Age of Arcane

Chapter 318 Information on the Grassland of the Ancestors

In the slightly dark basement, there is a long table covered with velvet blankets, and the torches on the stone walls illuminate the different faces of the nobles.They waved their hands wearing jeweled rings and vented their dissatisfaction loudly.

Some people still made no secret of their greed for the Sunshine Oasis. After all, the nobles in the western region were more or less related to each other due to marriage, so they had reason to find excuses to take advantage of it when necessary.

Earl Ould, who was sitting at the head, looked at the nobles at the table quietly.He knew very well what the nobles of the Western Region were. When there was interest, everyone talked about family affection, and when there was no interest, everyone stabbed each other.

There is no one who can hold his own territory in the western region without cruelty, and there is no one who is not greedy.The Western Territory is such an environment, and there are only those resources, and if others occupy more, you will have less.

After waiting for a while, the conference room finally fell silent.

Every nobleman expressed his attitude, and everyone was waiting for Earl Uld's reply.

If the prices at the Harvest Festival are still so high, all the nobles will have a hard time for a whole year.

"Everyone knows that the eldest princess Agatha and the governor of Raging City, Meteorite, led the imperial mission to Sunshine City a long time ago." Earl Ould's words made all the nobles concentrate, and those who whispered in private also paid attention.Uld continued: "I greeted Her Royal Highness the Princess on the first day the mission entered the city, and then I never accepted her reception again. You are all nobles with status in the western region. You come to live in Sunshine City. You probably didn't even accept the summons from His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess when you entered the Riyao Manor."

The nobles pondered in silence.

This is abnormal!

The empire has always paid little attention to the western region, and this time it suddenly sent the eldest princess as the main envoy to visit. Such a high standard is obviously because of the war in the Tedgar Hills.

The nobles of the Western Region, who are also part of the Brotherhood of Blades, need to be appeased.But what appeasement is there when a nobleman is missing?
A nobleman asked: "What does this have to do with what we are discussing?"

Earl Ould replied: "Of course it is related. The abnormal prices in Sunshine City are caused by the Eldest Princess and Meteor......"

Then Earl Ould explained the process of skyrocketing prices in the city to the nobles who didn't know what had happened in Sunshine City recently.

"...Everyone should have heard about the wealth possessed by Raging Waves City. I have seen the two of them spending money boldly these days, and I can only feel that the rich can really do whatever they want.

Boxes and boxes of gold and silver coupons were sprinkled in the market in Sunshine City, how could the prices in Sunshine City not rise.Let's be honest...even I've sold my entire stockpile of halfling wine. "

After listening to Earl Ould's explanation, the nobles were enraged collectively.

They heard that His Royal Highness the Princess led a delegation to visit the western region, accompanied by the governor of Raging Waves City, and they all thought that the empire would definitely come to send money to them.Hearing that the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic was also in Sunshine City, he felt that he could wait for the price and sit and watch the two companies compete to raise the price.

But who would have thought that the eldest princess raised the price by raising the price, but raising the price of Sunshine City was tantamount to stabbing the nobles in the West.

This is to bleed the nobles of the western region!
Absolutely unbearable!
The nobles condemned one after another: this is the treachery of the empire; it is a serious damage to the interests of the nobles in the western region; it is a violation of the agreement of the ancestors;

Seeing that the spearhead against him was diverted, Earl Ould invited Erguya out.

Introduced: "This is the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic, Viscount Erguya."

The size of the barbarian is very oppressive in the basement.

Erguya saluted the nobles at the table and said, "The Duke of Celtic sends his greetings to the brothers in the western region."

The nobles of the western region stood up together and saluted Erguya back.

"Say hello to the Celtic Duke!"

Earl Uld asked Erguya to sit beside him, and when all the nobles sat down, he brought the meeting topic on track: "Everyone came to Sunshine City to participate in the Harvest Festival. Another important reason is that the Celtic Duke invitation.

Now the Duke's barbarian army is under the attack of the empire in the Tedgar Hills. Please ask Viscount Erguya to explain the details to you. "

The critical moment has arrived.

Erguya expressed her gratitude to the eldest princess and Meteor for what they had done these days. If they hadn't raised the price of Sunshine City and shaken the foundation of the western nobles' rule, she would never be sure to persuade the western nobles to break with the empire.

I really don't know how those two people came up with such a stupid move. If you spend money directly on these greedy nobles, the Duke really has no way to compete with the empire for financial power.

Now... the victory has been handed over to them.

"Augustin's invasion of the Tedgar Hills fully revealed his evil intentions to destroy the Brotherhood of the Blades. The Duke of Celtic and his barbarian army are the strongest and the last wall of the Brotherhood of the Blades. If we are defeated, the Blades The Brotherhood will be at the mercy of Augustine's armies.

This time I came to the Western Territory, I hope that all the lords can recognize the crisis you are facing.Agatha and Meteor have shown their butcher knives to you..."

Erguya gave an impassioned and impassioned speech, and an attendant from the Sunshine Manor quietly walked in and said something in Earl Ould's ear.

Earl Ould's complexion changed and immediately returned to normal. Seeing that no one in the venue paid attention to him, he left the venue temporarily under the pretext that there were barbarian soldiers making trouble.

Erguya felt that Earl Ould was the most direct victim of rising prices in Sunshine City, and he would definitely stand by him, so he didn't care.

Earl Uld came to another room with his attendants, first turned on all the defensive magic facilities, and then asked sternly: "What you said is true? Do you know what kind of news this news will bring to the Western Region?" as a result of?"

The attendant knelt down in fright and replied: "Master, this is what Sentinel saw with his own eyes. In the ruins of the World Tree Lord, the new World Tree has revived. It grows from the center of Moon Lake and inherits all the power of the previous World Tree. Known as the Moonlight Tree King, and formed the Moonlight King Court with the Moonlight Queen.

Now the Moonlight Royal Court is sending a message of World Tree recovery to the entire western barbarian tribe, demanding that the barbarian tribes return to the Moonlight Royal Court.

The news of the revival of the World Tree and the establishment of the Moonlight Royal Court will soon spread to Sunshine City. "

The news of World Tree's recovery was a heavy blow to Earl Uld.

He knows what the World Tree means to the barbarians in the western region. Although thousands of years have passed, most of the barbarians in the western region believe that their ancestors came from the grasslands of the ancestors and once accepted the protection of the World Tree.

This time the World Tree not only revived, but also formed the Moonlight Royal Court. Faith will definitely attract a large number of barbarians from the western border to the grasslands of the ancestors.

However, the Moonlight Royal Court alone is not enough to worry Earl Ould. After all, the strength of the barbarians and internal conflicts lie there. to things.

But the words he said when drinking tea with Meteor made Earl Ould feel stuck in his throat.

He asked the attendant: "How did the Queen of Moonlight appear in the recovery of the World Tree and the formation of the Moonlight Royal Court? Who is she?"

The attendant replied: "I don't know, the barbarians on the grassland of the ancestors dare not call the Queen's real name. The sentry only found out that the Queen of Moonlight is a ferocious war song who traveled abroad. She found a way to revive the World Tree, and with the new Moonlight Tree Together, Wang inherited the authority and responsibilities of the previous World Tree.

Now everything in the Moonlight Royal Court is presided over by the Queen.

The Sentinel was also received by the Queen, and received many Moon Lake sources from the Queen. "

Earl Ould knew very well that he sent sentries to the grassland of the ancestors to inquire about possible anomalies, and he didn't say anything about bringing the source of Moon Lake.

He frowned and asked the attendant, "Did the Queen say anything?"

The attendant replied: "The queen said: Earl Ould was a friend of the ancestors in the grassland before, and later a friend of the Moonlight Royal Court. Although Moon Lake is now the private property of the Moonlight Royal Court, you still have the water for tea, Earl... ..."

Earl Ould remembered what Meteor had said to him again.


This Queen of Moonlight is from the Meteorite!
What does he want to do?What will he do?
Earl Ould warned his attendants: "Don't tell anyone about this."

"Yes, master." The attendant quickly agreed, he remembered something and said to Earl Ould: "Master, the people from the Slave Corner came to Governor Meteor not long ago, saying that the slaves that the Governor wanted have arrived, and asked him to inspect them. goods."

Slave Corner!
Earl Ould knew the background of the people in Slave Corner. The wolf man Screaming behind the Slave Corner not only ran the slave business, but was also responsible for selling stolen goods for Sand Pirates.

Earl Ould didn't think Meteor would care about the small profits of the slave trade because he played such a big game of chess in the western region.Combined with his arrangements in the Sunshine City Market and the Ancestors Grassland, he must have poisoned the nobles of the Western Region in the Slave Corner.

It's a pity that we are still discussing whether to respond to the Celtic Duke, but we don't know that we have been pressed on the guillotine long ago.

"Immediately send people to Slave Corner, and send additional people to the Central Island Castle. If there is an emergency, protect the safety of Governor Meteor and Princess Princess at all costs.

Governor Meteor will notify me as soon as he returns without any delay. "

"Yes, Master."

Letting the attendants leave, Earl Ould took some time to adjust his emotions, and returned to the meeting room after he felt that no one would see his flaws.

At the Slave Corner in the West City of Sunshine City, Luke, who had received the invitation, went out to greet him in person when he was greeted by the howling of the jackals.

The place of discussion was not that office, but a formal living room.

Howl even asks Luke to take the lead.

The chairs covered with thick plush blankets are soft and comfortable, and the pure white conference table is made of rare white pomelo tree. The natural oil feels like jade.On the table are the special fruits of the Western Region, as well as peeled nuts, and the crystal glasses are filled with bright red wine.

Screaming sat across from Luke respectfully, and the poisonous scorpion Mavesman, whom he had seen last time, stood behind Screaming with an extremely complicated expression.

Luke came to Slave Corner this time to disclose some information to the outside world, so it was considered semi-public.Instead of Quicklegs and Kestrel, he brought Shelley and Pisco, who were good-looking, and Karina with a briefcase.

"Mr. Howling, this reception is so grand, it seems that you have already received news from the grassland of the ancestors."

Screaming nodded slightly to Luke and said: "I have received news from the grasslands of the ancestors. May I ask... Is Her Majesty the Queen of Moonlight who revived the World Tree and inherited the authority of the previous generation of World Tree and established the Moonlight King's Court, is the elf magician Qingkong?" ?”

Luke replied: "It's Qingkong. During the Harvest Festival, Qingkong will bring the missions from the Moonlight Royal Court to Sunshine City to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations with His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

There should be people in Burnwood camp who have seen Elven Clear Sky, you can ask them to identify it. "

Howl didn't get the name of the new Moon Queen, but her appearance matched the descriptions of the people of Burntwood Camp.Seeing that Meteor answered so confidently this time, he confirmed that the queen who established the Moonlight Royal Court is the elf magician Qingkong.

Then screamed and asked the second question: "The establishment of the Moonlight Royal Court and Her Majesty's succession to the power of the previous World Tree should not be within your expectations, Mr. Governor.

Now that her status and yours have been reversed, how do you ensure that the Moonlight Royal Court will be used by you? "

Luke said with a smile: "It is true that some things are beyond my expectations, but my status with Fairy Clear Sky has not changed.

Now that the establishment of the Moonlight Royal Court has increased my chips, you should be under a lot of pressure. "

Screaming these days is not only collecting news on the direction of the ancestors grassland, but also collecting information on Meteor and Elf Clear Sky through all channels.Although due to the distance, there is not much information about Raging City in the western region, but the limited information shows that the elf Qingkong is very powerful and is firmly on the side of Meteor.

Screaming couldn't judge how strong the relationship between Meteor and Qingkong was, and how much water Meteor's words had, but at least the relationship between Moonlight Royal Court and Meteor was closer than himself.

Recently, the Governor of Meteorite has frantically raised prices in Sunshine City, which is obviously giving benefits to the barbarians and suppressing the nobles of the Western Region.The relationship between Fairy Clear Sky and Meteor Governor is equivalent to letting Moonlight Royal Court rely on the cash machine of Raging Waves City. It is unknown whether the nobles of the western region can survive in the future, and there is no room for large sand robbers.

Transformation is the only way for Sand Pirates to survive.

Still thinking about making it bigger is really a dead end.

"Thank you, Governor, for lighting the light on the way forward for those of us who are lost. I am willing to accept your guidance, register a logistics company in Raging Waves City, and try my best to persuade the Sand Pirates to accept the way of life you have given us."

The back road was cut off, and the Gnoll screamed and gave up all imagined struggles.

"Hahaha, don't make this kind of good thing that is beneficial to everyone so tragic." The whole closed loop of the West Territory Raiders is here, and Luke is in a good mood. He asks Karina to hand over the West Territory Logistics Company plan to Scream, Said: "When you run this business route, you will know that the speed of robbery is not as fast as doing business.

Especially after the railway is built from New Moon Oasis to Moonlight King's Court, you will find that the outside world is beyond your imagination.

It's time for the West to change! "

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