing I have ever done in my life is that I had a chance to have an interview with Qingkong, but I didn't cherish it. When I discovered her true strength It's too late to regret..."

Luke asked in a mysterious way: "If I could give you a chance to do it again?"

"I will definitely throw away the damn reservedness of nobles, and let Qingkong feel my sincerity.

Why are you asking that? "

Luke shrugged: "It's nothing... I suddenly wanted to ask, and I'm also very curious about Elven Clear Sky."


(End of this chapter)

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