Age of Arcane

Chapter 174 Jennifer

Chapter 174 Jennifer

Potlem's body fell down under the throne, turned into powder and disappeared quickly.The head was also turned into powder during the tumbling, leaving only one bead and the crown rolled down the high platform.

The secret technique was lifted, and drastic changes appeared in the tomb hall.

The high platform of the throne collapsed suddenly, and the walls on both sides shrank and squeezed towards the middle.After those dark knights were deprived of their power, dust particles were emitted from their bodies. Their armor disappeared and their horses collapsed, showing their original appearance of undead.

A magnificent hall returned to the appearance of the corridor in a short time, and the crowded undead fled into the rooms on both sides. In an instant, the corridor was spacious again, and only Qingkong and her team members were left in the middle.

There were three other bodies that fell to the ground together.

After Clear Sky kills the three abyss mages, pick up the bead and the crown left by Potlem from the ground.

The bead is called the "Fifth Apostle", and it is the remnant of the fifth apostle Polem after his death, and one of the important components of the "Gate of the Abyss".

Qingkong put the beads into the space backpack.

The crown is called "The Will of the Undead Monarch", and it is the subject of releasing the secret technique "Tomb King's Court".It's just that the mysterious energy in the "Undead Lord's Will" has been released, and it is no longer a mysterious item.

Many props and processes are needed to reproduce the "Royal Court of the Tomb". Qingkong has no interest in this kind of too cruel secret technique, so it should be regarded as a collectible.

After all, it is made of pure gold, and many precious gems are inlaid on it.

Putting away the crown, Qing Kong said to the members he brought: "Very good, we have wiped out Portlem and the abyss mages he brought, and we have no casualties. It's just...Professor Ban, your complexion is very bad." , Did you fall into an illusion?"

"No..." Bruce Ban, who wanted to deny it, immediately changed his words under Qingkong's gaze: "Yes, I fell into an illusion. I saw a lot of scary things..."

Clear Sky didn't know what Bruce Ban had experienced in the illusion, and seeing that his condition was indeed very bad, he didn't continue to ask.Instead, he said: "After the things here are over, I will give you a day off and have a good rest."

"Thank you, Professor Clear Sky." Bruce Ban secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Although the duration of the illusion was short, it was like a dream. In such a short period of time, he used all his hidden thoughts to the clear sky inside.If Qingkong asked himself about the situation of the illusion, he would definitely do it again.

I don't know if the real clear sky will kill me.

"You're welcome, I'm very surprised that you can complete the modification of the secret technique in such a short period of time. Now..." Qingkong turned to the undead Lemondo and said: "The invading mages are all dead, they were caught All the undead were set free, including Jenny.

We have completed the agreement, here is the exchange for you, goodbye! "

Seeing that the clear sky was about to leave, Bruce Ban was about to stop him immediately. The undead Lemondo said first: "We found Jenny, but she was trapped in a cage. It seems to be an alchemy tool. Please help We got Jenferne out, and we'll give you some gifts in return."

Sandpaper asked with great interest: "What gift?"

The undead Lemondo replied: "Some things left here a hundred years ago. These are of no value to the undead here. If you need them, you can take them all away."

Bruce Ban also persuaded Qingkong: "If Jenny is really a creature trapped here a hundred years ago, she must be from the Oulu Academy. We have an obligation to rescue her..."

Qingkong thought for a while and said, "Okay, since I promised to help you, I will help you to the end. Where is Jenny trapped?"

"It's in the sixth room on the right hand side." Undead Lemondo pointed to the other end of the corridor.

The boiling searchlight immediately shone over.

"Go! Sandpaper and boil go ahead."

The shrewd Sandpaper immediately recognized Clear Sky's hint, which was the alert formation that Miss Clear Sky had set up after entering the student dormitory building.Now that Portlem is dead, is there any threat here?
"Yes, Miss Skylight."

The sandpaper turns on the combat mode to float up, and the boiling opens the way forward.In the perception, the rooms on both sides are full of undead.

Qingkong led the team to the door of that room, pushed the door open and walked in.

In the empty room, there was only an iron cage in the middle, and inside the iron cage was a naked woman curled up into a ball.

Seeing the woman, Bruce Ban immediately turned to face the wall: "Sorry!"

Qingkong looked at the woman in the cage unscrupulously.Good figure, good skin, good appearance...the key is not wearing clothes yet.

"You're Jenny?"

"I am, who are you?" Jenny looked up at a group of strangers who walked in.

On the walls of the room, many green ghost lights appeared.

Qingkong replied: "I am Qingkong, the current head of the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts, which means clear sky. We are here to eliminate a group of abyss mages who threaten the safety of the academy under the order of Dean Willed.

Now that the mission is complete, we'll get you out of here.

Just, why don't you wear a dress? "

"The clothes here are so rotten that I can't wear them..." Jenny replied, and then asked: "You killed Potlem? He is the apostle of the abyss!"

"What about the Abyss Apostle? I specialize in killing the Abyss Apostle..." Clear Sky saw a blanket hanging on a coat rack by the wall, so he took it off and threw it to Jenny in the cage: "Whether you are Undead are still living beings, and they still need some decency, after all, we have men here.

Put on this blanket first, and prepare a set of clothes for you when we take you back to the academy. "

Jenny pulled the blanket around her body.

"Thank's very warm. Are you really going to take me away? But I...can't bear to part with my companions here."

Bruce Ban was afraid that Qingkong would really turn his head away when he heard this. He said: "Miss Jenny, you have been buried here for more than 100 years, and the academy owes you. Please rest assured, Oulu Academy is still a very inclusive College, you will not face any discrimination because of your status.

And I think Dean Willred will definitely want to see you very much. "

As he spoke, Bruce Ban looked back slowly, and turned around when he saw that Jennifer had already wrapped herself in a blanket.

Qingkong took out the Canggu Panyan, and split the iron cage with a sword light.

"Come out first! Whether to go with us or stay decide."

"Thank you." Jenny thanked again, she got out of the iron cage, and her appearance surprised everyone.

Jenferne exudes a kind of silent beauty, she stands wrapped in a blanket, showing her slender neck and charming clavicle groove.At the bottom of the blanket are slender legs and jade feet that cannot be wrapped, as if a layer of mosaic has been added in the middle, which makes people can't help but have more associations.

Even Bruce Ban couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

He admitted that in terms of appearance, Jenferni still has a lot of gaps than Qingkong.But the feeling of oppression Qingkong gave him was too strong, when facing Qingkong, he didn't dare to look directly at her.

And Jennifer in front of her can arouse people's desire to protect.

And possessiveness.

"Potlem is really incomprehensible..." Qingkong suddenly said something rambling: "I can't blame him, throwing himself into the abyss made him give up a lot of things."

"Miss Qingkong, I don't understand what you mean." Jenny walked towards Qingkong.

"It's nothing. I just think Portlem shouldn't lock you in a cage. He should be a gentleman." Qing Kong asked, "Have you thought it through? Should you come with us or stay here?"

Jennifer continued to walk towards the clear sky: "Potlem said you have the Book of Calamity in your hand? How could the Oulu Academy allow it to exist!
I am a battle mage from the Oulu Academy, and my companions and I died here because of the Book of Calamity.Give it to me and I'll destroy it! "

Jenny held out her hand to the clear sky.

Qingkong stared at Jenferni: "Answer first, whether to go with us or stay here."

"Give me the Book of Calamity!"

Jenny's momentum changed suddenly, the walls of the room were covered with will-o'-the-wisps, and then countless hands stretched out from the will-o'-the-wisps, followed by heads and bodies, and a large group of undead were coming out through the walls.

Sandpaper They were taken aback by the sudden change.

Want to fight again?
Looking at the undead Lemondo who came with him, he has long since disappeared.

Sandpaper, Kestrel, Boiling, and Bruce Ban took out their weapons and prepared to go to war.

Qingkong stood there unmoved. Facing Jenny who asked her for the book of calamity, she smiled and said, "I wasn't interested in you at first, but you insisted on leading me here. I If you want to act with you, but you can't afford it, you're revealing your true nature so quickly.

Is the Book of Calamity so good? "

Jennifer stared at the clear sky with her gray eyes, and said with a confident attitude: "You are right, Portlem is really incomprehensible. He completely ignored my beauty and locked me in a cage inside.

I just didn't expect you to kill him when I was thinking about how to torture him!
You are strong, but the important thing is that you are beautiful, even more beautiful than this skin.I don't want to tease you anymore, I can't wait to take your body, and the book of calamity! "

"Are you confident that you can beat me?"

"This is my world."

"But this room was once occupied by Potlem." Clear Sky glanced around: "He is very vigilant against you, even if you pretend to be weak. He not only put you in a cage that imposed confinement, but also prepared Some secrets to deal with emergencies.

Is it because the blanket you were wearing was left by Portlem, so when I gave it to you, you put it on without any suspicion? "

Jenfernie looked at the blanket wrapped around her body and screamed in her heart that something was wrong.However, before she could take down the blanket, Clear Sky had already spoken the words of the secret technique.

"The Burial of the Pharaoh"

As some inconspicuous objects exploded around the room, the blanket on Jenny's body instantly disintegrated into shrouds.These shrouds were wrapped around Jenny's body in circles, no matter how much she struggled, she could not stop the progress of this advanced secret technique.

The shroud wrapped around her limbs, bound her body, and wrapped her head in an airtight manner. Jennifer, who lost her balance, fell straight to the ground.And this secret technique not only restricts her actions, it is actually a kind of sealing secret technique.

The shroud wrapped Jenny into a mummy, sealed off all her perceptions, and hibernated her consciousness.Those undead who were about to rush out of the wall were pressed back hard, and all the will-o'-the-wisps were extinguished.

The incident took such a turn of events, making Sandpaper very uncomfortable for them.

A guy who looked very powerful was sealed by Qing Kong with a secret technique left by a dead man without any effort.

If they hadn't seen Clear Sky beheading Potlem with their own eyes, they would definitely think that Clear Sky and the Abyss Mage were together.

"Miss Sunny Sky, what happened?" Bruce Ban looked at the mummy on the ground in a daze and asked, "What is Jenny?"

As a game dungeon, it is natural to have a final boss.

Jenny is the final boss of "The Underground Labyrinth of the Historical Archives".

Unlike those in the final level of the copy, waiting for the player to overthrow the final boss, Jenny will appear in front of the player as a weak girl.She will accompany the player to explore the maze together, stimulating the player's desire for protection with words and actions.

As long as the player does not say to leave the maze, she will continue to accompany the player.

This is definitely a benefit copy for male players.

But as long as the player expresses that he wants to leave, Jenny will reveal her true face when the dissuasion fails.

A big battle, full of color, fragrance and passion, very enjoyable!
Qingkong didn't want to come at first, because she didn't want to have any entanglement with Jenny.After all, this boss is the local snake here, and now it's a little different from the game, if you can avoid her, you can avoid her. I didn't expect that the little undead she controlled wanted to provoke me very much.

You asked for it, so don't blame me for being rude.

Just after coming in, he saw the secret sealing technique that Potlem had prepared for Jenny, so Qingkong took the idea and threw the subject of "Pharaoh's Sacrifice" to Jenny.

It is estimated that Jennifer never imagined that Portlem left a secret technique against her here, and Qingkong could see it and use it.

She took the initiative to wrap the secret technique subject, which saved a lot of trouble.

Qingkong felt that there was no need to explain these things clearly to Bruce Ban and the others, so she replied: "Since Jenny is between half-life and half-death, she has memories, but the memories are not hers. Therefore, she is no longer what she used to be. The old Jennifer is nothing more than a shell carrying memories.

Since she wants to take my body, it means she doesn't cherish this body and doesn't care about her past. "

Bruce Ban asked, "What do we do? What do we do with her?"

Qingkong thought about it for a while, but actually searched for some information about Jenny in the phone.

Although Jenny never left the maze in the game, the players who are obsessed with Jenny have made many plans to save Jenny and live with her.

"Take it away, I want to train her well."

(End of this chapter)

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