Age of Arcane

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Luke stood on the bridge of the "Loyalty", and the front and left and right of the sea were all other ships of the cape anti-smuggling fleet.Under the cloud sails, the sailors on the deck are preparing for the shelling. A smoothbore gun is loaded in front of a door, and then pushed out of the gun door.

It's just that the range of this type of artillery is very short, with a maximum range of 2000 meters, which is more than three times the range of the main gun of the "first machine" class.Fortunately, there are a lot of smoothbore guns of this type. A battleship can carry anywhere from thirty to forty guns.

Luke picked up the binoculars, activated the Thunderbolt Huotong, and observed the Brilliant Island in the distance. The "Loyalty" continued to bombard the sea in front of the port of Glorious Island. Although the splashed water column was not dense, it made the port area even more chaotic.

Anyone who lives at sea knows what shelling at this distance means.Not to mention that there is no ship on the sea that can fight against a ship equipped with this kind of range artillery, even the coastal defense battery of the Brilliant Island can only be passively beaten in the face of this kind of artillery.

As long as the opponent has enough shells, they can block all the firepower of Brilliant Island, and call the targets in the port and island one by one.

What the people on Brilliant Island can do now is to try their best to move the boat and leave here, even if they can't run, they should stay away from the mooring area of ​​the Saxon Engineering Fleet.

The anti-smuggling fleet in Haijiao District headed towards Huihuang Island at full speed while flying warning signs.The two steam airships that followed the fleet passed the fleet and flew towards the palace on the top of the brilliant island.

Mrs. Tasia stood beside Luke, and she stared at all the targets on the island that might threaten her own fleet with her binoculars.

"Chief Inspector, we have already entered the range of the shore defense battery of Brilliant Island, and the other party has not attacked."

In the entire sea area of ​​​​Brilliant Island, apart from the shelling of the "Loyalty" every once in a while, there is no other sound. 5000 meters is the limit of the range of the land-based artillery of Huihuang Island, and there is no movement in the fort guarding the port.

Luke said: "Baron Jeff is a smart guy. The fleet continues to advance, and when it reaches the attack position, it will concentrate all its firepower and attack, and will not give the Saxon engineering fleet any chance."

"Of course, Chief Inspector." Mrs. Tasia gave an order through the pipeline communication system, and then said to Luke worriedly: "I still suggest that you and the Loyalty stop at the edge of the limit range of the coastal defense battery of Glory Island, and I will go to the Coral Reef. Bring the fleet closer to attack."

Luke knew that Mrs. Tasia was worried that Brilliant Island would not be able to withstand the threat and price of the Saxon project.

Although the "Loyalty" has a strong defense capability, if the opponent takes shit and hits an important position, the Iron Battleship will also be severely damaged.

But Luke said easily: "If the Loyalty stops, the chances of Brilliant Island attacking us will only increase. On the contrary, as long as the Loyalty keeps charging, it will rush into the port of Brilliant Island.

I think the smart Baron Jeff will definitely withstand all the pressure. "

Mrs. Tasia asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Luke looked at the island that was getting closer and closer, and said, "The army doesn't need to know why, you just need to lead the fleet to win this war."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

As the distance drew closer, the four Adonis-class steam warships in front of the anti-smuggling fleet in the cape area launched bombardment at the Saxon engineering fleet that came within range.As the fleet continues to move forward, it is necessary to fully exert the firepower of the entire fleet, and the bombardment distance should preferably be within 1000 meters.

The warships of the Saxon Engineering Fleet are still lying on the pier, and some warships have thick smoke from their chimneys.They want to move to intercept the approaching raid fleet.

Shells fell from the sky.The densely parked ships make the hit rate of the shelling extremely high, as long as the shells are shot out, they can always hit something.

There were panicked sailors on the deck, and many of them abandoned the ship and ran away from the pier.

In the palace on the top of the mountain, Baron Jeff stared at the fleet coming from the sea with a telescope.His eyes were full of the shining metal warship, and his eyes seemed to fly along the telescope.

"Beautiful! I'll buy one no matter how much it costs."

The old butler came to Jeff's side again: "Master, Captain Jonas is still waiting outside. He said..."

Jeff turned his head and looked over: "What did he say?"

"If you don't rescue his fleet, you will completely offend the Saxon Project. You will lose all privileges in this sea area, and the cabinet will push the empire to take back Glorious Island and build it into an imperial naval base."

Faced with this threat, Jeff had to reconsider his position.

He asked the steward, "What would my father do if he were still alive?"

"Always be on the side of the winner. When you don't know who's going to win, stay neutral."

Jeff laughed: "Sounds easy, but it's hard to do. Now I have to make a choice, but who will be the winner?"

The old butler looked towards the ocean.

The all-metal steam battleship actually accelerated its speed, moving from the tail end of the fleet to the forward position of the fleet, like a charging knight, moving forward with indomitable momentum.

"Master, do you think there is anything in the ocean that can stop this warship?"

"One-on-one, no. But using some special tactics, or concentrating a large number of warships to siege, it can still be defeated."

"What if it's not one ship, but a fleet composed of all such warships?"

Jeff looked back at the all-metal battleship.

"I understand what you mean... an all-metal warship is not scary, but the frightening thing is that the anti-smuggling fleet in Cape District doesn't cherish it. Cape District of Raging Wave City must have mastered its manufacturing technology and can build it in large quantities .

Brilliant Island belongs to the ocean, and we must have a good relationship with those who have mastered this technology.

Invite Captain Jonas to come. "

The old butler was a little puzzled: "Master, what do you mean..."

"The view here is wide. Anyway, it's useless for Captain Jonas to return to the fleet. It's better to appreciate this warship that ushered in a new era of oceans here. I think Saxon Engineering can understand our difficulties... If you can't understand it, it's also good for them." no good.

Brilliant Island is mine, and no one can take it away. "

After the old housekeeper figured it out, he happily said, "The master will definitely earn more wealth than the old master."

Jeff took a sip of his drink: "I've already earned more than him. The airship of the Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet is coming soon. Please also invite the people on it to come here."

"Yes, Master."

After a while, Captain Jonas came to the terrace under the guidance of the steward.He was dressed sloppily and in a trance. After anxiously looking at the situation in the port, he ordered Jeff: "On behalf of the Saxon Project, I request Brilliant Island to attack the incoming enemy fleet immediately."

Jeff took a glass, poured the wine slowly and stuffed it into Captain Jonas' hands.

"Captain, the opponent is the Anti-Smuggling Fleet of the Cape District, which belongs to the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City. Brilliant Island's attack on them is a betrayal and a declaration of war against the empire."

Captain Jonas threw the wine glass off the balcony with a wave of his hand.

"No matter how powerful the Bureau of Secret Affairs of Raging Waves City is, it will not attack the fiefdom of the barons of the empire at will. The fleet that attacked was not the anti-smuggling fleet of Cape District at all, they were faked by pirates.

Eliminate them, protect the assets of the Saxon Project, and Splendid Isle will be rewarded beyond your imagination.Baron, don't try to annoy the Saxon Engineering. The Prime Minister of the Imperial Cabinet, Mr. Gabriel, will never let the Saxon Engineering Fleet be destroyed. "

"Calm down, Captain Jonas." Jeff waved the woman sitting on the throne to leave. He sat down and drank wine, his face showing drunkenness: "You look at the sea carefully, thinking that even with the support of Brilliant Island , can your fleet avoid the fate of destruction?
If I order my men to attack the fleet at sea, the shells of the all-metal steam battleship have already hit me in the face.It's not that I don't help you, it's that I can't protect myself. "

Facing Jeff's prevarication, Captain Jonas said, "Make an offer!"

"It's not about money, my life is priceless."

Captain Jonas stepped forward to threaten again, but the old butler immediately stood between him and Jeff.He warned: "Captain, please recognize where this is!
And you are facing a baron conferred by Emperor Augustine himself, don't be rude. "

Captain Jonas had no choice but to retreat: "I'm sorry, Lord Baron. I beg you again for support. The Saxon Project will definitely compensate you for all your losses and reward you for your contributions."

At this time, two airships flew over and landed under the command of the palace guards.

Jeff said: "The chief inspector of Meteor is here, let's first hear the purpose of the other party's visit."

"But..." Captain Jonas looked towards the port, and the cape anti-smuggling fleet was approaching very quickly.And those battleships converted from merchant ships are turning, aiming their side guns at the Saxon engineering ships on the pier.

Jeff stopped talking and just took a sip of his wine.

A bottle of wine was quickly consumed by him.

A group of agents in Secret Service uniforms approached, led by Karina.

Karina bowed to Jeff: "My Lord Baron, good day. I am Karina, the confidential secretary of Chief Inspector Meteor of the Secret Affairs Bureau of Raging Waves City, and I am here to negotiate with you on the order of the Chief Inspector.

The purpose of our military operation this time is only to threaten the pirate fleet in Cape Harbor, and we have no intention of offending Brilliant Island.

After eliminating the pirates, the Raging City Secret Service will fully compensate us for the damage caused. "

After speaking, Kailinna presented her own certificate, as well as the official document signed and sealed by the Raging Waves City Secret Affairs Bureau.

Jeff took a few more glances at the beautiful Karina, then took the official document and looked at it carefully.

Jonas looked at Jeff nervously. If he admitted that the official document was true, it would mean that the fleet at sea was the cape anti-smuggling fleet.Brilliant Island cannot openly attack the fleet of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets for a private fleet.

After reading it, Jeff handed the official document to the butler, and then asked Karina, "Is there only compensation?"

Kailinna smiled and said, "I can't agree to other conditions. But our Chief Inspector is on the 'Loyalty', and he will land on the island after the battle, and discuss with you the next step of Fishbone Island and Glory Island. joint naval operations."

"He's on the 'Loyalty', is that all-metal steam warship?" Jeff was a little surprised by the arrival of the meteorite, but he still didn't admit the identity of the meteorite.

"Yes! The 'Loyalty' is the first ship of the 'First Machine' class battleship designed by Chief Inspector Meteor and built by the Ible Shipyard. The 'Loyalty' has just been built and will be assigned to the Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet Participate in this military operation to eradicate pirates.

After this long-distance voyage and actual combat, the Ible Shipyard improved the design of the 'First Unit'-class capital ship, and was able to receive orders for mass production. "

Kailinna seduced Jeff according to Luke's explanation when he came.

Sure enough, Jeff couldn't help but picked up the binoculars and looked at the "Loyalty" at sea, only to understand why this all-metal warship is so dazzling.

It turned out to be hastily built and not even painted.

People can't help but sigh the boldness of Chief Inspector Meteor, the reliability of the design of the "first machine", and of course the strong shipbuilding capabilities of the Ible Shipyard.

The more Jeff looked at it, the more he liked it, and the more he wanted to own it.

However, even if the "First Machine" class battleship is mature and can be built in batches, it is not something that can be bought on Brilliant Island.

Money can't buy it.

According to normal circumstances, it is estimated that I will own such a warship in more than ten years...or decades later.

Jeff thought of what Karina had just said.

"You said, Chief Detective Meteorite wants to talk to me...the next joint maritime military operation between Yubone Island and Brilliant Island?
What military action. "

When Jeff called Chief Inspector Meteor, Captain Jonas on the side closed his eyes.

At sea, the cape anti-smuggling fleet launched a full-scale bombardment of the Saxon engineering fleet. A salvo of hundreds of various artillery pieces from more than 30 ships can pour tons of shells on the stationary Saxon engineering ships.

Everyone in the port watched the unilateral massacre, and they all saw the shining "Loyalty" up close.

This is the first time that an all-metal steam battleship has appeared in a naval battle.

Kailinna also saw the scene in the port. Even though she didn't understand naval warfare, she could still see that the advantage was on her side.Next, it depends on whether I can relieve the chief inspector from this last possible danger.

I will not disappoint the Chief Inspector's expectations of me.

Kailinna showed confidence and the aura of an imperial agent, and replied to Jeff: "We are imperial agents, and all our actions are to maintain the stability and security of the empire. Now the ocean controlled by the empire is being challenged from all sides. .

Inspector Meteor believes that not all maritime affairs require the Imperial Navy to do.Private maritime armed forces can play a greater role in safeguarding the empire's maritime interests..."

Kaleena's words stop there, because that's all Luke said to her.

But hearing Jeff's ears is a vast blueprint.

How did old Jeff get his fortune?
It is to seize the opportunity of the empire to invade the Leo Republic.

Now the rapid development of the Leo Republic is speeding up the construction of the navy, and Glorious Island has long felt the pressure from the direction of Leo.

Chief Inspector Meteor is a member of the eldest princess. He obviously means that the empire intends to support private maritime forces, and suppress the rising strength of the Leo Navy on the basis of maintaining normal diplomatic relations with Leo.

Jeff said to Captain Jonas: "Your Excellency, Captain, I am very urgent to meet Chief Inspector Meteor, can you surrender first?"

(End of this chapter)

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