Age of Arcane

Chapter 302 Ham Tavern

"Gulu! What do you two eat? The horse meat bran cake here is very popular, and each horse meat bran cake can give you a glass of water. Gulu!"

A skinny goblin ran over in a small step, with a flattering smile on his wrinkled face, and enthusiastically recommended the specialties of his tavern.

But before the two women could answer, a young man sat down and said mockingly: "Two ladies, listen to my advice, don't order the horse meat bran cake here. Although I have to admit that the horse meat bran cake is still delicious. Not bad, but it takes a lot of water to swallow it, and you get thirsty very quickly, and you need to drink a lot of water.

You know where it is, water is a very precious thing. "

The young man has some orc blood, his complexion is blue, and he can see four slightly elongated animal teeth when he speaks.His body is strong, and his exposed arms are full of strong muscles.

He was wearing a broken leather armor full of patches, and the lining inside was also sewn from various pieces of cloth.What caught the eye was the broad-bladed sword on his back. Just by looking at its exaggerated appearance, it was obvious that ordinary people could not handle it.The wide-bladed broadsword is carefully wrapped with oilcloth, which shows how much the owner loves it.

When the goblin saw that the young man had ruined his business, he immediately cursed: "Gulu! You half-orc, green skin with a rotten mouth! Just now, Boss Hamm was kind enough to allow you to postpone the time for repaying the money, and gave you a gift. bag of water.

How dare you now slander the reputation of our Ham's Tavern, especially that of the horse chaff.

Horse patty is the best thing ever, don't you think?grunt! "

In order to restore the reputation of his own horse bran cake, the goblin asked loudly about other customers in the store.

But some customers complained: "Yes, among all the unpalatable foods here, the horse bran cake is delicious. But you use too much salt. Last time I ate a piece of horse bran cake and drank a whole bag." water."

"Gullu! Salt is added to make it last longer, and we've given you water, Gulu!"

"But the water you gave is only enough to moisten your throat." The young half-orc pointed out the profiteer's tricks, and turned to the woman and said, "You two ladies, I can tell that you have come from a long way, and it is probably your first time here." Ermutu.

Let me remind you that this is a long way from the nearest oasis.And because of the great harvest festival, many Sand Pirates are planning to make a fortune during this time.

You need a guide who is familiar with Harmutu, and preferably he can also act as a bodyguard.

My name is Kyle Hain, and I have excellent bloodlines of humans and orcs.Hire me, and you can have a safe and comfortable journey. "

The half-orc Kyle Hain tried his best to sell himself. He came to Burnt Wood camp penniless, and needed a sum of money to pay off the debt and support himself.

He could tell that the two women who came in were rich, and the fabric of their clothes was not affordable by ordinary people.

At this time, the two women lifted their hoods together to reveal their appearances, staring blankly at everyone in the tavern for a while.

Female elves and female humans, they all have beautiful appearances and delicate skins, and their intellectual eyes are incompatible with this dusty tavern.

Especially the female elf, people can't move their eyes.

"Hello, half-orc Kyle Hain, I'm Qingkong the elf, and this is my entourage Jenny, thank you for your kind reminder." Qingkong turned to the goblin who was standing still and said: "Two horsemeat bran cakes, serve The glass of water needs to be large."

The beauty of the clear sky has a very strong appeal and can resonate with the aesthetics of all races.Even the goblin seemed to see a beautiful oasis after crossing the desert.

What's more, two pieces of horse meat chaff cake were sold.

"Gulu! Beautiful Miss Elf, and beautiful Miss Human, two servings of the most delicious horsemeat bran cakes in Ham Tavern, will be delivered to you immediately... and sweet water as a gift. Gulu!"

The goblin ran towards the kitchen in small steps.

Others in the tavern were still paying attention to Qingkong and Jenny.

Kyle Hain was also attracted by the beauty of the clear sky, and couldn't help but praise: "I've seen many elves during my travels, but you are the most special. You must be a noble magician or scholar, I can't be mistaken .”

Clear Sky did not respond to Kyle Hain's guess, but said: "We do need a guide, and the destination is the ancestor grassland on the west side of Harmutu Basin.

Because we have to travel day and night in a hurry, and we need to take the most convenient path, are you competent? "

Hearing that the two ladies were going to the grassland of the ancestors, Kyle Hain did not immediately agree, but said: "The grassland of the ancestors is a blessed land formed by the death and collapse of the world tree, and the source of many rivers in the western border comes from the grassland of the ancestors. The elves and orcs there have been mixed for a long time and are very aggressive, and they will not be close to you because you are also an elf.

If you are interested in the World Tree ruins, I advise you to give up this idea.All the remains of the World Tree, even if it is a dead branch of the World Tree, there are grassland elf tribes nearby.Once it is regarded as an invasion by them, there is only one dead end. "

When Kyle Hain introduced the dangers in the grassland of the ancestors, the goblin brought two plates of horsemeat bran cakes and two large ale cups.

Qing Kong looked at the horse bran cake in front of him, without any appetite.

This thing is to break the horse meat first, then mix it with bran, marinate and dry it, and finally smoke it and store it.It can be eaten directly when it needs to be eaten, but it is best to warm it up, otherwise it will be like eating a rock.

The two pieces of horse meat bran cake were black and big, full of weight, and the aroma was also attractive.Kyle Hain couldn't help swallowing when he smelled the aroma. Although he just tried to belittle the horse meat bran cake, it was something he couldn't afford.

As for the complimentary water.

The cup is very big, but the water only covers the bottom of the cup, it really only moistens the throat.

Qingkong picked up the water cup and sprinkled it out. The little water fell on the dry ground and was instantly sucked dry by the soil layer.

Kyle Hain couldn't help but exclaimed, looking at the little water left on the ground, he said regretfully: "Miss Elf, you don't like dirty water, you can give it to me."

Jenny then poured the water out of her glass.

Kyle Hain shouted: "No, you can come here, don't you know how precious water is?"

Clear Sky ignored Kyle Hain, she took out a glass bottle, which was filled with a pure blue liquid that could be held with one hand.In the sloshing liquid, circles of halos were floating.

Kyle Hain is the real thing. He knows that this is definitely a very valuable magic item, but he doesn't know what function it has.

He stared at the bottle in Clear Sky's hand, watching a drop of blue liquid being poured into the glass.Then the blue halo, like a fountain, surged up from the bottom of the cup, and then overflowed the blue mist along the edge of the cup.

Clear Sky complained: "I let the goblin take the big cup, but it's still so small!"

Just as the clear sky's words fell, the blue mist suddenly turned into water, rushing upwards from the cup.Qingkong released a magic at random, and the overflowing water turned into a stream of water and flowed into Jenny's cup.

The water didn't stop producing until Jenny's glass was filled.

Many people in the tavern stood up when they saw this scene, their eyes were full of greed.Just a drop of that liquid can produce so much water that a full bottle of liquid is a treasure in the desert.

Qingkong put the bottle on the table casually: "This is the essence of water element. As long as you are willing to take us to the grassland of the ancestors, it will be yours."

Qing Kong picked up the water glass and took a sip, proving that the water was harmless.

Qingkong knows where the grassland of the ancestors is, but in the game, he "flies" all the way through teleportation. If he walks on two legs, it is easy to go astray.Therefore, it is necessary to hire a guide, which can save a lot of time and reduce unnecessary troubles.

Fearing that the clear sky would repent, Kyle Hain snatched away the water element essence bottle: "I will accept this business! My hometown is the grassland of the ancestors, and I promise to send you safely."

"Very good, eat these, we are ready to go." Qing Kong pushed two pieces of horse bran cakes in front of Kyle Hain.

Kyle Hain asked in surprise: "I, I ate, what do you eat?"

"We bring food."

"Thank you!" Kyle Hain took a big bite of a horse bran pie, and called the goblin to fetch him a large glass of wine.

There was only a mouthful of horsemeat bran pie served with a very light wine. The comfort and enjoyment made Kyle Hain show a satisfied expression. He hadn't eaten so happily for a long time.

After completing this task, find a place to sell the full bottle of water elemental essence.Not only can you pay off the debt, but you can also live a good life comfortably for a long time.

No, you can't sell out the water elemental essence at once...

Kyle Hain ate and drank and planned his future good days, and then saw Jenny take out several cylindrical tin cans and put them on the table, and then took out a dagger to cut the tin cans along the edge.

Then various aromas diffused from the cracks in the tin can.

Kyle Hain took a deep breath of this smell, and immediately felt that the horse meat bran cake in his hand was not fragrant.

"What is this?"

Qing Kong replied: "Canned food can be used to preserve food."

Jennifer opened several cans, and the rich variety caught Kyle Hain's eyeballs.

Stewed meat soaked in thick soup, moist and juicy vegetables, and precious fruit salad...

There was even a can of sea fish.

With a meow, a black cat sprang out from nowhere and jumped onto the table.He squatted down very coldly, and said dissatisfiedly: "I smell the smell of fish, should I have dinner, I'm hungry!"

Then Jenny put a box of canned fish in front of the black cat under the staring gaze of Kyle Hain.

That black cat dared to eat such a precious sea fish, Kyle Hain just wanted to pull out his knife and cut off his cat's head.

When Jenny used fire attribute magic to heat the cans that needed to be heated, the aroma became more intense, which made everyone in the tavern eager to move.

But elves and human women are obviously magicians, and if you want to move them, you must first weigh your own weight.

Moreover, the owner of the tavern, Ham, has come from the back kitchen to the front desk. This strong orc can open the tavern here, which has nothing to do with his proud cooking skills.

After listening to the goblin's account of what happened here, Ham walked to the table of Clear Sky.

Ham has grass-green skin and is [-] meters tall.There is a barbarian-style braid on his head, earrings and nose rings, and two fangs protrude from the corners of his mouth.He wore an apron that was full of grease and charcoal black, and his bare upper body was full of muscle mass, with totem and rune tattoos burned on it.

Harm looked down at the clear sky, Jenny and the black cat, and said in a bell-like voice: "Having water and fresh food with me, Ham's Tavern has not received such a big person for a long time.

Rumor has it that a lot of bad things are going to happen at this year's Harvest Festival, and it looks like the news is likely to be true.

Two ladies, you are going to the grassland of the ancestors, may I know the purpose of your trip? "

Kyle Hain stood up and confronted Hamm: "Mr. Hamm, these two ladies are my employers. They are not causing trouble, and they will also pay for food and chairs for resting.

Please don't disturb the ladies' meal, we will leave after eating. "

Ham took a look at Kyle Hain: "Boy, if you take too high a reward, you will die if you accept an unknown mission. You know that the elves in the ancestor grassland don't like foreign elves, especially those ferocious battle songs, they will kill you." Anything they think will destroy the remains of the World Tree."

Then Hamm said to Qingkong: "I don't know what you big men came to Harmutu for, please don't involve us low-class people who dig things out of the sand and eat them.

I will ask Kyle Hain to return your things to you, and I will also waive your expenses here. Please leave after the rest. "

Clear Sky didn't look at Ham, she ate the canned food with a fork, and responded at the same time: "Yes, the choice of entrustment is two-way, I will not force anyone to take us to the grassland of the ancestors. I believe that there must be someone in this room who is willing Accept this quest for a vial of water elemental essence."

Hamm said to Kyle Hain: "Give it back to the elf lady."

"No!" Kyle Hain resolutely refused: "Ham, Miss Elf is right, as long as I give up, people in this room will rush to take up this task. But no one here knows more about the grasslands of the ancestors than I do. , I know how to safely take them to where they want to go."

At this time, the sheriff had finished eating a box full of canned fish, he licked his paws and washed his face, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Stupid orcs, I don't know that half-orcs are favored by the goddess of luck today.

Being recruited by the great Miss Weatherlight as a follower was a turning point in his life.Starting today, ordinaryness and poverty will be far away, and strength and honor will follow.

Get down on your knees and offer your allegiance to Miss Weatherlight! "

Kyle Hain corrected: "This is employment! I am not Miss Skylight's entourage. Once I reach the destination, the employment relationship will end."

The sheriff said regretfully: "That's a pity, you had the chance to change your destiny. Of course, during the existence of the employment relationship, you can swear allegiance at any time and transform into Miss Weatherlight's entourage."

Kyle Hain really wanted to chop off the cat's head and kick it out.

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