Age of Arcane

Chapter 309 The Power of the World Tree

On the sandy ground within the circle of fire, a fight was going on.The black monsters kept attacking the line of defense formed by Jenny, Kyle Hain, and Modesty, trying to join the ancient treant.Burnt liquid flowed out from the slain monsters, and the stench became stronger and more disgusting.

Modesty guarded one direction. Although she was easily defeated by Qingkong, it didn't mean she was weak.The ferocious war song respects strength. As the patriarch of the former Yueyong tribe, Modesty has the strength and combat experience in line with her status.

The scimitar held Yanyi, the fist claws gathered sand to form lion claws, and the eagle eyes provided her with a bird's-eye view.The hearty battle made her more and more excited, and the ferocious War Song blood drove her into a berserk state.The gravel raised by the torch melted, and it was as gorgeous as fireworks, and Modesty was killing like a crazy flame lion.

In the other direction, Jenny Ferney, a graduate of the Academy of Magic, showed the elegance of a magician a hundred years ago in the battle of her life form.Standing in her position, she barely moved. She swung the electric chain and long whip out of the magic wand in her hand and swam like a spirit snake, rolling up all the monsters that approached and bounced them into the air.

Then release the "Wind Blade Combo" on the monsters that cannot be dodged in the air to cut off their fragile limbs, and finally set a fire on the monsters that cannot move on the ground without any contact with the monsters.

Interspersed with the sheriff's supplementary knife, a line of defense is unbreakable.

In the middle, the ancient treant was driven mad by the holy flame with purification ability.It didn't continue to join the monsters, but violently launched all its abilities to attack the clear sky that burst out with strong holy energy.

Branches with poisonous thorns entangled towards the clear sky like tentacles, and some branches shot poisonous needles towards the clear sky.It can be said that every time Qingkong moves, he will face attacks without dead ends, and any negligence will cause continuous control.

But Qingkong couldn't use powerful combat skills, all she did was to purify the ancient treant, not kill it.

Experience allowed Clear Sky to find a gap to leave the siege range every time it seemed inevitable, and then cut off the branches where the destructive energy gathered.The Holy Flame purifies the separated destructive energy and prevents it from returning to the ancient treant's body.

At this time, the clear sky is like a professional gardener, using her skillful techniques to remove the branches that affect the growth of the ancient tree people.

As the monsters were wiped out one by one, the ancient treant gradually became bald.Its attack is no longer all-round, and the sense of rage has also quickly retreated.

When the outer perimeter of the line of defense was filled with the corpses of monsters, the ancient treant fell silent.Its root system penetrated into the ground, and the clear sky produced timely rainfall to provide water for the ancient tree people.

Jenferni, Modesty, and Kyle Hain slowly walked under the ancient treant, looking up at the extraordinary creature transformed from the ruins of the World Tree.The sheriff who turned back into a black cat jumped onto Jenny's shoulder, and also stared at the beautiful scenery with wide-eyed eyes.

In the drizzle, Qing Kong, who had receded from her fighting form, stood on a branch. With her hands on the trunk, she could feel that the ancient tree man nourished by the rain was recovering rapidly.

Green light emerges from the inside of the split trunk, and the wound closes and repairs.The powerful and exuberant vitality is transmitted along the trunk from bottom to top, and then dispersed to different branches.The delicate branches stick out their heads and grow quickly, and then the tender green leaves grow out.

The grown leaves "squeak" in the blowing of the wind, and every raindrop that falls through the canopy becomes crystal clear and emits a green shimmer.

The outer ring of fire was extinguished at this moment.

On the grass are the elves who came here after seeing the vision. There are elf warriors sent out, and there are also elves from the Moonsong tribe who are worried about the World Tree ruins for support.

Riding on their horses, they were stunned by what they saw.

The dark and huge world tree ruins disappeared, replaced by an ancient treant.It is very small compared to the World Tree ruins, but the vitality it exudes is not in the World Tree ruins.

The elves didn't know what happened just now, their racial instinct made them get off their horses collectively and kneel on one knee facing the ancient tree man.Because they can feel the breath of the World Tree from the ancient tree man, which is the information from the ancestors.

Then the lions came out of the grass, then antelopes, wild horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, wolves, foxes...

The eagle landed on the shoulder of the elf, and a large group of birds flew from the distant sky, and they either landed on the ground or landed on the animals.

At this moment, the hunters and prey in the prairie forgot the pressure of survival, and all stared at the ancient treant in the middle.

Qingkong continued to press on the tree trunk with his hands, channeling his spiritual consciousness into it to check whether the ancient treant was healthy.

Her consciousness reached the root heart of the ancient treant, and the book of calamity that completed the secret ritual was placed in the root heart.

It's just that when Qingkong was about to take back the book of disaster, a force pressed on the book of disaster.Then a voice that seemed to come from ancient times resounded in Qingkong's consciousness: "Is it very dangerous?"

Qing Kong replied, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? I don't remember anymore! Who are you?"

Qingkong said: "I am the elf Qingkong, the chief of the ferocious Zhange Yueyong tribe. I heard your call and used my secret technique to wake you up.

You really don't know who you are? "

The voice paused for a while and replied: "I forgot... I can only feel that there is a place that is very familiar to me, and it is calling me to go over."

"Then let it go. That was your previous life, and I will help you inherit the power of your previous life and continue to fulfill your responsibilities."

"My responsibility? What is it?"

"I don't know, that's your responsibility, it has nothing to do with me."

Qingkong's recovery of the world tree is just to fulfill one of his wishes, and to do some things in cooperation with the main body.After leaving the grassland of the ancestors, she was not sure if she would come here again in the future.

World Tree really has nothing to do with her.

But the voice didn't think so: "I feel kindness from you, which is the attraction of the same source. You can talk to me because of this, but they can't..."

Qingkong looked at the elves and animals outside. They were just worshiping devoutly and could not communicate with the revived power of the World Tree.

At this moment, Qingkong figured out why he had such a strong resonance connection with World Tree.

Because I have done the World Tree recovery mission, although it was in the game, I did get great benefits from the main task of World Tree recovery, and got the baptism of World Tree energy at the end of the mission.

Get the rebirth of the revived world tree.

It can be said that Clear Sky belongs to the first generation of ferocious battle songs, and a good foundation is the basis for various strengthening and upgrading of the body.

This is also the reason why the power of the newly revived World Tree feels kind to Qingkong.

Of course, Clear Sky would not discuss family affection with the revived World Tree power, she said: "Part of my power does come from World Tree, but it has nothing to do with you either. Give me my book, and go where you want to go. "

"This book is very dangerous!" The revived World Tree's power held on to the Book of Calamity.

"Dangerous and not dangerous depends on how to use it. Without it, you will be corroded by the destructive energy to disappear, and everything created by your previous life will disappear with you.

Give it to me, you can't protect it! "

After some hesitation, the revived World Tree power transported the Book of Calamity from the root to the trunk.Then the bark in front of Qingkong cracked, and the Book of Calamity was pushed out, but half of it was still stuck in the tree.

"I can feel that this book is connected to a very, very dangerous place. If the energy in that place is released, our world will definitely be swallowed by it."

Qingkong grabbed the book of calamity and said sternly to the revived World Tree power: "I know better than you what is connected behind it. Give it to me... immediately!"

The Book of Calamity was released, and Qing Kong grabbed it and threw it into his space backpack, and the cracks on the trunk closed.

"Hope you can protect it. Now I'm going where I'm supposed to go. Will you go with me?"

Qingkong observed the book of disaster in the space backpack, and after confirming that it had not changed, he said to the revived World Tree power: "Of course I will go with you to the place where you died in the previous life, and I will also find all the power that belongs to you .

Come on, Twig, and let the Meadow of the First Men see you back. "

"let's go!"

The ancient treant pulled the roots out of the sand, and strode west.

Qingkong floated down from the branches and sat back on the camel's back, saying to Modesty: "Order the tribe to pass on the news that the World Tree is about to recover, and we will go with the ancient tree people. Don't disturb it, let it understand this more. world."

Modesty jumped on her horse and whistled loudly to the elves around her.

All elves cheered and rode on their horses, galloping towards other ancestors grassland tribes.

Jennifer gathered the camel team.

Kyle Hain jumped on the back of the camel and ran to Qingkong's side: "Miss Qingkong, is that the World Tree?"

Qingkong looked at the ancient treant who was far away, and replied: "No, it is just a twig that has inherited part of the weak energy of the World Tree. We still have a lot to do to revive the World Tree. , we are not far from seeing the real world tree."

Modesty came to the other side of the clear sky on horseback, and she saluted respectfully: "Great Patriarch Qingkong, I didn't expect you to be successful. After today, your name and achievements will be passed on along with the flying wings and horseshoes." Spread throughout the grassland of the ancestors, and spread to the ears of every creature who walked out of the grassland of the ancestors.

It is my honor to follow you to create miracles, and it is the honor of the Moonsong Tribe. "

The sheriff squatting on Jenferni's shoulders shook his tail and said to Kyle Hain: "Did you see that? Did you learn it? Don't hurry up and swear to follow Miss Weatherlight. If it is later, Miss Weatherlight will not have you by her side." position."

"I..." Kyle Hain was fooled by the sheriff and didn't know what to do.

Jenferne stuffed the sheriff into her pocket, and then said to Kyle Hain, "Don't care what the sheriff said. This guy has always wanted to be Miss Weatherlight's entourage, but Miss Weatherlight never accepts entourage."

Kyle Hain asked in surprise: "Could it be that Miss Jenferni also belongs to Miss Sunny Sky..."

"Miss Weatherlight is my savior, who made me feel warm again. I see her as my mentor, my mother.

Followers are just called by outsiders, and I'm not qualified enough. "

Kyle Hain looked at the clear sky, she had already driven the camels to walk forward along the footprints left by the ancient treant, and Modesty followed loyally with a dozen warriors from the Yueyong tribe.

In the surrounding sand, you can see some sprouts sticking out.Although there are not many, you can feel the vitality.

Jenferni led the camel team forward, and did not forget to shout to the stupefied Kyle Hain: "Are you going with us, or going somewhere else?"

Kyle Hain responded immediately after receiving the invitation: "I'll go with you, wait for me..."

As Modesty said, Kuaima and Xinying quickly spread the news that the World Tree was about to recover on the grasslands of the ancestors.

Elves, orcs, goblins, barbarians, halflings... All the tribes and villages on the grasslands of the ancestors sent horse teams and convoys to gather at the World Tree Lord ruins.Those tribes who encountered the ancient treants followed the escort team by themselves, and prayed for the World Tree as devoutly as a pilgrimage.

The name of the elf Qingkong also spread throughout the grassland of the ancestors.

When the clear sky followed the ancient treant to the ruins of the World Tree Lord, the imperial mission to the west arrived at the most important city in the Harmutu Basin - Sunshine City.

The Sunshine Oasis is the fiefdom of the Uld family.

Originally, there was only one Sunshine Castle here, where Earl Ould and his family members lived. Later, Sunshine Castle experienced a rebellion and was severely destroyed.Although Earl Ould regained the territory with the help of the barbarians, he did not rebuild the Sunshine Castle. Instead, he used all the money he could raise to build the Sunshine City to provide a venue for trade among the tribes.

The annual harvest festival has greatly increased the popularity of Sunshine City, and the gathering of large markets and caravans has driven the city to become the trade center of the entire Harmutu Basin.

Earl Ould naturally made a lot of money in it.

So the earl, who was good at building relationships, spent huge sums of money to build the Sunshine Manor in the center of the city, and invited big businessmen, tribal leaders, and nobles to have fun in the manor if he had nothing to do.

If everyone had fun, the business would be easy to achieve, and Earl Ould's wealth would naturally accumulate more and more.

However, the earl, who had suffered betrayal, didn't trust humans very much, and recruited a large number of barbarian soldiers in his territorial army.Therefore, most of the Sunshine City army who went out to meet the mission team had non-human faces, and the general who led the team and followed Earl Uld was even an orc.

Luke put on a set of full-body armor specially made for the governor of Raging Waves City, and accompanied Agatha in golden armor, and came to the forefront of the mission surrounded by the royal knights.

Behind them is the elite Western Empire Legion, well-armored and banners unfurled.Under the scorching sun, the soldiers didn't look sluggish. They raised their heads high, looking like a victorious army.

Wearing full armor in the desert can still maintain this kind of morale, Earl Ould immediately felt the gap between his army and the elite of the empire.

No matter what the combat effectiveness is, the Sunshine City army cannot be fully armored.And because there are a large number of barbarian soldiers, the queues are not evenly lined up, and they are loose like a group of rabble.

"When did the army of the empire become so strong?"

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