Age of Arcane

Chapter 260 I Know It's You

Chapter 260 I Know It's You

At night.

Shelley and Pisco returned empty-handed.

The two of them are primly facing Luke in the governor's office as he waits for his pizza.

"Your Excellency." Shelley said aggrievedly: "It's our fault that we didn't ask for the address of the pizza shop. We arrived at Silver Avenue, walked from East Avenue to West Avenue, and then from West Avenue to East Avenue, back and forth. I walked around several times but couldn't find the pizza shop you mentioned."

Pisco was secretly kicked by Shelley and said: "Miss Shelley is right, there is not a pizza shop in such a long street, it is unbelievable... Mr. Governor, did you remember the address wrong? gone?"

Luke behind the desk looked at the document in his hand, and asked casually: "I remember correctly, that pizza shop is on Silver Avenue, did you not look carefully?"

Shelley hurriedly said: "My lord governor, we searched very carefully. We even searched the alleys leading to Baiyin Avenue. There is really no pizza shop."

"Yeah, we asked a few people and they said there's no pizzeria on Silver Avenue," Pisco said.

"That is to say... You have searched for it several times, but you haven't found it, and you haven't found the location when you ask the people there?"

Shelley and Pisco said in unison: "Yes, Your Excellency Governor."

Shelley went on: "Governor, would you like something else?"

Luke did not put down the document in his hand, waited for a moment and said: "Maybe when I left St. Lun City, the pizza shop moved away from Silver Avenue, so you didn't find it.

I miss the taste of that pizza!
You have been busy for such a long time, you should be tired, go back and rest. "

Shelley and Piscoe glanced at each other, then bowed to Luke and exited the room.

After closing the door, Pisco couldn't help asking Shelley: "Sister, what kind of pizza can be so delicious, so that the governor can't forget it so much, I want to taste what it tastes like."

Shelley nodded: "That's right... adults never have any requirements for food. You can eat all the food in the cafeteria in the bureau. It must be a very delicious pizza that can be praised so much by adults."

"I don't know where that pizzeria has moved?"

At this time, Karina came out of the office next door with a stack of documents in her arms, and was stopped by Shelley and Pisco when she arrived at the door of the governor's office.

Shelley asked in a low voice: "Karina, you are from St. Lun City, do you know that there is a delicious pizza shop on Silver Avenue?"

"A pizzeria on Silver Avenue?" Karina was puzzled by Shelley's question: "You have been deceived! How could there be a pizza shop on Silver Avenue."

Pisco said: "It was the governor who said it. He said that he had eaten delicious pizza on Silver Avenue before, and after interrogating the prisoners today, he asked me and Sister Shelley to go buy it.

But we searched several times on Baiyin Avenue, but we couldn't find it. "

"The Governor must be lying to you." Kailina said sympathetically, "Half of the Silver Avenue is the First Prince's Silver Manor, and the other half are all important imperial functional departments. There are no restaurants, hotels, or pizzerias." ..."

Shelley and Pisco were stunned, recalling that when they stopped someone to ask about the pizza shop on Silver Avenue, the other person looked at him really strangely.

"Why did the governor lie to us?"

"I don't know... The Governor's actions are never something we can guess. Please open the door, I have something to report to the Lord."

Shelley and Pisco immediately stepped aside and watched Karina push the door in. The two tried their best but couldn't figure it out...Why did the Governor lie to us to buy a non-existent pizza on Silver Avenue.

The Silver Manor on the Silver Avenue is the residence of the great prince Fania. At night, only a few rooms in the Silver Manor are lit, and there are very few guards and servants.

The eldest prince Fania is 42 years old today. He has not remarried since his wife died, and his life has become very low-key.Only the lowest personnel are kept in the manor, and the main daily life is reading.

With rich knowledge and humble character, Fania has a group of loyal fans in the imperial court.Everyone thinks that if Fania can become the future emperor of the empire, he must be a wise monarch.

Moreover, Fania sent his only son to the Northern Army, and there were often news in the court about the military achievements of the emperor's grandson.

In the evening Fania read in the study.He was dressed in comfortable casual clothes and sat on a gold art spiral seat with a velvet back cushion.The ornate magic lamp on the roof emits a softer light than incandescent lamps, and the room is filled with precious aromas that can improve concentration and spiritual power.

On the crystal round table next to it is a silver jug ​​and a crystal cup.When Fania was reading, she would take a sip of wine from the wine glass from time to time. Whenever the wine in the wine glass was exhausted, the jug would automatically fly up and tilt the body of the jug to pour the red wine into the glass.

Fania was fascinated by it, and even though the butler opened the door and walked to his side, he didn't notice it.

"Master." The butler saluted respectfully.

Fania didn't move her eyes from the page, and asked in a casual tone, "How is the matter going?"

"Sam died, and it was handled very cleanly."

"I remember that after you said last time that you handled it very cleanly, Sam was caught by the Secret Intelligence Bureau and was bitten. This time, he was found out by Meteor. Is this what you mean by cleanliness?"

"I'm sorry, master!" The steward bowed deeply and apologized: "We didn't have enough time to prepare after receiving the order that night, resulting in some mistakes in some links. Fortunately, the assassins who were mainly involved in the operation were safely hidden, and Sam was just one of us. Peripheral intelligence agent, he does not know that he is serving the master."

"Are you blaming me for not giving you enough time?"

The housekeeper immediately knelt down: "It's our lack of training, please punish the master."

Fania turned a page of the book in her hand, and said, "Get up, some things are indeed unpredictable, and you have done a very good job. But how did Sam expose it?
Agatha had nothing to do with him, it was incredible that Meteor had figured out his identity just after taking over the case. "

The butler stood up and talked about how Sam was exposed, but he was also at a loss at this time.

"Master, this matter is indeed very strange. Meteorite saw through Sam's identity, and did not send anyone to follow the other six suspects, allowing us to easily understand the interrogation process. And in the operation of killing the mouth, the imperial spies who followed Sam Did nothing and went back to Copper Mulberry Drive after confirming Sam's death."

With such a strange movement, Fania finally couldn't concentrate on the book in his hand. He turned to look at the butler: "You mean...Meteor is deliberately trying to silence us?"

The steward said with a little worry: "Meteor has always been unexpected in doing things in Raging Waves City. I can't figure out his purpose for doing so."

Fania's tone was a little nervous: "Are you sure Sam doesn't know of my existence?"

"I'm sure! After Sam was arrested, all the people who had contact with him were dealt with. This time, Sam was killed and the entire line was eliminated.

The only one who knows that Sam is working for the Master is me..."

Fania looked at the butler and breathed a sigh of relief: "You are the person I trust the most. Watch the Copper Mulberry Avenue carefully for me, and you must report to me every move of Meteor."

"Yes, Master." The butler hesitated for a moment, and said, "Today there is a strange thing related to the meteor."

"what's up?"

"Today, two cronies brought by Meteor from Raging City came to Silver Avenue to look for pizza shops, and they searched back and forth several times. This Silver Avenue is all important imperial functional departments, and there has never been a pizza shop. I don't know where they heard it from."

The book in Fania's hand fell to the ground, and he asked, "Did these two people come to Silver Avenue before or after Sam was released?"

"After being released. Sam had just left Secret Service, Secret Service Six, and these two people came to Silver Avenue. They did not hide their whereabouts, and many people saw them.

Master, master, master, what's wrong with you? "

Fania's body trembled a little, and she said to herself: "He knows I did it, what does he mean?"

"Master..." The housekeeper who realized what happened hastily said, "You mean that the meteor has been found out to attack Dai'er..."

Fania stood up from the chair, the mana gathered in his hands glaring brightly, he stared at the butler and said murderously: "You just are the only one who knows that Sam is working for me!"

The housekeeper knelt on the ground again in fright, and begged prostrately: "Master, I don't know what happened, but I never betrayed you. Please believe me, please believe me."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and the servant shouted, "Master, His Highness Sinclair and General Joshua are back."

Fania withdrew her magic power, and said viciously to the housekeeper, "Find out what went wrong!"

"Yes, master. Thank you, master."

Fania walked out of the study, and in the living room saw her son Sinclair, who had rushed back to the imperial capital from the northern border, and General Joshua, the commander of the Northern Legion.

The emperor's grandson, Sinclair, was dressed in military uniform. He was young, handsome, and full of heroism. He saluted Fania and said happily, "Father, I heard the news that Grandpa asked you to take charge of the southern front on the way. Uncle Joshua is in command." With the Northern Legion, you and I will definitely fight a great war that can be recorded in the annals of history."

Fania patted his son on the shoulder: "It's very courageous, but you have to ask your uncle and your grandfather if they will let you go to the south."

"Father?" Sinclair did not understand what Fania meant.

Joshua on the side saluted Fania, and then said to Sinclair: "The north is different from the south. There has been no large-scale conflict between the empire and its neighbors in the north for more than ten years. In the south, we have to face The most powerful is the Celtic Grand Duke's barbarian army, and even I don't know if I can come back alive.

You are the only son of the eldest prince and sister, your grandfather and I will never let you take such a big risk, you have to stay in the imperial capital. "

The young and energetic Sinclair still wanted to fight for it, but Fania said: "Not only can you not go to the South, but I won't go either.

Sinclair, the war in the south is handed over to your uncle, and your battlefield is here!In the imperial capital, our enemies are more and more powerful...

You go to rest first, Joshua and I have something to talk about. "


Fania talked with Joshul who had driven back from the northern border all night.

Luke woke up after a good night's sleep.

Breakfast is settled in the office. The food is pizza, ham and milk. Kailinna is reporting the summary of all parties' intelligence from last night to this morning.

After opening a new page of the folder in her hand, Kailinna frowned and said: "My lord, at 45:[-] yesterday evening, Philemon Sam was shot by a special poison crossbow arrow at home. The person following Sam The agent confirmed that the person died on the spot. The agent followed your instructions and returned immediately without taking any additional actions.

My lord, you know Sam has a problem, why watch him get silenced?

Now that Sam is dead, the other suspects have been released by you, and no one has been assigned to watch over them, how can we explain to the eldest princess? "

Luke chomped on the pizza and said, "You don't need to explain to the eldest princess, as long as I can explain.

Sam's death proves my judgment that this is his last residual value.This matter ends here, what action to take next, wait for my order. "

Kailinna took a pen to make notes in the document, and after Luke finished signing, she went out and left.

During the interrogation yesterday, Luke was thinking about one thing.

Sam appeared near the crime scene, can it prove that the eldest prince is the mastermind behind the attack on Princess Dai?

The answer is that it cannot be proven.

So Luke set up a game.

He hinted that he saw through Sam's identity, and let him go.If the mastermind who attacked Princess Dai was not the eldest prince, the eldest prince would definitely not kill Sam in order to prevent the incident from getting on him.

But if the eldest prince is the mastermind, he must kill Sam to silence him.

Anyway, the eldest prince would never have thought that he recognized Sam because of him, and releasing Sam was not to follow the clues, but just to make a judgment question.

And letting Shelley and Pisco hang around Silver Avenue under the pretext of buying pizza is to let the guilty prince understand... I already know that you did it.

The flustered eldest prince will definitely show his feet.

It's just that Luke still finds the case tricky.

Knowing who the murderer is, it is not difficult to solve the case by collecting evidence in a targeted manner.Even this kind of case doesn't need too clear evidence, just let Augustine know that the eldest prince did it.

But what happens next is not certain.

Princess Dai's trip to Clear Sky's museum was a temporary idea, and there was not much time for the attackers to prepare and act.According to the course of the attack that night, it can be seen that the plan and actions of the attackers were very careful. Agatha searched for so long but found no useful clues.

According to the eldest prince's behavior on weekdays and that night... forbearance, determination, and unscrupulous means for the result, even if he wanted to kill his own blood sister.

For an emperor like Augustine, is it a bonus item?Or deductions?

No one will know the answer until the moment the facts are revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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