Age of Arcane

Chapter 184 Backstab

Chapter 184 Backstab
Pan realized that since Inspector Meteor Star entered the door, he was leading him by the nose.It's as if every step I take is seen through by him, this feeling is very bad.


"Detective Meteorite, I don't understand what you mean!"

Luke said with a smile: "You know what I do. It is the duty of us imperial agents to collect intelligence. The World Bank belongs to the Shuojin people, and not all Shuojin people are in the World Bank. I have your brothers and sisters in my intelligence database." data of.

You belong to the Elder's House of the Shuojin people, and Director Pan is even an elder candidate.The work of the two should be to assist the elders' house, teach and train young Shuojin people, and study the ancient Shuojin language.

Today, the two of you suddenly came to Rage City as directors of the World Bank, so I concluded that the cooperation you talked about with the City Alchemists Association was just a cover-up, and you had other purposes. "

Pan finally knew what was wrong with his strategy, and at the same time he couldn't help sighing secretly at the strength of the Golden Shield Empire's Secret Affairs Bureau, which is indeed an intelligence agency with a long history.

But Pan still insisted: "Detective Chief, the intelligence of your Secret Intelligence Bureau is a bit behind. Yin and I used to work in the Shuojin Elderly Home, but not long ago, we were transferred to the World Bank.

We came this time to find excellent investment projects in Raging Waves City.In addition, research on the circulation information of gold certificates will collect first-hand data for the World Bank to provide better financial services in the future. "

After getting the information he wanted, Luke eased the atmosphere: "Maybe my occupational disease makes me too sensitive, and everyone has to judge whether it will endanger the safety of the empire.

Raging Waves City is an emerging world central city, and the World Bank's investment here is of great benefit to both of us.When the two are interested in some project, it is best to communicate fully with all parties, so as not to make everyone unhappy. "

"Thanks for the reminder, Inspector."

Luke reconfirmed and asked: "The cooperation between the World Bank and the Urban Alchemists Association on the hydrogen airship must be terminated. If you are really interested in this project, please wait for a while...I promise you can get a big deal, far away Far more rewarding than talking about now."

Luke didn't want to offend the God of Wealth too much, so he gave a date with a stick so that we could meet again in the future.

Pan asked with interest: "Inspector, do you think the hydrogen airship research project has not reached the bottom yet? It's not time to buy the bottom yet?"

"It's far from the bottom... I wanted to swallow this project when it hit bottom, but I was afraid that I wouldn't have such a good appetite. If the World Bank is willing to share this cake, I'm happy to have a project with good credit and financial resources one's business Patner."

Pan asked: "At that time, will the World Bank be involved in the political wrangling of the Golden Shield Empire?"

Luke made an offer that Pan couldn't refuse: "If the World Bank is willing to make a price that I can't refuse, I can sell you my share. The hydrogen airship becomes a purely commercial investment. It has nothing to do with politics, you can make money with confidence."

Pan didn't expect that Luke would take the initiative to give up his share.Although he didn't know why Luke gave up, the hydrogen airship was indeed a project worth investing in.

If the project can be obtained at the price of cabbage, then the risks involved are not unbearable for the World Bank.

What the World Bank has to do now is...cooperate with Detective Meteorite's vitals in the City Alchemist Association, and stab again.

Although it is immoral to do so, the World Bank and the Urban Alchemists Association have not reached a formal cooperation agreement, so it is natural to terminate it if they want to.

As for what my brothers and sisters are going to do when they come to Raging Waves City?
Originally, he wanted to use this method to get acquainted with celebrities in Raging Waves City, and to cover for the search for the lost dragon soul.Cooperation and termination of cooperation can achieve the same effect, and the process is not important

"Master Inspector, I know what to do. Tomorrow I will show Speaker Grover the attitude of the World Bank and suspend negotiations on the hydrogen airship project."

Luke said: "Tomorrow, all the major newspapers in Raging City will publish the news that you and Grover are negotiating for the hydrogen airship project."

"Then it will only cause trouble for the major newspapers in Raging Waves City. They need to print an additional issue of the World Bank's statement."

Luke achieved all the goals of his visit this time, and he stood up and said goodbye in a good mood: "Director Pan, you are a shimmering man with a lot of brains and vision. I think that one day in the future, I will call you Elder Pan .”

Pan's heart was knocked again.

Although he is an elder candidate in the elders' house, most of the elder candidates have always been elder candidates.If there is no vacant position in the elder's house, there is no need to fill it... If there is a vacant position, all candidates will compete for the post.

Meteor saw something when he said this, and it was just a polite compliment.

Pan realized that he was still being led by the nose by the other party, his eyes seemed to be able to see through him.

"Thank you, but if you want to become an elder, you need not only ability but also qualifications. I'm still young, and I have a lot to learn... The detective's method is what I need to study hard."

"Learn from each other! Improve each other!"

Luke left the Shining Gold Hotel contentedly.

Pan was in a state of confusion and had no intention of continuing to practice.The first day I just came to Raging Waves City, I spent it in such a situation, I don't know what else I will encounter in the future.

"Meteor, is a guy that I hate."

Yin said: "Pan, is the meteorite related to the dragon soul we are looking for? He seems to know us very well."

"I don't know, everyone in Raging Waves City who can take out [-] gold coupons is suspected. But why did the other party steal the dragon soul and leave such an obvious clue? It is very likely that the other party is trying to lure us to Raging Waves City. To find him, he still needs to use the people of Raging Waves City.

The secret intelligence agency has a strong intelligence capability, and maybe it can really help us.Contact Meteor and see if you can find some useful clues through him. "

Yin asked very puzzled: "Me, to contact the meteorite?"

"Using the excuse that I'm busy with official duties and don't have time to play with you. Yin... Whether I can make good use of this opportunity to become an elder is very important to us. If I miss it, I will always be a candidate elder doing odd jobs."

Yin hesitated for a moment and had to agree: "Okay!"

"Remember, you are a shining gold man." Pan reminded his sister.

"I understand, Pan."


Early the next morning, the citizens who routinely sold newspapers to see what big melons could be eaten yesterday got their wish and saw a piece of breaking news.

The World Bank is negotiating with the Urban Alchemists Association to invest in hydrogen airships.Director Pan of the World Bank is very optimistic about the prospect of hydrogen airships, and believes that hydrogen airships will replace steam airships as a major trend in the future.

Although the two parties have not yet signed a formal investment agreement, Speaker Glover and the President of the Alchemists Association said: The World Bank's investment has been confirmed, and now we are only talking about the division of responsibilities and benefits between the two parties.

This news gave those hydrogen airship investors a shot in the arm.After so many days, they were used to seeing bad news, and they no longer had any hope, but they didn't expect that the hydrogen airship could be brought back to life like this.

What is the World Bank?
A money-making machine for the Shuojin people.

The World Bank's investment in the hydrogen airship project means that Shuojin people are very optimistic about the feasibility of hydrogen airships.What is missing in the hydrogen airship project now?It is the public's confidence in this new aircraft.

The World Bank's investment is enough to make up for the negative impact caused by the Changxiang-class hydrogen airship accident, turning this project from a cesspit into a feast again.

For a time, happy people rushed to tell each other.Those who regretted investing in hydrogen airships yesterday tried to invest money to increase their positions.

The Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau, which was so lively before, became quiet early this morning.Under the restraint of Inspector Meteor, the agents of the empire stayed in their respective departments, bragging, playing cards, and doing nothing.

It seemed that I was stunned by this sudden blow and didn't know what to do.

Yomington was very happy to find Speaker Grover again, holding today's newspaper in his hand, as if he was holding a good news.

"Since I came to Rage City, I have never felt so at ease. Kestrel, Virgil, Edgar... I was plotted against by Meteor again and again, but I didn't make him pay any price.

You are still the speaker, you easily broke the offensive of the meteorite and changed the offensive and defensive situation.

Now the World Bank's investment in hydrogen airships is well known in Raging Waves City, and all the spies from the Cape Secret Bureau shrank back.It seems that Meteor knows that his strategy has failed, and is ready to shrink his defense.

Saxon engineering also sent news that they are forming an intervention fleet to block Cape Harbor.In the future, there will be no ship entering Cape Harbor. Meteor will take over the repair project of Cape Harbor, which is equivalent to carrying a debt that cannot be repaid.

The only thing you can do is... Get out of Raging City, this city is still ours. "

Grover also showed complacency.

The eldest princess specially sent a powerful general to Rage City, first to stir the wind and rain here, and then was easily driven away by herself, proving that she was worthy of the name of the speaker.

"For Meteor to do such a thing in Raging Waves City, we can take care of the face of Her Royal Highness, and by the way, reorganize our internal staff.

This incident shows that there are still many loopholes in the city of Raging Waves, so we must take precautions and find out all the unstable factors as soon as possible.There needs to be a new election for the city council and some people need to be replaced in the council. "

Yomington said: "These are things that need the attention of the Speaker. After the official signing of the cooperation agreement with the World Bank, I will return to the imperial capital to report the victory here to Lord Shoufu.

Everything that happens here is the radiation of the court struggle, and many people are watching to see who can have the last laugh.Mr. Shoufu also has a lot of things to do, and many fruits of victory need to be harvested. "

Yomington and Glover have a business bragging.

At this time, an assistant hurried in.Holding a newspaper in his hand, he said in a panic: "President... Director Pan of the World Bank has just issued an announcement through major newspapers in the city.


Grover asked, "Say what?"

"Director Pan said: Due to the major hidden dangers in the hydrogen airship project, the World Bank has temporarily suspended the investment cooperation negotiations with us."

The room fell into extreme silence, and Grover and Yomington seemed to be frozen in place, their expressions frozen and pale.


They did not expect the World Bank to backstab at this time.

The Urban Alchemists Association has just released the news that it will cooperate with the World Bank, and Grover even confirmed that this cooperation will definitely be achieved in his capacity as the speaker.

As a result, within half a day, the World Bank even said that it would not cooperate.

It’s fine if you don’t cooperate, and they also said that there are major hidden dangers in the hydrogen airship project, which is to take people to [-] meters in the air and then fall hard.

The kind that hit the ground face first, even if you try to save it, you can't save it.

What the hell happened.

Why did the attitude of the directors of the World Bank change so drastically in two days.

It must be that Meteor moved in the middle.

Grover was the first to come to his senses: "We're going to see Director Pan."

Glover and Yomington hurried to the Shuojin Hotel by car, and immediately asked Pan after seeing Pan: "I always thought that the World Bank paid great attention to credit, but what happened to that notice?

I need the World Bank to immediately rescind this approval and give an explanation to all the citizens of Raging Seas! "

Pan received the two visitors alone. Facing the angry questioning, he replied naturally: "Sir, the World Bank really pays attention to credit. Excuse me, have you and I signed any agreement on the hydrogen airship project?"

"No, but yesterday we..."

"Then I'm sorry, there is no formal agreement signed in writing, and nothing we talk about will be recognized by the World Bank. And you have publicized the World Bank's position without any formal agreement between us, and you have already criticized Our interests have caused damage.

We reserve the right to prosecute. "

Grover knew that being tough at this time would have no effect, he calmed down his emotions and said to Pan: "I think you should be dissatisfied with the income distribution plan we talked about yesterday, it's not that I can't make big concessions. Just do what you want If you want, I need you to withdraw the notice immediately and declare that it was issued by someone pretending to be the World Bank."

Pan replied: "Last night, I had a guest here. He is your old friend. I can't tell you the specific content of our discussion, but he made me decide to suspend this investment cooperation.

I can only apologize to you... Even if I promise you now, the World Bank Headquarters will not allow this cooperation to proceed. "

"It's Meteor! What did he say to you?"

"This is confidential. The World Bank has no position between you and the meteorite. We only assess the risks. In our opinion, there are indeed very serious hidden dangers in the hydrogen airship project of the Urban Alchemists Association."

"What hidden danger?" Yomington became nervous.

He has been looking for the real attack point of the meteorite, but he has not found it.He could predict that the meteorite's general attack was about to launch.

Pan Tanshou: "I don't know either, I'm just an outsider... If you don't know where you are going to lose now, I am even more sure that the decision to suspend cooperation is very correct."

(End of this chapter)

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