Age of Arcane

Chapter 232 Take the first step first

Chapter 232 Take the First Step

Seeing that raising Gabriel's first assistant was ineffective, Yomington could only wait patiently, thinking about the predicament brought to his side by the changes in Raging Waves City.

The blow to the new aristocratic forces is not just the loss of an important city.

The rapid rise of the new nobles of the Golden Shield Empire also means that their foundation is unstable.Unlike the conservative old aristocrats who only want to maintain traditions, the new aristocrats have no history to learn from for their own interests, and various ideas are in the stage of contention.

Some are radical and want to overthrow the imperial system; some want to weaken the imperial power; some want to strengthen the imperial power and attack the nobles;

Moreover, the circles of each new aristocrat can be further divided according to different ideas.At the same time, people in these circles will also jump left and right at any time according to their own interests.

The times have created this group of people who represent advanced ideas, but they don't know which one is the best choice among the countless roads before them.

The loss of Raging Waves City was an extremely heavy blow to the new nobles headed by Gabriel.The struggle in the imperial court showed a turbulent trend. If he could not keep his position as chief assistant, the cabinet reshuffle would follow.

If the group of them fell down, it would be as difficult as going up to the sky.

Now Raging Waves City is acquired by the Eldest Princess. Although she was suspected by Emperor Augustine because of this, she also got the ticket to compete for the throne.At the same time, Augustine has a gesture of wooing Meteor, and he can now be said to be a key figure who can determine the future trend of the empire.

Let Gabriel feel that it is necessary to ease the tense relationship between the two sides with Meteor.At least establish a communication channel first, and then decide whether it is an enemy or a friend, and then decide according to the trend of the situation.

Yomington was dismissed because of the incident in Raging City, so he became the best person to contact Meteor this time.He also made up his mind to do things well, so that he could be reused by Gabriel's chief assistant.

Two hours may not be long, but for those who wait, it is a long torment.

Especially when Yomington is still not sure whether he can see Inspector Meteor.

Fortunately, when the time came, Luke was woken up by Karina.He stretched and walked down from upstairs, sat down and drank a cup of coffee, then leaned on the sofa and crossed his legs and said to Yomington who stood up and saluted: "Sit down and talk... Her Royal Highness's requirements are too strict. It took me a long time to finish writing the should be anxious."

Yomington looked at Luke, obviously just waking up.But he didn't dare to complain: "The chief inspector has just arrived in the imperial capital, and he must have a lot of business to deal with. I am already very happy to be summoned by you."

"I heard from my secretary that you are no longer the staff officer of the Chief Assistant. Are you interested in working here? I have a lot of people who can fight here, and there is a shortage of people with a brain like you."

Yomington didn't expect Luke to solicit him so unprepared and concealed.An idea popped up in his mind, but he brushed it aside immediately.

"Thank you Chief Inspector for your appreciation. It's just that although I no longer serve as the staff officer of the chief assistant, I still work for the chief assistant. This visit is for..."

Luke interrupted Yomington and said with a smile: "Don't be so busy refusing. The situation inside the imperial court is unpredictable now. Those above may fall down at any time, and those below may soar into the sky at any time.

A smart person will not narrow the road under his feet, and prepare himself more backhands, so that he can face the chaos with ease. "

Yomington looked at Luke, feeling even more shaken in his heart.

"Chief Inspector...have you prepared many plans in the face of the chaos in the palace?"

Luke managed his expression, and asked with a serious face, "Are you testing me?"

Knowing that he had said something that did not match his identity, Yomington immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, Chief Inspector... I am a little confused by the situation I am facing now and the changes in the court. If I said something wrong, please forgive me, Chief Inspector. "

"You are different from me. You can be fired if you do something wrong, and you can start over from scratch if you change another company. But me, and your chief assistant, once you make a wrong choice, there is no chance to start over.

I know why Gabriel sent you here.

Being caught between His Majesty and the Eldest Princess has already made me a dilemma. Today, only you are visiting, which is enough to explain the situation I am facing.I don't want to cause unnecessary conflicts with Mr. Shoufu because of the conflict in Raging Waves City.

Just in your capacity, I can only express my attitude here. "

Yomington knew that Gabriel didn't even send an official official, and that he was able to get this sentence was already credited to Chief Inspector Meteor.

"Thank you, Chief Inspector. Chief Assistant Gabriel asked me to convey his welcome to you on your behalf. I also hope that the incident in Raging Waves City can be properly resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

At the same time, I also wish you a smooth marriage to Princess Daier. "

Luke said with a smile: "The chief assistant's words are really nice, I'll take him as a sincere blessing.

Now that the business is over, let's continue the topic just now.

Raging Waves City has undergone a major reorganization up and down, and the office set up in the imperial capital of Raging Waves City also needs to be adjusted.Although the official rank of the commissioner of Raging Waves City in Saint Lun City is not high, it is very important.

I hope that this position is filled by someone who is familiar with all aspects of the imperial capital.Does Mr. Yomington have any intention of taking up this position? "

Yomington didn't expect that Meteorite's recruitment of him was not just talking about it, but taking out such an important position as soon as he came up.

The Commissioner of Raging Waves City in Shenglun City is the head of the general affairs of Raging Waves City in the imperial capital.In addition to solving business and official business troubles for the people who came to the imperial capital from Raging Waves City, they also have the responsibility to manage the relationship between all parties.

According to the economic strength of Raging Waves City, the commissioner stationed in Shenglun City is definitely a fat job who wants money, power and power.

Now that the political arena of Raging Waves City has undergone a major shake-up, all the staff in the Shenglun City Office cannot be completely replaced, but the commissioner must be replaced.


Yomington couldn't understand, why did Inspector Meteor give him such an important position?

You must know that even though I was a staff officer of the chief assistant before, I only had a little more fame outside of Shenglun City. In the imperial capital, I had a slightly higher official rank and no real power, and I often had to take the blame.But if he serves as the commissioner of Raging Waves City in Shenglun City, no matter where he is, he will be the God of Wealth that others want to curry favor with.

"Chief Inspector, I don't you entrusted me with such an important position."

Luke asked Karina to put the prepared letter of appointment on the coffee table in front of Yomington.

"I've just said it. I'm from the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, and my subordinates are all engaged in intelligence and thugs. I don't have a single person who is familiar with government affairs and handling relations with all parties. You used to be the chief assistant staff officer, it is really suitable However, the candidate has been chosen."

Looking at the appointment letter in front of him, Yomington always felt that it was a trap. His experience in Raging Waves City made him very afraid of Meteor, fearing that he would accidentally be tricked.

But this position is really too tempting!
"Chief inspector, you, you know that I am the chief assistant of Gabriel. This position should be related to your core interests."

"Do you know what my core interests are?" Luke sneered: "Don't take yourself too seriously, there are too many people like you in Gabriel. Even if you are reactivated by him, the highest It's just returning to the position of staff officer.

I use you, and I don't expect you to be loyal to me, or to tell me the secret of the chief minister.It is simply that I want the office of Raging Waves City in the imperial capital to play a better role as a bridge, instead of simply sending money out. "

Yomington, who was cheated miserably, still couldn't believe that he could find himself with such a good thing.

"I think there should be many people in Rage City who are qualified for this job. As long as you ask Viscount Iscoran and Mrs. Mihir, they will definitely be able to recommend suitable candidates for you."

"They have recommendations, and I'm also considering screening. But seeing you, I have the idea of ​​letting you do it.

Don't refuse in such a hurry, there is no name on this appointment letter yet.You can take it to Gabriel Chief Assistant to have a look first, listen to his suggestion, and then think it over yourself.

If you want to be this commissioner, you can just write your name on it; if you don’t want to, just tear it up and throw it in the trash.

Alright... That's all for today's meeting, and the report materials for the eldest princess have not been finished yet.

Shelley, send Yomington out. "

Shelley stood up: "Please, Mr. Yomington. Keep the appointment letter from my chief inspector. It's best not to be ungrateful."

Yomington put away the letter of appointment, then stood up and saluted and said goodbye to Luke, and was led out by Shelley in a trance.

When he got outside and sat in the carriage, Yomington looked at the big house protected by the secret agents of the empire, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing at himself: "You who can calmly deal with the chief minister, but you are like a... a woman who is played with.

This maelstrom in the imperial capital's palace was tossed by him, and he didn't know what kind of storm it would cause.

Gabriel Chief Assistant, are you an opponent? "


After Yomington left, 236 Copper Mulberry Avenue never welcomed a second visitor.

The next day there was also no visits.

The same is true for the third day.

Chief Inspector Meteor, who stirred up disturbances in Raging Waves City that shook the entire empire and even the world, seemed to be forgotten after arriving in Shenglun City.

The news that Emperor Augustine wanted to betroth Princess Dai to Meteor, the popularity dropped rapidly as Meteor was left out in the cold.After all, holy grace is unpredictable, and a sentence that has not been recorded in any official document cannot represent the true thoughts of the emperor of the empire.

Luke is also extremely low-key, staying at home without leaving the door, and not seeing anyone.Apart from dealing with the official documents sent by Raging Waves City, he was practicing combat skills in the backyard.

It's just that although Luke didn't go out, an unexpected incident caused quite a shock in the imperial capital.

Vogt Yomington, the former chief of staff of the Empire, accepted the appointment of the Raging City Council as the commissioner of the Raging City's office in St. Lun City.

The appointment and dismissal of a commissioner stationed in the imperial capital is not a big deal, but the meaning behind the appointment and appointment can't help but arouse speculation from all parties in the imperial court.

Everyone believed that the incident in Raging City made Meteor a thorn in the side of the new noble group headed by Chief Assistant Gabriel.But none of them expected that the two sides would reach an understanding so quickly, and the importance of the commissioner of Raging Waves City in Saint Lun City showed that this understanding was not of a general nature.

Sure enough, in the face of interests, there is no grievance at all. Before Grover's bones were cold, Chief Assistant Gabriel was flirting with Inspector Meteor.

When Yomington took office, Gabriel's position as chief assistant was immediately consolidated.

Meteor is the eldest princess's man.The eldest princess did not summon Meteor after she arrived in the imperial capital, which also represented the eldest princess's trust in Meteor.Yomington's appointment as the commissioner of Raging Waves City in St. Lun City must have been tacitly approved by the eldest princess.

Gabriel can step on the three boats of the eldest prince, the second prince, and the eldest princess. This balance technique is not something ordinary people can do.

Those who are thinking about the position of the chief assistant of the cabinet have to put down their flags and continue to wait and see the changes in the court situation.

Gabriel's side is much more relaxed, and the pressure on Princess Agatha has also been relieved after Yomington took office.After all, the wealth that Raging Waves City can bring is there. Even if the empire wants to build another city to replace Raging Waves City, it will succeed, not to mention whether it will succeed... Your Majesty probably won't see it.

The capital and ministers have bowed their heads to wealth, so let's hurry up and drink the soup.

Therefore, when Luke's side was deserted, the Tulip Manor where the eldest princess lived was full of customers.

At the same time, all parties have also experienced the ability of the Chief Inspector of Meteor.

As expected of someone who can dedicate the entire city of Raging Waves to the eldest princess.

Even if there is no one to greet him when he arrives in the imperial capital, even if he is ignored by all parties after arriving in the imperial capital... Chief Inspector Meteor can still make accurate shots from the chaotic situation and turn the passive situation around by taking advantage of tiny opportunities.

It's just that Emperor Augustine seemed to be able to hold his breath very well. He still didn't order to summon Meteor, thinking about continuing to deal with it coldly.But rumors spread from the court that the emperor would marry Princess Dai'er to Meteor, and the emperor frequently summoned Princess Dai'er to have meals with him.

He also asked where Princess Dai would like to live after leaving the palace.

And talked a lot about meteorites.

According to the tradition of the Golden Shield royal family, the prince and princess will move out of the palace when they become adults.Princess Dai still lives in the palace because she has not yet held her coming-of-age ceremony.

It's just that the princesses of the royal family usually marry out of marriage when they become adults, and they don't deliberately arrange houses in Shenglun City.

Agatha is one of the rare exceptions.

Emperor Augustine asked Princess Dai in this way, which meant that he was ready to keep this daughter in the imperial capital.

The princess is not married, so naturally she is recruiting a son-in-law.

For the dignitaries of the imperial capital, this is simply a great opportunity.As long as they can marry Princess Dai'er, the whole family can follow suit.As for the news that the emperor kept revealing that he wanted to marry Princess Dai'er to Meteor...

What the emperor of the empire said in the court cannot be taken seriously. As long as Princess Dai'er is not married, everyone will have a chance.

And this was the conspiracy of Emperor Augustine, which made Meteor feel the pressure.

It also gives hope to others.

"The opportunity to marry Princess Dai'er is in front of you. If you don't act immediately, Princess Dai'er may belong to someone else."

(End of this chapter)

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