Age of Arcane

Chapter 313 Leaving Some Money For You

Luke's words made the woman's complexion change drastically, and at the same time, she felt that a sharp object was being pressed against her lower back.A thin sword protruded from under the hood of another short man, the blade was as stable as if it was fixed in the air, the power transmitted from the tip of the sword penetrated into his skin, and any rash movement he made would be instantly pierced.

Very strong!
It is a woman's evaluation of the strength of the master of the rapier.

"My name is Mavesman." The woman introduced herself, and then asked Luke: "Please tell me your identity and purpose, so that I can report to my boss."

"I think it's more appropriate to call you Scorpion." Luke pointed out another identity of the woman. Scorpion is a famous sand thief in the western region, but few people know that Scorpion is Mavesman.Then Luke took out a bottle and said to Mavesman: "Give this to your boss, he should meet me."

Mavesman, whose identity was exposed as a sand thief, would have murdered people if he hadn't had a sword on his back.Now she can only obediently take the bottle from Luke, looking at the pure blue liquid inside, Mevesman thought of where she had seen it before.

Water Elemental Essence!
There was news from the Burntwood camp outside Harmutu Basin that an unusually powerful elf magician passed by.The elf magician was going to the grassland of the ancestors. In order not to be disturbed by the sand thieves, he took out a lot of water element essence and gave them to the sand thieves.

People in Burntwood Camp said that the elf magician could rain down the desert at will, and turn the rainstorm into ice and snow in the scorching heat.Even the orc Hamm is afraid of the power of the elf magician, and persuades the sand robbers to accept the elf's kindness.

In the hands of the boss of the Slave Corner in Sunshine City, there are several bottles of water elemental essence flowing from the Burnt Wood camp.

Is this noble mysterious man related to that powerful elf magician?
Mavesman saluted Luke: "Dear guest, I will report your visit to my boss now."

Luke slightly raised his hand to let Kestrel put away his weapon, and then said to Mavesman: "Go!"

The sharp feeling from the lower back disappeared, and Mavesman slowly backed away, then turned and walked into an alley in the residential area.

A group of guards from the Slave Corner appeared around them. They occupied high points and several key positions, faintly surrounding Luke and his party.The tense atmosphere built up in the silence, and even the slaves in the nearby cages sensed the danger and huddled together at the far end of the cage.

But there was a little boy standing nearby. He grabbed the fence and looked at Luke, and shouted in a powerless voice: "Save me, save my mother..."

Luke looked at the boy.

The boy's clothes were rotten and were hanging on his body.His hair and skin were covered with sand, but his eyes were full of spirituality. Even though his thin body could clearly see the bones under the skin, there was still hope in his eyes.

Beside the boy lay a woman with a rag under her body, motionless and not sure if she was dead.

Before Luke could speak, the Kestrel had already walked over.

She came to the front of the cage, lifted the hood, and looked at the child in the cage.

He asked, "What happened to your mother?"

The child in the cage did not expect Kestrel to be a girl about his own age, with a noble temperament and good self-cultivation.

Hearing Kestrel's question, the boy immediately said: "She was knocked out for grabbing food for me. Could you give me some food and water...

She gave me all the food and water she grabbed. "

As he spoke, the boy squatted down and cried: "Our home is gone, our family members are all dead...we have never harmed anyone, what did we do wrong?
Why are you treating us like this. "

"Your mother should need this by now."

A water bag was handed to the boy by the kestrel. The boy took it and opened the stopper. After finding that it was full of kumiss, he immediately crawled to his mother's side.He knelt on the ground, helped his mother to let her pillow his knees, and then slowly fed the kumiss to his mother.

While feeding and crying.

Kestrel saw that the breath of the boy's mother eased, and walked back to Luke's side.

"My lord, I want to save them."

Luke looked at the slaves who wanted to grab the kumiss but dared not do it, and said to the Kestrel: "You have saved them once, but you can't save them forever, and you can't save all the slaves like them. people encountered."

When Kuaileg saw the scene just now, he couldn't help thinking of his own life experience.

"The lack of survival resources will lead to competition for survival resources. This process is cruel and bloody. It is the same in the western region, and it is the same in the lower city of Saint Lun City.

Following the adult's experience in the lower part of St. Lun's City, let me know that alms can't solve the problem. "

Kestrel half understood, she turned to look at the boy and his mother inside the cage.The mother regained some strength, held the boy in her arms, made him drink kumiss, and finally threw the rest of the kumiss to the other slaves.

After a while, Mavesman came out.She was obviously taken aback when she saw the Kestrel, obviously she didn't expect that the strong man who could suppress her was just a little girl, not an adult dwarf or goblin.

But Mavesman didn't delay, she walked in front of Luke and respectfully saluted: "Dear guest, my boss invites you to meet, please follow me."

"Let's go!" Luke touched Kestrel's head, and followed Mavesman inside with fast legs.

Kestrel took one last look at the boy and his mother, then quickly followed Luke.

Entering the residential area, the inside became even darker.

Surrounded by two- or three-story rammed-earth buildings, each building has guards on the roof, it is suddenly a small fortress.It is full of slave cells, brothels, casinos, taverns... From time to time, screams and other strange sounds can be heard from some doors.

There are also naked slaves tied up in a string, being dragged to nowhere like walking corpses.

Mavesman led Luke and his party through several closely guarded gates, and entered a magnificent house after passing through a metal gate.The guards here are obviously a few grades better than the guards outside. There are orcs, elves, barbarians, and dwarves, all of whom looked at the strange visitors with vicious faces.

Stepping on the soft carpet, through a heavily guarded corridor, Mavesman led Luke into a room full of books.

There was a spacious desk between the bookshelves, and a thin wolf man wearing glasses was sitting behind the desk, holding an account book and reading it carefully.

In a conspicuous place on the desk, there are three bottles of water elemental essence.

"Mr. Howl, the guests are here." Mavesman was in awe of the Gnoll.

Howling the Gnoll is the boss behind the Slave Corner in Sunshine City.He glanced at the visitor, put down the ledger, took off his glasses, but did not get up to greet him.

Instead, he said: "The person who dares to boast that he can buy Sunshine City, or even the entire Western Territory, is probably the only one in this city, the Governor of Raging Wave City, Mr. Meteor."

Luke raised his hood and stepped forward. Mavesman wanted to stop him, but was signaled to stop by the howl of the jackal.

Lu pulled a chair and sat down opposite Screaming, glanced at the books in the room, and then said with a smile: "I have long heard that Mr. Screaming is the big steward of many well-known sand thieves in the western region. The management is well organized.

Seeing it today, it really lives up to its reputation! "

Screaming with the air of a scholar, he said very modestly: "Sand Pirates earn money desperately, die with nothing, and live with barely enough to eat.

Unlike the governor, who just leaked a little money from his fingers, it was enough to feed countless people.

I don’t know why the governor secretly came to the slave corner as soon as he arrived in Sunshine City today. "

"Leave some money to you."

Luke grabbed three bottles of water elemental essence on the table and arranged them in a line every ten centimeters.

Howling asked suspiciously: "Your Excellency knows the elf magician who passed by the Burnt Wood camp. Could it be that he wants to sell the essence of water elements?"

Luke said: "The production of water elemental essence is not complicated, but Fairy Clear Sky will not spend energy on making water elemental essence. And selling water elemental essence does not make much money. I am here this time... to talk about a new deal with you guys." Big business."

Screaming suddenly gained energy.

Governor Meteor doesn't like the business of water elemental essence, but the Sand Pirates do. Now Governor Meteor says that the business he wants to talk about is more profitable than selling water elemental essence, which is really a "big" business.

"I'm looking forward to the surprise the governor will give me."

Luke pointed to the three bottles of water elemental essence on the table: "The crescent oasis of the empire in the east, the nobles in the middle in the middle, and the entire west in the west.

Now the normal trade exchange between the empire and the western region has been abruptly cut off by the nobles of the western region. "

Howl looked at the three bottles on the table and asked, "What does this have to do with us?"

Luke said: "Mr. Howl should be well-informed. He must know that I just bought halfling wine at the price of one gold coupon per barrel."

"I know about this." The imperial mission entered the city, and of course the slave corner sent out all the eyeliners to find out the news.Screaming said disdainfully: "I can't figure it out, why does the governor offer a gold coupon for a barrel of halfling wine when one gold coin can buy a barrel of halfling wine.

Paying five times the price to buy things, is it the way the governor does business? "

Facing the mocking sarcasm, Luke said with a smile: "Actually, in my mind, the price of halfling wine... should be two gold coupons per barrel."

Screaming changed his expression: "Master Governor, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not joking with you." Luke crossed his legs and said, "The world trade is very prosperous now, and the demand for red wine in the international wine market has always been in short supply, and the price of red wine has been rising all the way. Especially for high-end red wine, the premium More than you can imagine.

Take halfling's wine as an example: a barrel of halfling's wine is transported to Raging Waves City, after further processing, packaging and packaging, one barrel can produce about [-] bottles of red wine.

Relying on the quality of Halfling's wine and the publicity of the Imperial Princess, how much do you think such a bottle of red wine can sell for? "

Howled and said: "I don't know the situation outside the Western Territory, but from the tone of the governor... it should be very valuable!
Can it be sold for one silver coin per bottle? "

Luke shook his head and sighed: "You know too little about the changes in the world. A bottle of red wine for one silver coin is a low-end product, and it is simply a blasphemy against the quality of halfling wine and the imperial family.

The minimum is 1000 Reichsmarks, which is one gold coin per bottle. This is the wholesale price I give to wine dealers. "

Screaming quick mental arithmetic.

One gold coin, one bottle of halfling red wine, one barrel is 1200 gold.Converted into gold coupons, it is 240 pieces, and the purchase price of Governor Meteorite is... one gold coupon!

The Werewolf screamed and opened his mouth wide, unaware that his tongue had drooped out, and he completely lost the appearance of the scholar he had seen before.

It's ridiculous that I just laughed at the governor of Meteor Star for not being able to do business, and bought halfling wine for a bucket of gold coupons.

This kind of violence makes money faster than robbery.

"My lord governor, you... what you want to talk to me about... is the halfling wine business?"

Luky leaned back on the chair and said contemptuously, "Is this kind of small business worth my coming here to talk to you?"

Howling tongue hangs longer.

"Bi, a business bigger than this?" The screaming tone was full of unconfidence, he was afraid that he would not be able to handle this golden mountain that was thrown at him.

Luke said: "The specialty products in the western region are not only halfling wine, I think kumiss is also very delicious. Cheese, blankets, olive oil, mane...

These commodity trades are all controlled by the nobles of the western border. "

Hearing what Luke said, Screaming vigilantly restrained his rising greed.

"My lord governor, I know the purpose of the empire's mission to the west, and I admit that the temptation you have given me is very great. But... no matter how much money you have, you can spend it with your life.

Although Sand Pirates can run freely in the desert, they are definitely not opponents of the nobles in the western region.If you want our knives to be used by the Empire, you're making things too easy. "

Luke said: "I never told you to attack the nobles of the Western Region, and you don't have that ability.

The western region is very, very large, and the vast desert is the home of the sand pirates. You can completely avoid the noble territories of the western region and open up trade routes.Break it into pieces, connecting the Crescent Oasis with the barbarian tribes scattered throughout the western region.

I have ordered Raging City to set up a Western Territory Trade Office in New Moon Oasis, and also ordered Raging City to develop transportation tools suitable for operation in the desert as soon as possible.

If you are willing to cooperate, I will register a logistics company in Raging Waves City for you.You will be responsible for the development and operation of the commercial routes in the western region. Raging Waves City will give you maximum trade support and set up a reward fund for opening up new routes.

No matter how remote the barbarian tribe is, as long as you connect the trade routes, I guarantee that your logistics company will make money. "

Howling instantly understood what Luke meant.

In the western region, who is most familiar with the environment here, the sand bandits are definitely the well-deserved number one.In order to survive and plunder, they knew the location of every barbarian tribe and every safe road in the desert.

If sand thieves switch to business, as long as someone is willing to invest a lot of money, the way of thieves will become a way of business in an instant.

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