Age of Arcane

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Outside, after "rush repairs", the faulty power was restored, and the dark blocks were brightened up one by one.

In another secret room, the light from the electric lamp was turned on, overwhelming the temporarily added magic light source.A group of people in the room are having a meeting. Most of them use face scarves to cover up their appearance, but all of them wear a silver dagger in an obvious position on their bodies.

Looking at the style of the silver dagger, it means that they are all professional assassins of the Brotherhood of Blades.

The Chamber of Secrets is a small classroom setting, and most of the bayonets sit under the stage.Some are listening carefully; some are taking notes;

On the podium, a man with scars on his face explained while writing.

In the end, he couldn't stand those assassins who deserted, and said angrily: "Look at you guys, do you still look like a Brotherhood of Blades to stab blades!

The Celtic Archduke's barbarian legion has already fought the Imperial Army in the Tedgar Hills, and many hereditary nobles of the Brotherhood have expressed their support for the Celtic Archduke.The Brotherhood of the Blades will fulfill the promise our ancestors made with the Golden Shield family to protect this empire with weapons we never laid down.

As the stabbing blade cultivated by the Brotherhood of Blades with a huge investment of funds and materials, our battlefield is in the city of St. Lun, and our opponent is the Imperial Secret Service.But I can't see your fighting spirit and killing intent, this will only kill you in the cruel assassination and spying missions!


The leader wanted to say some words of encouragement, but a stabbing blade in the audience raised his hand and said, "Chief Samuel, can the Grand Duke of Celtic represent the Brotherhood of Blades now?
As far as I know, some members of the Brotherhood went to Rage City.Under the leadership of Viscount Iskran, the Brotherhood of Rage City branch has completely turned to the eldest princess, and some of the stabbing blades we are familiar with are cooperating with the Bureau of Secret Affairs.

There are also some members of the Brotherhood who joined the new nobles and became members of the new nobles.

All the arrangements you have made here today will appear on the desktops of our 'mortal enemies' in a while.The reason we can safely hold meetings here is because this is going to be ridiculous!

Leader Samuel, wake up!The fraternity of today is not the fraternity of the past, and I don't know which brother will stab me in the back tomorrow. "

The Jablin's words sparked an uproar in the room. Most of the Jablins agreed that the current Brotherhood was not a united organization.

"Silence!" Facing the increasingly chaotic meeting place, the leader of Samuel shouted: "Nize, you are here to confuse people's hearts and drive away the mutual trust of the Brotherhood. I think you are the traitor who was bought. "

The thorn blade code-named Nize stood up, pointed to the tasks on the blackboard and cursed: "Samuel, look at the tasks on it! Assassinate the emperor of the empire, assassinate the eldest princess, assassinate the eldest prince, assassinate the second prince, and assassinate Qingkong." , Assassinate Meteor, Assassinate Gabriel...

Is this how the thorn blade that the Brotherhood spends a lot of money and resources to cultivate is used?
This is obviously because the upper echelons of the Brotherhood have decided that we, the stabbing blades in St. Lun City, cannot be trusted, and let us launch a suicide attack to squeeze us out. "

Samuel said angrily: "Nize, you are talking nonsense here, questioning the decision of the Brotherhood!
Somebody, grab him. "

Several stabbing blades were about to step forward to subdue Nize, Nize pulled out the silver blades from the leather sheath on his chest and made a counterattack posture, and some stabbing blades with good relationship with Nize joined in to protect his side.

Nize jumped onto the table and shouted to all the stabbing blades in the room: "Although we are assassins, the most training we receive has never been assassination. If the Brotherhood of Blades values ​​us, it will only cherish our lives, let us Complete as many intelligence stealing missions as possible, instead of assassinating important officials of the empire who are under strict protection.

Samuel gave us all suicidal assassination missions, obviously wanting our lives in exchange for his future.

Brothers... Regardless of whether we are still brothers in the future, I will call you brothers again here.

There should be no idiots in the stabbing blade who can live to this day, it can be seen that the brotherhood of the blade no longer trusts us, let those stab blades among us who are still foolishly loyal to the brotherhood die! "

The room fell silent, and those bayonets who carried out Samuel's order to besiege the mud became hesitant.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Samuel knew that people's hearts were scattered and the team couldn't go on.If they fought, he would definitely not be an opponent of such a high-level stabbing blade alone.

"Okay, very good. Nize, this is the result you wanted, and you succeeded. The mission these brothers gave us, you don't carry out... I will carry out.

Brothers who are willing to follow me to die, follow me! "

Samuel went out angrily, and finally only five people followed out of the room full of stabbing blades.

The room fell silent again.

Leader Samuel is gone, and these stabbing blades who refuse to carry out the mission of the Brotherhood are tantamount to betraying the organization.Where to go in the future, everyone looked at Nize.

Nize jumped onto the podium.

Drive away Samuel, he is the new leader of these advanced bayonets.In addition to the informant network controlled by these high-level stabbing blades, the intelligence network of the Brotherhood of Blades in Saint Lun City fell into their own hands.

"Brothers, I don't care who you are serving now, I welcome you to be double agents. Tell the people behind you that the Brotherhood of Saint Lun City branch is willing to conduct intelligence transactions with anyone..."

However, before Nize finished speaking, the light bulbs on the ceiling of the room burst one after another, and darkness enveloped the room.

Then a large number of grotesque monsters rushed out of the wall, biting at all the bayonets in the middle.Facing the sudden attack, the high-level bayonets calmly cooperated with each other to defend.They relied on their superb martial arts and spells to kill the approaching monsters, but the monsters poured out of the wall as if endlessly, and they were all fearless of death. Take a bite.

Soon there were casualties among the bayonets. Facing these monsters that they didn't know if they could kill them all, they could only rely on each other to break through.However, when they got to the wall and were about to blast out, they found that the wall didn't exist at all, it was just a projection of the wall.

Space shift!

This is a trap!


Outside the secret room is an abandoned warehouse. The door of the warehouse faces a quiet street, and the street lights seem to be flickering on and off due to some disturbance.

On the tall building on the opposite side of the road, Samuel, the leader of the Jabblade, lit a cigarette for himself, and beside him stood a man huddled in a smock.The bayonets who followed Samuel stood behind, surrounded by some people who also wore overalls.

Samuel took a long puff of cigarette melancholy, and said to the people around him: "Lord Morris, you are right! Most of the brotherhood's stabbing blades in St. Lun City have been corrupted, and the questioning task is not a qualified one. The thinking that the bayonet should have."

Standing beside Samuel was Morris, the fourth apostle of the Temple of the Abyss.

He stood on the edge of the building, looking at the quiet warehouse opposite.

"Isn't the brotherhood in this situation now? Sir Celtic originally thought that if there was a war, he would be able to get immediate responses from other nobles, but now most of them are just verbal.

They were all afraid of Augustine, even though most of the old guy's body was already buried in the soil.

This war was fought a little early, and the Celtic Grand Duke has been waiting for the news of His Majesty's death. "

Samuel took a puff of smoke: "The information I have collected shows that Augustine's sudden decision to fight this war has a lot to do with the meteor coming from Raging Waves City."

"Meteor..." Morris repeated the name of Meteor: "This is the Dagong representative, a person who must be eliminated as soon as possible.

If he died, there would be a lot of competition in Raging Waves City.Once Raging Waves City is in chaos, foreign countries will be able to see the weakness of the empire.Once the war starts in the north, it will greatly reduce the pressure on the Tedgar Hills.

Moreover, those aristocratic leaders who are still on the sidelines also know that only by joining the winning side as soon as possible can they preserve their power and land in the future. "

Samuel said: "The matter of assassinating the meteorite can only be left to you... Once these stabbing blades are dead, it will be useless for me to stay here. Fortunately, the Grand Duke of Celtic anticipated the situation of the Brotherhood and sent the Abyss Temple to the Imperial Capital A new intelligence network was deployed.

Meteor's strength is far inferior to Qingkong's. I think you will be able to complete the task of the Grand Duke with ease. "

Samuel's words were barbed.

Although he now belongs to the same camp as the Abyss Temple, without the stabbing blade group in Saint Lun City, he is a lost dog.Coupled with the severe separation of the Brotherhood of Blades, it is inevitable that there will be sourness in the heart of the Abyss Temple, which is getting more and more attention.

Morris said coldly: "Just based on this sentence, I can kill you."

Samuel threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it fiercely: "No matter how poor I am, I was also the leader of the stabbing blade who once managed the intelligence network of St. Lun City. It is not so easy for you to kill me.

And I also know that someone in the court has had secret contact with you. If you want to continue to gain the trust of the Celtic Grand Duke, you must do what should be done well.Don't continue to send heads to Qing Kong's hands just for the Book of Calamity. "

After finishing speaking, Samuel jumped off the roof, followed by five stab blades.

Morris was blowing on the roof, and the hem of his smock was violently shaking in the strong wind.

How did Samuel know that Augustine sent someone to contact me?
Was it the people from Augustine who leaked the secrets, or the people in the Abyss Temple?

Ever since she had contact with Clear Sky, Morris felt that the Temple of the Abyss seemed to have no secrets in front of her.In order to understand and deal with Clear Sky, Morris had a secret meeting with the Augustinians.

Unexpectedly, Samuel could notice this brief secret conversation.

The Blade Brotherhood's stabbing blade has been operating in Shenglun City for so long. Although it was taken over this time, it still has a solid foundation.

At this time, the flickering street lights on the street returned to normal, and several black figures rushed out from behind Morris.They jumped down the stairs and across the street into the warehouses on the opposite side.

After a while, one returned.

"Master Apostle, confirm that all the people inside are dead."

"Put on the fire and burn it cleanly."

"Yes, my lord!"


After a whole night of recovery, the awakened Luke finally adapted to the body after completing the blood inheritance.

The most obvious thing is that the strength has been increased by a large span. If you do not control it carefully, things will easily be broken in your hand.

And most importantly, the magic power that Luke has always thought about.

The inheritance of troll blood did not bring magic power to Luke. He can release magic firstly by using the magic energy contained in the Tanchilonglance, and secondly by using the skills developed by Jianglei Huotong.

Inheriting the blood of the lava stone demon this time, he not only gained a more powerful body, but also gained a good magical talent and surging magical power.

Luke stretched out his hand and chanted the spell, and the magic energy of the fire attribute gathered in his palm under the traction of his magic power.Incantations and thoughts create a magic energy structure, and the fire-attributed magic energy produces magical changes in the magic program in the structure. A fire ball transforms from energy into a solid body, and appears above Luke's palm.

Qingkong's study at Oulu Academy allowed Luke to master a solid foundation of magical principles.

A simple small fireball, shaped as you like.

Luke continued to add new structures to the magic energy structure of the small fireball, injecting more magic programs.With the addition of magic power, the small fireball expanded and burned violently, erupting from a swaying small fireball into a beam of fire erupting upwards.

Luke added more magic structures to it, and with the crazy injection of magic power, the fire roared like a jet engine in his hands.Unsatisfied, Luke added electric magic energy. After a burst of sparks and lightning, there was a series of explosions. The explosive power intensified by the electric fire made Luke a little unsteady.

The energy flow overflowing the riot cut Luke's tattered clothes into strands.

Luke, who released magic independently for the first time, ignored the danger caused by releasing the two violent energies of fire and electricity at the same time.He activated Jianglei Huotong, and the two disobedient energies in his hands immediately became tame.

The originally colliding red flames and purple lightning merged into one place, turning into a blue electric fire column that erupted steadily.

After playing for a while, Luke withdrew this eruption that consumed a lot of magic energy.Then, under the protection of the clear sky, the body strength adaptation training and magic energy micro-control training were carried out.

It is easy to release powerful magic with powerful mana, but it is not easy to use magic freely without hurting people.A beginner in magic needs years of uninterrupted practice before he can control his magic freely.

Fortunately, Luke merged the magic knowledge and skills from Clear Sky, and with his strong mental energy, he quickly completed the magic control training that required several years of practice.

In order to further consolidate and strengthen the ability to control magic power, Qingkong also asked Spirit Ball to design a set of daily magic power practice methods suitable for body training.

It is to control the flames to circle around the fingertips of the five fingers, start with one flame, and increase the number of flames when the control is free.The flames cannot touch the skin, cannot leave the fingertips within a certain range, and cannot collide with each other.

When it was completely dawn, Luke changed his clothes, and practiced like this to return to Copper Mulberry Avenue.

(End of this chapter)

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