Age of Arcane

Chapter 245 Live Well Every Day

Chapter 245 Live Every Day Well

Back home, Luke drank the sober tea made for him by the greedy goblin, and silently looked at the mouse on the table in front of him.

She wore an old-fashioned double-breasted shirt that was a bit rushed, and a leather cylinder hung from a leather belt with a few large sewing needles in it.On his head is a boat-shaped hat with a bird feather wrapped around its folded brim.

At this time, the mouse named Dark Night was saluting Luke, looking very knightly.

After a while, Luke couldn't help asking Dier, who was sitting beside him, "You just gave a mouse the title of knight?"

Dai Er was holding a dinner plate and eating the after-dinner snacks made by the greedy goblin. She replied to Luke's question: "I gave her a name and signed a contract of allegiance, and she naturally won the title of knight. I Curious, your first question turned out to be this, shouldn't you care more about what's in her soul?"

Luke curled his lips and said, "Don't you know... I haven't even gotten the title of knight yet?"

"No way!" Dai'er seemed to find something extremely funny: "You, you have added so much wealth to the empire in Rage City, and you are not even a knight. But don't be discouraged, as the princess of the empire, I am now It can satisfy your desire to become a knight."

Del turned the fork in her hand and was about to drop it on Luke's shoulder.

Luke avoided the cheese-stained fork: "You don't need to bother Your Highness, I'm not interested in the titles of knights and nobles. Let's talk about this shadow parasitic meta-iteration, are you really sure you want to take her in?"

"Of course...don't worry, I'll hide her well so that Malken won't find out."

"I'm not afraid of being discovered by Malcolm." Luke looked at the dark night, Taotie jumped out from the back of his hand, and pressed the dark night under his feet with a single dive.The cat-sized glutton sniffed the delicious food under his feet, and the fireworks spewed out from his nostrils.After Luke saw Taotie controlling the iteration of the shadow parasite, he said to Daier: "You don't understand the habits of the shadow parasite. Your noble blood has a fatal temptation for her. The spiritual contract makes her your servant. , and let her imprint her spirit on yours too.

From now on, your spiritual power has become her nutrient.She will become stronger and stronger in the future, until she can parasitize in your soul. "

Dai'er was stunned: "Yes, will it be like this?"

An Ye immediately explained: "Your Highness! Although I can indeed obtain nourishment from your spirit, under the constraints of the contract, I will never invade your soul without your consent. And I am a shadow parasitic element iteration body, no May replace you.

I... I just fell in love with your noble blood, and I am satisfied if I can get a little bit of it. "

"You lied to me." Dai'er said viciously.

An Ye argued: "I just concealed it a little bit. Mr. Luke, since you know the shadow parasitic element, you should know that I have no way to harm Her Highness the Princess."

Luke said to Daier: "The Shadow Clan are assassins who walk in the dark. It is their instinct to pretend and deceive. But what the night said is right, as long as you don't allow her to parasitize in your soul, she can't take the initiative Invasion, and an incomplete shadow parasite has no way of replacing you.

However, in order to prevent unexpected situations, necessary measures should still be taken. "

As Luke stared into the dark night and chanted the spell, the gold trim of the gluttonous red scales surged in brightness.The golden thread was drawn from Taotie's body, and formed a mantra in the air.

As the mantra was recited, the mantra floated into the dark night, wrapping her around like a rope.

An Ye exclaimed loudly: "Shuo Jin Yu, are a Shuo Jin!"

Although the night parasite discovered by the empire lost most of its abilities due to its incompleteness, the war still left an extremely deep imprint on its spirit.

As an iterative body, Dark Night instinctively has deep fear and hostility towards the Jin people who invaded its own civilization.

An Ye struggled desperately, but the Taotie Dragon's claws got into the hook and held her tightly.The mantras were bundled round and round, and finally, after a flash, they all sank into An Ye's body.

A dragon chant came from Taotie's mouth.

An Ye cursed: "As a dragon, you have become a servant of the Shuojin people."

Taotie ignored the dark night, it let go of its claws and flew into the air, crashing into the back of Luke's hand.

"You are not much better." Luke said with a smile: "As a descendant of the shadow civilization, you have become a servant of humans. In your era, human tribes did not even have the qualifications to become vassals of the shadow civilization. "

At this moment, Daier, who finally recovered from the shock, asked Luke, "Are you a Shinojin?"

Luke denied, "No."

An Ye jumped up and pulled out the sewing needle, posing an attack on Luke: "You are the Glitter! It is impossible for a non-gold to use the Glitter language so proficiently. You can't fool me. The sealing spell you cast on me The technique must have been released by the twin twins at the same time."

Luke's right eye let out sparks and pushed Dark Night back on the table a few times: "Whatever you say, I'm not a golden man! I've sealed you in this mouse's soul in golden language. You can Continue to obtain nutrients and energy from Dai'er's spirit through the spiritual contract, but you can't change the host without me unsealing it.

Serve your master honestly in the future, and I will evaluate your loyalty, so don't try to deceive her stupid brain again. "

An Ye got up and inserted the sewing needle into the sheath: "Of course I will serve Your Highness loyally. From the very beginning, I have never harbored any malice towards His Highness... except for the moment we first met."

At this moment, Dale didn't know what to say.

Luke drank all the tea in his cup, stood up and said, "Just treat me as a villain once. I'm going to rest. I still have a lot to do tomorrow."

Luke put down his teacup and walked up the stairs.

Halfway through, Dai'er stopped him: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. In theory, she really can't harm you. I just have another insurance. Good night!"

"good night!"

"Good night, master," cried the Greedy Goblin.

When Luke fell asleep, Alice spent one night selling the information in her hands all over the lower city.

Mr. Luke directly gave Malkan a check for 1000 million Reichsmarks.

In the future, there is still an investment quota of 5 million yuan to spend here!
Everyone was extremely excited, and each of them was gearing up to get more of the investment money into their own hands.

The manpower of all parties around Luke's residence has been strengthened again, and all the people in the lower city have been repeatedly warned by the leaders of all parties.Do not endanger the safety of Mr. Luke and his wife, and do not interfere with Mr. Luke's inspection of the Lower Town.

Cooperate, everyone must cooperate!
If you dare to be disobedient, prepare to sink into the sewage reservoir!

Downtown prepares for a brighter tomorrow.

At the same time, the Imperial Secret Service conducted a comprehensive raid on all industries related to the Tedgar Hills.Although doing so would widen the rift between the empire and the Celtic duke, since the rift already existed, Agatha couldn't care less.

As long as you find evidence that the Tedgar Hills and the Abyss Temple are on the edge, you will be much more relaxed in your situation.If he could stimulate the Duke of Celtic to make some moves, his pressure would be much less.

Agatha's big move tonight also caused all parties in Saint Lun City to react passively.While everyone was wary of Agatha finding someone to take the blame, they also connected in series on the proposal to impeach the eldest princess.

On the contrary, in the palace, apart from strengthening the defense force, no orders came out.

Augustine the Great wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Also... there are more people watching Copper Mulberry Avenue.But since Princess Dai'er disappeared, Chief Detective Meteorite strictly prohibited people from going out, and all the people from Raging Waves City stayed in the courtyard obediently.

The oppressive feeling of the court struggle made everyone breathless.

In one night, there are two atmospheres inside and outside the wall.

The long night passed, and a new day came.

Luke, Daier, and Quick Legs enjoyed the breakfast made by the money-grubbing goblin, and Dark Night also got a special small dining table on the table, eating the food on the plate with small utensils.

Kuaileg, who returned to the upper city last night, looked at the dark night curiously, but did not ask any more questions, but said to Luke: "Sir, everything is normal on Copper Mulberry Avenue, but the imperial agents have been very active all night. Brotherhood of Blades There were many conflicts with the secret intelligence bureau, and the casualties are temporarily unknown.

Her Royal Highness the eldest princess seemed a little anxious. "

"If she's not in a hurry, she just sits and waits to die. It's better to make the situation even more chaotic, so that everyone has to follow suit. Although it increases the danger for herself, it's better than facing a group of turtles who don't know what to say."

Dai'er asked worriedly, "Will Sister Agatha really be in danger?"

Luke said to Dai'er: "I don't know, she can only rely on herself in this situation. Miss Qingkong has already informed the eldest princess of my attitude. When she can't hold on, Raging City and I will come forward.

Miss Weatherlight will also show force appropriately.

At that time, you can return to the palace, save the eldest princess's life, and let her go to Raging Waves City to become an idle princess. There is no problem. "

Hearing that Agatha was not in danger of life, Dai'er was relieved: "Sister Agatha is very strong, but she is also dedicated to the empire, but my father can't see it. Now he doesn't trust anyone... that seat Is that good?"

"In your eyes, it's just a seat. Of course it's not good. But in the eyes of others, it's another thing. You want to sit on it even if you try your best."

Daier suddenly looked at Luke: "What about you? Do you want to sit too?"

Luke didn't expect that such a question would come from Dai'er. He was surprised before reminding with a smile: "You are the princess of the empire."

"I don't care about being a princess. Tell me, do you want to be an emperor?"

Kuaileg hurried out of the restaurant with his food: "I'm going to prepare the car."

Luke looked at Daier, her eyes were pure as if she had never been polluted by this world.

"No!" After a while, Luke replied: "My biggest wish is to earn enough money to spend, do whatever I want, eat whatever I want. Play games, make videos, and become a qualified social animals.

But fate played a trick on me and pushed me to this position.

The me I am now does not belong to me, and the lives of too many people are connected with me.I can only take this responsibility and continue on this path that I don't like.No matter what seat is waiting for me in front of me, when it's time for me to sit down, I will definitely sit down.

This is life, unpredictable and not as expected. "

Dai'er's small mouth opened in shock: "I should really let the Dark Knight arrest you...but what you said seems to be correct.

I thought escaping was my job alone, but I didn't expect that the entire palace was about to be brought down by me.I don't belong either, but I'm going to stick with the life I love... starting with each day.

Where shall we go today? "

"The sewage reservoir, there must be many people waiting for me there."


The sewage reservoir is the basis for the existence of the lower city of St. Lun.

There are hundreds of refining factories and workshops around the sewage reservoir. They use dredging pipes to extract the silt from the bottom of the water, and then extract mud gold from the silt through a series of processes.

The workload is very large, and there is uncertainty about how much mud gold can be produced every day.Some family-owned refining workshops may go bankrupt due to continuous lack of output and failure to pay mining fees.

Or encounter monster attacks in the sewage tank and cause equipment damage, and finally go bankrupt because they cannot pay the mining fee.

Or because of other reasons, they went bankrupt because they could not pay the mining fee.

The mining right of the sewage reservoir is controlled by five mud gold refineries with refining technology, and they monopolize the sewage reservoir by virtue of their irreplaceable mud gold separation technology.Most of the refining factories around the sewage reservoir are controlled by the five of them. If other family workshops want to mine mud gold, they not only have to accept their exploitation when selling mud gold, but also pay high mining fees.

But even so, a family with a workshop in the sewage reservoir is the envy of everyone in the lower city.

At this time, old Adrian was sitting in the yard of his workshop, smoking a cigarette in a muffled voice. Behind him was a factory building that had collapsed.His son and employees were struggling to save the equipment that could still be repaired, and there were several unrecognizable corpses lying on the ground beside him.

There are alchemy materials that contain energy in the sewage reservoir, and it is also an excellent place for burials. There are also many unknown things that are discharged into this reservoir along the sewage.After a long time, some mysterious props are naturally generated in it, and the reservoir becomes a natural combination furnace of mysterious words.

When the refinery building churned the bottom of the reservoir, I don't know what kind of secret technique will be released.

Near the sewage reservoir, some people became powerful because of the secret technique, and some people died of disability due to the secret technique.Sometimes the occult will create monsters to attack the workshop.

Old Adrian's workshop was attacked by a reservoir monster last night.The factory buildings were destroyed and several workers and workshop guards died.

This was a devastating blow to old Adrian's refining workshop. He invested all his money in the purchase of new excavation equipment, and it turned out to be... all over.

While old Adrian was thinking about how to keep the workshop, a car drove in through the open gate.

(End of this chapter)

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