Age of Arcane

Chapter 210

Chapter 210
While Tone and Clear Sky discuss the history of ancient civilizations, Luke wanders around the Oulu Academy.He randomly asked someone about the recent situation of the academy, and revealed his identity without any taboo.

It doesn't matter whether the other party is a student or a faculty member of the college.

Soon the entire Oulu Academy knew that the star figure of Raging Waves City, Inspector Meteor, had arrived.

He seems to be investigating something.

In it, Luke "runs into" Francis and asks a few questions about his whereabouts last night.

The panic shown by Francis did not escape Luke's eyes, so he felt that Francis would definitely do something at night.

Luke put on a night suit specially made by the Imperial Secret Service. It looks like a dark windbreaker. In a poorly lit environment, it will automatically change the color tone to a certain extent, allowing people to blend into the environment.At the same time, night clothes can also offset part of the detection of perception and magic power, and are very valuable alchemy items.

Knowing that Yin was going with him, Luke took out another night suit and handed it to her, as well as a top hat made of the same material.

Putting on the hat and lowering the brim of the hat, the two left the dormitory together and entered the wild campus.

As a result of yesterday's events, the academy has once again stepped up its defenses for the night.Abyss leopards cross patrol, and battle mages hide in the dark to monitor every move in the campus.

But Oulu Academy is really too big, no matter how strict the defense is, there will always be omissions.Luke knew the terrain of the college well, and with the effect of night clothes, they quickly arrived outside Francis' residence.

This is a faculty apartment building with two floors and four households with independent courtyards, about 30 meters away from other faculty apartment buildings.Francis lives alone in the east room on the second floor. Through the window, he can be seen walking back and forth in the room, looking very anxious.

Luke Heyin stood on a branch of a nearby tree, hiding his figure through the dense branches and leaves.

Yin took out a handful of candies from somewhere: "This is the mint candy I made."

Luke put the candy in his pocket, took out another candy wrapper and put it in his mouth. It was sweet and refreshing: "It tastes great..."

"If you like it, I'll make you some more. In the future, you can eat one whenever you want to smoke. It's good for your health."

Luke couldn't help looking at Yin.

She stood tall and graceful on a tree branch, her hair was pulled up and tucked into a top hat, making her neck look long and fair.The moonlight sprinkled on her body through the gaps in the leaves, revealing a suffocating beauty.

When his eyes met Yin's eager eyes, Luke immediately withdrew his somewhat turbulent mind.

"Okay, after eating, I will ask you for..."

The two of them did not speak again, and the atmosphere was a little awkward and ambiguous.

Fortunately, Francis did not keep the two of them waiting too long.He took out his pocket watch to check the time, then turned off the lights in the room, and then hid behind the window to observe the situation outside carefully.

After thinking that there was no one watching him outside, he opened the window and floated out.Cast the floating technique and land on the ground, and finally walk in one direction quickly.

Luke took out a wooden box the size of a medicine bottle, opened the lid and flew out a beetle.As Luke chanted a spell, the beetle flapped its wings and flew in the direction Francis had left.

"This is a tracking scarab domesticated by the Secret Service. I have given it a magic mark, and it will follow Francis. Let's not chase too closely, lest we be noticed by the other party."

Yin felt very thrilled and excited by the spy tracking, and Francis' sneaking out of the apartment like this showed that there was definitely something wrong with him.

"Just now I told Miss Qingkong that you will find out the truth soon, but I still underestimated you. It only took you half a day to find the criminal. Tomorrow we can let the truth be revealed to everyone."

Luke is not as optimistic as Yin: "Let's see what Francis is going to do first. Remember, you must not disturb him without my instructions."

"Of course, Chief Inspector." Sound saluted Luke like an imperial agent.

Luke smiled helplessly: "Let's go, Francis won't find us at this distance."

Luke jumped down from the tree, chanted a spell and received feedback from tracking the scarab, and tracked it all the way with the sound.

Francis obviously had no professional thieves training. Although he looked back frequently to see if anyone was following him, he found nothing.Just like that...he took Luke and Yin out of the Oulu Academy and into the forest outside the academy.

After walking for another half an hour, I came to a wooden house in the forest.

This forest hut is a temporary camp for the college rangers, and most of the time it is unoccupied.

Francis did not enter the cabin, he walked to the back of the cabin, where there was a grill, and a man in black stood beside the grill.

When Francis saw the man in black, he immediately walked over angrily: "You promised me that no one would be injured. But... more than a dozen students almost died last night."

"What happened?" The man in black was very puzzled: "We didn't do anything?"

"Did nothing?" Seeing that the other party dared to shirk, Francis was even more furious. He wanted to yell, but he held back his voice and said in a low voice: "Why did Marcus and the others know the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum? Is there a black eclipse?
I didn't even dare to go deep into that ghostly place. You actually lured the students into it, which is equivalent to letting them all die in it.

You want to drive away Qingkong, there is no need to kill people!
You will kill me! "

The man in black waited for Francis to calm down a little before saying: "Mr. Francis, I swear that we did not do what you said.

The speaker doesn't have the guts to kill the students of Oulu Academy.

Is there some misunderstanding in it?Those students just happened to find the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum..."

Francisco's eyes were already red with anger, and he stared at the man in black, trying to judge from his expression whether he was lying or not.

But he didn't see anything.

"I don't care, I want to quit! The money you gave me...I will return it all to you. Meteor from the Bureau of Secrets is investigating the incident at the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum. He will definitely find me, and will definitely..."

The more Francis spoke, the more frightened he became. He took out his magic wand and threw magic at random into the woods to vent his nervousness.

In comparison, the man in black is much calmer.

"Meteor is in Oulu Academy!" Seeing that Francis' mood was very unstable, the man in black took out his magic wand and cast a calming spell on him: "Mr. Francis, what you need most now is calmness. I once treated you As I said, you can quit at any time, and we will never involve you.


According to the situation you mentioned, it is not that we let you quit, you can quit.

Tell me what exactly happened, we will solve it together, the Speaker will not abandon any ally. "

The magic and the words of the man in black finally stabilized Francis.

He told the man in black what he knew about what happened yesterday at the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum.

"Fortunately, the students were all rescued by Lennon, and the college committee suspected that it was done by Qingkong. But the arrival of the meteorite made this matter uncertain. The trap in the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum was really not arranged by you of?"

Facing Francis' question, the man in black replied firmly: "No...

When Master Yomington came to Raging City, he learned that Clear Sky had the ambition to replace Willred as the president of Oulu Academy, and later you confirmed that Willred had the idea of ​​passing the position of president to Clear Sky.

Speaker Glover just didn't want Oulu Academy to fall into the hands of those from the Reform Society, and he wouldn't take the risk of pushing Oulu Academy into the arms of opponents ahead of time. "

"Who would that be?"

"No matter who it is, he has used us." The man in black's tone became cold: " have been exposed. He is most likely nearby..."

After Franceco heard the judgment of the man in black, the hairs all over his body stood up in shock.He grabbed the magic wand and looked around. The dense forest at night was extremely quiet.

"Who is there, come out quickly... I, I saw you!"

Francis yelled into the darkness, trying to trick out the person hiding inside.But he felt a chill behind his back, a blade protruded from his chest, and blood sprayed forward along the blood groove.

Francis turned his head and saw the man in black standing behind him. He must have done the knife.


"Prevent you from being used by others. Francis, I'm will not involve us if you are dead."

The man in black pulled out his knife, and Francis, who lost his breath, fell to the ground.

Then the man in black continuously cast detection spells on the surrounding dense forest, but there was no response at all.

I don't know if Francis was being followed, but professional intuition told the man in black that someone must be hiding nearby.

"Sir... I have to admit that you made us stumble. If those students died in the ruins of the Magical Botanical Museum, it would definitely trigger the wrath of Oulu College, and the entire city of Raging Waves would be plunged into this earthquake.

I don't know what your real purpose is, but it seems we have a common enemy... Clear Sky.

If you are interested in cooperation, Speaker Glover can offer you an undeniable price. "

The forest was still quiet, and the man in black did not receive any response to his words.Holding a dagger in one hand and a magic wand in the other, he was on full alert, with Francis' body under his feet.

A moment later, a portal opened behind the man in black, and closed as he stepped back.

After a while, Luke came out from the woods, and he came to Francis' body.He knelt down and looked at the wound, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Francis, you are really wronged to die. That guy just said that Speaker Grover will not abandon any ally, then turned around and stabbed you from behind. Straight through the heart, professional!"

Yin came to Luke with a golden sword in hand.After seeing the corpse, she lowered her head and recited the Shuojin man's eulogy, and then said: "Why did you stop me just now, we can catch that person."

"Didn't you listen to that person? Someone used Francis to set a trap at the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum, and followed Francis to come here."

Yin asked suspiciously, "Aren't we the ones following Francis?"

"Are you sure it's just us? If we capture the man in black, the guy who is hiding may attack us."

After hearing Luke's words, Yin immediately pointed his sword at the dark forest.

"Us, what shall we do now?"

Luke turned on the thunder-shrinking fire pupil and scanned the surroundings, but there was nothing abnormal in his vision.

He also wasn't sure if a third party was following Francis.After all, there are many ways to track, and it is not necessarily necessary to come in person.

"We can't separate now, and we can't leave." Luke walked to the grill, picked up a few dry woods and threw them into the furnace, and then shot a ball of fire from his eyes and hit the wood, and the fire quickly burned: "We The murder scene must be protected here to prevent the guy from turning back and destroying it.

After dawn, the Oulu battle mage should be able to find it here. "

"The two of us... want to stay here until dawn?" Yin was a little shy at the thought of being alone with Meteor for a few hours at night.

"In this case, the enemy is unknown, and we may be attacked if we separate. I can only wrong you to sleep here..."

Luke can summon Clear Sky to protect himself at any time, but a girl like Yin who is not vigilant is a very good target for attack.Luke sat down in front of the fire, Jianglei Huotong was always activated.He has the feeling that he is being watched.

Yin sat down next to Luke: "Don't treat me like a spoiled girl. When Pan and I were training, we often slept in the wild. At that time, we also lit a fire and sat on the fire like this. The front of the house. Feel the warmth of the fire, no matter how tired you are, just sleep and all will be gone.”

Yin's body is very soft, and the fragrance keeps drilling into Luke's nose, and his voice is lazy.

When Luke didn't know what to say, Yin's head rested on his shoulder.

"I'm tired, I'll go to bed first. You keep watch first, and I will watch in the second half of the night."

The vigil in the second half of the night is the hardest.

Luke couldn't help but heaved a long sigh in his heart, a good girl, but it's a pity that she's from Shuojin.

Luke, who was on guard at night, added a few sticks of dry wood to the stove, and the fire became brighter, shining on Francis' body not far away.

A very peaceful night.

After dawn, the battle mages in the academy noticed the smoke rising from the forest area.The tense atmosphere made the battle mages immediately send someone to check, and then they saw Luke Harmony and Francis' body.

A Faculty Member of the Academy Has Died...

Finally, something that everyone could have expected but didn't want to happen still happened.

Professor Lennon arrived at the scene soon. He stood beside Francis' body to mourn, then walked in front of Luke, and said with an ugly face: "What happened? Why did the Francis assistant die here?

And... You promised Vice President Elway that I will be the main investigator of this incident.Tell me first about any discoveries you make, but apparently you didn't.

Chief Inspector, you're embarrassing me. "

Luke yawned, and popped a mint into his mouth.

"For things like solving a case, you must follow up immediately when you find clues. I didn't have the opportunity to report to you at that time. At this time, my professionalism told me that I should search Francis' apartment immediately.

Whatever you find is yours, no need to thank me. "

(End of this chapter)

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