Age of Arcane

Chapter 316 Defending the World Tree

Qingkong jumped down, surrounded by darkness without light, the turbulent air flow blew up the smock on his body, and it bulged like a parachute.She pulled the tether from the smock, and the smock flew away from her and was swept into the darkness.

Behind her is the rapidly shrinking hole, but the dark green spot below is still far away.

The wind swished by my ears, and the air flow carried a pungent burnt smell.

Some voices sounded vaguely, and the kind of cordial resonance let Qingkong know that it was the call of the World Tree.

"Where did you come from? Why do you have the same power as me?"

Clear Sky allowed his body to fall freely, and responded to World Tree's inquiry with his spirit: "I don't need to explain my origin to you. My purpose is to revive you. This is my bond with you. You just need to know these things."

"Is it a bond? An interesting bond. The twig you sent told you what you did. It seems that you really have a way to save me from erosion."

"As I said, this is the purpose of my coming here. If you don't want the creature you guard to die with you, open the tree core and let me in."

The voice hesitated for a while: "The tree core is my last strength. With it, my energy can last for hundreds of years. If it is destroyed, I will also pass away completely."

The green below still hasn't changed in any way, that is the tree core of the World Tree. If the World Tree doesn't open the tree core, Clear Sky will never reach there.

At this time, the hole on the top is no longer visible, only the clear sky is falling alone.

"I don't want to deceive you. In the ancient war, your tree body was burned by fire, and the mysterious energy with destructive properties has been fused with the life energy of the world tree. I have prepared a secret technique, and I want to To expel those destructive mystical energies, you must use your tree core as the subject of the esoteric language..."

"It sounds like I'm going to die."

"As the previous generation World Tree, you have fulfilled your duties. All your remaining power will be inherited by the next generation World Tree, and it will receive the blessing of the moon.

The root system you leave behind will continue to nourish the prairie you created.

It has its mission. "

"The blessing of the moon? Every night, the pain I endure will be relieved. Is this the comfort the moon gives me?"

"The end of life is death; the end of destruction is rebirth. The moon is the key to revive the world tree."

"The end of destruction is rebirth! Hahaha... Hearing this sentence, I feel that I can no longer bear the weight on my body.

It is time to hand it over to my successor. "

The sound disappeared, and the green color at an unknown distance below rapidly expanded and became larger.In an instant, the surroundings of the clear sky were filled with green light. Below it was a large circular platform, and a giant tree core emitting green light stood upright in the middle of the circular platform.

Clear Sky used Levitation to land on the platform smoothly.

Around the platform are countless pipes composed of green light, inside the pipes are water flowing upwards.These are the pipes in the underground root system of the world tree. It is these countless pipes that pump water from the deep underground to the surface to form the Moon Lake and the above-ground rivers.

Qingkong walked to the front of the world tree core.

A green light curtain wraps an olive-shaped tree core with a height of three meters. The surface of the tree core is covered with cracks, revealing the dry texture inside.

Not only must it fight against the mysterious energy of erosion and destruction, but also use its remaining energy to nourish the grasslands of the ancestors. The overwhelmed World Tree is walking on the final journey.

Clear Sky called World Tree, but got no response.She could feel that the World Tree had lost her spiritual consciousness, so she tried to spread it out as much as possible, and spent the last time looking at the world she created.

"You will not be forgotten, and the creatures you guard will continue to guard all that you have created."

Qingkong walked around the core of the World Tree, and the lines connected her footprints and diverged to form a pentagram magic circle.Qingkong took out a dragon horn and put it on one corner of the pentagram. The dragon horn came from the red dragon Neil Colon; took out a devil claw and put it on the other corner, which was exchanged from the devil tyrant. As for the devil claw As for the origin, the tyrant didn't ask about the clear sky.

Qingkong walked to the next corner, she pulled out the scimitar and cut her right wrist, and platinum-gold angel blood spilled down.

Seeing that the blood was enough, Qing Kong healed the wound and walked to the fourth corner.This time, Qingkong transformed into a shimmering golden figure, with golden armor nestled on her body one by one.When the full set of golden armor was put on, Clear Sky took off the golden helmet and put it on the fourth corner.

The fifth corner put down the book of calamity.

The ceremony is ready.

There are no hard requirements for the five auxiliary words of the ceremony, but they must be taken from the five ancient races that participated in the destruction of the world tree. The five mysterious props must be the iconic items of the five races, and they must also be renewable.

After completing the ceremony, Qing Kong walked back to the front of the World Tree core, and then read out the secret word that she had participated in writing.

"Moonlight carries things, and the tree king returns!"

The dense cracks on the tree core cracked and expanded one after another, and jade-like fragments peeled off layer by layer from the top, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

With the disappearance of the words of the secret language, the magic circle was full of light, and the entire platform shook violently.The surrounding pipes that quietly transported water were constantly twisted by some force, and the clear water inside quickly became turbid.

The speed at which the tree core shattered accelerated, collapsing like a pile of building blocks.The green with exuberant vitality receded from above, turning into pieces of dead wood.But with the shaking, a tender green sapling grew out from the middle of the dead wood.

It twisted its waist and grew rapidly, and its whole body was extremely tender and tender green.Soon the sapling grew into the appearance of an ancient treant, and green beams shot upward from the crown of the tree.

The muddy water in the surrounding pipes turned black, and some black mist drilled out from the pipe walls.The broken pieces of dead wood from the world tree core floated up and flew towards the black mist that came.

Qing Kong in golden armor grabbed the Book of Calamity and threw it into the space backpack.

The gauntlet on her right arm turned platinum-gold due to the radiance of the holy energy, and the Canggu rock machete that amplified the holy energy was caught in her right hand.

The left hand is the golden sword matched with the golden man's golden armor, and the two stardust Chenzhan scimitars are covered with ice and become huge ice wheels flying on both sides.

When Clear Sky completed his battle form, the core dead wood blocks were infected by the mysterious energy of destruction and combined into a dark dead wood giant, and then flames burned from the inside of the giant.

The burning wood giant is the big boss to be dealt with in the last process of the World Tree recovery mission.Its comprehensive strength is five stars, which is not too high, but as long as the destructive energy inside the World Tree is not cleaned up, it will not die.

And as long as it kills the fragile World Tree twig, the entire mission will fail.

Therefore, the key to this battle is not to kill the wood-burning giant, but to protect the twigs of the World Tree until the barbarian warriors on the Moon Lake kill the monsters with mysterious energy changes in the destruction attribute.

During this period, Qingkong's task is to protect the twigs of the world tree, but the time limit caused by the battery prevents her from showing her strongest state.

It is absolutely unimaginable in the game to fight against a monster with a comprehensive strength of five stars at level 60 for a long time.But the clear sky at this time is no longer the clear sky in the game. The in-depth understanding of power and the organic integration of multiple powers have allowed her to gradually get rid of the restrictions on strength imposed by levels.

Higher levels, for her, tend towards the need for short bursts of energy.

As long as you control the energy explosion needed in the battle, master the timing and rhythm of level adjustment, use level 60 for stable output, and use level 80, 100, and 120 for key timing, you can effectively save power and maximize Qingkong's strength play out.

The Burning Wood Giant first roared a few times to increase his power as a boss, while Clear Sky used the ice wall to build a four-sided barrier for the twigs of the World Tree, and then used the golden sword and the ancient rock machete to strike to attract the Burning Wood. Giant's attention.

The wood-burning giant noticed the clear sky between himself and the twigs of the World Tree.Sensing the provocation, the wood-burning giant let out a louder roar, the flames on its body burned more vigorously, and then rushed towards the clear sky with strides that shot out sparks.

From Qingkong's right arm, white holy flames came out through the armor, and then flowed along the armor surface to the machete's blade.The ice wheel flew out first, drawing an arc from left to right and cutting towards the wood-burning giant's legs.

The golden sword was shining with golden light, and the tip of the sword pointed at the burning wood giant, and a sharp sword light shot towards it.

At the heart of the roots of the Underworld Tree, Clear Sky and the Burning Wood Giant fight together.The green beam of light emitted from the twigs of the world tree rushed upwards along the main stem.

The beam of light shoots out from the hole opened in the center of Moon Lake, and continues to go upwards.

There was a change in the sky at this moment.

The rising sun brought bright sunshine to the world, but in the sky illuminated by the green beams of light, the sunlight was receding rapidly.The starry sky that can only be seen at night is presented, a round of crescent moon appears together with the stars, and the moonlight reveals a large moon shadow on the moon lake.

The vision caused all the barbarian warriors within the range of Moon Lake to look up, and the starry sky continued to expand under their gaze, like a hemispherical sky covering the entire range of Moon Lake.

The ruins of the World Tree Lord seen by the barbarians on the grassland in the distance are still craters illuminated by the sun.But inside the crater, the blue sky and white clouds have been completely replaced by the night sky, stars and moon.

But before the barbarian warriors around Moon Lake continued to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sky, the surface of Moon Lake rippled everywhere.

In the middle of the ripples was a tumbling scorched black liquid, and then ugly monsters sprang out of the liquid.In a short period of time, the quiet lake surface was filled with countless monsters. They let out ear-piercing roars, and then rushed towards the hole in the middle of the lake.

Under the black liquid, monsters continued to come out, and the barbarian warriors guarding here were so numerous that they could barely see them.

Although the barbarian warriors were prepared for the appearance of the monsters, they were still taken aback by the number of monsters. All of them were densely packed with dark monsters, blocking their companions from seeing.

The last warning from Fairy Clear Sky has long been delivered to every warrior guarding here, "The twigs of the World Tree are very fragile, if you want it to grow, don't let it get hurt..."

The soaring green beam of light and the vision of the sky shot out from the hole clearly represented that the world tree was recovering.These black disgusting guys are all the destructive energy that destroys the World Tree.

The direction in which the monster was running was the entrance of the cave where the World Tree twigs were located.

Now... the time has come to fulfill the duties of our ancestors and ourselves!
Regardless of being surrounded by monsters, the barbarian warriors raised their weapons and slashed at the monster without hesitation.

The monsters treated those who blocked them as their minions.They are transformed from the mysterious energy of destruction that coexists with the World Tree. They have no intelligence and no fear. Their instinct is to destroy the World Tree and complete the tasks they should have completed thousands of years ago.

On both sides of the war on Moon Lake, everyone has their own beliefs, and everyone has reasons not to back down.Tactics don't make any sense at this moment, only killing the opponent can end all of this.

I don't know when the pattering rain fell, and the raindrops were green and white with moonlight.Green and white are entangled and mixed, which not only looks like they are fused together, but also can distinguish their independent existence.

When monsters are killed, they scatter into coke-like particles, and rain falls on these particles, purifying them into rising plumes of blue smoke.

The blood of the barbarian warriors stained the lake red, and when the raindrops fell on it, the blood turned into green duckweed covered with small red flowers.The corpses of those dead barbarian warriors quickly sank to the bottom of the lake after being dripped with rainwater.

Since the appearance of Moon Lake, there are no living things in it, and the bottom of the lake can be seen clearly.The corpses of the barbarian warriors merged into the lake after reaching the bottom of the lake, and then on the craters by the lake, in those crevices where nothing had ever grown, saplings stretched out and grew out.

These saplings pulled out their roots when they grew to one meter, walked to the place closest to the lake, shook the branches and used unskilled skills to release healing magic on the fighting warriors.

The world tree and the moonlight rain from the moon greatly improved the morale of the barbarian warriors, and the sacrifices of their companions gave them a stronger will to fight.They roared, using the simplest voice to tell those companions who did not know where they were fighting...

Defend the world tree, the battle continues!
Jenny, Kyle Hain, Modesty, the sheriff and several of the strongest barbarian warriors stood guard around the entrance of the cave.They are the last line of defense, and as more and more warriors die, the pressure on them intensifies.

Jenferne no longer has the elegance of a traditional magician, she took out her sword and fought like a battle mage.

Kyle Hain and Modesty's bodies were covered with wounds.

The sheriff also gave up the assassination that he was good at, and used his speed and explosiveness to plug every gap that appeared.

During the battle, he kept looking at the bottomless hole.

"Miss Qingkong, when will you let the World Tree grow? I'm working so hard, the rewards must be generous!"

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