Age of Arcane

Chapter 201 Ambassador Leo

Chapter 201 Ambassador Leo
Early the next morning, Luke came to his office, picked up a pen and began to write letters.

"Dear Your Highness the Eldest Princess:
The attack on the Leo Consulate has been resolved, and all the hostages have been rescued safely, including the Consul and other Leo diplomatic envoys.All the watchers who participated in this incident were killed. Although there was a chance to capture a few alive, I still made this decision.

The relationship between the Empire and the Leo Republic is getting better and better, but the political system is different, which determines that there will always be underlying conflicts between the two countries.The political demands of the new nobles in the empire have a lot to do with the changes in the foreign political situation.

Giving some support to the Leo Restoration can slow down the development of the Leo Republic, and also make the Leo Republic treat its relationship with the empire more cautiously.

Especially in the struggle for future sea power.The Empire and the Leo Republic face each other across the sea, and they have been fighting for the dominance of this sea area since ancient times.The destruction of Leo Kingdom allowed the empire to seize the opportunity to control the ocean, creating a golden period of development for Raging Waves City.

With the support of other countries, the Republic of Leo's national strength has grown very rapidly, and it must not be reconciled to continue watching the imperial fleet cruise on this busy international route.There must be a battle between the two countries at sea, and I think it will be beneficial for the empire to fight this battle early..."

Agatha asked Luke to write to her every day, and Luke tried to meet her request.Normally, he would just write about the weather in Raging City when he had nothing to do, but today Luke wrote a lot.

First briefly describe the process of rescuing the hostages in the Leo Consulate, and then lead to the strategy of the Leo Republic.

The Golden Shield Empire and Leo faced each other across the sea. In history, many large-scale naval battles broke out in order to compete for the dominance of this ocean.As the new era opened, the wealth generated by ocean trade skyrocketed, and the two countries that shared this world shipping line benefited greatly.

It's just that the king of the Kingdom of Leo lacked the courage of Augustine the Great of the Golden Shield Empire. The unfair distribution of wealth led to a coup, which eventually ruined the Leo royal family.

Later, the Golden Shield Empire invaded the Republic of Leo. Although they did not include this kingdom in their territory, the protracted war prevented Leo from safeguarding its own maritime interests.During this period, Raging Waves City exclusively enjoyed this international route, and became a unique world-class trading city in these sea areas.

The Leo Empire, whose political situation has gradually stabilized, has developed rapidly with various foreign funding.But this international waterway is under the control of the Golden Shield Empire, making the Leo Republic extremely greedy and uncomfortable.

In the end, for its own benefit and at the instigation of other countries, the Republic of Rio launched an attack on the fleet of the Golden Shield Empire, taking advantage of the internal instability of the Golden Shield Empire.

Of course, this scenario has not happened yet.

Luke, who has gained a firm foothold in Raging Waves City and has huge interests, naturally does not want his route to be threatened by outsiders.

This is also the main reason why Luke let Pan go.

In his heart, he wanted to support Pan in making trouble for the Leo Republic, but the way Pan chose made him unacceptable.Cooperation is okay, but Pan must first put himself in the right place, and he must know how to lower his posture when asking for help.

Luke told Agatha in detail what he had been thinking about in the past two days. If he could get the support of the empire, many things would go much smoother.

But even without the support of the empire, Luke will go at his own pace.

Put the written letter into an envelope, seal it with ink pad, and then affix your own alchemy seal.

Without waiting for Luke's call, Karina pushed the door open and walked in.

She was holding a food box, which looked familiar.

"Chief Inspector, someone came from the Shuojin Hotel just now, and asked me to hand this over to you."

Luke remembered that the food box was sound.

Is this... to poison me?
"open to take a look."

Karina put the food box on the table: "I checked it with detection magic, it's not a dangerous item."

Kailinna opened the food box and took out a thermos bucket from it.Lifting the lid of the thermos, the familiar scent permeates again.

Luke could only smile helplessly, it seemed that what he said to Yin didn't have any effect.

Kailinna sniffed the scent and couldn't help admiring: "It's so fragrant! It must be delicious!"

"You can take it if you want to drink."

Kailinna hurriedly put the lid on: "It must have been given to the Chief Inspector by Director Yin, I can't drink it... But, isn't Director Yin from Shuojin?"

Yin's behavior made Kailina very puzzled. As Luke's secretary, she could sense Yin's different feelings for her boss.

"If she's looking for trouble, I can't help it. Leave the things behind. This letter is for Her Royal Highness, and I will arrange for someone to deliver it immediately."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

When Kailinna was about to leave with the letter, Luke stopped her again: "Arrange a car, I'm going to Sissai Palace."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."


Sissi Palace, Viscount Escorlan accompanied Ambassador Leo to drink morning tea and enjoy the opera, surrounded by guards.

"Ambassador Webster, I said that the affairs of the consulate should be handed over to Chief Inspector Meteor. You can rest assured. None of us want this incident to affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries. The way this incident was handled is perfect. "

Ambassador Webster is a middle-aged man with a refined temperament, and the big mustache under his nose is very eye-catching.He knew that the relationship between the Golden Shield Empire and the Leo Republic was very delicate, and it was difficult for him to be an ambassador.The attack on the consular officer in Rio will not only affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries, but may also cause domestic political turmoil.

This is also the reason why he hurried over from the imperial capital as soon as he knew about it.Only with first-hand information can we conduct diplomatic maneuvers.

Ambassador Webster straightened his beard, and said to Viscount Iscoran with the air of a diplomat: "During this period of time in the imperial capital, what I heard the most was the miracle that Chief Inspector Meteor performed in Raging City. Of course ...This is not something I can discuss in my capacity.

The incident at the Leo Consulate allowed me to witness the magic of Chief Inspector Meteor.Just as he sent you to save my life, the enemy's conspiracy is like a transparent glass in front of him, and he is simply asking for humiliation.

I also don't want to see this incident affect the normal diplomatic relations between the two countries.We share this ocean, and any turmoil in the two countries will cause major international turmoil.

May I ask when I can meet Chief Inspector Meteor, and I want to express my thanks to him in person. "

"The Chief Detective..."

Just as Viscount Iscoran was about to make an excuse for Luke, a servant walked in.

"My lord, the chief inspector is here."

Viscount Iscoran immediately changed his words: "The Chief Inspector said yesterday that he came to Sissai Palace to meet the ambassador. I didn't expect him to come so early."

Ambassador Webster showed an expectant expression: "I am very honored to meet the amazing Inspector Meteor."

Soon, Luke arrives led by his servants.

"Ambassador Webster, it's a pleasure to meet you." Luke took off his hat and handed it to Karina who accompanied him along with his cane. Then he shook hands with Ambassador Webster warmly, like an old friend he hasn't seen for many years: " Although I didn’t meet you when I was in the imperial capital, I have heard Her Royal Highness praise you many times. You are a professional diplomat, and you are like a textbook of international relations in handling the relationship between the empire and the Republic of Leo Generally, impeccable.

Since you served as Leo's ambassador to the Empire, the relationship between the two countries has been developing in a good direction.I believe that you will be able to handle the attack on the consulate well and maintain the stability of the relationship between the two countries. "

Luke's compliment made Ambassador Webster stroke his beard with glee.

"The attack on the Leo Consulate took place in Rage City, and the Golden Shield Empire was not well protected. But I think... as long as we maintain sincere mutual trust, we will definitely be able to handle the matter to a level that we can both accept.

Of course, this also raises a problem that has long disturbed the relationship between the two countries.

There are a large number of wanted criminals in the Rio Republic, who have been staying in the empire for a long time.I have reason to believe that the so-called 'Lookout' is made up of these wanted criminals.I hope that the empire can send all the wanted criminals back to our country as soon as possible, so as to prevent this kind of incident from happening again. "

The appearance of the Watcher and the start of the jihad for the restoration of the Kingdom of Leo made it impossible for the Republic of Leo to keep silent on the nobles in exile.Although on the surface it was the imperial agents who wiped out this group of lookouts, Ambassador Webster didn't know what role the Golden Shield Empire played in it.

If the Watcher has the secret support of the Golden Shield Empire, it will definitely bring big troubles to the Leo Republic.

Chief Inspector Meteor is in the limelight in the Golden Shield Empire, and he is also the confidant of Princess Agatha.Let him show the attitude of the Leo Republic to the empire first, so that the empire can prepare for this diplomatic incident.

Luke had long expected that the Rio Republic would never give up easily on this incident.As long as it insists that the Watchers come from the Leo nobles who were exiled in the Golden Shield Empire, the Empire will be at a loss.

If these nobles in exile can be dealt with, it will definitely be a feat that Ambassador Webster can leave his name in history.

This is also the difficulty in dealing with this diplomatic crisis.

"Sit down and talk..." Luke first invited Ambassador Webster to sit down, and then asked Viscount Iskran, "How is the Consul now?"

Iscolan replied: "My personal doctor checked the consul. He has no external injuries, but he has other diseases due to his age. Now he has improved after treatment and needs more rest."

"Take care of the Consul." Luke then said to Ambassador Webster: "Ambassador, although these kidnappers claim to be 'lookouts', we can't rush to determine who they are. Are they from the Empire or Leo? , or other places, all require investigation by the Imperial Secret Service.

As for the wanted criminal you mentioned...

This is an issue left over from history, and the normalization of relations between the Empire and the Republic of Leo took place in recent years.And those people entered the empire through legal channels, and the empire could not change its attitude towards them at will at the risk of credit loss.

This matter cannot be rushed, and our two countries need to talk slowly.The most important thing at this time is to end the attack on the consulate, rescue and repair it, so that the consulate can resume operation as soon as possible.Delaying these days will cause great losses to the economies of our two countries. "

Luke wanted to blur the incident, but Ambassador Webster, who had finally seized the opportunity, would not let it go.

"Chief Inspector, I heard that all the kidnappers were killed. May I ask why you didn't capture them alive for interrogation? Are you covering up something!"

Luke smiled and said, "For the empire, this matter is very clear. A group of Leo people came to Rage City and attacked Leo's consulate. It's my job to prevent others from following suit in the future.

Kill all is a deterrent to all potential threats.

Imperial agents are under no obligation to look out for the Leo Republic.If they are caught alive, I think the newspaper reporters will be very interested in them. 'Watcher', 'Exiled Nobility', 'Leo Royal Family', 'Leo Republic', 'Treason'...

These terms will definitely be filled in the major newspapers, and then spread throughout the world following the merchants traveling to and from Raging Waves City.

Would you like to see this happen? "

Luke's rebuttal and sarcasm made Ambassador Webster look very ugly.

"Chief Inspector Meteor, I feel that you are not sincere in handling this incident. The matter is very clear, but you want to blur the responsibility that the Golden Shield Empire needs to bear in this incident.

Your sophistry will not change the facts, and international public opinion will give a correct evaluation of this incident.It was the Golden Shield Empire who sheltered the wanted criminals of the Leo Republic, which caused the attack on the Leo Consulate in Raging Waves country's request for the extradition of all wanted criminals is a normal state request.

If the Golden Shield Empire cannot give our country the answer it wants, it is very likely that our country will... revoke all diplomatic institutions in the Golden Shield Empire for security reasons! "

The Viscount Iscoran at the side did not expect to meet in a friendly manner, and in a few words, they negotiated a situation where the two countries would sever diplomatic relations.

According to the level of Chief Inspector Meteor, the conversation should not be so rigid.

Viscount Iscoran, who didn't know Luke's purpose, smoothed things over and said, "Both of you should not be so angry.

Ambassador Webster, Inspector Meteorite is an Imperial agent, not an Imperial foreign officer.Please don't be offended that the Chief Inspector considers the matter from his position.Regarding the handling of those people, I think it is better to leave it to His Majesty and the cabinet ministers to consider. "

Ambassador Webster knew that Iscoran was right. No matter how powerful the Chief Inspector of Secret Intelligence Bureau is, he cannot decide the change of national policy.

He eased his mood, and said to Luke: "I was the one who spoke violently just now. You are my savior, and I definitely didn't mean to offend you.

Please pass on what I said to Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess. When I return to the imperial capital, I will formally issue a note on this issue. "

Luke still had a relaxed expression on his face: "Yes, this matter is beyond my decision. But there is one thing, you happen to be in Rage City, I want to talk to you, the ambassador."

"Please say!"

"Pirates are rampant on the international routes off the coast of Rage City. The Imperial Navy has repeatedly encircled and suppressed them, but they will soon regain their strength and regroup.

According to the intelligence of our Secret Service, these pirates are all funded by the Leo Republic.

I wonder if the ambassador can give me an explanation! "

(End of this chapter)

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