Age of Arcane

Chapter 170 The Underground Labyrinth

Chapter 170 Underground Labyrinth (5000)

In the dimly lit classroom, the four will-o'-the-wisps shone with greenish light.The spinal cord worm sucked the secret technique to create soul energy, and the light from more than a dozen pairs of eyes projected the image seen by the host in the white smoke.

Qingkong led the students to watch around.

Because I can't fast forward, I can only watch everything the host has experienced patiently.During the period, due to the consumption of soul energy, the wisps of the willows weakened and swayed, so Heidi Siko immediately took his classmates to add mole bone meal to the candles.

Kaili had not been parasitized for a long time. After he was frozen in the clear sky, the screen projected by the spinal cord worm changed to another scene.In a dark room, the host stands in the corner under the control of the spinal cord worm.In the image, it can be seen that Potlem is leading four abyss mages to deploy secret techniques, but it is difficult to judge where they are just by looking at them.

Qingkong continued to watch, paying close attention to the details of that room.The stone bricks on the wall are seriously damaged, and they should have not been used for a long time, perhaps a house from the Oulu Academy period a hundred years ago.After that disaster, Oulu College underwent a major reconstruction, and many underground buildings were buried under the new college.

It is not easy to identify them.

At this time, Dean Willred appeared in the Department of Mysteries.This time he didn't put on any pretense, which made the students nervous immediately.They all knew that the dean disliked occult arts very much, and contact with occult arts has always been taboo in Oulu Academy.

"Children, keep your positions, I know you are in the Protection Academy." Will Reid comforted the students, he walked to Qingkong's side, looking at the influence that was cast in the white smoke: "A very magical secret The technique can actually make the spinal cord worms project what the host sees! It's really Portlem...can you find out where they are?"

In the video, Potlem, who has completed the layout of the secret technique, approaches, and his face clearly appears on the video.As soon as he removed the spinal cord worm from the host, the projected image ceased immediately.

The recording of the past life of the spinal cord worm can only play what the host sees, not what the spinal cord worm sees.

Soon the image appeared again. Although it was still a closed room, it was no longer the Oulu Academy.Seeing that there are many mysterious props in the room, as well as some corpses and limbs, it should be Portlem's secret art laboratory.

Qing Kong shook his head and said to Dean Willred: "I don't know much about the buildings left over from a hundred years ago in the college. Can the dean see where it was just now?"

Willred recalled that not-too-long scene: "The disaster a hundred years ago destroyed most of the buildings of Oulu College, some were buried underground, and some were stuck in the secondary space. Looking at the state of that room, it should be buried. Part of the underground, I can't tell where they are, but at least we've narrowed down our search."

Qingkong said: "I have asked Professor Ban to take people to the library, use the secret technique to track and find the direction of the secret technique release, if they have results there, they can narrow down the scope again."

Just as he was talking, Bruce Ban broke in suddenly.

"Professor Qingkong, we found...the dean..." Bruce Ban froze on the spot when he saw Willred standing with Qingkong.

Will Reid said kindly: "Don't be nervous, I know you guys are rebuilding the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts. After going through such a long time, I have let go of this burden, and I hope you can recreate the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts Former glory.

Now tell us, what did you find? "

Bruce Ban looked at the clear sky. Although he didn't know exactly what happened, it was always a good thing that the dean accepted the Department of Occult Arts.He bowed to Dean Willred: "Master Dean, Professor Qingkong, we have found the direction of the other party's spell...near the historical archives of the college."

College History Archives!
It was a small circular three-story building located in the northwest corner of the college.The archives itself is not big, but a hundred years ago it was located in a student dormitory.In that disaster, the earthquake caused by the magical confrontation engulfed the entire student dormitory area underground.

Many people died in it, and then because of the mutual confrontation of magical energy, a large number of undead were produced.The earthquake made the internal structure of the buried student dormitory area extremely complicated. Although the college had conducted several explorations, the undead that could not be completely eliminated made the college choose to seal up this underground area.

And built on it the College Historical Archives.

Because students have little interest in the college's historical archives.

For players, the underground of the Historical Archives of the Oulu Academy is a great exploration map.After the undead inside are killed, they will regroup within half an hour to an hour. Players often encounter front and rear pincers inside.

But... If you bring your sister to explore together, you will generally have a good experience.

Qingkong recalled the room he saw just now, and said to Dean Willred: "The room where they arranged the secret arts in Portlem really looks like an old-style student dormitory. I took Professor Madara to search the underground of the college's historical archives. Sir, you lead the battle mages to surround the Archives to prevent Polem from escaping."

"Just the two of you entering the underground of the Historical Archives?" Will Reid said worriedly: "I will send a few battle mages to go down with you... Polem is a difficult guy, especially in the In the complex environment of the underground."

Qingkong said: "We don't know what kind of secret technique Polem has arranged in the underground dormitory area. If too many people go in, they will be easily ambushed by him. The secret technique is still used to deal with it. Professor Ban can solve it in such a short period of time." Finding the location of the technique in the reverse direction shows that he has a very high talent for secret techniques.

If the two of us go in, even if we can't catch Portlem, it will be easier to get out. "

Willred acknowledged what Clear Sky said.

Oulu Academy's occult research blank period is too long. At this time, the only thing that can be used for occult confrontation is the newly established occult department.In the Department of Mystic Arts, Qingkong and Bruce Ban are the only ones who are proficient in occult arts.

As a mysterious professor of the Department of Occult Arts, Will Reid knew how talented Bruce Ban was in esoteric arts.If he was placed in the Department of Mysteries a hundred years ago, he would definitely be no less than the leader of the Department, the first apostle Victor.

Will Reid knew that as the dean, he could not take any risks, and the only ones the academy could send at this time were the two of them.

"But there are only two of you, the number of people is still too small, only the abyss mages we saw were four..."

At this time Lydia teleported in, and she was accompanied by Sandpaper and Kestrel.

Clear Sky said to Will Reed: "It is fine to enter with Sandpaper and Kestrel with us."

Sandpaper fingers turned the large wrench and said, "I also brought Boiling and Sally. Miss Skylight, when are we leaving? I brought all the tools to make sure I can ruthlessly fix that guy who upset you."



In the early hours of the morning, no one was sleeping at the Oulu Academy. Under the protection of teachers and battle mages, the students gathered in the many safe houses set up by the academy.

In a forest in the northwest of the college, a large number of Oulu battle mages stood on the branches and surrounded the college's historical archives in the middle.All the teaching staff on duty in the archives had been evacuated, and Qingkong led Bruce Ban, Sandpaper, and Kestrel through the gate and entered the small circular building.

When following them, War Machine boiled and repaired Abyss Leopard Sally.

After being modified with sandpaper, the boiling war machine has a certain ability to perceive the outside world.He walked with iron steps and followed behind the sandpaper step by step, like a little brother who couldn't do without his sister.Especially after seeing the clear sky, he followed the sandpaper even more closely.

The assembled Abyss Leopard is named Sally. She is not a mechanical creature, but she has good intelligence because of her elemental soul.

A group of people entered the hall of the college's historical archives. When the staff left, they turned on all the lights, making the whole building very bright.On both sides of the hall are corridors extending to the left and right, and in the middle is an upward staircase. There are two statues of mages on the wall, and many magical portraits representing honor are hung on the walls.

Bruce Ban, who was following Qingkong, was a little nervous. After all, this time he was facing the abyss mage and the legendary abyss apostle.

He looked at the empty hall vigilantly, and asked Qingkong: "Professor Qingkong, I have been to the historical archives of the college many times, and there seems to be no passage leading to the underground here."

Qingkong observes the two statues of mages on the left and right. The mage on the left is holding a magic wand, and the mage on the right is holding a magic book.At the same time, he asked Bruce Ban: "Have you been to the Historical Archives many times? What is there that attracts you so much?"

Knowing that he had unintentionally exposed some private matters, Bruce Ban said hesitatingly: "I... I want to use the information here to find out what happened in the Department of Occult Arts a hundred years ago, and to see if there is anything related to Occult Arts. s things."

"What did you find?" Qing Kong walked to the mage statue on the left, reached out and pulled out the magic wand from the statue's hand.

"Professor Clear Sky..." Bruce Ban wanted to stop it. The figure of this statue was one of the founders of Oulu Academy, but thinking of Clear Sky's past behavior, he could only shut up.Then he replied: "The Department of Mystic Arts has made extraordinary achievements. It is not an exaggeration to call them the founders of modern occult arts. It is because of them that I am more determined to learn occult arts.

Thank you, Professor Clear Sky.Without you, I would probably have been a teaching assistant alchemist who hadn't accomplished anything. "

"You should thank me... But I still want to remind you, don't do anything wrong, I will still judge you according to my standards, and I am ready to kill you at any time." Qing Kong held the magic wand in his hand, and used the bottom of the wand The end slammed heavily on the floor.Once, twice, three times, and say the mantra: "Flip!"

The entire hall turned extremely quickly, and a group of people stood in a dark hall in a blink of an eye.

There is the faint sound of ghost crying in the ear, and the will-o'-the-wisps floating on the wall provide the dim light for this spacious space.At this moment, Boiling turned on the searchlights on his shoulders, illuminating the hall.

The walls are made of large solid stones, so even after being buried for more than a hundred years, the whole building is still very strong.Under the illumination of the searchlight, it can be seen that there are many large cracks on the wall, and some root-like vines protrude from the cracks, climbing along the gaps in the wall.

In addition, there are many broken benches and long tables here. On the table are dusty water cups with moss growing on them, and many rotten things that cannot be seen.

Oulu College's halls of residence, the main activity and social space for students.In their spare time, many students will eat, study and chat here...

After observing the hall around the clear sky and finding no danger, he said: "We are now at the bottom floor of a student dormitory building of Oulu College a hundred years ago. The reason is that the environment is more complex.

What we have to face is not only the abyss mage, but also the undead that existed a hundred years ago, everyone should be careful. "

"Yes, Professor Qingkong (Miss)!"

"Now we start from the first floor, and then go up layer by layer. Sandpaper is in the front to find the way, Boiling supports the sandpaper; Kestrel takes Sally to the back; Professor Ben and I are in the middle.

Sandpaper and Kestrel guard the corridors on both sides, and the task of searching the room is given to Professor Ban and me. "

"Understood, Professor Qing Kong (Miss)!"

"Operation, start from the corridor on the left and search clockwise."

Sandpaper turned on the battle mode with a large wrench, her feet lifted off the ground, her hair in twin ponytails turned metallic and they all floated.The powerful perception ability spread, and the suspended body floated towards the corridor on the left.

Boiling followed behind the sandpaper, and after it took a step and made a heavy sound, Bruce Ban immediately took out his magic wand and released a silent magic for Boiling's feet.Although the sound of boiling footsteps is still there, it is no longer as loud as before.

At this time, the Kestrel also activated the battle mode and floated up. She drew out her rapier and stood behind Qingkong with Abyss Leopard Sally.

Occupying a sub-space makes the architectural design of Oulu College very luxurious.Even the corridor of the student dormitory is five meters wide and four meters high, so it doesn't look too narrow when walking in the middle.

The dark and humid environment and the ubiquitous devil cry, as well as the undead popping up at any time.

This is the "Underground Labyrinth of the Historical Archives".

After walking less than 20 meters forward, the sandpaper suddenly stopped.The boiling of external perception obtained through the sandpaper is connected with the sandpaper, and his searchlight immediately shines on a position ahead.

It was a door that was ajar, and behind it something shrank back in the light.Then a large area of ​​vines spread out from the walls on both sides, and because the sandpaper sensed the danger in time, the team was not surrounded by the dense vines.

The sandpaper, aware of the danger, flew backwards into the seething cockpit.The boiling hands retracted into the arms, and then two long swords popped out from inside, and the cannon on the back was clamped on the shoulders.

Then a ten-meter-long flame spewed out from the muzzle.

Under the burning of the fire, the vines made a miserable cry and twisted crazily.In the light of the fire, it can be seen that the front ends of the vines are connected to human arms.The fire quickly burned the vines, and all the blackened arms fell to the ground.

However, these arms did not lie down obediently, they used their fingers as claws, and quickly crawled into the half-open door.

Sandpaper had never seen such a thing before, she stood up from the seething cockpit, turned to Clear Sky and asked, "Miss Weatherlight, what is that?"

"Thousand Hands..." Qingkong stepped forward, looking at the half-open door in front of him, thinking.

In the game, after the undead here are killed, they will regroup within an hour.Those severed hands of Qianshouling should be lying there, why did they run back as soon as they landed.

It seems that the real "Underground Labyrinth of the Historical Archives" is somewhat different from the "Maze" in the game.

Qingkong said: "According to the plan formulated. The two ends of the sandpaper and kestrel guard corridors, Professor Ban and I will go in and search..."


The sandpaper flew out, moving forward with a boil, past the door to build defenses on the other end.Kestrel and Abyss leopard Sally, guarded their backs.

Clear Sky and Bruce Ban walked to the half-open door, and it could be seen that the wooden door was very decayed.

"You follow behind me, attack first and then warn when you encounter danger."

After exhorting Bruce, Qing Kong stomped on the door and rushed into the room in an instant.Bruce Ban rushed in with a magic wand, and first released a lighting magic to illuminate the room.

Nothing at all!

This is a standard student dormitory, with two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a luggage cloakroom.

The bed and living furniture are all there, obviously not the room where the secret technique is released in the video.In the room where Potlem released the secret technique, all these debris were cleaned out.

Looking around, he couldn't find Qianshouling either.


The undead here still know how to fight guerrillas?

This is no ordinary undead.

Clear Sky releases a magic ring of ice, and strong freezing energy surges in the small room.Those things that had decayed even though they kept their shape were shattered by the impact, and then they were all frozen in ice again.

The room returned to calm, it seems that Thousand Hands really ran away.

After confirming that there was nothing hidden in the room, Clear Sky brought Bruce Ban out.

"Thousand-handed spirits are gone. The undead here may have developed spiritual wisdom after a hundred years of evolution. Everyone, please be careful. And we may have been noticed by the abyss mage when we made such a big noise..."

The clear sky reminded everyone.

The sound here is especially loud in the quiet underground space. Since it is not a game, those undead with spiritual intelligence and the abyss mage who have been hiding here for a long time will definitely not wait to be found.

As a latecomer, the enemy is dark and we are clear, so you should always be vigilant and be careful of being ambushed.That's why Qingkong specially recruited both Sandpaper and Kestrel for help. Both of them have very strong perception, especially when they are in the combat state, they are simply two humanoid radars.

The team continued to move forward, sandpaper flying in front, her hair fluttering and flying, and the boiling lighted the way for her.

And when they crossed the door of the dormitory and walked forward in the clear sky, a dark thing appeared at the door.Then a sword edge struck across the air, and the frightened thing shrank back in embarrassment.

Kestrel: "Miss Skylight, that thing is out again."

"Leave it alone, find the abyss mage first."

 Sorry, something didn't change yesterday.If you owe, you will make up the amount every day.

(End of this chapter)

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