Age of Arcane

Chapter 168 Comeback

Chapter 168 Comeback (4000)

After Qingkong reported the recent situation of the Department of Occult Arts to Dean Willred, he left the dean's office and went to the library.

With the help of the librarian, I found several books related to ancient civilizations.Qingkong felt that since he already knew the name of Banat, he wondered if he could find its trace in the historical documents of ancient civilization.

Qingkong sat down in a secluded corner in the reading room, and the librarian brought a cup of coffee.Looking at the staff and students studying nearby, it seems that none of them have this kind of treatment. Qingkong smiled and said to the shy librarian, "Thank you."

The librarian is a young man who is a part-time work-study student.He knew that it was too obvious that he was so courteous, so his face turned red instantly, and he said falteringly: "Professor Qingkong, you are welcome... Please forgive my abruptness, you are really beautiful."

"Thank you for the compliment." Qingkong was used to the little troubles her appearance brought her, so she said kindly, "I want to read a book quietly now..."

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I won't bother you, Professor Qingkong."

The librarian walked away with a salute to Clear Sky, who focused on the books on loan.

Compared with the history of trolls, the history of the five ancient civilizations is a very popular subject.After all, the ancient civilization ushered in a glorious era, and many strong men were as powerful as gods, and some of their deeds are still widely spread myths and legends.

Since the shell of the egg was written in ancient Shuojin script, Qingkong specially found some ancient Shuojin civilization history books this time.

The Shuojin civilization is a very inclusive ancient civilization. As long as it meets the conditions and has been selected, any race can be accepted by the Shuojin civilization to become a Shuojin people. The current Shuojin people have continued this tradition to this day.

The first condition to become a Shuojin person must be twins, a man and a woman, and have the ability to communicate with each other.The Shuojin people have special personnel to search for such twins from all over the world, and when they are found, they will be sent to a special school for training.

The entire selection process is very strict, and often there is no pair of candidates who can become a shining gold person in a whole class.

The ancient Shuojin civilization was very powerful, and the Shuojin people were also keen to expand their circle of influence in order to recruit more clansmen.The aggressive Shuojin people will inevitably conflict with other ancient civilizations.The shadow civilization of the underground world, the purgatory civilization of hell, and the giant dragon civilization of the Dragon Kingdom had no choice but to form an alliance in the face of the infiltration and encroachment of the Shuojin civilization.

As for the angel civilization, because angels are born naturally, there is no so-called twins, so it is not missed by the Shuojin civilization.At the same time, angels hide from the world, entertain themselves in their own world, and are not keen on fighting for secular territory.

The mighty Glittering civilization occupies the richest land in the world, and the conceited Glitterings see all other ancient civilizations as inferior.Then one day, all the elders of the Shuojin Elderly House had a collective brain convulsion, and they decided to gather the five foundations of civilization to establish a unified world dominated by the Shuojin people.

So the Shuojin civilization took the lead in attacking the angel civilization.

For the angelic civilization, this is simply being shot while lying down.At that time, the angels lived in the city of the sky in the world they developed, and lived a life of self-indulgence and narcissism every day.All the angels feel that other civilizations' competition for the secular world has nothing to do with them, not only rejecting the request of the other three ancient civilizations to recruit themselves into the group, but also mocking them... Worrying is unfounded.

As a result, Angel Civilization was caught off guard by Shuojin Civilization's sudden declaration of war.At that time, the angels didn't have an army at all, and the innocent angels fought in a hurry, and then they were defeated by the army of the golden civilization.

The city of the sky fell after only seven days, and the angel civilization surrendered to the shimmering gold civilization.The Shining Gold civilization obtained 70.00% of the angels and trained them armed.The weak angels transformed themselves and formed the angel legion that rampant in the ancient civilization war.

The other 30.00% of the angels broke through and escaped from the city of the sky, they fell into hell and joined the purgatory civilization.They called themselves Fallen Angels, and formed the Legion of Fallen Angels, vowing to take back the Sky City.

The Shining Gold Civilization, which annexed the Angel Civilization, officially opened the battle to unify the world.

And the result is just as the history records.The Shuojin civilization did not obtain the foundation of all five ancient civilizations, but instead brought the five ancient civilizations to a slump and quickly fell into the long river of history.

During the chaos of war, people lost their lives and civilization retreated.People of later generations can obtain very little information on ancient civilizations through archaeology, and the accuracy is greatly reduced due to various deifications.

Especially what happened in the later period of the war, there is almost no information to verify.

In short, looking at the history of the ancient Shuojin civilization in the clear sky is like reading a fairy tale, and you can't find any records related to Banat.And Banat is a transliteration of modern language, this guy's real name in history is probably not Banat.

The only thing that can be sighed is... The era world designed the angel civilization in this way, which is considered to be a novelty.

Now it is the Shuojin civilization, of course, without the arrogance of ancient times to unify the world.Shuojin people open banks and do business honestly, stick to neutrality and do not interfere in the political affairs of any country or region.

It's all about money.

Other ancient civilizations lost their foundations, that is, lost the artifacts of civilization, and either escaped the world or became a mess.

The giant dragons have completely lost their cohesion, relying on their own powerful strength to monopolize the Dragon Kingdom, while individuals guard their own caves and treasures and sleep soundly all day long.

The thing inside that egg seems to have something to do with the dragon, how about looking at the history of the dragon civilization to find clues?
Qingkong closed the book in her hand, and when she was about to get up to return the borrowed book and look for some ancient history of dragons, the young librarian suddenly sat across from her.

"Miss Sunny Sky, hello."

At this time, it has entered the night, and the people who read in the reading room have already left, only those who read in the clear sky have forgotten the time.

She looked up at the young man who had brought her a cup of coffee... This time he seemed to be more proactive and bold, looking straight at her.

There was a stiff smile on his face.

"who are you?"

"Whose name are you asking?" The young man stared intently at the clear sky, the ceiling above his head flickered at a low frequency, and the atmosphere in the entire reading room was very strange.

Qingkong's complexion was very bad, and she said to the young man, "You shouldn't have killed him, let alone provoke me like this. I killed Harriman, and killing him is as easy as slaughtering a chicken. Now do For the prey, you don't want to hide deep, but take the initiative to find the hunter. The people sent by the Abyss Temple are more stupid than the other!"

The eyes of the young man being ridiculed instantly turned completely black, like two black holes without any light.He put his hands on the table to prop up his body, stood up, approached Qingkong, and issued a vicious threat: "Don't compare me with Harriman, he is not strong but pretends, sooner or later he will kill him.

Give me the book of calamity, and I can make your death easier! "

Facing the threat, Qingkong took out the book of disaster from the space backpack and put it on the table: "Okay, the book of disaster is here. I'll give it to you, you come and get it!"

The young man was stunned looking at the book of disasters on the table.

Is this... handed over so easily?
The young man grabbed the book of calamity and quickly flipped through the contents.

It's true, it's a true book of disasters!
I... got the Book of Calamity!

"You're smart...I can give you three days to arrange your own funeral. If you don't kill Harriman, I'm even willing to let you go. Goodbye..."

The young man turned to leave with the book of calamity, but found that he couldn't move.He looked down and saw his legs were frozen in two icicles.Knowing that he was played by Qing Kong, he shouted angrily: "Let go of me, before I change my mind!"

Qing Kong picked up the cold coffee at hand, took another sip, and said: "I just said, the book of disaster is here. I'll give it to you, you come and get come and get it, not a walking corpse Come get the puppet."

"You fool me!"

The young man clutched the book of calamity tightly, and the chandelier above the reading room flickered at high frequency.

"I didn't trick you. I really gave you the Book of Calamity. You should be in the college. You must know the way to the library, and it won't take long. Don't you think you are better than Harriman?" Is it? Come and get it!"

There was a strong murderous intent in Qing Kong's words, and his gaze was like a drawn sword looking at the young man whose body was being frozen by the ice spreading upwards.

"Let me go," the young man continued threatening, while black blood trickled from his eyes and nostrils.

The ice fog flowers in the reading room bloomed layer by layer, and the freezing cold formed a white mist that spread outward.Thin ice formed on the walls and ceiling, and Clear Sky's eyes turned the color of ice crystals.

"I am here, and the Book of Calamity is also here... As long as you come, you can kill me to avenge Harriman, and take away the Book of Calamity. Victor will surely Well reward you.

Isn't it, Portlem! "

In a secret room of Oulu College, a person hidden in a cloak stood in the middle of a circle of candles, and four other people stood at the four corners of the room, each holding a skull.

On one wall of the room, a magical image reflected the clear sky, and the perspective of the image was the librarian who had turned into a walking corpse puppet.

"Master Portlem!" an abyss mage said in surprise, "How did she know it was you?"

Potlem under the cloak said fiercely: "How do I know? This elf named Clear Sky is very strange. She can kill Harriman. She is very powerful."

"What should we do now? The Walking Dead Puppet has obtained the Book of Calamity, but he was frozen by the clear sky."

The perspective of the image on the wall bowed his head, and the book of disaster was in his hand.For the abyss mages, it was like putting a dried fish in front of the cat's nose.

Want to rush over and snatch it?
The situation has changed far beyond Portlem's expectations, and his visit this time is just a demonstration.Unexpectedly, Qingkong released the book of calamity so directly, she obviously wanted to lure herself there.

Then there must be a life-and-death fight.

"The abyss mage who fled back said that Harriman has completed the abyss altar. I don't know if he opened the abyss secret realm when he died in the hands of Qingkong." Potlem said, as if warning his followers, but also reminding himself Don't be impulsive: "If Harriman was killed by Clear Sky while opening the secret realm of the abyss..."

"It's impossible!" The attendant is more confident than Potlem in the secret abyss: "The apostles are omnipotent gods in the secret abyss, no one can defeat the apostles in the secret abyss! My lord, kill Harry in the clear sky!" Lord Man, the sneak attack must have succeeded."

"Perhaps..." Potlem could only comfort himself in this way: "But this cannot be a reason for us to grab the Book of Calamity now! This is Oulu Academy, before our support arrives, don't act rashly .”

"Yes, my lord. What shall we do now?"

In the reading room of the library, after Clear Sky created the Ice Dance Garden, it patiently waited for Potlem's response.The librarian was frozen from the chest down, and he was still clutching the Disaster Book in his hand.

"Miss Sunny Sky, I admit that I am not yet ready to face you, and the Book of Calamity is temporarily placed with you." Potlem changed his tone: "It is a must for an abyssal apostle to say such a thing. Your honor... the next time we meet, I will take your head off with my own hands."

Qing Kong laughed mockingly and said: "If you are afraid of death, just say you are afraid of death, don't talk about putting gold on your face. If you dare to come to me directly, I thought Portlem was some kind of powerful character... Now it seems that, That's all.

You better go back!

Let Victor come to me, or you abyssal apostles can come together. "

"I don't need Victor to deal with you. Good night, Miss Skylight, I will offer you another corpse tomorrow, every day...until you hand over the Book of Calamity."

After Potlem finished speaking, the young man's head drooped feebly, his hands still clutching the Book of Calamity.

Clear Sky stood up and walked to the young man. She took the Book of Calamity from the already stiff hand, and then sealed him completely in the ice layer, and then left the reading room.

The Abyss Temple has made a comeback, and as soon as it appears, it kills people first, it is really a group of unreasonable lunatics.Now Potlem has sneaked into the Oulu Academy, if he can't be found as soon as possible, more people will definitely die in his hands in the future.

Walk out of the clear sky in the library and feel the cool night breeze.The street lights that were not too bright illuminated the path between the colleges, and not far away were two patrolling Abyss leopards looking around.

Clear Sky stopped the Abyss Leopard and asked them to notify the Oulu Battle Mage on duty.

Soon a large number of battle mages arrived.Under the command of Clear Sky, they sealed off the entire library and conducted a comprehensive search inside.The young man who was turned into a walking corpse puppet by Potlem using a secret technique was carried out. His body was sealed up intact, and his autopsy would provide more clues.

(End of this chapter)

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