Age of Arcane

Chapter 235 The Runaway Princess

Chapter 235 The Runaway Princess

Princess Dai was attacked and disappeared!

Qingkong immediately asked: "What happened? This is the imperial city, how could someone set up an ambush to attack Princess Dai so easily."

Before Jared could answer, a group of sheriffs rushed up, following the museum servants.

Seeing the current scene, Jared Knight, who realized that there was also an accident in the museum, asked, "Miss Skylight, was this also attacked?"

"Yes...someone used secret techniques to attack here, and the royal knight, Baron Alvin, is dead." Clear Sky signaled Jared not to talk about Princess Dai here: "You go and treat the wound first, and leave it to Fitch to deal with it." Okay. I'll go get ready, let's go and see the attack site together."

Knowing that Princess Dai's disappearance should not be made public, Jared saluted to Qingkong, then walked upstairs with the surviving royal knights and followers.

Qingkong briefly told the source of the magistrate about the attack on the museum, and left the rest to Fitch.Anyway, he saw what Fitch could see, and he didn't see what he couldn't.

This case should be a headache for the Public Security Department of the imperial capital.

It's the Abyss Temple related to Princess Dai'er's attack?
Although the time distance between the two attacks is close, there is no evidence that they were committed by a gang.

Forget it, let's find Dai'er first.

All the lights in the entire museum were turned on, and there was a mess upstairs and downstairs.Qingkong came alone to the room where Princess Dai was received, the ice sculpture was still standing there, and the scene of sculpting with Dai'er was also vivid in his memory.

Qingkong walked up to the statue and pointed at the forehead of the portrait.

A faint cyan halo was relayed in the ice, and some magic particles remaining on the ice sculpture were stimulated by resonance to emit light.

very good!

There is still Princess Dai'er's magic power left on the ice sculpture, which is enough to release a secret word once.

Qingkong waved his hand and brought the wind to close the door, and an ice wall sealed the door completely.Then she took out a few mysterious props from the space backpack and placed them around the ice sculpture, and then took out a butterfly specimen and carefully placed it in the hands of the ice sculpture.

The butterfly, which was already a mysterious prop, flapped its wings and flew up when the secret ritual was started.

A butterfly flutters around the ice sculpture, showering starlight like pollen from its wings.Correspondingly, the remaining magical powers of Princess Dai'er floated up from the ice sculptures and merged with the pollen and starlight.

Qingkong read out the secret words at this time.

"Scattered butterfly in the wind."

The flying butterfly specimens instantly turned into ashes and disappeared into the air, and those dots of starlight merged into a stream and gathered towards the palm of the ice sculpture, and finally turned into a magic butterfly with cyan shimmer.

Qingkong took out a wooden cylinder and carefully knocked the magic butterfly into it, then touched the ice and walked out of the room.

At this time, Knight Jared had led his men to complete a simple bandage, took off the damaged knight armor, and changed into the royal knight uniform.

"Miss Weatherlight...the carriage is ready."

Qing Kong walked in front of Jared Knight who was saluting: "You get in the car with me, and tell me the details of what happened to you on the way."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

Jared led the knights and followed Qingkong to leave the museum. Just as they got into the carriage, Jenny followed suit.

"Professor Clear Sky... No suspicious person was found near the museum."

Jenny rushed to the fourth isolation room when Fitch activated the museum alarm, but the space collapse trap had already been activated.She couldn't get in, so she could only look around the museum for people who performed secret techniques.

Qing Kong said: "Our matter is a trivial matter, let the sheriffs deal with it. Jared Knight, what happened on the way you escorted Miss Daier?"

"We had just reached the intersection of Zijinhua Avenue..."


When Princess Dai was thinking about how to escape the palace, the attack began.The carriage she was riding in was hit by a round of magical attacks and the two horses pulling the carriage and the driver died on the spot.However, the carriage has been enchanted with multiple protective measures, and the escorting guards responded very quickly. Princess Daier, who was protected in the carriage, was still safe.

It's just that in order to protect the carriage, the guards suffered heavy casualties in the attack. Facing the siege of a large number of assassins, they could only defend with all their strength.

Princess Daier, who was sitting in the carriage, quickly calmed down after the initial panic.She even comforted the maid beside her: "Don't be afraid, this place is very close to the palace. There are not only the magistrates, but also the palace guards, and they will come to support them soon.

we'll be fine. "

The maid's emotions gradually calmed down. Princess Dai looked at the battle outside, and a bold idea appeared in her mind.

What more plans do you need to make to leave the palace?
Isn't now the best opportunity!
She concentrated, and the city map of Saint Lun emerged from her mind.This is the imperial city... After the father found out that he was missing, he would first block the imperial city as quickly as possible, and then block the upper city.

Strict checks were also carried out on those who left the city of St. Lun by land and air.

It is impossible to run all the way out of Saint Lun City.

But you can sneak into the lower city first.

People in the imperial capital regard the lower city as a garbage dump and a sewer.Sister Agatha said that there are some spies and informants in the lower city, and there is no imperial administrative power that can be used at all.

If you can hide in the lower city, you can escape the first round of raids, and then slowly wait for the opportunity to leave the city of Shenglun, and finally leave the territory of the empire.

Think of the sculpture Agatha gave herself, think of the ice sculpture she made with Qingkong.Thinking that I will marry a person I have never met in the future, and thinking of those little animals that I released.

And the little bird that was rescued by himself, but flew to the sky without looking back.

The courage that the Augustine family has never lacked allowed Princess Dai to pull out her magic wand and cast a spell to stun her maid.

Dill opened the escape door under the carriage and jumped from the escape door to the bottom of the carriage.At this time, the guards were so attacked by the assassin that they couldn't protect themselves, and they didn't even know that Dai'er was hiding under the carriage.

At this time, the surrounding support is coming.The assassins who failed to assassinate could only retreat while covering each other.

Knowing that the chance of escape was about to disappear, Dill drew a cloak from the compartment under the car seat.She rolled out from under the car wrapped in a cloak, and when she stood up, she changed into an assassin's costume.

He was dressed in black, with only his eyes exposed.

Dai'er fled with the assassins, and the guards did not dare to chase and continue to protect the carriage.When the support from all parties surrounded the attack site, the guards discovered that Princess Dai was missing.

Dai'er, who fled with the assassins, walked through the alleys and on the roofs, and the fleeing assassins didn't realize that the target they wanted to assassinate was following her.But Dai'er knew that if she kept following her like this, the assassins would definitely notice something strange, and the camouflage cloak had a time limit.

She dragged back step by step, and when she crossed the roof of a building, she dodged and hid in a shadow.The camouflage cloak covers the whole body and turns into a pile of debris.

The assassin who noticed that someone was lagging behind sent someone back to check, but found nothing and could only quickly catch up with the team in front.

The roof returned to silence.

After the corner was shaken by a piece of light, Dai stood up wearing a cloak.She came to the edge of the building and looked into the distance. The direction where the attack happened was brightly lit, and magical fireworks of different colors flew up continuously.

She took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. The starry sky in the sky was brighter than what she saw in the palace. There was also an airship flying slowly above her head with its navigation lights flashing.

"Just leaving this far, the world is already so open. If I can go further, what kind of scenery can I see?"

At this time, the residents in the building turned on their lights one after another because of the noise outside, and the search team will come soon.The place is far from safe for Dale, who must enter the lower town before the upper town is sealed off.

Dai'er jumped down from the top of the building, the magic propped up the cloak and turned into a paraglider, and flew towards a nearby river under the control of floating magic.There is an aqueduct in that river, which will flow through the Imperial Pharmacy Factory, the Imperial Alchemy Research Institute, and the Imperial Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center...

These important scientific research institutions of the empire will produce a large amount of experimental garbage every day, and this garbage will be loaded into simple garbage ships, and then left along the aqueduct into the lower city.

Since there is a possibility of very dangerous things in this garbage, the sheriff in charge of the inspection of the aqueduct is perfunctory.

Dill's plan for going downtown was to board one of the junk boats.Find a place to hide and wait for the water to send you into the lower city.

There is a high wall separating the upper city from the lower city, and all the passages connecting the two city areas are closely guarded by the sheriff.No matter how chaotic the lower city is, it must not be allowed to spread to the upper city.It's just that no matter how strict the defense is, it can't stop the already corrupted lower city from backlashing back to the other side of the city wall.

On the high-risk garbage drainage channel, a garbage boat was stopped by the sheriff on duty when passing the city wall checkpoint, and a blocking pole was placed across the river.

The searchlights on the city wall illuminated the hull, and on the deck were rows of sealed garbage shelters.

The captain of the garbage boat immediately handed a pack of cigarettes to the captain of the sheriff ashore.

"Captain Teli, what happened? Didn't you just let him go before?"

Captain Tai Li took the cigarette and put it in his pocket, waved his hands to let his men board the boat to search, and then pointed to the sky in the direction of the imperial city: "Didn't you see that the warning magic signal in the imperial city has not stopped since it was released just now?
Something must have happened in the palace.

If my side relaxes and let go of those who shouldn't be let go, our lives are not enough for His Majesty to kill. "

Seeing that the sheriff on board began to search, the captain took out a wad of money and slipped it into Captain Telly's pocket.

"I have to run through this canal several times a day. Don't you worry about me? It's not that I'm guilty of not letting you check. The main reason is...the main reason is that there are goods that Mr. Malcolm specifically asked for."

"Mr. Malcolm?" Hearing this name, Captain Teli hesitated immediately: "What?"

The captain looked around a bit in a dilemma.

Captain Telly waved for the captain to follow, leading him to a secluded location.

"It's not that I don't show face to Mr. Malcolm, it's just that the situation tonight is too special. According to my experience, the news of a complete blockade will be sent soon, and even if I let you go, you won't be able to.

What is it, you must tell me. "

The captain could only say: "It is a group of eliminated products from the extraordinary species cultivation center. Although they are eliminated products, part of their tissues can be used for extraordinary transformation of the human body.

Mr. Malcolm has been staring at this batch of extraordinary biological elimination products for a month, and the fresher they are, the higher their value.If the city is closed, the goods will all rot if they cannot be sent out in time.

Mr. Malcolm paid a lot for this shipment, and if he doesn't get know the consequences. "

The captain's words made Captain Teli keep looking at the garbage ship, and the sheriff on board was waiting for his order.

"No, I want to take a look. If there is no one, I will let you and the boat pass."

The captain said helplessly: "Okay, please hurry up. And there are high-end goods inside, which look very similar to people, and they are not completely dead. You have to be careful."

His appearance is close to that of a human, which means he is a military-grade extraordinary trainer.

Not completely dead, representing the Extraordinary Species Cultivation Center, some people estimated to leave it to Malcolm.

It's a batch of deadly goods.

"I will be careful, open a position... Hurry up!"

At this time, Dai'er was hiding in a garbage shelter.Unlike the mess and stench she imagined, the inside of this shelter is much neater.On the multi-layer shelves fixed on the ground, there are corpses covered with bloody white cloths.

Dai'er lifted a piece of cloth, revealing a hideous head with ten centimeter long fangs protruding from the corner of her mouth.

Wild boar man: A superhuman modified human bred by the supernatural creature Shan Xiao Wild Boar King.The Imperial Extraordinary Species Research Center hoped that he could achieve the combat effectiveness of invincible barbarians, and that he could be mass-produced.

But the success rate is not high.

Dale covered the dead quilboar and lifted the second body.

Flower Demon: An extraordinary creature living in the Conneris Forest, who is good at using restoration spells.If there are enough flower demons on the battlefield, the survival rate of soldiers can be greatly improved.

It's just that the number of flower demons in the original ecology is very rare, and the research of the Empire's Extraordinary Biological Cultivation Center to mass-produce flower demons has also been difficult.

Dai'er looked at a few more corpses, feeling extremely lost and depressed.

These were all caused by the empire, experiments approved by his own father himself.

"Son, what are you sad about?"

A female voice suddenly sounded, and Dai'er was so frightened that she took out her magic wand and aimed it at the deepest part.There was a separate cabinet there, and the sound came from inside the cabinet.

"Who are you? Are you still alive?"

"In a sense... I have never lived, but the current state does not seem to be dead." Although the voice is weak, the tone is very open-minded.

"I can save you. My grades in magic class are very good..."

Dai'er approached the cabinet step by step, and she could feel the things inside were very close to her.

"My child, I can feel that you have a pure heart. It is a miracle that it was born in the Augustine family. Come... child, fate has made you and me meet here, and let me wait for your arrival."

Dai'er had already walked to the side of the cabinet, and white holy light flowed out from it.

"who are you?"

"Open this door, don't you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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