Age of Arcane

Chapter 247 Murder

Chapter 247 Murder

The car left Old Adrian's refining workshop, and Alice, who was sitting in the co-pilot, couldn't help asking Luke: "Sir, what did you do in Old Adrian's alchemy house? I didn't see you bring it out, Have you forgotten?"

"I wanted to see the effect of mixing these mysterious energies, but it failed." Luke didn't say much, but changed the subject and asked, "What kind of person is Mr. Neil? Meet him , what should I pay attention to?"

At this moment, the car jolted violently, causing Dai'er to let out an exclamation.Luke put his arms around her waist to keep her head from hitting the roof of the car.Dai'er was sensitive and wanted to break free, but when she saw Alice looking in front of her, she had no choice but to admit that she was at a disadvantage.

Daier said: "Honey, no matter what you want to invest in here, you must repair the roads here. The higher the value of things, the less they can withstand such bumps."

Luke withdrew his hand holding Dai'er: "Yes, there needs to be a convenient road here. But if you want to build the road, you must have the cooperation of people here, otherwise no matter how much building materials we bring, it will disappear the next day.

That's one of the things I'll talk about when I meet Mr. Neil.

Alice, you go on..."

"Yes, Mr. Luke. I really envy the relationship between you and your wife..."

Alice was very dignified in front of Dai'er, and she even secretly took off some jewelry to make herself more ordinary.In her opinion, apart from her outstanding temperament and slender figure, Miss Jasmine is not very beautiful... There are too many eye-catching freckles on her face.

The bright colors of makeup can increase the visual impact and make people look mature and noble, but they lack affinity and make people around them feel pressure unconsciously.

Alice restrained her tone, and told Luke the information related to Neil in detail.

In fact, Luke has more detailed information about Edmund Neal.

Edmund Neal controls one of the five mud gold refining factories in the lower city, which determines that he has a very large power and influence in the lower city.

The urn refinery is at the heart of all the great feuds in Lower City.Around these five refineries, major conflicts will break out almost every few months, and the owners will change every few years.

When the new boss takes over, the refinery workshop attached to the refinery will change hands.Large refining factories are generally under the direct control of the refining factory, and the money obtained is used to maintain the daily expenses of the entire gang.Smaller workshops will have capable leaders. Once the gang encounters a major event of life and death, they can rely on these guys who can fight.

Old Adrian was one of Neil's leaders.

Both he and his son were affected by the mysterious energy of the sewage reservoir, and their bodies became extremely strong.Fighting against other gangs, the father and son soldiers cooperated with each other to protect and cooperate with each other, and made great contributions to Neil's robbing of the refinery.

A refining workshop is the reward for old Adrian.

Old Adrian was a generous man. Although the income of a refining workshop was not much, it also gathered a group of loyal employees for him.

And his loyalty was naturally doubted by Neil.

The sewage reservoir forms an ecological circle of its own. While it is constantly killing people, it is also constantly screening out the strong.Outsiders have no power or ability to threaten the lacquer refining factory, and the owner of the refining factory changes all from within.

When Luke met Neal, old Adrian stared at the tube of reagents on the table motionless.

The situation in the workshop is very bad now.

The purchase of new equipment left me with no spare funds in my hands, and I even owed a lot of money, but the mining fee needs to be paid soon.

Old Adrian knew that Neil would never forgive him the date of payment, and he wished that he would go bankrupt and take back the workshop justifiably.

Ed on the ground has calmed down, his body has become extremely strong, and his strong muscles stretched his clothes.The skin has a marble-like texture, with blood vessels protruding one by one.

"What happened?" Ed got up on the ground, the changes in his body made him unsteady. When he was about to fall, his legs exerted force, and he jumped up, and his head hit the iron beam. , and then fell heavily onto the shelf.

The heavy objects placed on the shelf hit Ed who fell to the ground. Apart from howling in fright, Ed was not injured at all.

When everything was quiet, Ed stood up extremely carefully.He looked at the hugely changed body, and easily grabbed an all-steel machine with one hand, and looked at old Adrian with a blank face: "Uncle, what's wrong with me?"

Old Adrian looked at Ed, and said after a while: "Ed, have you learned the potion made by Mr. Luke?"

Ed put down the machine and came to the table where the reagents were placed.He stretched out his hand, afraid that he would break the medicine tube if he couldn't control his strength, so he took it back.

"Understood. When Mr. Luke was making the potion, he explained the process very carefully... Ah, Mr. Luke forgot to take away the prop balloon that captures the mysterious energy." Ed pointed to the five balloons next to the reagent tube.

Old Adrian had seen these five prop balloons a long time ago, and he continued to ask Ed: "Can you also make the first generation of mysterious substance mixture?"

"Is the thing made by Mr. Luke called the first generation of mysterious substance mixture? He injected this potion into my heart, and I became like this. I feel that my whole body is full of strength. Now I am as strong as you, uncle, I can live longer!

I want to thank Mr. Luke. "

Although Ed's body has changed, he is still a teenager.When he realized that it was Luke who gave him the injection that caused him to have a healthy body now, he couldn't hide his excitement and gratitude to Luke.

Old Adrian patted Ed's shoulder hard, and Ed was only slightly short, without any signs of injury, and he didn't even know how much strength Old Adrian had used.

"Ed!" Old Adrian asked in a serious tone: "Tell me, whether you can make this potion, it's very important!"

"Yes!" Ed said confidently: "The process of making the first generation of mysterious substance mixture is not complicated, there are several important processes, and Mr. Luke guided me to complete it myself.

I am confident that I can make the first generation of mysterious substance mixtures.

Uncle, with this potion, we can save many, many people. "

"It will also kill a lot of people." Old Adrian patted Ed's face, telling him not to get too excited: "Ed, don't tell anyone about the first generation of mysterious material mixture, and don't let anyone Know you will do this potion.

Including my son. "

"Yes, Uncle, I will obey you."

After all, Ed grew up in the sewage tank in the lower city, and he has seen many scenes of sinking people into the sewage tank.He knew what kind of skill he had mastered, and he knew that this potion could save many people, and even more people might die because of it.

The old Adrian said to the sensible Ed: "You are very smart. Mr. Luke values ​​you so much, you will definitely be able to accomplish great things that neither your father nor I can do. Now you should adapt to the changed body and take your time." , I will protect you."

According to old Adrian's instructions, Ed used the equipment in the alchemy room and maintenance room to come in for strength adaptation training.

Old Adrian found a sponge and carefully rolled up the medicine, then tied it with a seal, and finally put it into a box with a few needles.

Ed on the side asked: "Uncle, why did Mr. Luke teach me the formula and process of the first-generation mysterious substance mixture? I have never met Mr. Luke before. He is a big shot from Raging City."

Ed lost control of his strength and broke a glass bottle.

Old Adrian poured a glass of water for Ed: "I don't know why he chose you, but I know what he wants me to do."

Ed carefully took the water glass and slowly brought it to his mouth: "What did he ask you to do?"

"Kill Neil."

"Ah! Neil is our boss."

Old Adrian was very conflicted: "He knows that Neil is my boss. He taught you how to make the first generation of mysterious substance mixture, and he just forced me to kill Neil."

"I don't understand."

Old Adrian sighed and said: "I shouldn't have told you these things, but since you have been involved, you must know what we are facing."

Ed listened carefully, and old Adrian continued: "Alice came with Mr. Luke, a woman who could sell herself for money.

Everyone in the Lower Town didn't like her, but because of that, everyone was willing to put up with her.Neil will definitely ask Alice what Mr. Luke did here, and Alice will definitely exchange this information for money. "

Ed said: "Alice didn't come in, she didn't know about the first generation of mysterious material mixture."

"But how can I explain your changes? Besides, since Mr. Luke has done this, he will definitely let Neil know that I have a potion for people to safely obtain extraordinary power."

Ed continued: "We can give the potion to Mr. Neil, and I can also produce the first generation of mysterious substance mixture for Mr. Neil. Mr. Neil will definitely give us a lot of money!"

Old Adrian didn't answer immediately, his hand was placed on the medicine box, his expression was extremely dignified.After an unknown amount of time, old Adrian said to Ed: "Ed... hand over you and the potion to Neil, and you will get a lot of money and a very high status.

But I, and my children, will never be able to get out of this life.Neil is not a generous man, he refused to lend me money just to take this refining workshop away.

In the past, I had no choice but to accept my fate, but now it is different.Kill Neil, and my grandsons and their children can never go back downtown.They can live a better life, and even... they can follow Mr. Luke to Rage City and become a big man respected by everyone.

Ed, your father saved my life.He is dead, and I have always regarded you as my son.

Now you also face a choice.

Do you follow Neil and live a stable and rich life; or follow me to fight for your life. "

"I'll follow you!" Ed replied without any consideration.

Ed's answer made old Adrian let go of his last worries. He said: "After you get used to your body, make the first-generation mysterious material mixture, and make as much as possible. I will call trusted people and bring them here. Injection medicine.

After Neil meets Mr. Luke, he will definitely send someone to find me, and we will do it at that time.

Ed, we have few people, so the chances of winning are not high, so everyone has to contribute.You have never fought before, and I will take care of you when it does, but you have to be careful too. "

Ed grabbed a steel rod: "I understand, Uncle."

Old Adrian was determined to kill Neal, and the negotiations between Luke and Neal were not going well.

Neil asked for an investment of 4.5 million Reichsmarks, because he knew how much investment Luke had in his hand.Of course, Luke would not spend all the money here, after all, there are four other alchemy factories waiting to be discussed.

In a luxuriously decorated living room, a chubby Neil sat on a sofa arrogantly.A hand full of gold rings holds a wine glass, and behind him stands a row of insolent thugs.

"Mr. Luke! There is also the beautiful Miss Jasmine..." Neilpi said with a half smile: "The biggest wealth in the lower part of Shenglun City is the sewage reservoir. As long as the factories in the imperial capital are still in production, there will be a steady stream of sewage Making money. It's just that the money is divided among five families, so it's very little.

If you give me your money, I can kill all the other four.You save the trouble and risk of negotiating with them, and I help you make more money. "

Luke looked at the time on his pocket watch and looked impatient: "Mr. Neil, I don't think 4.5 million Reichsmarks can help you unify the sewage reservoir. And I don't want too many unnecessary fights in the lower city. I don't like the fighting environment the most.

The investment of 5000 million Reichmarks is used to upgrade the equipment of your alchemy factory to make the refined alchemy materials more pure.If you agree to this investment, I can discuss the specific investment contract with you tomorrow. "

How could Neil, who knew how much money Luke had in his hands, look at 5000 million Reichsmarks.The small research institute of Malcone got 5000 million from Luke. Can my factory with such a big size and so many people be compared with him?

Neil crushed the wine glass in his hand, and said to Luke with a fierce look in his eyes: "Boy, you should know where this place is. You'd better give me the money I want, otherwise I have plenty of ways to get it .”

Before Luke could answer, Dale said loudly, "Who do you think you are? Even the upper council members of Raging City dare not speak to my husband like that! I know this is the Lower City, but do you know that this is the territory of the Empire? ?

How many lives do you have?Dare to move us! "

Dai'er showed a more arrogant aura than Neil and his men.

The thugs wanted to step forward to give strength to their boss, but Neil blocked him with a wave of his hand.

According to the information given by Alice, Miss Jasmine has a very rich family background, and she almost became the wife of Viscount Iskran of Raging Waves City.

Who is Viscount Iskran now?

The senator of the upper council of Raging Waves City, and the confidant of the eldest princess of the empire.

Now the investment negotiation has just begun, and it is far from offending this kind of aristocratic family.

Luke stood up at this time and said: "Negotiations, it is inevitable that there will be no agreement. We have no idea of ​​​​using family background to bully others, and please Mr. Neil not to threaten us with disgraceful means.

You can't afford my investment alone.

I suggest that today's negotiations come here first, and that both of us can think about it for another night.

My wife and I will be back tomorrow, and we'll continue talking.

I believe that after a night of thinking, we will come up with an investment plan that everyone can accept.

goodbye! "

(End of this chapter)

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