Age of Arcane

Chapter 297 Big Brother

Christina and Millscomb walked on the stone road one after the other. The palace complex at night seemed to be a quiet jungle, and the moods of the two were different.

Christina has a dignified demeanor, and her noble temperament cannot be desecrated.Like a loyal dog, Millscomb followed suit with fiery eyes.Although he was old enough to be Christina's father, he couldn't resist the charm exuded by the young queen, and secretly vowed to protect her after staring at her countless times.

Neither of the two said a word, only the sound of footsteps at the same frequency on the road they passed.

Until reaching the door of the Queen's bedroom.

Christina stopped, she didn't look back, and asked: "Last time you told me... Your Majesty has murderous intentions for the acting governor of Meteor. This time he is holding a coming-of-age ceremony dance for Princess Dai, is he ready to do it?"

Milcombe immediately saluted and replied: "Your Majesty still needs to conduct a deeper assessment of the Meteor Governor. If it is determined that he will endanger the foundation of the empire, even if killing him will cause a major crisis, His Majesty will get rid of him."

Christina did not respond immediately. She was silent for a while before she said: "Your Majesty is old, his thinking is far less clear than before, and he will even do some extreme and stupid things. He doesn't even believe his son and daughter, so he will naturally be malicious Guess everyone.

The relationship between Meteor and all parties in the palace is very healthy, and his ability to mediate the conflicts of all parties is the cornerstone of the stability of the empire.Raging Waves City is the window for the empire to develop the world, and the wealth and economic effects it creates are the reliance of the empire to deal with various crises.

Losing the meteorite is a price the empire cannot bear!And Meteor's loyalty to the empire is unquestionable!
If His Majesty wants to kill Meteor in a daze, the royal knights and palace guards will protect him and return him safely to Raging Waves City. "

Milcombe replied without hesitation: "Yes, Your Highness. I will pay attention to your majesty's health, and I will also arrange for someone to protect the acting governor of Meteor."

"Thank you, Millscombe, we are all for the Empire."

Christina never looked back at Millscombe, she walked up the steps of the bedroom and walked into the open palace door.

Millscomb stood and watched Christina's back until she disappeared into the closed door, then turned and left with lingering desire.

Christina, who returned to the bedroom, walked in the empty corridor, and the magic lamps lit up one by one as she approached.She likes to be quiet and alone, so there are not many servants here, and all of them went back to the room to rest under her order.

Christina pushed the door and entered a door. This is not her bedroom, but a study.She walked to the desk and sat down, waving the lamp on the desk to turn on.

There are pens and paper and some books that have not been read on the table. There is a bookmark in the middle of a thick "Anthology of Emperors of the Empire", and there are dense reading notes on the paper.

Christina did not go to pick up the unfinished book, but spread a new sheet of paper, picked up a pen and started writing.

All she wrote were the documents she had just read for Emperor Augustine, as well as the imperial emperor's instructions.Super strong memory allows her to remember every word she has read, even a single punctuation is correct.

After an unknown period of time, Christina completed all the carbon copies. The thick paper represented how many events would occur in an empire every day, and an excellent emperor of the empire should respond to each event as quickly as possible.

Christina sorted and bound the copied documents, and then studied them carefully one by one according to the importance. She put herself in the position of Emperor Augustine, thinking about the reasons for any instructions he made, and what goals he wanted to achieve. .

Such was Christina's court life.

After the death of the first empress, Augustine the Great's state of mind and body took a turn for the worse.Although he married Christina for political reasons, his health did not allow him to come here.

Therefore, Christina has a prominent status, but she is also a canary trapped in the palace.She can only pass the boring time every day by reading a lot, and then finds that she has an addictive interest in some fields.

She likes to look at the humanities and customs of various parts of the empire, likes to read the personal biographies of emperors and ministers, and likes to imagine what kind of decision she would make if she was in that position.

Interest makes life go by very quickly, and it also changes Christina's mood bit by bit.

She noticed Milcombe's affection for her, and let it turn into an obsession.She doesn't have to give anything, just keep Milcombe seeing it and not getting it, and you'll fall unconsciously.

So Christina knew a lot of things that she didn't know before, how fierce the court struggle was, and what the purpose of Emperor Augustine's coming-of-age ceremony for Princess Dai was.

The most trusted person of the Emperor of the Empire has become the eyes and ears of the Empress of the Empire, and can even disobey the Emperor's orders.

Luke knew what the real Queen Christina looked like.

In the story of the collapse of the empire in the era game, after the death of Augustine the Great, the eldest prince led troops to attack the palace.He thought he could ascend the throne smoothly, but he didn't expect that the Royal Knights and the palace guards all joined the queen.

Therefore, Luke is very clear that in the palace, it is not the emperor who wants to die who will die, and Queen Christina will definitely save whoever she wants to save.

Raging Waves City's overall investment in the Kingdom of Lusien, apart from making money and future economic colonization, is also Luke's insurance for himself.

That's why Luke is safe and sound alone in his bedroom.

The royal knights and palace guards patrolling outside the window are now their own people.

Luke and Agatha drank bottles of wine, talking about canned food, military rations, the economic development of Rough City, the civil war in the Rio Republic, the Tedga Hills War, and the potential crisis in the northern border.

Temple of the Abyss, Brotherhood of Blades, Cross Society, Reform Society, Cabinet, Court...

Both of them did not deliberately alleviate the influence of alcohol on the brain, and talked about many things that they could not usually talk about in a slightly drunk state.

Agatha drank another glass of wine, the stimulation of alcohol made her skin flushed, and her eyes felt a little blurred: "I found that there is a natural tacit understanding between us. When you were still in Haijiao District, this There is a tacit understanding. Although you have caused me countless troubles, the relationship of trust between us is getting closer and closer.

I believe that you can bring new vitality to this decaying empire, and let the subjects of the empire live a happy life. "

Luke smiled and said, "Let everyone live a happy life? You think too highly of me! I just want to make myself more comfortable, but somehow... it has become like this step by step.

I actually like adventure, and there are still many places in this world that I haven't been to.If there were not so many responsibilities on my shoulders, I would really like to board a ship and go to sea, and then land at a random place. "

Luke is an adventure player in the Age of Ages game. He travels around the world, experiencing different secret places and dungeons.Little part of the drama of the ruling class of this country, let them drive themselves.

Therefore, Luke has no intersection with the court of the Golden Shield Empire in the game, and some of them are materials compiled by other players in the mobile phone database.

Agatha looked at Luke with a deep smile on her face: "Daier is also very yearning for adventure, maybe one day you will let go of everything now and explore the vast and unknown world.

Don't snub Dill tomorrow...Tell her about your old adventures and she'll forgive you.

It's too late, you rest... I will go back to rest too, good night! "

"Good night, Your Royal Highness."

"Be careful! There are my people outside the door, if you are in danger, rush outside."

"Thank you Your Highness, I will be careful!"

Agatha leaves Luke's room with empty wine bottles on the windowsill.Luke was lying on the big soft bed, Jiu Jin's drowsiness made him fall into a dream quickly.

Incense brings a good night's sleep and wakes up refreshed the next day.

After getting dressed, Luke was going to look for Dai'er. Although he really didn't know that Dai'er was waiting for him yesterday, of course he had to apologize first and explain the matter clearly.

But as soon as Luke went out, he saw Macdonald waiting outside.

"Your Highness, what are you doing here?"

Macdonald, who had been waiting a little uneasy, immediately burst into a smile when he saw Luke.Regardless of his status, he first saluted Luke, and then said eagerly: "Master Governor, I found out that you are so rich after asking a lot of people yesterday. No wonder you invested so much money in us without blinking an eye, just like in the past. It's like throwing a stone in the pond.

It turns out that money is really like a stone to you.

Sister Christina...His Royal Highness asked me to study with you. During the time in the empire, I will follow you.

You will be my big brother from now on! "

Yesterday's conversation hit Macdonald really hard.Although Lusien Kingdom is not rich, but as a prince, he has seen money. Some people don't believe that Meteorite can throw so much money into Lusien Kingdom with just opening his mouth.

It's not like I haven't been to Raging Waves City before. No matter how rich it is, it is still a city. Can it be compared with a country?
So MacDonald made inquiries after the ball.


Raging Waves City pays taxes to the empire in one quarter, which is more than the entire wealth output of the Kingdom of Lusien in one year.

Macdonald knew that the Kingdom of Lucen was poor, but he didn't expect it to be so poor. The princely status he was proud of suddenly became meaningless.

Now that there was a sugar daddy opportunity in front of him, Macdonald thought about it all night and made a bold decision.Then just after dawn, he came early to block the meteorite.

Isn't that just being a younger brother?
The Kingdom of Lusien has always been treated like a little brother to others!
And Luke never expected that you, McDonald, are also the prince of a kingdom, and your sister is even more expensive as the queen of the empire, so you would worship yourself as your eldest brother in front of the public.

It's too easy for you little brother.

And... what about seniority?
Macdonald and Augustine the Great were equals.

Luke immediately said: "Your Highness, follow me to learn, and I will teach you with all my heart. This big brother is not a casual obeisance."

Who would have thought that Macdonald was determined to be the younger brother: "Brother, please rest assured, this is a decision I made after a night of deliberation.

My father said that our Lusien ancestors had worshiped the Golden Shield Empire as the suzerain early on to keep the country, and followed the strong in time to keep their jobs.

I am the youngest prince of the Kingdom of Lusien. I am not destined to inherit the throne, but I have a heart to be the richest prince.

I believe that big brother can definitely help me realize this wish. "

I have to admit that although the family motto of Lusien royal family is cheap, it is absolutely practical.

No wonder Big Brother Macdonald is so silky smooth with almost no psychological burden.

It seems that for Sinclair's seniority, he has to be upgraded again.

Thinking of Sinclair, Luke saw his back in a hurry.He wanted to come to him too, but after listening to Macdonald's words, he couldn't bear the blow of reality.

The relationship between the royal family is too messy!
"Well, since you sincerely recognize me as the big brother, I will reluctantly recognize you as the younger brother. From now on, the big brother will lead you to make money hand in hand, and promise to make you the richest prince in the world."

Macdonald said happily: "Thank you, big brother. I am satisfied to be the richest prince in the Kingdom of Lusien."

"Being the richest prince in a kingdom, wouldn't that slap me in the face of being a big brother? He must be the richest prince in the world!"

Macdonald still said conservatively: "I set a small goal, the kingdom is the richest!"

"You can have this! Let's go, I will take you to meet some people now... The future is an era of secret arts, and they hold the future wealth code."

"Yes, Brother Meteor."

Luke took MacDonald to the residence of the students of the Department of Occult Arts.Even if Dai'er wasn't there at this time, the students there knew how to find her.

Because of Dai'er's special relationship, the students of the Department of Occult Arts were arranged to live in the same building.When Luke and Macdonald brought it, Jenferne, who led the team, was asking the students to line up for the roll call.This is the imperial palace, and she must take good care of these energetic and mischievous students.

Dai'er lined up with the students and listened to Jenny arrange today's activities.

Today is the continuation of the celebration. The palace will organize noble children from all over the world to visit the Imperial History Museum. They will experience the glory and strength of the empire and tell their elders what they see.

The war against the Tedgar Hills has continued until now, and there are still many nobles who have not expressed their positions. The empire does not want to add more enemies.

Luke asked MacDonald to go to the museum with the occult students, and stopped Del by himself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were waiting for me to invite you to another dance yesterday. Her Royal Highness and I..."

Dale said coldly, "I didn't wait for you. You were a bad partner and made me twist my foot, so I sat until the end of the dance."

"It turned out to be like this..." Luke suddenly realized: "The eldest princess said that you were waiting for me to invite you to the second dance, which made me very guilty, now...

I'm still very guilty!

Sorry, I am a beginner who dances really badly.Are your feet better? "

Dai'er looked at Luke with a relaxed expression: "Did Sister Agatha say these? What else did she say to you?"

"We also talked about the crisis facing the empire. The south is fighting, the west is suppressing bandits, and the north may be invaded. The empire will be very difficult in the next few years, and Rage City must be prepared to deal with various crises. Supporting all battlefields at any time..."

Dai'er exhaled lightly, showing some guilt, and said softly: "You guys have to worry about the affairs of the empire so late, but I...

Come walk with me, I want to hear what the country is facing. "

Luke asked with some concern, "Are your feet okay?"

Dai'er smiled mischievously: "It's been done just now."

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