Age of Arcane

Chapter 306 Ferocious Battle Song

What Kyle Hain said was right, the camel team walked into a meadow after nightfall.The numbness of the boring journey keeps everyone silent, only the camel bell rings lonely in the quiet night.

When the wind changed from dry to humid and the starry sky was clear and bright without sand and dust, Kyle Hain jumped off the camel. He identified the position through the stars in the sky, and then knelt down facing one direction.

The prayer chanted in the mouth: "Thanks to the great World Tree, you created life in this windy and sandy place, and you used your blessings to raise our ancestors. Even though you were destroyed by war, you still guarded this land. The grassland of the ancestors, let us have enough food to satisfy our hunger, and let us have a spiritual support. We are grateful for your kindness and selfless dedication.

I, Kyle Hain, a wandering soul who has returned to the grasslands of the ancestors, pray for your protection.

Praise the world tree! "

Qingkong was riding on the back of a camel, quietly waiting for Kyle Hain's prayer, and at the same time could feel the mighty power covering the entire grassland.

That is the remaining power of the collapsed world tree, just as described in Kyle Hain's prayer... It created the grassland of the ancestors and gave shelter to the creatures living in the desert.Its root system attracts groundwater to form above-ground rivers, and nourishes the Harmutu Basin, allowing the desert populations to multiply.

Even if it is destroyed and collapsed, it still uses its power to protect this place.

Jennifer was also infected by this atmosphere: "I have read the description of the World Tree in ancient anthologies. It is said that its trunk has a diameter of one kilometer, and an elf city is built on the top of the tree. The ancestors raised by countless races in the World Tree Live on the grassland, and form a harmonious civilization of various ethnic groups here.

But during the ancient war, a big battle broke out here.The World Tree was ignited during the war, and the fire burned for five full years...

Therefore, the aborigines of the ancestors grassland hated the five ancient civilizations very much. "

Jenferni has seen Clear Sky use the ancient Shuojin language, so she reminded it carefully, including the sheriff who is the host of the shadow parasite meta-iteration.

At this time, Kyle Hain, who had finished praying, jumped on the back of the camel. He heard what Jenny said, and said with a smile: "After so many years, the aborigines in the ancestor grassland are also changing. They are hostile to the five ancient Civilization, but they all accept the silver and gold certificates issued by the Jin people.

Of course, it's best not to encounter the branch of the grassland elves, the 'Fierce Warsong'. They consider themselves descendants of the elves on the World Tree, and they are still guarding the remains of the World Tree.If you meet them, let me negotiate. "

Qingkong found her current location through the map in her phone, and at the same time determined her next destination.Then she said to Kyle Hain: "When we arrive at the grassland of the ancestors, our employment relationship is over. The salary has been paid to you, so let's say goodbye here."

Kyle Hain was taken aback when he heard the parting. He didn't expect this journey to end like this.So he said to Qingkong: "Miss Qingkong, you hired me to take you to the grassland of the ancestors, but the grassland of the ancestors is very big and very dangerous. Wherever you want to go, I can take you there.

free! "

Qingkong discerned the direction and urged the camel to move forward, then waved and released the spiritual ball.The spiritual ball illuminated the dark road ahead, and Qingkong said to Kyle Hain without looking back: "I am familiar with this place, and I hired you just to save time on the road. Go back... Take the Stuff, go where you want to go.

Maybe we will meet in St. Lun City, maybe this will be a memory in the future. "

Seeing the camel carrying the clear sky away, Jenny took the reins of the spare camel and pack beast and chased after it.The black cat crouched on Jenny's shoulder, its eyes glowing bright green in the night.

"Stupid! I made you swear allegiance to the great Miss Weathering Sky a long time ago, but now I can only look at Miss Weathering Sky's back. Don't be sad, don't miss... If you go to Saint Lun City in the future, I will treat you to dinner!"

The black cat wagged its tail smugly.

Kyle Hain rode on the back of the camel and watched the clear sky and the camel team disappear into the night. After a while, the sound of the camel bell also disappeared.

Qingkong didn't feel much about this farewell, that's how the mission ended.Through the video guide on her mobile phone, she estimates the power consumption of the battle that will be encountered tomorrow.And based on the existing power of the mobile phone, calculate how much power can be charged at the destination tomorrow.

After confirming the entire action plan, Qingkong asked Jenny to lead the camel team along the direction, while he got into the tent on the back of the pack the assembly line!
It went online the next day, and the sky was already bright.

Qingkong came out of the tent, stood on the shoulder of the pack beast and looked ahead.

The vegetation of the ancestor grassland is more plump and lush than any oasis passing by along the way. You can see groups of antelopes grazing in the distance with high vigilance, and you can also see lions crawling slowly towards the antelopes under the cover of grass. Approach slowly.

In the sky, there is a goshawk hovering.

Clear Sky opened the eyes of ice crystals, and in the focus, you can see the magic light flashing between the goshawk's feathers.Feeling the goshawk's eyes staring at her, Qingkong knew that her camel caravan had been spotted.

Unlocking the Eye of Ice Crystal, the clear sky floated forward and flew forward, and then sat on the back of his mount.

The camel team moved on.

Walked for another hour or so.

The originally dense grassland suddenly became sparse, and the wet soil turned into sand grains.Ahead, in the middle of the large expanse of yellow sand, lay a huge monster.

It is dark in color, about 100 meters long, ten meters high, and hollow in the middle.Like a collapsed giant tree, it has experienced countless years of weathering and corrosion; it is also like the skeleton of a dead monster, showing a ferocious posture everywhere.

When the camel caravan came close, the tall and strong pack animals also turned into little ones.

Jennifer looked up at the dark thing, and couldn't help showing a longing look: "Is this the World Tree relic?"

Qingkong looked at the remains of the World Tree like a city wall, and said with emotion: "This is just a remnant of the World Tree branch, and a fallen branch is so big, so you can feel the world that once grew here. What a majestic tree."

Jennifer looked at the yellow sand around the World Tree ruins and asked, "But isn't the power of the World Tree continuing to maintain the grasslands of the ancestors! Why is the desertification here so serious?"

"that is because……"

Without waiting for Qingkong to explain, an arrow was shot from above, and Qingkong released an ice shield to block the arrow.Then more and more arrows were shot from all directions like rain, among which were mixed with many magic arrows.

Facing the sudden attack, Qingkong and Jenny used defensive magic to conjure a shield to block incoming arrows.

At the same time, they also saw what was attacking them.

It's an elf!
These elves are different from the elegant forest elves. They wear rough leather armor and ornaments made of animal teeth and bones.His hair was braided in different styles, a fiery red scarf was wrapped around his neck, and his eyes were as sharp as a lion staring at its prey.

They are a subspecies of the elves... steppe elves.

The elves migrated and lived on the grasslands, and conflicts with the orcs were inevitable.The continuous influence and fusion in the battle gave birth to the unique grassland elves.

And these prairie elves who attacked Qingkong and the others were a special branch.

The elves who used to live on the World Tree had to live in the grassland after the World Tree burned and collapsed.Although they eventually merged and became grassland elves, they believed that their ancestors were the fruits of the World Tree in their bones, so they took protecting the remains of the World Tree as their greatest duty.

They are "Battle Songs of Ferocity".

On the grassland of the ancestors, all the places where there are World Tree relics must be guarded by ferocious war songs nearby.

Here is no exception.

There were seven elves attacking Clear Sky this time. They used horn bows to shoot uninterruptedly and approached quickly.Realizing that bows and arrows could not harm the intruders, four of the elves drew the swords on their backs and attacked under the cover of the other three elves.

The speed of the elves is extremely agile, they almost run close to the ground, and the red scarf is like a dancing flame on the sand.When breaking through to a close distance, the elves jumped high, and the weapons they swung slashed at Qingkong and Jenniferni with sharp edges that could tear through the air.

Vicious and decisive, he has no intention of capturing people alive.

An ear-piercing meow sounded, and the black cat that had been squatting quietly on Jenny's shoulder leaped into the air.In the air, his size instantly swelled, and he instantly turned into a leopard cat with a length of more than two meters.

The sheriff in the air was strong and strong, and with one paw, he slapped an elf close to him into the air, and threw another elf down from the air.After landing, the paw pressed the elf and pressed him into the sand, and bared its fangs to other elves, neighing.

Jenny took the magic wand, threw out the electric chain whip in the air, and whipped left and right, and the two elves who were close to her were sent flying.

The repelled elves, seeing their struggling companions held down by the giant leopard cat, immediately organized a new attack.At this time, a camel rushed into the battlefield quickly, and then jumped off the camel's back to block a half-orc in the middle of the team of elves and clear sky.

It was Kyle Hain, he followed the footsteps of the camel caravan, and he thought he came very timely.

He stretched out his hands to keep the two parties from being impulsive, and then said to the elves: "I'm sorry, warriors of the fierce battle song! Miss Qingkong is from Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire, and it's the first time she came to the grassland of the ancestors. She is a scholar , very curious about the ancient world tree, so I couldn't help but approach it.

She didn't mean to destroy the remains of the World Tree, she just paid her respects.

Please get out of the way, we will leave immediately..."

While speaking, Kyle Hain also motioned for the sheriff to let go of the elf under his paws.He knew that the talking black cat was not ordinary, but he didn't expect it to grow so big. "Hey, let the elf go."

The sheriff raised his paw, and the elf buried in the sand quickly got up.The elf didn't go to pick up the weapon that fell nearby, but raised his leg and ran towards his companion, but just after two steps, the sheriff stretched out his claws and fished it back.

Press it under the paw again.

Said to Kyle Hain with a look of air: "Are you ordering me to do something?"

Kyle Hain was dumbfounded. The chances of reconciliation were not high when they met the ferocious war song, and now it is even more hopeless.

The crowing of goshawks came from the sky, and reinforcements from the ferocious War Song were coming.

Kyle Hain took off the big knife behind his back and slowly approached Qingkong's team. He untied the oilcloth wrapped around the knife in circles, and held the handle of the knife with both hands in a fighting posture.

The momentum drove the airflow to blow up the dust, and complained to the sheriff beside him: "This time I will be killed by you!"

The sheriff looked at the elf in front of him provocatively, and said to Kyle Hain: "With Miss Weathering Sky here, you don't have to be afraid of anything!"

Kyle Hain looked up at the clear sky where she was still riding on the camel, three ice shields were turning around her, she really didn't look worried about the situation at all.

Qingkong dispelled the magic, the ice shield turned into ice chips and fell, and then said: "Sheriff, let the elf go, we are not here to cause trouble."

"Yes, Miss Skylight!"

The sheriff raised his claws, hooked the elf's clothes to hang him up, and threw him out.The elf found his balance in the air and landed steadily. He turned around to guard against being caught again, and then slowly retreated to the side of his companion.

At this time, the crowing of the eagle became more urgent, and at the same time the sound of galloping horses came from all directions.Then the elves of the brigade rushed out of the nearby grass on horses, and the horseshoes stepped on the sand and raised billowing dust. Dozens of horses ran with the momentum of thousands of horses.

A female elf rides on a bay red horse headed by the leader. A red scarf covers her cheeks, and her yellow eyes shine like gold.Her skin was tanned from being outdoors for a long time, and she wore fist claws made of animal teeth.

The elf cavalry rushed to an emergency stop, and the horses screamed and stood up.The goshawk swooped down from the sky and landed on the falconer's gloves beside the elf.

"I'm Modesty, the patriarch of the ferocious Warsong Moonsong tribe. You..." The matriarch noticed Qingkong's elf identity and asked her: "Elf, you won't make us treat you less because of your race." trigger.

Give up resistance and accept the sand punishment. As long as you are still alive tomorrow, it means that World Tree will forgive you. "

The elves surrounded Qingkong and his party, all eyes were full of anger.Offending World Tree is an unforgivable sin for them.

Sand punishment is to bury a person in the sand with only the head exposed, and the person will die of dehydration soon.

Qingkong took the camel's reins and walked forward, stopped in front of the elf queue, faced Modesty and said, "The desertification around the World Tree ruins is accelerating, how many meters has it expanded this year?"

Modesty did not expect that the elf in front of her would ask such a question when facing the death penalty: "What does this have to do with you! Forest elf, you should consider whether your white and tender skin can withstand the sun's exposure. "

"Forest elves?" Qing Kong couldn't help laughing, and then patterns emerged from her cheeks: "Aren't the ancestors of the ferocious war song the fruit of the world tree? They used to live on the world tree, and they should be considered a branch of the forest elves at that time." Bar!"

When Modesty saw the patterns on Qingkong's face, her eyes widened in shock.She pulled down the scarf covering her face, and the same pattern emerged from her face.Then he asked Qing Kong: "You are also a ferocious battle song? But... you don't look like that at all!"

The pattern on the face disappeared, Qingkong looked at the sandy land and the surrounding grassland and said: "You guard the World Tree ruins, but after discovering the desertification of the grassland around the World Tree ruins, you don't care, just let the sandy land expand.

And I want to know why, but I also know that in my ignorance I can't possibly find out.So I left the grassland of the ancestors and went to study and travel, just to find a way to save the grassland of the ancestors.

Some changes in appearance are normal. "

Who would have thought that Modesty would say: "The World Tree created the grassland of the ancestors, and it is its will to take away the grassland of the ancestors. The duty of the ferocious Warsong is to prevent the last remnants of the World Tree from being disturbed. Since you are the ferocious Warsong As a member, you should know that your thoughts are a betrayal of the World Tree."

"Who defines betrayal?"

Facing Qingkong's sharp question, Modesty answered loudly: "Defined by our heart! The remaining power of the World Tree is weakening. As its children, we must let it go away without being desecrated by anyone. Finish the last journey.

Don't think that you who are weak can save the greatest existence in the world.There have been countless intelligent creatures in history who have tried, and without exception, they have caused huge damage to the remains of the World Tree.

Ferocious Warsong had to closely guard the only remaining World Tree ruins.

Reclaiming ignorance and accepting punishment is what you should do now! "

Modesty drew out a scimitar, and pointed the blade at the clear sky.

"Ignorance stems from ignorance. It is my fault to try to convince you..." Qing Kong pulled out the scimitar from his waist and said to Modesty: "Then follow the rules of the ferocious battle song...

I, the ferocious Warsong Clear Sky, challenge Modesty, the head of the Moonsong Tribe.If I win against you, I will be the new patriarch of the Moonsong Tribe. "

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