Age of Arcane

Chapter 162 Wild Horses

Chapter 162 Wild Horses
Agatha showed an uncharacteristically anxious mood, which gave Viscount Iskran a new understanding of Meteor and his relationship with the eldest princess.

Meteor's performance in Raging Waves City has a very strong autonomy.His self-confidence in some behaviors means that he is not afraid of messing things up, and it also means that no matter what he does, the eldest princess will tolerate him.

If Meteor is just a senior agent with the ability to be valued, he would not dare to act recklessly.And Agatha boarded her own airship, looking like she wanted to go to Rage City to meet Inspector Meteor Star but couldn't leave Saint Lun City because of business.
The eldest princess is a woman after all...

Inspector Meteor Star worked so hard in Raging Waves City, probably because he wanted to be worthy of the princess.

Viscount Iskran, who thought he could see through the relationship between the two, said: "Your Highness can completely trust Inspector Meteor's ability... Now the Cape District is basically under the control of Inspector Meteor. After the project, he took control of an important import and export port of Raging Waves City.

I, Mrs. Ible and Mrs. Mihir are actively persuading the Imperial Bank to give Yanyang Trading Group a loan.With this injection of funds, not only the Cape Harbor will be repaired, but the entire Cape District can be revived.This is an urban area that occupies 20.00% of the area of ​​Raging Waves City and [-]% of its population. Once the Cape District and the Central City become the dual cores of Raging Waves City, Raging Waves City will truly be controlled by the empire.

Thinking about it now, I really admire His Highness's wisdom and courage in making decisions in Raging Waves City.It is estimated that before this, no one would have imagined that the Haijiao District could become the key point to break the situation.Of course, someone as capable and charismatic as Inspector Meteor Star is needed as the manipulator. If someone else does it, it is estimated that they will either do nothing or die unexpectedly. "

The higher Viscount Iskran's evaluation of the meteor, the more flustered Agatha felt.However, the current self is in trouble...

To reveal the identity of this fake detective, Iscolan, Ible, and Mihir, the three important figures who have already defected, will be involved.In the future, the iron plate of Rage City will be stronger, and there will be no more pro-imperial politicians.

It is a serious blow to the prestige of the empire.

If it is not revealed, the influence of "Meteor" in Raging Waves City will continue to expand.At that time, Raging Waves City belonged to the empire?Or a meteor?
Where did he come from!
Agatha finally made a difficult choice.

"Yes, there is no doubt about Meteor's ability. My going to Rage City will only make the situation there tense, and will not help your follow-up plans.

I will not go to Raging City.

I also hope that you don't tell Meteor about meeting me... I don't want him to be distracted by other things, he needs to focus on coping with the changes and dangers that arise at any time. "

Agatha reminded Viscount Iskran that she didn't want to alert Meteor, guessing that she already knew he was a fake.

But when I heard Iscoran's ears, the taste changed again.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness... I believe that the story between you and Inspector Meteor will become a legend in the world!"

Feeling ridiculed, Agatha froze for a moment.

Thinking about it again, Viscount Iscoran didn't know that Meteor was a fake detective. What he said should mean that he and Meteor are wise kings and capable ministers.yes!If this meteorite is real, this incident can definitely become a legend recorded in history.

If it is revealed that Meteor is a fake detective, it will definitely be a more exciting story, and he will be the brightest clown in this story.

"It's getting late, goodbye, Lord Viscount! I wish you all the best for the empire in Raging Waves City!"

Viscount Iscoran stood up and saluted Agatha: "I wish you well, goodbye, Your Royal Highness."

Agatha left the airship and stood on the platform. She watched the small private airship of the Iscoran family slowly rise into the sky, and flew towards Raging City under the moonlight and starlight.

She knew that if she didn't go to Raging Waves City this time, it would be tantamount to untying the reins of the wild horse, letting Meteor run forward on behalf of the empire and herself.But you can't just let him lead you by the nose. Who is he, his origin, his purpose...

Who should be sent to investigate?
After thinking about it, sending anyone could expose Meteor as a fake detective.


After the airship disappeared from sight, Agatha had no choice but to leave. She couldn't do anything about the meteor now.He even has to pray that Meteor can do what he does and love what he does, so that he can steer well in Raging Waves City.

Do not fall into my hands!

When Viscount Iscoran returned, Qingkong finally ended the difficult party.

It's really boring!
Even though Mrs. Mihir and her fans chanted slogans and had initial organizational skills and goals, it is clear that most people regard politics as a show, and some of the demands they put forward are very naive.

There is even some radical "female boxing".

Mrs. Mihir wants to build the secret house into her own support group, and there are still many things to do.Clear Sky is not interested in participating directly, nor does he have the time.Her energy is mainly focused on studying... secret arts, magic, the history of ancient civilizations, and the management of the Department of Secret Arts.

At the same time, we have to deal with the next wave of Abyss Temple.

Without the Book of Calamity, those abyss mages would definitely not give up after suffering a loss.Next time they will hide deeper and act more stealthily.

There are also new aristocratic forces, the Cross Foundation, the Blade Brotherhood, the Bureau of Secret Affairs...

Theoretically, they are all opponents in the chess game of Raging Waves City.

Fighting against the sky is a lot of fun, and fighting with people is a lot of fun, just look at this deck of cards, who can win in the end!

Qingkong took Sandpaper and Kestrel to Oulu Academy, and after handing them over to Dean Willred, he came to his Department of Mysteries.

At this time, today's class of the Department of Occult Arts has ended, and the students have all left to attend other classes. Only Bruce Ban stayed here to continue working.

Now Bruce Ban has been transferred to the Department of Mystic Arts as a full-time teaching assistant. In his spare time, he will devote all his energy to work related to occult arts.

Seeing Qingkong enter the school district, Bruce Ban immediately reported his work to her.

"Professor Qingkong...all the books on occult arts that you gave me have been maintained, a total of 4698 volumes. They are all placed in the library of the Faculty, together with the books on occult arts that we purchased and collected, our secret arts There are 11532 related books in the art library.

This is a great result!
But it is not an easy task to manage so many books, we need a librarian. "

The Department of Occult Arts has its own library, and most of the bookshelves in it are filled with books on occult arts.It's just that Bruce Ban is far from being able to further organize so many books by himself. Now his daily workload makes him feel that sleeping is a luxury.

There are other functional rooms, which also require professional personnel for maintenance and management.

Qingkong took out the list that Dean Willred had given him back then, and it was all faculty members and students in the academy who were interested in occult arts.

In order to make the Department of Occult Arts work, it is indeed necessary to add some more manpower.

After choosing a few names, Qingkong said to Bruce Ban: "I know about this, and I will replenish the faculty as soon as possible.

Students also need to increase.

You are now a professor at Oulu College, work hard in the future! "

"I, I'm a professor now? Professor Qingkong, don't joke with me... If you want to be promoted to a professor at Oulu College, you need to go through many strict assessments and interviews. I, I don't seem to have done anything...

Do I write a paper first?Recently I've had a little insight into the resonant connections between secret words, and I've had some results. "

Qingkong doesn't understand the assessment process of Oulu College's teaching staff, so these processes can't restrain her.

"I said that you are qualified to become a professor, and you are a professor of Oulu College. You will be exempted from the assessment... I will talk to the dean. In the future, the number of staff in our Department of Occult Arts will increase. When I am away, You are responsible for the teaching and research operations of the entire department.

The resonance connection between the secret terms you said can be used as one of our research topics. After the personnel arrive, you select faculty members and students to form a research team. "

Being promoted and entrusted with important tasks, Bruce Ban is more enthusiastic about his work.

"Thank you, Professor Qingkong...I will definitely not disappoint your trust." Bruce Ban saluted Qingkong, then remembered something and said: "Professor, the dragon blood you processed last time is still in the storage room. It takes it away? This thing is too precious, if it is polluted, it will be too wasteful..."

"Dragon's blood?" Qingkong thought for a while, and finally remembered: "If you don't remind me, I will forget about it. You go get the dragon's blood and find me in the pharmacy, I want to make some potions."

Bruce Ban didn't expect that the dragon's blood that he checked every day and carefully stored for fear of being lost or contaminated would be forgotten by Professor Qingkong.

What a loser!
But remembering that Professor Qingkong slaughtered the red dragon Neil Colon, that cup of dragon blood is really nothing to a whole dragon.

Being able to see the use of dragon blood to make potions with his own eyes, the excited Bruce Ban immediately went to the storage room to get dragon blood.

Qingkong, who has nothing to do for the time being, puts her energy into the Department of Occult Arts, studying, experimenting, and expanding the teaching staff and students, making her day extremely fulfilling.

The next day, Luke woke up to go to work, and then got the news that Iskran had returned to Raging City.

Karina reported: "Master Viscount invited you to Sissai Palace, and he also invited Mrs. Mihir and Councilor Ible."

The speed at which Viscount Iskran came back surprised Luke a little: "It seems that his trip to the imperial capital went very smoothly, I don't know what kind of surprise he brought us.

Prepare the car, let's go to Sissai Palace. "

(End of this chapter)

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