Age of Arcane

Chapter 242 Investigation

Chapter 242 Investigation
Luke said disdainfully: "A profiteer? I'm not a businessman. Why do you call me a profiteer! I'm a secret agent of the Empire. 5000 million Reichsmarks are invested, and making money is just a side benefit."

"What else do you want?"

"You don't understand it."

"If you explain clearly, don't I understand?"

"I don't understand."

"If you don't tell me, you must be preparing to sell me!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes... There are too many people in the imperial capital who are willing to pay a lot of money to buy you. I have to think about who I should sell you to."

Who would have thought that Dai'er would not be angry, but asked curiously, "How much do you think I can sell?"


As Del and Luke settle down in hiding in Lower Town, Clear Sky is under investigation by the Empire.

Princess Dai'er came to visit in disguise, and not many people knew her whereabouts.She stayed alone with Qingkong in the museum for a long time, and was attacked on the way back, Qingkong has certain suspicions.

Moreover, Baron Sam Alvin, the deputy captain of the third Royal Knights Battalion, died in the museum. The cause of death was only the testimony of the museum steward. Qingkong also had certain suspicions.

It's just that because of Qingkong's special status at this time, the Imperial Bureau of Secrets and the Imperial Capital Public Security Bureau shirk each other, so Agatha can only personally bring a team of imperial spies to the museum to meet Qingkong.

Fitch and Jared Knight cooperated well with the investigation of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, and the servants of the museum and the royal knights were questioned separately.

Agatha retreated from everyone and stayed alone with Qingkong in a relatively private room.

"I didn't do it!" Agatha's first sentence made clear her position in the case.Dai'er's disappearance shocked the imperial court, and pushed Agatha, who wanted to keep a low profile, to the forefront of the storm: "But if I can't find Dai'er, or find the mastermind as soon as possible, I will have to take some measures to protect myself. This will irritate His Majesty who doesn't believe in me.

The mastermind who assassinated Dai'er wanted to intensify the conflicts within the palace, forcing everyone to take the most radical path, and in the end it was life and death..."

Qing Kong, who was sitting opposite Agatha, didn't rush to answer. She closed her eyes and analyzed the situation in the imperial court in a semi-meditative state.

Princess Dai'er was assassinated, there must be a black hand.Moreover, this mastermind has a very high status in the imperial court, and has the ability to grasp Princess Dai'er's whereabouts, and is capable of arranging an assassination against the princess in the imperial city.

Agatha has serious suspicions. Regardless of whether she did it or not, once the seeds of doubt germinate in Emperor Augustine's heart, he may take advantage of the trend to get rid of his overly capable daughter.

This seed of doubt had also sprouted in Agatha's heart, and she knew her father's methods.In order not to become a fish, she will definitely do something.

And her actions will further deepen the suspicion of Augustine the Great.

It's like two blind men locked in a closed room with a knife in each hand.The final result must be that one person dies, or both die.

If left unchecked, neither Luke nor Raging City can stand alone in this storm that affects the entire empire.

After a while, Qing Kong said: "We didn't do the assassination of Princess Dai'er either. Do you have anyone you suspect? Do you have any clues about Princess Dai'er?"

Agatha shook her head: "Right now, the entire city of Shenglun is closed to search for Dai'er and the assassin, and so far there are no useful clues. As for the suspects... the first prince, the second prince, and a group of officials and aristocrats with many factions. Counting the influence of hereditary nobles, there are not many but not many people who are suspicious, and they are not easy to investigate."

That's right... No matter how domineering the imperial spies are, they must behave well when facing these top-level people in the empire's ruling class.If you can't even get in the door, you can't find anything.

Qingkong didn't tell Agatha about Dai'er's whereabouts, but said: "We can't help you to investigate the mastermind. After all, we just arrived in the imperial capital, and we can't even recognize the way.

You can only rely on yourself.

But no matter how things develop in the end, as long as Raging Waves City is in the hands of Meteor, it will firmly stand behind you. "

One of the purposes of Agatha's coming here is to continue to gain the support of Raging Waves City.If the matter develops to the point where he and his father completely turn against each other, he must also carefully consider how the destruction of Raging Waves City will cause turmoil to the empire.

After all, those hereditary nobles with fiefdoms are increasingly dissatisfied with the empire.

As long as he holds the bargaining chip of Raging Waves City, his worst ending is to go into exile overseas.

"Thank you very much! According to the current situation in the imperial capital, it is not appropriate for Chief Detective Meteor to show up too much, otherwise it will arouse more suspicions from the father. I will try my best to find Dai'er. If she is not killed, she should be Kidnapped by the mastermind who planned the attack.

Find her and maybe find out the truth. "

Qingkong replied: "Since Meteor arrived in the imperial capital, he has been very quiet. He knows not to make himself too conspicuous until His Majesty summons him. I will pass on your advice to him, and I guarantee that during this period, no one will will see him."

"I have wronged Chief Inspector Meteor. When this matter is over, no matter whether His Majesty summons him or not, I will definitely see him. Give him a higher position and more important responsibilities."

"I'll tell him." Qingkong's eyes never opened.Her mental power spread vigorously, and the number of people watching around the museum nearly doubled.

The number of people watching on Copper Mulberry Avenue should have also increased.

These days, Luke had better not go back.

While Qingkong was absent-minded, Agatha asked again: "Can I know what happened yesterday? Dai'er stayed with you for a long time..."

The ice sculptures made by Daier are well preserved by Qingkong, and she does not let Agatha see them.Based on Agatha's understanding of Dai'er, it is very possible to see from the ice sculpture that Dai'er escaped by herself.Without being sure of Agatha's true position, let her know as little about Dill as possible.

"Princess Daier and I talked about some things related to the meteor. She seems to be very concerned about the recent messages from the palace, and wants to learn more about the meteor through me.

I told her what I knew.

Princess Dai is a person who is easy to get close to. I like her very much and hope she can come back safely. "

Agatha didn't doubt Qingkong's explanation to herself, her guess was that Dai'er wanted to know what kind of person Meteor was, after all, the rumors about Meteor in the palace were not positive.

"Yes, Daier is more like a real princess than us princesses, just like the princess who was kissed by the gods in the story. She has a beautiful face and a beautiful soul, and pure people can't help but love her.

This is also the reason why my father made me nervous when he proposed this marriage. I was afraid that Chief Inspector Meteor would agree to his father's conditions in order to get her when he saw Dai'er.

Therefore, in my father's mind, I was the biggest suspect in assassinating Dai'er. "

There was a sense of frustration in Agatha's tone.

Although she is the eldest princess of the empire, she has mastered the secret bureau of the empire, and her abilities are widely recognized, but she is inferior to Dai'er in being a princess.

At this time, Qing Kong opened his eyes: "Then... how did you feel when you found out that Princess Dai'er had been assassinated?"

Agatha didn't expect Qingkong to ask herself such a question.

The standard answer was in her mouth, but she didn't say it out for a long time.

"My mood at the time... the pressure I had been under for a while was relieved. Dai'er's accident disrupted my father's layout against me. Although I had to stand in the wind, at least I could move, and I didn't have to trap the Tulip Manor passively. wait.

It felt like there was a tighter rope around the neck.

It was a cruel thought and made me feel like my father.

Even if I come to you, I do it more for myself than for Dai'er.

This is what I mean.

Maybe I could say something sisterly, but I know you won't believe it.Standing in this position, the heart will really become colder and colder, more and more ruthless. "

The room fell into silence, only the pendulum of the clock in the corner was swinging "da da".

Agatha and Qingkong sat opposite each other, each immersed in spiritual contemplation.

After a while, Clear Sky said to Agatha: "I concealed the death of Baron Sam Alvin from the Sheriff of the Public Security Department, and Fitch didn't know about some things."

Agatha was shocked: "I knew that as the head of the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts, you must be able to see what the secret art was that killed Baron Alva?"

"It's a secret technique called 'Death's Touch', which uses the struggle of living sacrifices before death to create a 'Death' that can directly attack the soul.

I didn't tell the magistrate because this secret technique came from the Abyss Temple, and it is the top secret of the Abyss Temple.I don't want to talk about why I know this secret technique, and I don't want people to find out the secrets of me and the Abyss Temple, so I concealed what happened last night. "

Agatha looked at the clear sky and said nothing.

If she knows the top secret of the Abyss Temple, her relationship with the Abyss Temple will indeed make people suspicious.

Now Agatha wanted to know the answer very much.

But she knows better that Qingkong can say this to herself because she trusts herself.If you cross the line, it will only cause cracks in the closer relationship between the two parties.

"Thank you for telling me this secret. I will not use any means to investigate your relationship with the Abyss Temple. I am willing to wait for you to tell me, even if it is indefinitely.

I heard from Meteor that behind the Temple of the Abyss is the Celtic Duke of Tedgar Hills.Intelligence from the Secret Service also revealed that the Duke of Celtic was strengthening his army of barbarians and said many things that were not conducive to the unity of the Empire in the Brotherhood of Blades.

If there is turmoil in the imperial court, he can profit from it.

is a direction of investigation. "

Qingkong said: "The only thing I can help you with is this... By the way, the Abyss Mage in the imperial capital is led by an Abyss Apostle named Radley Morris, who is the fourth apostle.

If you can't handle him, you can leave it to me. "

"Thank you again. This visit has far exceeded my expectations. You are also welcome to visit my Tulip Manor frequently. We can learn about magic, alchemy, occult techniques, or some topics between women."

Qingkong smiled: "Okay, I will definitely go to Tulip Manor as a guest after the matter of the college branch is finished."


Agatha left the museum in the clear sky contentedly, and with the direction of the Temple of the Abyss, it was much better than chaotic investigation without a clue.

Sitting in the carriage on the way back, after passing the section where Dai'er was attacked, she couldn't help thinking, "Dai'er, you must be safe!"


Del was yawning as soon as she got home.

She was really sleepy.

Yesterday, she ran all the way from the imperial city to the lower city. After being caught by Luke, she was forced to memorize the materials and stayed up all night.I finally took a nap in the morning, and was woken up by Luke again, eating, dressing up, memorizing materials...

"I can't keep my eyes open. Even if you use the spirit-enhancing magic on me, I can definitely fall asleep standing up." Dai'er walked down the stairs to the room staggeringly sleepily, and her words were confused: "Don't sleep before dinner." Call me... no, don't call me before breakfast tomorrow."

When the upstairs door was opened and closed, Quick Legs asked Luke, "Sir, is there anything I can do?"

"Yes... You find a way to go to Copper Oak Avenue and tell Kailina that I won't be going back for a few days. Let her and Shelley take care of our people and don't go out without urgent matters.

Take another check with a face value of 1000 million Reichsmarks, try to come back before the evening, and follow me to find Malcon to sign the investment agreement. "

Kuaileg listened to the movement around him, and then said worriedly: "I didn't dare to talk much in the car because my wife was there. Investing so much money in the downtown area will make the noise too loud.

This does not appear to be part of your plan. "

"Plans have to be made according to changes. I know what I'm doing. You do what I tell you to do first, go early and return early, and pay attention to safety."

"Yes, sir."

Leaving quickly, Luke stayed at home to formulate the investment contract to be signed with Malcon in the evening.

At this time, the news that the Malcon Institute of Extraordinary Species was about to receive an investment of 5000 million Reichsmark quickly spread in the lower city through different channels.

It was only then that the various forces in the lower city realized that this businessman who came here a few days ago had such a terrifying wealth. With an investment of 5000 million Reichsmarks, a lunch was settled.

What kind of arrogance is this?How rich is this!
The bigwigs from all sides regretted why they didn't pay attention to this businessman from Raging Wave City when he came to visit.Treat him as an ordinary purchaser, accept the gift and send him away casually.

As a result, Malcolm took the first bite.

I don't know how much investment funds this tyrannical businessman still has in his hands. If he starts late, he may not even be able to drink the soup.

So when the tide inside the Imperial Palace was getting bigger and bigger, the undercurrent in the lower city was stirred up by Luke.Luke's residence became the center of the Lower City of St. Lun, and countless spies gathered around it. At the same time, all parties checked and balanced each other, and no one dared to use the "conventional" methods here.

Malcon, who got the news, immediately sent his own people to protect Luke's residence, and then continued to visit various forces in the lower city.

Half a warning, half a plea, let them not do something out of line.

(End of this chapter)

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