Age of Arcane

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Lennon did not stop the clear sky, not to mention that there were constant vibrations coming from the depths at this time, so it was not suitable for any interrogation.Lennon got out of the way and let Jenny and Haidishiko leave with the clear sky. He dragged at the end to look at the ice-sealed passage, turned and ran towards the entrance.

Several people joined the students in front and the Oulu Battle Mage, helping each other to return to the ground safely.

The battle mages used magic to quickly clear an open space, and then imposed a ban on the entrance of the seam to prevent things inside from rushing out.

After counting the number of people, Lennon wanted to ask Qingkong, but Qingkong said first: "You protect the students to go back to the academy, what's the matter, we can talk about it tomorrow."

Then he took the bottle containing the black eclipse from Kestrel's hand, handed it to Jenny and said to her: "Go back and give this to Professor Ban, keep it well, and don't give it to anyone."

Jenny hugged the glass bottle tightly: "Yes, Professor Qingkong."

"Then... goodbye."

Qingkong didn't give Lennon any chance to speak, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Professor Lennon, I want to bring the black eclipse back to the Department of Occult Arts. I will leave it to you, goodbye! Haidi Xiko, protect the black eclipse with me."

"Ah!" Heidi Sicco was stunned for a moment. Seeing Jenny winking at him, he immediately understood that he was saved: "Of order, Assistant Teacher Jenny."

Jennifer took Heidi Sick and Kestrel away, Professor Lennon's expression changed a few times, and he shouted at the students who were caught: "You have all seen what happened just now. The stuff can definitely kill all of you!

You kids are so neglected!

I think Vice President Elway is already waiting for you in the training room at this time, and you will definitely miss this unforgettable night. "

The students bowed their heads in mourning, and some cast envious eyes on Haidishiko's leaving back.


Luke is sitting in the office of the Secret Affairs Headquarters in Haijiao District, Rage City, and Qingkong has already recovered and entered the charging state.

Luke, who was drinking coffee, recalled what happened to Qingkong under the ruins of the magic plant museum.

The initial journey was very smooth, Qingkong and Kestrel cooperated to destroy the demonized plants and mutant animals.It's just that the success didn't last long, and they met two people who looked exactly like themselves.

They even use the combat skills shown by Kestrel and Clear Sky.

Mimic Mother Plant: It is the final boss in the deep layer of the magic plant hall.

After the Magic Plant Pavilion was destroyed, the magic energy that maintained the ecosystem was buried deep underground.A seed of mimic grass fell into the magic energy, mutated and demonized in the chaotic magic environment, and became a mimic mother plant.

The mimic mother plant has its own territory. When a creature enters its territory, the mimic mother plant will capture the pheromone of the creature, and then bloom and bear fruit quickly.

The fruit produced is the creature simulated by pheromone.

Another clear sky and kestrel encountered by Qingkong and Kestrel is the simulated fruit of the mimic mother plant.

The first batch of simulated fruits were only similar in shape, and their strength was no different from that of ordinary mutant animals. They were easily wiped out by Qingkong and Kestrel.But the second batch of simulated fruits will appear soon, and their strength will increase a lot.

This is the uniqueness of the mimic mother plant.It bears fruit very quickly, and each fight can get more pheromones from the target creature.Then, with the increase of pheromone, the ability to produce simulated fruit will also increase rapidly.

When the pheromone changes from quantitative to qualitative, the mimic mother plant will explode rapidly, drowning the intruders with a large number of simulated fruits.

When Qingkong and Kestrel encounter the mock fruit, it means that they have entered the territory of the mimic mother plant.This does not match the information in Luke's phone, and the scope of the territory has expanded significantly.

What is the reason for this change?

Moreover, these students found that the time here was too coincidental. Under normal circumstances, it was too difficult to find the correct entrance in such a large dense forest.

Someone wants to bring in this group of students and kill them?
Clear Sky decided to raid the mimic mother plant to find out what affected it and expand its territory.

The mimic mother plant itself does not have a strong attack power, and the most critical requirement to kill it is... quickly.Find and kill the Mimic Mother Plant before it gets enough pheromones.

For those who entered the underground of the magic plant hall for the first time, it was almost impossible to complete the task.The underground environment is too complicated. Before finding the mimic mother plant, there is a greater chance of dying in the attack of the simulated fruit.

Only players can find a correct path through death over and over again.

Before Qingkong entered here, she had to face the plan of the mimic mother plant, and she firmly remembered the path to the energy source of the magic hall.

The rest is very simple.

Qingkong and Kestrel fought their way through the siege of simulated fruits. They reached the deepest part of the magic plant hall to find the mimic mother plant, and killed the mimic mother plant in the siege of a large number of simulated fruits.

Then it was discovered that it was a black eclipse spirit that affected the mimic mother plant.

In the end, the death of the mimic mother plant caused the disorder of the magic energy, and the magic explosion almost completely destroyed the lower part of the ground fissure.

who did it?

What is the purpose?
During this extraordinary period, Clear Sky needs power at a safe value to cope with emergencies that may arise at any time.While charging his phone, Luke was looking up information related to the Magic Plant Museum.

Since the location of the Magic Plant Museum is too hidden, players need to do a series of pre-tasks to discover this hidden map.Finally, through a teaching assistant named Francis, the underground entrance of the Magic Plant Museum was discovered during the entrusted investigation task.

Francis is an assistant professor of magical herbalism at the Oulu College. He is very keen on fame and fortune, but he is unlucky and can't even be rated as a professor.So I wanted to obtain the achievements in magic grassland science through the investigation of the ruins of the magic plant hall a hundred years ago, so as to add points to my professor's review.

During the plot process between the player and Francis, you will find that he is still an eyeliner developed by the City Council in the Oulu Academy, providing the new nobles with paid scientific research information in the Oulu Academy.

The new nobles.

Is this their plan to play a roundabout attack at Oulu Academy after they suffered a heavy setback in Raging Waves City?

Because of the clear sky, the Innovation Society and the Oulu College have a close relationship that outsiders can see.Especially after Qingkong put Yomington under house arrest in the name of Oulu Academy, it directly led to the complete defeat of the new nobles behind.

Had Yomington been on the Lucky Princess at the time, Edgar's duel with Meteor would not have happened.

For the new aristocrats, without knowing what role the Oulu Academy will play in it, it is definitely a profitable business to drive a wedge between Qingkong and the Oulu Academy.

Of course, these are just Luke's guesses.

The source of the black eclipse spirit also needs to be considered.

It is necessary to give Qingkong some external support, so that the incident will not make Qingkong darker and darker under the impetus of people with good intentions.

"Karina, help me make an appointment with the director of the World Bank. Just say that I have some clues related to the ancient Shuojin civilization, and we will meet to talk tonight."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

The day is spent in complicated work, and the affairs and plans of all parties are proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the evening, Luke drove to the Shuojin Hotel, and Yin sat in the car in a fresh and beautiful dress.

"I didn't want to see you at first, but... your people said that you have clues about the ancient Shuojin civilization."

Luke smiled and said: "Sorry, I apologize to you for the last incident. Thank you and Pan for not embarrassing me in the cooperation of investing in Cape District. I have time to visit Cape District. It is changing every day. .”

"Okay, I'll go and see... Let me tell you about the clues you found first."

Kanyin pretended to be angry but was not angry at all, Luke could only mind his own business first.

"When my people were investigating another case, they found that Professor Qingkong of the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts was collecting a large amount of information related to ancient civilizations. Many of them were consigned from overseas, and there were also a small amount of ancient civilizations. Antiques of the period.

Since you and Pan are both interested in the ancient Shuojin civilization, I am very familiar with Miss Qingkong, so I can introduce you to each other.Miss Clear Sky is very knowledgeable, and I'm sure you'll be able to get along with you in ancient Glittergold history. "

"You are very familiar with Miss Weathering Sky?" Yin's tone suddenly became cold: "I remember that the last time you met was the first time, at the party hosted by Mrs. Mihir, and I was there at the time."

Sensing Yin's emotional change, Luke realizes that he can use the clear sky as a shield.

"It was indeed the first time Miss Weatherlight and I met, but our indirect contact has been going on for a long time. Do you remember the sandpaper? The mechanical maintenance engineer of the Secret Service."


"She is the intermediary between me and Ms. Qingkong. I will entrust Miss Qingkong to help with some matters that our Secret Affairs Bureau is inconvenient to solve. Although Miss Qingkong looks indifferent, she can definitely do what she promises to do."

Luke described his relationship with Clear Sky as if they were long-lost friends.

Yinzai was silent for a while, and said, "We're going to find Miss Qingkong now. I'm looking forward to communicating with her, and I hope she's really as good as you said."

"Come on, you won't be disappointed."

Luke started the car, a portal opened in front of the car, and the car swished into it.

It just fell into the night in Rage City, and the subspace where the Oulu Academy is located is entering the morning.The car that traveled through space appeared on a road leading to Oulu Academy, and was soon stopped by a battle mage leading a patrol of three Abyss leopards.

"Who are you?" Battle Mage and Abyss Leopard surrounded the car, vigilant as if they were about to launch an attack at any time: "You even opened a space channel without authorization to enter the Oulu Academy area!"

Luke rolled down the window and took out his badge to show the battle mage.

"I am Meteor, chief inspector of the Bureau of Secret Affairs in Raging City, and this is the sound director of the World Bank. We are here to visit Professor Qingkong from the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts. It is our fault that we did not take the normal passage, but it seems that there was no such thing here before." so strict.

What happened?

The college's warning zone actually extended to here? "

Luke showed his intuition as a senior agent of the Empire and preempted the battle mage blocking his way.

Yin also took out a seal to prove his identity.

After the battle mage verified the identities of the two, he asked the Abyss Leopard to step aside.

Then he said to Luke: "Some bad things happened in the college these two days, and it has something to do with Professor Qingkong. If you two have nothing urgent, please return to Rage City and make an appointment with the office of Oulu College .”

Luke immediately said sternly: "It's about Miss Clear Sky, that's what matters to me. Miss Clear Sky has saved Rage City from the Abyss Mage many times, and this city owes her.

I won't allow Miss Skylight to suffer any unfair treatment, get out of the way! "

The Oulu battle mage said awkwardly: "Chief Inspector Meteor, this is a matter of our Oulu Academy."

"No, this is also about Raging City." Luke started the car and rushed.

The Oulu battle mage didn't dare to attack the head of Raging City's Secret Affairs Bureau, so he was forced to get out of the way.

In the high-level conference room of Oulu College, important people from the college gathered together.

What happened last night made everyone here feel terrified.If Professor Lennon hadn't rushed to the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum in time and pulled the reckless students out, no one knew what the consequences would be.

Although these students are mischievous, they are all the treasures of the departments.

Moreover, everyone is eager to know the roles played by Professor Qingkong and the Department of Mysteries in the whole incident.

"Professor Qingkong..." Vice President Elway, who was seated at the top, asked Qingkong, who was seated as the head of the Department of Occult Arts: "Do you have any objections to the course of events described by Professor Lennon just now?"

Qingkong replied: "No, what Professor Lennon said was what happened at that time, and I have no objection."

"That is to say... you already knew that these students would enter the dangerous area, and not only did you not stop them, you even arranged for Jenferni's assistant to sneak in and let them fall into danger."

Qingkong said according to his own thoughts: "I think the vice president you said that I 'let them fall into danger' is incorrect. At that time, Kestrel and I were in front of the student team and eliminated most of the dangerous things to them. things, and even killed the deepest mimetic mother plant."

Deputy Dean Elway looked at everyone in the venue, and then questioned Qingkong: "What happened in front of the student team is all what you said. There is no evidence to prove what you said, so we cannot be convinced. We I only saw ignorant students there, you were in front of the students, and then there was a change in the underground space of the magic plant hall.

If Professor Lennon and the battle mage hadn't stopped the students at that time, they were most likely buried below.

And Professor Lennon were carrying a black eclipse at the time. "

"That's what I got from the mimic mother plant. The black erosion spirit has affected the mimic mother plant, making it very aggressive. I suspect that someone lured the students into the underground of the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum, and then used the mimic mother plant to attack them."

"Your suspicion is very reasonable. We also have reason to suspect that you did all of these, but Professor Lennon stopped your attempt."

Qing Kong smiled and said, "If I did it, can Lennon stop me?"

(End of this chapter)

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