Age of Arcane

Chapter 251 Raising a Thief

Chapter 251 Raising a Thief
Yomington didn't dare to discuss this matter with Luke in detail, but asked, "What can I get from helping His Royal Highness the Princess and Chief Inspector this time?"

Luke said with a smile: "Gabriel's first assistant is both right and wrong, and you can learn from it. If the turmoil in the palace can calm down, the princess will not be the princess she used to be. She doesn't want to fight for the seat above." To fight.

I gave you such a good position, do you still want to be loyal to the chief assistant?Don't put yourself and your family's future in one basket... Her Royal Highness the Princess and I both need talents like Ni very much.

Give you a chance to show, Sandpaper, Kestrel and three sisters are in the hands of the Cross, bring them out to me. "

Luke's words made Yomington's heart tremble.

He knew that the Chief Inspector appointed him as the commissioner of Raging Wave City's Office in St. Lun City just to win him over.But I was personally promoted by Gabriel's chief assistant, and being appointed as the chief assistant's staff is trust.

Before taking office as commissioner, Chief Assistant Gabriel had a long conversation with himself.This position is very important, we must occupy this pit, but people must not follow the meteor.

However, the seemingly incompetent Chief Assistant was so weak in this court struggle, it can be seen that the royal family members who are qualified to compete for the throne are the future.

Moreover, how many of the chief ministers of the empire in history can start well and end well?

Yomington was a little shaken, but finally said: "Thanks to the Chief Inspector for favoring me, but Mr. Shoufu trusts me very much. As a think-tank staff, I cannot be as smooth as a politician.

I will pass on your words to Gabriel-sama, everything will be decided by Mr. Shoufu.

As for those three is related to the Crusader Project of the Crusaders and the Eternal Life Mystery Project, and even Lord Gabriel cannot make the decision.I will pay more attention to them and try to take care of them as much as possible. "

Luke knew that letting Yomington take refuge in him, he couldn't be in a hurry.Anyway, people have already reached their own bowls, and they are slowly affected and eaten slowly.

As for the Eternal Life Secret Technique project disclosed by Yomington.

The restart of this occult research was a bit early. It seems that changing the plot by himself put too much pressure on Emperor Augustine, making him reveal his desire to prolong his life in advance.

The emperor of the empire, who will be strong all his life, still bowed his head...

"I'll leave the affairs of those girls to you. Now go back and see Gabriel Shoufu, and tell me the attitude and thoughts of Mr. Shoufu as soon as possible.

I would like to inform Her Royal Highness the Princess to relieve some pressure on the cabinet. "

Yomington knew the seriousness of the matter, he stood up to say goodbye to Luke, and then left in a hurry.

At the home of the chief minister of the empire, Yomington who came to visit was immediately summoned by Gabriel.

Drive away all others and activate the enchantment in the room.

Chief Assistant Gabriel listened carefully to the news brought by Yomington.

"Meteor's courage is really great!" After hearing this, Gabriel's chief assistant let out a long exclamation: "Forcing the Celtic Grand Duke to rebel... This is to gamble on the fate of the empire and push His Royal Highness Ascend to God."

Yomington's whole body was soaked right now, excitement, nervousness, fear... made his voice tremble a little.

"Master Shoufu. From what Meteorite did in Raging Waves City, it can be seen that in order to promote His Royal Highness the princess, he must have violated His Highness's original intention of sending him to Raging Waves City.

This time, if the Celtic Grand Duke can be forced to rebel.In the war against the rebellion, with the methods of the Bureau of Secret Affairs and the money from the City of Raging Waves, the Eldest Princess with the assistance of Meteor will surely make outstanding contributions.

At that time, when His Majesty was summoned by the gods, even if he didn't appoint His Royal Highness the Princess as Crown Prince... who would be able to sit securely on the throne? "

Gabriel Shoufu nodded approvingly.

"Meteor is very loyal to His Royal Highness! In order to protect His Royal Highness, he dared to tear the empire apart."

At this time, Yomington said in a low voice: "Master Chief Assistant... When I was the commissioner of the Raging City's office in St. Lun City, I often went to No. 236 Copper Mulberry Avenue to handle affairs. When chatting with those imperial spies, I learned that Meteor There is a deeper relationship with Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

"What's the relationship?" Gabriel asked hastily.

"Secret Lover!"

Gabriel immediately said: "Don't talk nonsense without evidence, do you know the consequences!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shoufu. I was still not sure, so I didn't report it to you. The imperial agent who revealed the news to me is called Pisco, and his mind is not very good! I hope it didn't affect your judgment on the court situation."

Gabriel thought about it and said, "If it's true, it can explain why Meteor is not so active in offering His Majesty's marriage. Before Princess Dai'er disappeared, His Majesty had been waiting for him to swear allegiance."

Yomington asked: "Does this mean that Princess Dai'er was attacked and disappeared, and has nothing to do with the eldest princess?"

"We can't make this conclusion yet, and Princess Dai'er is not important anymore. What's important now is how to force the Celtic Grand Duke to rebel and transfer all the conflicts in the Imperial Palace."

"You promised Meteor?"

"If the relationship between Meteor and the Eldest Princess is really as you said, even if His Majesty gave him the position of Chief Assistant, he might not be interested. He wants to play a big game with the empire's national fortune, so we will play with him.

It is not certain who is the biggest winner. "

Yomington understood what Gabriel meant.

The Celtic Grand Duke represents the old aristocratic forces of the empire. Once the civil war breaks out, the new aristocrats will gather around like sharks smelling blood.And if they want to occupy a good position at this feast, they have to serve Gabriel, who is the chief assistant of the imperial cabinet.

With the power of the royal family and the consumption of the old nobles, the new nobles can take the opportunity to enter various fields of the empire, including the army that has been held in the hands of Augustine the Great.

If the eldest princess' power grows stronger, the emperor will only rely more on the new nobles if he wants to consolidate his imperial power.

"Raising a thief to respect oneself" is the same in the court.

But can Chief Assistant Gabriel achieve his goal?

Yomington couldn't help asking questions in his heart, but this was not what he should say.

Gabriel agreed to Luke's proposal to resolve the court struggle, and the details were gradually perfected during Yomington's delivery.

At a royal cabinet meeting in the palace, several cabinet ministers once again jointly proposed to impeach the eldest princess, and produced a large number of facts to prove the indulgence of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets.

"Your Majesty!" A minister shouted regardless of his manners: "The Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs used the excuse of investigating the assassination of Princess Dai'er to frame and arrest innocent officials in the imperial capital, which has caused many departments to fail to operate.

But Her Royal Highness the eldest princess did not find Princess Dai.I think it is false that she is looking for Princess Dai'er, and it is true that she took the opportunity to eliminate dissidents.I request Your Majesty to treat your subjects fairly, revoke all the positions of the eldest princess, and hand over to the imperial court for trial! "

A proposal to impeach the eldest princess was collected by the internal officials and placed in front of Emperor Augustine.

Augustine didn't look.

These days, every time the imperial cabinet meets, someone submits this kind of thing, and he has already memorized the contents.

But can Agatha be investigated?
To the East: The Watchers launched the Restoration War within the Leo Republic.The Imperial Navy has already ordered a batch of "Number [-]" class all-metal warships in Raging Waves City, and they want to use this opportunity to gain another few decades of maritime dominance.

North: The borders of the empire have always been uneven, and the fortified borders are all gold-swallowing beasts.

Southside: The Celtic Grand Duke grows increasingly resentful towards the Empire.As the most promising emperor of the empire, only by destroying these kingdoms can he be worthy of his current title.

The west side: There are hereditary clans of nobles and tribes of non-human races all over the place. The endless bandits have always been a headache for the empire.

Before the accident in Raging Waves City, Emperor Augustine was ambitious.

Kicking Leo, the Nanping hereditary leader solves the problems left over from the history of the empire.After the banditry in the west is pacified again, the entire empire can be concentrated to teach the century-old enemy a lesson to the north.

The Empire is now stronger than ever.

At this time, Rage City must not be in chaos. If it is in chaos, the economic chain of the empire will have problems, and it will be difficult to maintain a huge army.

Emperor Augustine looked at Agatha who was sitting on his right, and thought in his heart: Why did you choose to take the City of Raging Waves at this time!
"Agatha!" Augustine finally responded to these impeachments: "I have always defended you because you are my daughter, I hope you can realize your mistakes yourself, and don't let me face the embarrassment of the ministers of the empire.

I don't want to send you to the imperial court, explain these things yourself here. "

Augustine tapped the stack of impeachment proposals with his fingers, and fixed his eyes on Agatha.He has already sent someone to hint that his daughter, who offered to resign, can keep the title of eldest princess.

Without Agatha's rights, Raging Waves City would have no support from the court, and those who served the eldest princess would naturally collapse.

Agatha looked back at Augustine without any concession in her eyes.If I retire today, all my contributions to the empire will soon dissipate.No one understands the current situation of the empire better than her, and no one understands the situation of Raging Waves City better than her.

No one can control Meteor, he will really smash Rage City, and he also has this ability.

At that time, the empire will be over.

"Your Majesty... The duty of the Imperial Secret Service is to protect the safety of the empire. Everyone I arrested deserved their crimes. They may have nothing to do with Dai'er's attack, but they were just evidence of their crimes when the imperial agents investigated the case.

If anyone thinks I'm guilty, show evidence. If there is no evidence, don't waste time in the imperial cabinet meeting.

Shouldn't we care about Princess Del?

All members of the Bureau of Secret Intelligence are looking for her day and night, while some people are busy impeaching me.What are their plans?What are the intentions! "

Agatha's response sparked Augustine's anger.

He slammed the table heavily: "Agatha!"

At this time, Gabriel, the first assistant who was sitting on the left, hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please calm down... The eldest princess and Princess Dai'er have a very good relationship, and she did some extraordinary things in order to find Princess Dai'er as soon as possible... ..."

Emperor Augustine turned his head to look at Gabriel, as if trying to identify whether he was a fake.

The others also looked at Gabriel, wondering if Mr. Shoufu had taken the wrong medicine when he went out today.

Emperor Augustine said: "It's very strange today. It seems that you are not among the proposals to impeach Agatha?"

"That's because I have more important things..." Gabriel took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket: "General Filibadze on the southern front sent an urgent military report this morning. Military movement of unknown scale."

"There is such a thing?" Emperor Augustine was extremely surprised. He immediately took the paper and read it carefully, and then handed it to Agatha: "Is there any news from the Bureau of Secret Affairs?"

Agatha also wondered why Chief Assistant Gabriel suddenly presented such a military report at this time.

Looking at the above information, it is okay to say that military transfers are allowed; it is okay to say that the barbarian tribes migrate;

At this time, she thought of the news sent by Clear Sky a few days ago, telling herself not to push Gabriel too hard.

Did Meteor reach an agreement with Gabriel?

The clever Agatha immediately figured out Meteor's intentions.

bold!bold!How dare he do it!

If Meteor told him his purpose, he would never agree with him making such a gamble with the fortune of the empire.

But when things got to this point, Gabriel took the first step, explaining that they had already arranged everything.

Maybe the south has been created conflict...

Meteor, the troubles you cause are getting bigger and bigger every time. What do you want to do?
"Your Majesty, the Tedgar Hills are the territory of the barbarians. The Blade Brotherhood is very powerful. It is difficult for the Imperial Secret Service to effectively infiltrate there. But the Celtic Grand Duke has been strengthening the barbarian army. Now that barbarians are rarely used to fight abroad, it is a very abnormal military expansion. And..." Agatha paused, and said: "Information from the Bureau of Secrets confirms that the Celtic Grand Duke has a very close relationship with the Abyss Temple. cooperation. The Abyss Temple has a strong influence in the emperor, and is led by an Abyss Apostle.

The Bureau of Secret Intelligence investigated the property of the Tedgar Hills in the imperial capital, and suspected that the Temple of the Abyss was related to Daier's attack, but no direct evidence had been found yet. "

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Although Emperor Augustine complained about Agatha, his tone did not have any reproach.

"Because this involves the Grand Duke of Celtic, if this matter has nothing to do with the Grand Duke, my nonsense may cause a rift between the empire and the hereditary nobles."

"The rift has already existed!" Emperor Augustine said: "Thinking back now... the attack on Dai'er, the biggest beneficiary is actually Celtic.

Fortunately, Gabriel discovered the clue in time. "

Gabriel immediately said: "After Princess Dai'er was attacked, I considered that the mastermind of the incident might not be in the palace but in the south, so I specifically asked General Fei Libaze to pay more attention to the actions of the barbarians."

"Very good, very good, very good..." Augustine praised Gabriel, and then said to Agatha: "The Bureau of Secret Information immediately seized all the properties related to the Tedgar Hills in the imperial capital, and tried their best to find and rescue Dai'er. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Gabriel, the cabinet immediately draws up a military plan against the southern rebellion.

Decree... Summon Celtic to the imperial capital! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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