Age of Arcane

Chapter 227 The Hurricane Blowing to the Imperial Capital

Chapter 227 The Hurricane Blowing to the Imperial Capital

The entire night, the citizens of Raging Waves City spent in fear.In the morning, the sounds of explosions and fighting gradually subsided.

But the entire city is still under martial law, and no one is allowed to go out at will.Vehicles were speeding by on the road, and imperial spies and sheriffs were arresting people everywhere.People from all sides hid in their homes and shivered, fearing that their doors would be blasted open, and then a large group of ferocious imperial spies would rush in.

At this moment, everyone understood that the sky over Raging Wave City had completely changed.In the future, only those who obey Chief Inspector Meteor can survive here, and being against him is Grover's fate.

At this time Luke has returned to his office.On the grounds that he was assassinated, he postponed his trip to the imperial capital to concentrate on dealing with Glover's funeral.

Qingkong has a list of people that Glover has colluded with, and the Furious City Bureau of Secret Affairs is arresting people with the list with the assistance of the city's public security departments.

There were people coming and going in the chief inspector's office, and the file of the arrest was placed on Luke's desk.

Luke's command: kill!

Now that the precept against killing has been issued, there is no need to rely on kindness to buy people's hearts at this time.Since these people followed Grover to the end, let them continue to follow Grover.

There are too many people who have come to the city of Raging Waves this time, and the grace has already been spread, and Wei must let them accept it.

One after another, the death warrants were issued by Luke.

Someone came to report that because there were too many death row inmates executed today, the executioners changed several times because they couldn't hold on.

Kailinna, who was helping to sort out the death penalty documents, couldn't help crying.

Luke glanced at Karina, who was secretly wiping away tears, and said, "If you feel unwell, ask Shelley to help."

"I, I'm fine." Knowing that she lost her composure, Kailinna quickly said, "I'm sorry, I... I just thought of my family, and many people died that time.

Chief Inspector, these people are just a name to us.However, for their families, it is a lifetime of sadness and longing.

I'm not pleading for them, but they deserve a fair trial. "

Karina's choked sobs made Luke put down the pen in his hand, and his mood became extremely heavy.

"I know that behind every order I issue, there may be a life that is not worthy of death. Before making this decision, I actually thought about it for many days...

Judging from the direction of the criminal case, they should receive a fair trial and judgment.But this is not a criminal case, this is an all-out gamble, and the winner takes all.Losers... Since these people choose to bet their wealth and lives on this gambling table, they must abide by the rules of the gaming table.

Killing them is a respect for their gambling. "

Kailinna looked up at her chief inspector in surprise, her makeup was stained by tears.

"Chief Inspector, this is the first time I've heard your analogy.

Very... very peculiar. "

"It's very strange. If I don't use this metaphor to convince myself, it's hard for me to make up my mind to kill so many people."


"What? Go touch up your makeup and call Shelley to come in and take your place."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

Knowing that the Chief Inspector didn't want these sad things to remind her, Karina got up and walked out the door.As soon as I opened the door, I saw Yin outside who was about to knock on the door.

"Director Yin, are you here to see our Chief Detective?"

Yin saw Luke, smiled slightly, and then said to Kailina: "Yes, I'm here to talk to the Chief Inspector about establishing a joint shipping company."

Luke said, "Carina, go do your business and let Director Yin come in."

"Yes, Chief Inspector." Kailina stepped aside: "Director Yin, please come in, what would you like to drink?"

"Just a cup of tea."

Yin came to the opposite side of the desk and sat down, said with a long sigh of relief: "I thought there was no way for this contract to be handed over to you before you left Raging Waves City. Fortunately, you postponed the trip."

As he spoke, Yin took out a document from his briefcase: "The World Bank agreed to all the terms of cooperation you proposed, and all-metal steamships are very attractive to us.

The World Bank will invest in the expansion of the Ible Shipyard, and build another shipyard and a ship research institute in Cape District.

Here's the contract, I've read it, there's nothing wrong with it.

You look again. "

Luke took the contract and put it aside: "I get a headache when I look at such a complicated thing, and I will sign it after Karina sees it.

This trip to the imperial capital, it is difficult for me to come back often. I have entrusted Ible to manage the shipping company on my behalf.Whatever matters you have with Pan, you can discuss with Ible, or you can write to me. "

Thinking of Luke leaving soon, Yin couldn't help showing a look of reluctance.

"It's a pity that Pan and I still have tasks..."

"What mission?"

Hearing Luke's inquiry, Yin realized that he had accidentally said something he shouldn't have said.

"Yes, it's an internal matter of our Shuojin people. It's very important, and we can't tell other people."

Luke smiled and said, "Is it related to the thing you entrusted me to find? A remnant of the ancient Shimmer."

Yin asked in surprise: "You, how do you know?"

"I'm an imperial agent, and that's what I do. When you entrusted me, I didn't think it was a private entrustment. Qingkong also told me that you and Pan often went to her and asked a lot about the ancient Shuojin civilization. Seems to be looking for something."

"Miss Qingkong...has Miss Qingkong told you so much?"

Then Karina came in with two cups of tea.

After putting away the tea, Luke handed over the contract Yin brought to Karina for review, and said, "I have something to discuss with Director Yin, don't let anyone in."

"Yes, Chief Inspector."

After Kailinna left and closed the office door, Luke said to Yin: "I have a very good relationship with Miss Weatherlight, if Miss Weatherlight hadn't helped me this morning, Grover might not have died.

Don't worry, Miss Sunny Sky didn't tell anyone else about you, and I'm not a talkative person either.I'm curious what you are looking for, if you tell me the exact thing, I can mobilize my people to find it for you. "

"It's an ancient relic left over from the ancient Shuojin civilization. What it is... I really can't tell you." At this time, Yin's attention was obviously not on her task, she asked: "I heard that you were ambushed, I am very worried about your safety, but fortunately...Miss Clear Sky stood by your side at the most critical moment.

Your relationship with Miss Weatherlight is beyond anyone's expectations. "

Clear sky's force is another talisman for Luke, so he decided to reveal some of his "relationship" with Clear Sky at this time.

I also want Yin to retreat when he knows the difficulty, and not to fall too deep in the taboo of the Shuojin people.

"To me, Miss Skylight is a partner I can trust in any situation."

Yin's expression was in a trance.

"It's really...unexpected. By the way," Yin took out a golden pocket watch: "This is a gold watch made by the alchemist of our Shining Jin people, which can establish a weak connection with the artifacts of the Shining Jin civilization. I am in It has a spell cast on it that releases a shield when you are in danger.

Pan said that you will definitely encounter many dangers when you return to the imperial capital this time.I don't hope you will use it, but I hope it can protect you when it is critical. "

The complex emotions in Yin's eyes made Luke's heart shake.

He took the gold watch and said nonchalantly: "Thank you, this is the best gift I received before I went to the imperial capital. Unfortunately, I don't have a gift ready for you.

When we meet next time, I will prepare the presents in advance. "

When the atmosphere in the room gradually became awkward, Kailinna walked in, holding the contract in her hand.

"Chief Inspector, I have read this contract. There is no problem, you can sign it."

Luke signed the contract, and handed over the World Bank's share to Yin: "Goodbye...greetings to Pan for me."

Yin was not happy because of the signing of such a large cooperation project, but stood up with a touch of sadness.

"Goodbye, Chief Inspector...Although I don't know when we will meet next time."

Yin left, and Luke suddenly felt that his heart seemed to be much empty.He took off the pocket watch he always wore and put on a gold watch.

Open the dial to check the time.

Karina tidied the table and asked Luke, who was a little depressed, "Chief Inspector, do you like Director Yin?"

Luke glanced at Karina, and snorted, "It's not the time to be so nosy, it's not the time to cry! Go and call Shelley, and kill everyone who should be killed today."

Karina panicked: "Yes, yes, chief inspector."

"Wait a minute..." Luke stopped Kailinna again. He looked at the gold watch and put it in his pocket, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Today, I killed enough people. You stay and help me sort out the files." , whoever can survive will survive.”

"Of order, Chief Inspector!" Kailinna turned her worry into joy, and immediately ran to her seat.

"Look carefully, the workload is heavy, prepare to work overtime at night."

"I'll do all the work, Chief Inspector."

"Hopefully they will remember that you saved their life."

"Their lives were given by you, Chief Detective... and Director Yin..."


Grover ambushed Meteor, but was killed by Meteor. Like a hurricane, he rolled out of Raging Waves City and quickly spread throughout the entire empire.

Let the imperial capital Shenglun city feel this strong wind.

Grover and his henchmen are charged with treason by Meteor, and Rage City's Secret Service conducts a purge.A long list of people who were killed in one day was written, which shocked everyone who saw it.

With such a ferocious method, Meteor is going to swallow the entire city of Raging Waves this time.

"Crazy! Crazy!"

After Agatha got the information, her whole body trembled uncontrollably.She originally thought that the meteorite would come to the imperial capital soon, and that the city of Raging Waves could finally calm down.But it never expected that when the meteorite was about to set off, it would cause such a big event like a catastrophe.

Looking at the course of the incident, it was obvious that everything was arranged by Meteor.

He convinces Clear Sky to gain Grover's trust, and convinces Grover to ambush him inside Rage City.In this way, he has enough reasons to kill Grover, and then cleanse all the people in Rage City who are not on his side.

On the last day he left Raging Waves City, Meteor completed complete control over this kind of city.

But this scapegoat has to be carried by oneself.

Agatha knew that she couldn't carry it, it could crush herself to death!

"Change my clothes, I'm going to see His Majesty." Agatha drank a large glass of red wine to calm her beating heart, and then ordered to the female officer.

She had to explain to Emperor Augustine as soon as possible, even if the meteor was out of control.Otherwise... I might not even have a chance to explain.

The female officials serving Agatha had never seen the eldest princess so flustered. They quickly changed the princess clothes for Agatha to meet His Majesty, put her hair in a bun and put on the crown of the eldest princess.

Agatha came to the palace nervously all the way, trying to think about how to face her father's questioning.

Although she thought she was usually witty enough, at this moment she didn't have any way out of the predicament.

Everything depends on how much love your father still has.

In a greenhouse, Agatha met Emperor Augustine: "Father..."

"sit down."

The emperor's cold tone made Agatha even more nervous.

If Emperor Augustine got angry and ordered himself to kneel, it meant that there was still room for things to turn around.

Now his tone is very cold, which means that things are going in the worst direction.

After Agatha sat down, she said, "Father...I didn't know what happened in Raging Waves City in advance."

"I know you don't know." The tone of Augustine the Great was still emotionless: "I am old, you are anxious, and your subordinates are probably more anxious than you. Even if you don't want to sit on this throne, your subordinates are thinking about it. How to push you up."

Agatha was a little confused about what the emperor was thinking, she said carefully: "Meteorite..."

"Meteor did the right thing." Emperor Augustine took out a piece of paper: "You came to see me in such a hurry, you should have received this list. The means are vicious, and the work is meticulous... You can discover such a capable minister, It is the good fortune of the empire.

Moreover, there is also a Fairy Clear Sky.

The only thing you did wrong was that you didn't recommend them to me early and put them in Raging Waves City, it's too good to be useful. "

Listening to the words of Emperor Augustine, Agatha's chaotic mind suddenly became clear and cleared away all the chaos.

Meteor put Qingkong on the table at this time, just wanting Qingkong to be his amulet.And in the eyes of his father at this time, Qingkong is also his amulet.

Qingkong has repeatedly demonstrated superb force in Raging City, and is the candidate for the next president of Oulu Academy.

Father is the one who thinks that Qingkong is also me, so he is afraid of me.Otherwise... based on what Meteor did in Raging Waves City, I wouldn't even be able to enter the door of this room.

Agatha, who woke up from the panic, immediately wanted to understand why Emperor Augustine had such an attitude.

She looked up at her father, his eyes filled with suppressed anger.

"Father, Meteor is suppressing a rebellion in Rage Town. I will let him finish his work as soon as possible and come to the imperial capital to report on his duties. Meteor is very young, and he has time to serve the Empire."

"Where is the elf Qingkong? Let her come to the imperial capital too!"

Agatha knew his father's purpose. As the emperor of the empire, how could he tolerate someone threatening his throne.

"Father, Elf Qingkong is currently working at Oulu Academy..."

Emperor Augustine said: "I have long had the idea of ​​letting Oulu Academy open a branch in the imperial capital. Isn't Fairy Qingkong in charge of the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts? You can move the Department of Oulu Academy here first, just as the empire wants to increase the number of occult arts. investment in research."

Agatha didn't want Qingkong to come to the Imperial Capital, she said euphemistically: "The elf Qingkong is only doing things for me, and is not affiliated with the Imperial Secret Affairs Bureau. I need to ask her for her opinion on letting her come to the Imperial Capital."

"You seek her opinion first. I will also talk to Dean Willred. Oulu Academy's occult research has been neglected for too long. If you want to catch up with the world's level, you still need the power of the empire."

Agatha knew that her father's decision would not be changed, so she could only agree first and then go back to find a way.

"Yes, Royal Father, I will write to Miss Qingkong. About Raging Waves City..."

"Since Meteor has captured Raging Waves City for you, you can accept it. Meteor is your man, and you know his real he married?"

Agatha's hands couldn't help shaking.

Bring Qingqing into the imperial capital, and you can win her over.Marriage can also dig Meteor out of the Secret Service...

Without the two of them, my father would have no scruples to deal with him.

"Father, as far as I know... Meteor is not married, but I don't know if he has a secret lover."

Augustine nodded slightly.

After testing, he was able to judge that his daughter really didn't know what happened in Raging Wave City in advance, and everything was claimed by Meteor without authorization.The purpose is just as I judged at the beginning, to push Agatha to the top.

But Agatha arbitrarily put Meteor in Raging City, and secretly befriended the elf Qingkong, her purpose was not pure in the first place.

Fortunately, Meteor and Clear Sky can be used by the eldest princess, so they can naturally be used by the more honorable emperor.All Agatha can offer is an uncertain future, whereas the Imperial Emperor can offer them the present.

"It's fine if you're not married. As for a's okay for a man who does great things.

When Meteor comes to the imperial capital, I want to have a good talk with him.

It's time for your sister, Princess Dai, to get married too. "

(End of this chapter)

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