Age of Arcane

Chapter 155 The 7st Apostle

Chapter 155 The Seventh Apostle (4000)

The answer of the abyss mage seemed to have exhausted his last strength, the blood no longer flowed out, and the flesh of the wound turned white.The head hangs down, but there is a terrifying smile on the face.

He successfully embraced the abyss and became a part of the abyss...

Of course it's fake.

Clear Sky didn't summon the Abyss, she just used the Book of Calamity to release a little influence from the Abyss through the blood sacrifice.And even if this little influence can create such an atmosphere, what kind of scene will it be when the abyss is really opened?
Players who touch the abyss will die directly, and the image of the abyss in the game is far worse than the feeling just now.

What exactly is the abyss?
The Book of Calamity fell into his hand, Qing Kong closed it with one hand, and put it in the space backpack.

Caesar's cellar in the northeast corner, hope he's not dead.

The clear sky teleported out of the room, the ice on the wall melted, and the body of the abyss mage fell down, leaving a human-shaped shadow on the wall.

The battle in the building continued, and the Abyss Leopard charged fearlessly with its own strength and speed.They are the technical crystallization of the Alchemy Department and the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Oulu Academy. As the protective force of the academy, the image of the Abyss Leopard is very tame; when they face the enemy, they are extremely ferocious.

The Oulu battle mages cooperated with each other, following behind the Abyss leopard, one house after another in the clearance building.There are a lot of traces of the abyss mage experimenting with secret techniques, and the horror scenes in some rooms are even more shocking.

Before this, these battle mages had only heard about the various inhumane crimes committed by the abyss mages from Dean Willred, but after seeing them with their own eyes this time, they realized that all their imaginations about the abyss mages were full of Good understanding.

Here people are not people, but a consumable.

This is a slaughterhouse.

One can imagine what kind of scene the disaster caused by the abyss mage in Oulu Academy was like a hundred years ago.It is understandable why Dean Willred hates the abyss mage so much, and why he stopped all research on secret arts.

In this operation, Dean Willred issued a death order to kill all the abyss mages... and did not accept surrender.

This is what the dean, who has always been known for his kindness, said to these battle mages.

The surprise attack and the crushing of absolute power allowed the Oulu battle mage to advance quickly.The stunned abyss mage could hardly organize a decent resistance, so he was killed on the spot.

Clear Sky found the cellar on the northeast side, it was at the end of a corridor, the entrance was not conspicuous, it was just a small door half the height of a person.Outside the door lay the wreckage of an Abyss leopard. It was cut in half and its body was nailed to the ground by its own short spear. However, it kept supporting itself with both hands and trying to get up. The floor was covered with It's scratches.

It should belong to the first batch of Abyss leopards rushing in. Their task is to keep rushing forward, distracting the attention of the abyss mages inside the building, and opening a gap for the Oulu battle mages to enter the battle.This group of Abyss leopards naturally suffered a lot of losses, but it also made this raid very successful.

I don't know where the abyss mage who attacked it is, most likely hiding in the cellar.

Qingkong walked to the side of the Abyss leopard, knelt down and pressed its head.

"Your mission is done, stop moving."

The Abyss Leopard looked towards the clear sky, then stopped moving.

When Qingkong stopped the Abyss Leopard, he also felt the dangerous aura from the cellar door.The Holy Grail emerges from above her head, and in the baptism of blessing, her appearance changes.

The half armor is attached, and the ice crystal armor is attached.

Various buff states and defensive skills were released on him layer by layer.Patterns appeared on the exposed cheeks, eyes were like extremely cold ice crystals, ice fog flowers bloomed, and ice and snow flew with it.

The ice crystal armor outside Qingkong's body rapidly thickened. She squatted halfway outside the door of the cellar, drew a knife and shot an ice blade to smash the door, and then teleported away from the ice crystal armor.

The thick ice crystal battle armor was left in front of the cellar door, and the moment the door shattered, a cloud of black mist gushed out.The black mist pushed the ice crystal battle armor against the opposite wall, and then the black mist gathered into a ferocious beast and attacked the battle armor frantically.

Qing Kong, who was hiding by the door, ignored a beast summoned by a secret technique. She lowered her body and teleported in through the open door, and at the same time saw an abyss mage hiding on the steps behind the door.

The appearance of Clear Sky was beyond the expectations of the abyss mage. I just saw her in ice armor being pushed out by the secret summoned beast.The secret summoned beast is still attacking, how did she get in.

When the abyss mage saw the clear sky, he immediately held three mysterious props between his fingers, and wanted to release the secret technique by combining fingerprints and secret words.But he obviously underestimated the difference in strength between himself and Qing Kong, the freezing cold covered his face, and he cut off with a knife attached to the holy flame, leaving two parts of his head.

Qingkong retracted the knife and caught the three small mysterious props that fell from the hands of the abyss mage.

Bone nails, blood beads, severed fingers.

In the same way, Qingkong sandwiched the mysterious props between her fingers, and arranged the words of secret techniques with her fingerprints.

At the end of the down passage is another door.

Whispers: Mind manipulation in the dark.

Black clouds and mist erupted, filling the entire passage in an instant.However, the clear sky in the black mist of the secret technique has not been weakened by any senses.It's just a faint whisper of the soul, which can remind people of how the mysterious props that release the secret technique are made.

Qingkong didn't express much emotion to those who died, she drew a knife and hacked at the door in front, letting black clouds and mist pour in.

On the other side of the door, down a short iron staircase was a very spacious basement.A few dim light bulbs were on on the walls, but the whole room was glowing with colors that didn't match the lights.Qingkong entered this basement under the cover of black mist, and she saw Caesar tied to a chair.

There are also Abyss Apostle Harriman and two other Abyss mages.

The black mist that poured in filled the air and covered the four people, but Harriman swept away the black mist with just a wave of his hand.

Without cover, Qing Kong's figure appeared.She wanted to rescue Caesar, but Harriman blocked Caesar first.

"If you dare to move, I will kill him."

Faced with Harriman's threat, Clear Sky had no choice but to stop.

And Caesar saw that Qingkong came to save him, so he shouted: "Miss Qingkong, leave me alone..."

Before Caesar finished shouting, an abyss mage sealed his mouth with a spell.

Qingkong looked at Harriman and said with a relaxed expression, "You are so brave to stay here after being raided by our Oulu Academy!"

Harriman nodded gracefully to Qingkong and saluted: "Miss Qingkong, hello! I didn't leave because I knew you would definitely come, and you must also bring the book of calamity with you.

Give it to me and I'll let you take Caesar away. "

Behind him, Caesar, who was tied to a chair, struggled desperately.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became extremely depressing, the wall lights flickered, and some weird shadows appeared on the wall.They seem to be on the other side of the wall, wanting to break through this barrier and come here.

Qingkong took out the Canggu rock machete, and the holy flame attached to it to produce white brilliance.

Then she walked towards Harriman: "Do you think I care about the life of a small person? Harriman, you had a chance to escape, but you overestimated your own strength.

Today, you are going to die here. "

Harriman's eyes glowed red, and the surrounding walls shattered like glass, revealing the endless darkness behind.

There are also those monsters who have been impatient for a long time, these long and restrained guys roared and rushed towards the clear sky.

Abyss monster.

All the abyss apostles directly embraced the abyss and received the energy from the abyss.These abyssal monsters were created by using abyssal energy through secret techniques.They are locked in a mirror space filled with abyssal energy, accepting the enslavement and summoning of the abyss apostle.

At this time, Harriman connected this basement with the mirror space he created, not only allowing him to have these abyssal monsters as minions, but also creating a home field suitable for him.

Harriman floated up, and the energy of the abyss attached to him to form a set of extremely gorgeous robes.

Black flames wrapped around his body.

A hollow voice sounded: "You lowly creature, you don't know what you are facing. I am the messenger who walks on behalf of the abyss in the world. Only by embracing the abyss can you get rid of the fate of nothingness.

Elf, give me the Book of Calamity! "

Harriman stretched out his hand to the clear sky, and the swarming monsters had rushed close and flew towards him.

Qingkong ignored the monsters around her, and only had Harriman in her eyes.This abyssal apostle has five-star strength and kidnapped Caesar, which inevitably makes people feel a little bit wary.

Push the level down to 100 first.

A powerful aura erupted from Qingkong, and even a coercion of a higher-level creature descended on this space.

A dragon's roar made the entire space turbulent, and the impact-type airflow blew away all the monsters that rushed towards the clear sky.Then a huge dragon appeared behind Qingkong. It had a beautiful red scale armor, and each red crystal-like dragon scale was trimmed with gold.

Taotie held its head up and looked down at the people below with its golden eyes. Although it was much smaller than a real giant dragon, its power was not weaker than a real giant dragon at all.

People can't help but want to kneel down and worship.

Harriman didn't expect that the elf could summon a red dragon...

Yes, she has the heart of Neil Colon, the red dragon.

But what if you summoned the red dragon?

Harriman waved his hand, and the monsters pushed away by the air flow merged with each other, like a wriggling sarcoma.And he didn't ignore the clear sky, and waved a black flame to roll towards the clear sky that had already reached his face.

The black flame enveloped the clear sky, and the intense corrosiveness instantly melted the clear sky into a puddle of water.

Seeing the water, Harriman knew he had been tricked.

It's a mirror magic!
After he turned around, the bodies of his two subordinates had just fallen to the ground.Qing Kong grabbed Caesar's chair and threw it behind him, then pulled out the scimitar and swung it out of the ice wall, protecting Caesar inside.

"It's just the two of us now." Qing Kong's smile was full of jokes.

Her figure disappeared and reappeared above Harriman.The body somersaulted, and the machete slashed down, and the brilliance of the blade shrouded Harriman completely.But this powerful and heavy knife did not hurt Harriman, the light of the knife sliced ​​through the middle of his body, as if cutting through a phantom.

This place has been arranged by Harriman using secret techniques as his home field. In the space full of abyss energy, the apostles of the abyss who have given up being human exist in a situation between reality and illusion.

Harriman, who thought he was invincible, didn't do any defense or dodging. He waved the black flame and chased the flickering figure in the clear sky.

As long as you kill her, you can take back the scriptures.

On the other side, the giant sarcoma gathered by the monsters from the abyss launched an attack on the Taotie who came to support them.Countless tentacles stretched out from its body to wrap around Taotie's body and limbs.And Taotie spewed out dragon's breath to burn those tentacles, then used his sharp claws to tear off the tumor, and devoured it in big mouthfuls.

It's just that the regenerative ability of sarcoma is extremely amazing, the body that has been burned and swallowed can always be regenerated at a very fast speed.

Taotie and Sarcoma are competing for digestion and regeneration.

Qingkong was in danger of being attacked by Harriman, and a large black flame chased behind her like a necrosis, almost enveloping her a few times.

Harriman laughed like a cat teasing a mouse: "Elf, you are very strong, but in the abyss, I am an invincible existence. You still have the last chance to hand over the book of calamity and surrender to the abyss temple. I can recommend you to the first apostle and let you become one of us."

Harriman's persuasion to surrender was met with ridicule from Qing Kong.

"Seven abyss apostles, you are just the weakest one. If Victor is here, can you still be considered an invincible existence?
Harriman, your so-called strength now is only because of a favorable environment for you.Circumstances can be changed..."

The clear sky flashed by teleportation turned back and rushed towards Harriman.During the impact, her figure flickered at high frequency, and every flicker left a frozen figure in place.

Hei Yan followed closely behind, devouring the still images.

The clear sky was still flickering and colliding, she jumped high, leaving a series of still images in the air.She slashed down with a machete, leaving more than a dozen still images of the slash.

In an instant, the clear sky level was full.

time delay (release)
More than a dozen slashing statues swung their knives at the same time, and more than a dozen knives were thrown out, shooting in different directions.These blade lights shot into the surrounding darkness, seeming to be swallowed by the darkness, but there was a sound of chopping something.

The darkness receded rapidly, revealing four walls.

On the wall, there is a knife mark on all the mysterious runes drawn.

The secret realm of the abyss was destroyed, and Qing Kong, who was already close, with his own level of 120, used time travel to pull the panicked Harriman, like chopping the head of a fish on a chopping board, and chopped it down with one knife.

(End of this chapter)

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