Age of Arcane

Chapter 206 Magic Plant Ruins

Chapter 206 Magic Plant Ruins
Jennifer quietly sneaked out of the academy under the leadership of Haidi Siko. Along the way, Haidi Siko showed the strength that an outstanding senior student should have.As he said just now, if it wasn't for waiting for Zhan Buni, even if the academy patrols were strengthened, he wouldn't be able to find him.

Of course, it also made Jennifer believe that Heidi Siko definitely often runs outside the school, and the way is not usually familiar.

After climbing over the city wall and leaving the campus, and entering the woods outside the campus, he is completely free.

The two traveled through the dense forests in the mountains under the moonlight and arrived at the party on time.At this time, fifteen students were already waiting here. They lit a bonfire and talked with each other around the fire.

Heidi Siko and Jenferne were spotted approaching.

"Heidishiko, you are late. Also... who is this? You should know the rules of the party."

Haidishiko knew these people very well. He waved his hand to greet his partners, and said to a boy who looked like the organizer: "Marcus, you should know that the academy has stepped up patrols tonight. I was almost killed by Abyss. Leopard caught.

Let me introduce you, Jenny, from our Department of Occult Arts.She promised me that she would absolutely keep our secret. "

Marcus was a tall boy, more of a boxer than a magician.He could clearly see Jenniferni approaching, and the girl in the firelight made him feel a little lost.

But Markas still asked vigilantly: "I don't seem to have seen you in the academy. I shouldn't know the students who escaped the patrol of the Abyss leopard and escaped from the academy."

Jenferni went to the fire to warm her hands, pretended to be tired from walking and took a long breath: "I am a transfer student, and I just entered Oulu Academy not too long ago. During this time, I have been in the Department of Occult Arts Learning secret arts, I haven't been out much.

I found out about the party by chance from Heidichko and asked him to take me to it.I just want to make some friends, you all look really good.

Oh yes... I brought a bottle of wine..."

Saying that, Jenny took out a bottle of red wine from her arms.

Seeing the wine, all the students smiled.The management of the college is very strict, and it is difficult for them to get alcohol at ordinary times.The first time Jenferne came to the party, she brought wine, and that was her own.

Besides, she was brought by Haidishiko.

Jennifer opened the bottle, and the students used magic to shape wine glasses out of different materials.A bottle of wine was quickly divided, and a group of students drank around the fire and continued to wait.

After waiting for another half an hour and seeing no one arriving, Markas said: "The others probably won't be able to come, so let's hurry up and 'explore'. There was a battle between the Oulu battle mage and the abyss mage a hundred years ago." During the battle, the entire magic plant wall was destroyed, and then it was abandoned because it could not be repaired.

I found an entrance to the underground before, and if I'm lucky, I might even pick up a magic item from a hundred years ago. "

Haidishko also shouted: "There may also be evil spirits and monsters."

"Then we will destroy the evil spirits and monsters guarding the treasure!" Markas took out the magic wand, and the magic power gathered at the top of the magic wand emitted a strong light.

The other students also took out their magic wands and released their magic power to make it shine.

"Let's go, follow me." Marcus walked in the front, and said to Jennifer: "You follow me, and I will protect you in case of danger."

Heidi Siko said: "Jenferni is very powerful, she is the one who protects you."

"Really? I'm looking forward to it."

Marcus smiled at Jenny, and led the adventurous students into the depths of the jungle, and within a short distance they came to a ruin made of broken walls.The vegetation here is so lush that it covers everything underneath.As it got deeper, the leaves above the head blocked the moonlight, and the surrounding plants were illuminated by the magic beam in the student's hands, turning out pieces of flickering fluorescent light.

Some of the plants seem to be disturbed and move, which adds a bit of a weird atmosphere and a strong fantasy color.

The students on the expedition were very excited. They chatted as they walked, as if wishing for something to rush out of the dark corner.

Jenny followed in the middle of the team, and her sensitive intuition made her feel that the real danger was at her side.She whispered to Haidishiko: "Some plants here are different from the ones I know, and there have been unknown mutations. Be careful and prepare defensive magic."

"Are there any mutations in these plants?" Haidi Siko irradiated the nearby plants with the magic wand in his hand, recalled the knowledge of magic botany, and compared the differences of the surrounding plants: "It is indeed a little different. But there was a battle here a hundred years ago , some slight variations should be normal."

"You should take a good look at magic botany. If you observe carefully, you can find that the plants that have mutated are all plants with well-developed root systems. It is the abnormality in the underground that changes their shape. To be able to affect the surface on such a large scale, I I can't imagine what it's like underground.

Haidi Xiko, there are very likely to be enchanted plants underground, this adventure must end! "

The conversation between Jenniferne and Haidishiko was overheard by Markas.He said: "Miss Jenny, your guess is very correct. There are no evil spirits and monsters underground here, but there are enchanted plants. We destroy the enchanted plants and find the source of their enchantment. This is the real adventure.

Hello, are you scared? "

"The Abyss leopard can't stop us, and the magic plants can't stop us."

"That's the kind of adventure that makes sense."

"Marcus, are we there yet?"

The students are very motivated, and no one backs down.

Marcus walked to a broken wall, and he pulled away a bunch of dry vines. Under the illumination of the magic beam, he could see a dark crack in the ground. "It's right here! I'll go ahead, you keep up and don't fall behind."

Marcus jumped into the crack in the ground, and the other students entered one by one without hesitation.Heidi Siko spread his hands helplessly to Jennifer: "What should we do?"

"Go in, I hope she's sorted out the trouble."

"What did you say?"

"I said go in and follow me."

Jennifer jumped into the crack in the ground, followed by Haidishiko.


"Professor Qingkong, you called me to help clean up the magic plants, why am I fighting alone?"

The kestrel floats in the air, its long ponytail hair blowing out.She waved the rapier in her hand, and after the light of the sword passed, a tree vine was broken into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Then the kestrel moved sideways in the air, avoiding a piranha that was biting up from behind.The sword light flashed again, the piranha broke off, and thick white slurry sprayed out from the incision of the flower neck.The kestrel dodged again, and the thick slurry splashed on the ground, corroding a small hole in the ground in an instant.

Ever since entering the ground, there have been constant attacks from enchanted plants.Qingkong kept walking behind, and the kestrel, who was the vanguard, naturally became the first target of the enchanted plants.Moreover, Kestrel found that he was like a magnet, and the enchanted plants from far away would come to attack him.

Let the clear sky behind you feel as relaxed as if you were on an outing.

Qingkong opened the eyes of ice crystals to observe the underground space.

The originally huge underground plant breeding area was very fragmented due to space collapse.Some plants adapted to the magic energy field here became the masters here, filling the entire space.Some of these plants have gone through the process of mutation and demonization and turned into very dangerous things.

Those daring students who were carelessly attacked by magical plants would most likely suffer casualties.

As an adventure map in the Oulu Academy area of ​​the Epoch game, Qingkong is very familiar with the environment inside, so he acts as a cleaner to eliminate all potential dangers.

Kestrel was pulled by Qingkong, and they entered the underground crack area ahead of time and cleaned it all the way.

Facing Kestrel's complaints, Qingkong glanced around and replied: "There is no light here. In addition to the sense of touch, enchanted plants also have very strong perception. It just so happens that your perception is also very strong... When you spread out When sensing the environment, the demonized plants will naturally find you, and then they will gather at you and attack!"

Kestrel didn't expect Qingkong to call him here, it turned out to be like this.

She immediately withdrew her released perception, and sure enough, the plants that attacked them immediately became blind without vision, swayed from side to side, and then retracted.

Kestrel couldn't laugh or cry and said to Qingkong: "Miss Qingkong, you are using me as bait!"

"To be precise, I gave you a job. The academy has spent a lot of resources on you. If you clean it up, it will be treated as a treatment fee. How can you take back your perception? Let them come over and be cleaned up, which is better than ours. It's much easier to find one by one.

The students are coming, let's hurry up. "

Urged by Clear Sky, Kestrel had no choice but to unleash its perception again.At this time, she is like a "light source", which is perceived by the nearby enchanted plants.The hunting instinct made the enchanted plant try to get as close as possible to the kestrel, and then attack quickly.

This kind of straight-line attack without any technical content, although a bit more intensive, is not dangerous for the kestrel.While dodging calmly, the rapier released a sharp sword light, and all the enchanted plants that attacked were quickly swept away.

While cleaning, the two walked to the depths of the crack path.

Qingkong maintained a state of vigilance, not letting go of every detail of the surrounding.As an adventure copy in the game, these demonized plants that launched a suicide attack on the kestrel are small characters.Those animals that can survive in this environment are the real danger.

Besides, there is also a big boss who is difficult to deal with.

If those students broke into the boss's territory by mistake, they would never get out alive.

After the kestrel got used to the attacking methods of the demonized plants, it became easier to deal with them, and it still had the energy to chat with Qing.

"Miss Qingkong. Father...has he returned to the imperial capital?"

Qingkong knew that the Kestrel was asking about Yomington, so she replied, "Let's go, I've been gone for a while."

"Did he ask me? Or left me a letter."

"I don't know." Yomington talked about Kestrel to Luke, but it had nothing to do with Clear Sky, she said to Kestrel: "Your feelings for Yomington are partly tampered with memory, and partly he To gain the pretense of your allegiance. You, and your sister, are tools to Yomington and the Crusaders.

I know it's hard for you to be under the influence of a brain modifying device, but that's what it is. "

Kestrel sighed and said: "When will I be able to get rid of the influence of the brain modification device and truly see the world clearly?"

Clear Sky remembered what Dean Willred had said to him, that it was almost impossible for Kestrel to recover.

"The current technology of Oulu Academy can't change anything. But I believe that technology is always improving...Magic, alchemy, transformation, secret art, one day, there will always be a technology that can lift the restriction in your brain."

"I believe in Miss Skylight, but I don't know how long it will take..."

There were two red lights flashing in the clear sky's vision. She held the Tiangong Juexian Bow in her hand, pulled the bowstring and shot.The icy spear shot towards the center of the two red lights. First there was a hissing sound, and then there was no sound.

The red light is also gone.

"What is it?" Kestrel slashed at the demonized plants that kept attacking, and asked Qingkong, "I just found it, and you killed it."

"It's a mutated spider that feeds on enchanted plants. Going forward is the lair of mutated spiders. These things are difficult to entangle, it's best not to let them get close. You concentrate on dealing with enchanted plants. then I can."

Clear sky shot an arrow again.

Kestrel also saw the mutated spider that was shot to death. It was as big as a wheel, with two sets of red compound eyes on top of its head, and its eight claws were covered with sharp barbs.

The ice spear accurately shot from the middle of the mutant spider's two sets of compound eyes, penetrated the spider's entire body, and then firmly nailed it to the stone wall.The mutated spiders that were not completely dead struggled to twist their bodies, danced their claws, and sprayed spider silk from the abdominal cavity indiscriminately.

The movement of the mutated spider attracted the demonized plants, and they rolled up the spider's body and wrapped it into their own body.A highly corrosive solution that can break down huge spiders into nutrients in a short time.

"Concentrate!" Qingkong reminded the kestrel, and shot another arrow into the darkness: "The cry of the mutated spider is calling its companions."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

Kestrel withdrew his somewhat divergent thoughts, and completely threw himself into the fighting state.

The dying cry of the mutated spider was very loud and piercing, and the sound waves spread along the cracks in the ground and reached the ears of the students who had just entered the ground.

"Hey, what did you hear?"

Marcas, who was walking in front, stopped, and he illuminated the front with a magic beam, and he couldn't see anything except dense plants.

"It seems to be a voice from the depths." Jenny walked to Marcus's side. She had already discovered the beheaded magic plant and knew that the clear sky was ahead, so she began to carry out her task with confidence: " Maybe there are not only magical plants here, but also evil spirits and monsters, and I suddenly became interested in this place.

Go ahead and see what this adventure has to offer. "

(End of this chapter)

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