Age of Arcane

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 The Reformist (4000)

Erguya sat back in his seat and watched the opera on the stage with Viscount Iscoran in silence.Viscount Iscoran also did not speak, and his expression seemed to be completely immersed in the magnificent history.

In this epic, the family that can survive to the end is naturally beautiful, but who has noticed that more families have been drowned under the wheel of history.The ancestor of the Iscoran family was wise and lucky, and he chose the right team.

Now!A new epic has begun. Will the Iscoran family still be on the right track of history this time?
Viscount Iskran didn't know.He only understood how naive and ridiculous he was when he pointed out the merits and demerits of historical figures in the past.If you don't stand in their position, you will never understand the courage and wisdom they need to face the unknown choice.

For those who are qualified to leave their names in history, there are losers, but there are no mediocrities.

The incident of the abyss mage is over, I must go to the imperial capital as soon as possible.

While Viscount Iscoran was taking Erguya to watch the opera, Luke rushed into the battlefield with the imperial agents.

I have to admire the ability of the extraordinary power to fight to demolish buildings. Every room seems to have been repeatedly bombed by artillery fire.It has only been more than ten minutes since the attack, and a good building is full of collapsed walls and broken walls.It made Luke think that he was in the Syrian battlefield, and he couldn't even find a complete building when he went upstairs.

Order Pisco to hold the flag and lead his men to seize the high point, so that the onlookers can clearly see the majestic appearance of the Cape Secret Affairs Bureau.Other spies followed the Oulu battle mage to clean the battlefield and collect evidence of the abyss mage.

Luke took Shelley and a dozen spies straight to the cellar in the northeast corner.

The Abyss Leopard that had been cut off in the middle was still lying there, and a decapitated abyss mage fell down on the downward steps.Shelley drew out the gun, lifted the blindfold covering the right eye, revealing the pupil of Medusa, and walked down step by step with guns in both hands.

Five imperial agents followed Shelley into the basement.

After a while, Shelley's voice came up: "Inspector, it's safe down there...Director Nishizawa is here and has suffered serious injuries."

When Luke walked into the basement with the imperial agents protecting him, Shelley had already broken through the ice wall to rescue Caesar.

Two spies helped Caesar come to Luke.Although the wound on his lower abdomen was sealed, the blood from before had stained his entire trousers, and he was in a very weak state.

"Thank you, Inspector Meteor. Do you know where Miss Skylight is? She saved me again, and I want to thank her."

Luke took out a tube of potion and handed it to Caesar: "Miss Skylight should be leading the Oulu battle mages to clear the last remnants of the abyss mages, I don't know where she is now.

Drink this bottle of emergency medicine, and my men will take you to the hospital.Everyone is very worried about you, and everyone is very happy that you are alive. "

"Thank you..." Caesar drank the healing potion, and his condition immediately improved a lot.

Luke asked his men to take Caesar away for treatment.

After checking around the basement, Shelley came to Luke's side.

"There is a very strong smell of blood, and there are many wailing souls. Compared with this place, my interrogation room is as clean as a swan's feathers. And there is a power here that makes me afraid. Is that the abyss?"

Luke looked at Shelley, and after meeting her eyes with Medusa's eyes, the thunder-shocking pupils were automatically activated and sent out an electric spark to counteract a "petrification" attack.

Shelley immediately pulled off the blindfold: "I'm sorry, Inspector."

"It's okay, I'm just testing my resistance to mental attacks." Luke continued: "There is a very strong abyssal energy remaining here, and it is estimated that it will remain for a long time. Ordinary people with insufficient mental power stay here, It's easy to go crazy. Senator Ible's property, even if it's rebuilt, isn't worth much."

"It's a pity that such a good location." Shelley expressed his regret.

Luke said: "But as an interrogation room, this is definitely a place where the prisoner can tell the truth. It is more useful than your gun. Since it is worthless, why don't we buy it and use it as the Cape Secret Bureau An office in downtown."

Shelley was very surprised when he heard this: "Detective, we belong to the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District. We can come to the central city to handle cases, but we directly set up an office in the central city... Isn't it too embarrassing for the Central City Secret Affairs Bureau?"

Luke said with a smile: "Our Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau took over the abyss mage's den in the central city, does the Central City Secret Affairs Bureau still have face?
There are many extra-staff agents in the Central City Secret Bureau, as well as in other urban secret bureaus.You can cooperate with Kailina to contact them and ask them if they would like to come to our Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau. "

Shelley was even more surprised when she heard that her detective was poaching the corners of departments at the same level like this: "Detective, it's not good to do this..."

"It's a bit bad." Luke knew that he would definitely get scolded for doing so, but he still said: "But it's all for the empire. It's too much work for us in the Secret Affairs Bureau of the Cape District. We must beware of the counterattack of the Abyss Temple and Other potential imperial security incidents. We can only do our best to share the worries of the departments at the same level.

What's more, just setting up an office and recruiting some non-staff spies will not affect the work of the department at the same level. "

Shelley felt that her detective was right.

The big man who can freely enter and leave the eldest princess' palace is of course with outstanding ability.Since the ability is outstanding, it cannot be limited to the small Haijiao area. The inspector accepts the appointment of the eldest princess to come to Raging Waves City, and it is a big deal.

What's more, in the past, the secret intelligence bureaus in the various districts did not do much, and their detectives had nothing to do after they were called back to the imperial capital to report on their duties.

Our Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau handled such a big case in the central city, and it severely slapped the Central District Secret Affairs Bureau.Is it too much to have an office on your turf?
Not too much!
Is digging your corner too much...

Not too much!
"Leave this matter to me, you can rest assured, Inspector."

Luke walked out: "Let's go, the battle outside should be over...the follow-up battle has just begun. You send someone to transfer Congressman Virgil here, and detain him for three days first, and then interrogate him.

In addition to 'finding' his criminal evidence, we also need his real criminal evidence. "

"Yes, Inspector!"

Luke took Shelley out of the basement, and sent spies to implement a tight seal here.No one is allowed in without his permission.

The battle outside was over as Luke expected, and all the found abyss mages were wiped out, leaving no one alive.

Some of the Oulu battle mages stayed behind to deal with possible emergencies, and all the others returned to the academy.The outer defensive barriers were removed, and the battlefield was fully handed over to the secret agents of Cape District and some security officers in the central city.

Pisco stood at the top holding the Secret Service's blindfold flag.

The magic painter invited by Mr. Ible captured this scene, and the operation to encircle and suppress the abyss mage ended perfectly.

It also caused a great shock to the entire Rage City, especially after the newspaper office under Councilor Ible spared no expense to print many magic portraits on the newspapers, and the citizens could see this event as if they were there in person through those magic animations. The whole process of attack.

In this relatively peaceful period, the citizens of Raging City have never seen such a large-scale magic battle.

You can see the Oulu mages laying out large-scale magic barriers; you can see the fighting posture of high-end alchemy puppets like the Abyss leopard; you can see the Oulu battle mages reappearing a hundred years later; Lead the imperial spies into the dangerous battlefield with magic and explosions.

You can see the blinding flag fluttering after the victory.

There is also Councilor Ible who came to the forefront of the siege of the abyss mage regardless of the danger, and his large speech...

The public opinion machine was activated again.

All the newspapers in Raging City have reported on the joint operation of the Haijiao District Secret Intelligence Bureau, the Central District Public Security Bureau, and the Oulu College with lengthy articles.All kinds of criminal evidence were released in an orderly manner, and after the heinous truth was released, it aroused great public outrage.

Inspector Meteor, Councilor Ible, Mrs. Mihir, Viscount Iscoran, Fairy Clear Sky, Director Nishizawa...

Each name has become a city hero who is widely praised.

This caught the inherent forces of Raging City by surprise. They regrouped because of Yomington's arrival. They wanted to fight back to rescue Vergil and kick out those who destroyed the system of Raging City.

As a result, this group of people surrounded and suppressed the abyss mage so quickly, and in front of so many citizens, it was like performing a live stage play.

Now everyone in this spoiler group is unique, a star praised by all the citizens of Raging Waves City.Anyone who dares to trouble them at this time is tantamount to standing on the opposite side of Raging Waves City.

Damn it!Only we can represent Raging Waves City!

"The group of spoilers?" Luke couldn't help laughing after hearing the names given to himself by the new nobles in Rage City from Kailina: "This name is too substandard! I think we It's the reformers... Don't the new nobles claim to have brought a new trend of thought to the empire? We are newer than them.

Send someone to inform Councilor Ible, Mrs. Mihir, and Viscount Iscoran. From now on, our group will be called the Reform Party, and we also need a group program..."

Luke believes that after the event of exterminating the abyss mage, their group has already gained influence and strength, and they have appeared in the urban system of Raging Waves City as an independent faction.

With the faction platform, you can recruit members to expand the scale.When the conditions are ripe, the Viscount Iscorran will naturally enter the parliament as the chief officer of the city security department.The establishment faction, the capitalism faction, and the technology faction each occupy a seat, and the innovation faction not only understands with them, but also forms a whole of its own...a very stable pattern.

All we have to do now is get Yormington...

While Luke was giving the order and thinking about the follow-up actions, Kailinna said: "Inspector, this morning, Viscount Iskran suspended his work in the security department of the Government Affairs Office and went to the imperial capital."

"What is he going to the imperial capital at this time?" Luke was a little puzzled by Iskran's sudden action.

"The messenger sent by Lord Viscount didn't say anything, but just reassured the inspector that he will be back soon."

Luke didn't know what Viscount Iskran was going to do in the imperial capital, so he could only wait and see what happened, and Rage City was still going down step by step.

"I see...Yormington is still looking for us these days?"

"He comes every day."

"He will come back tomorrow, just say that I have time and can see him."

"Yes, Inspector."

Luke asked again, "Where's the sandpaper now?"

"She's in the bureau's mechanical repair shop. She's ordered a lot of parts, some of them very expensive, in the name of the Bureau of Secrets, to modify the Boiling."

Luke didn't expect that at such a young age, Sandpaper would learn to use public funds for private use only a few days after entering the Secret Service.

have a future!
"I know... what Sandpaper wants in the future, we will try our best to satisfy her within our ability. Is Kestrel with her?"

"These days, they have been together."

"I'll go see them."

In the mechanical maintenance room of the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau, a large number of machines waiting for repair and overhaul are piled up together, and more than a dozen mechanics are divided into several groups to work.In a corner of the maintenance room, there were many limbs and parts of the Abyss leopard, and two little girls squatted there to pick and choose.

In the battle to besiege the Abyss Mage, the Abyss Leopards who charged in the first wave suffered heavy losses.After Luke led the team into the battlefield, he took advantage of the chaos and hid a lot of Abyss leopard wreckage before the Oulu Academy recovered the damaged Abyss leopard.Later, when cleaning up the ruins, some sporadic excavations were found, and all of them were sent to the mechanical maintenance room of the bureau.

Let the sandpaper see if you can DIY some complete Abyss Leopards. It would be even more perfect if you can reverse research and get the manufacturing technology of Abyss Leopards.

The basic strength of the Abyss Leopard is three stars, and it is a very powerful and mature alchemy puppet.

Epoch Games evaluates the character's strength as follows: the level of strength that can be achieved by ordinary people through regular training is one star; ordinary people can obtain simple extraordinary strength, and the strength is two stars; the extraordinary strength reaches the elite level, and the strength is three stars; At the boss level, the strength is four stars.

Characters with the first four star ratings are common in the era world, and even characters with four-star strength are not rare.

The number of characters whose strength was rated as five stars suddenly decreased, and they were all the top existences in their respective fields.

Six-star is the strength ceiling of the existing version of the era game, and no more than ten six-star characters have been discovered by players.

Luke was very greedy for the Abyss Leopard, which was built to be an elite combat force.You must know that among the 3000 people in the Secret Affairs Bureau of the Cape District, there are only more than 40 spies whose strength can reach three stars, and the Oulu Academy can casually bring out forty Abyss leopards to charge.

When all the elites rush to the battle, the effect is to stand out from the crowd.

And even if it is damaged in battle, as long as the core components are still functioning, they can be repaired as before.

It's really the best assaulter for robbing houses!

(End of this chapter)

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