Age of Arcane

Chapter 323 Green Light

The swaying firelight illuminated the exquisite armor on Earl Uld's body, and also illuminated his heavy expression.For Uld, the barbarians attacking the Celtic Duke this time was tantamount to cutting himself off from the Brotherhood of Blades and standing firmly on the side of the emperor.

But Huangtong's side is also full of style.

Emperor Augustine was old but still firmly held the imperial power.

The voice of the eldest prince Fania to succeed to the throne is very high.

The second prince, Yakeli, escaped from the imperial capital and cultivated his power in the western region.

Although the eldest princess did not make it clear that she would compete for the crown prince, her power in the imperial court was not weaker than the two princes.Moreover, she controlled Rage City through the meteorite, and her soft power even surpassed that of the eldest prince Fania.

Standing in line this time is related to the future honor and disgrace of the Ould family, so it has to be carefully considered.

Earl Ould quietly observed Meteor, who was watching the battle in the field with a relaxed expression, as if he had just asked casually.

Uld said in a low voice as if he had realized something: "Of course all the credit belongs to the governor.

When the governor first arrived in the western region, he weakened the strength of the nobles of the western region by raising prices, fundamentally disintegrating the threat of the nobles of the western region to the empire.And by reviving the world tree of the ancestors' grassland, the power of the barbarians in the western border was gathered to increase the survival pressure of the nobles in the western border.

From then on, the nobles of the Western Region could only serve as a buffer zone honestly, and no longer had the strength to participate in the internal struggles of the empire.

The Viceroy only used tactics to pacify the Western Region without bloodshed, saving the empire countless manpower, material and financial resources.At a time when the empire is facing many threats, the Governor's contribution... is enough for His Majesty to confer a duke title. "

"Hahaha..." Luke enjoyed the flattery very much, and he said, "Earl Sandfox is worthy of being Earl Sandfox, but he sees more clearly than those short-sighted western nobles.

The credit here is very, very great. When the news of the pacification of the Western Territory was sent to the imperial capital, everyone would definitely want to get a little bit of it.

It's just that the eldest prince is in charge of the war on the southern front of the empire, but he doesn't deserve the credit for the western border.

Although the second prince is in charge of the western region, if all the credit is given to him...he can't take it now.If the southern line is in a hurry to make meritorious service, there will be big trouble.

As for the Eldest Princess, His Majesty will definitely not be happy if she achieves this great achievement. "

Earl Ould lowered his posture and said respectfully: "I heard some news from the imperial capital that His Majesty relies heavily on the Governor-General, and even intends to let you be the chief assistant of the next cabinet.

It is well-deserved that the governor-general deserved the great credit for pacifying the western region, and it also allowed those who coveted the position of the cabinet's chief assistant to quit, making the cabinet handover smoother.

Please rest assured, Governor!After today, the nobles of the western region will support you unreservedly! "

Earl Ould said these words without any perfunctory meaning.

He was really frightened by Meteor's operation in the western region. From the moment he welcomed the mission into the city, he was played in the hands of the other party.Just when he wanted to resist, he realized that he had already been firmly held in the palm of his hand, and he could crush himself to pieces with any effort.

It's funny that when I heard what Meteor Xing did in Raging Waves City, I still laughed in my heart that those members of the Raging Waves City Council were really stupid.And when it was my turn, it seemed that it was not as good as the original council of Raging Waves City.

No matter what, Meteor now has the city of Raging Waves, the Moonlight Royal Court, the trust of the emperor, and a harmonious relationship with the princes and princesses.It is still uncertain who will be able to sit on the throne in the future, but whoever sits in that position will have to rely heavily on Meteor.

Meteor is so young, standing in his team is sure to make money.

So far, Luke has won the support of the future noble groups of the Western Territory, and with the addition of the Moonlight Royal Court, the entire Western Territory is in his pocket.

It is estimated that Augustine the Great would never have imagined that he sent Meteor as a deputy envoy to the Western Territory just to drive him away, but in the end he took the entire Western Territory into it.

For Luke, starting with the Western Territory put even more pressure on Emperor Augustine to deal with himself.

Of course, Luke would not think that the nobles of the Western Region would really stand firmly on his side just because of Earl Ould's flattery.Only the double bondage of interests and spirit can allow oneself to truly own the Western Territory.

Commercial entry can integrate all walks of life in the western region into the economic system of Raging Waves City.

Then there is the branch of the Blade Brotherhood here in the west.

Luke said to Uld: "The purpose and structure of the Brotherhood of Blades have been deviated from this era, and the barbaric and uncontrolled growth of the new nobles also has great hidden dangers.

Although the Reform Society I founded in Raging Waves City is a new type of noble society, but because it has absorbed many members of the original Brotherhood of Blades, the concept of the society is far less frivolous than the new type of nobles.

I have great respect for the good moral character that the traditional aristocrats uphold. We need to carry forward the wisdom left to us by our ancestors, rather than denying it completely because it does not adapt to the times.

I think the nobles of the western region can join the Reform Society.You need to open your eyes to see what changes are taking place in the outside world, and the Innovation Society also needs you, the family that has been passed down from generation to generation, to improve the overall taste of the members. "

Luke flattered the nobles of the Western Region a little, and made Earl Ould realize that his verbal siding did not reassure Governor Meteor.

Join the Innovation Society?
Earl Ould doesn't care, he is willing to make friends with barbarians, let alone new nobles.The trouble is that other nobles in the western region look down on the new nobles from the bottom of their hearts, and they will definitely not join the Reform Society honestly.

"Your Excellency, I am willing to join the Reformation Society, and I can also try my best to persuade other western nobles to join."

Luke said: "The Innovation Society has always been based on voluntary membership, if someone is unwilling to join, don't force them.

Finally killed Erguya! "

Earl Ould looked towards the battlefield.

Erguya was covered in blood and stood there like a god of war. The boiling knife penetrated Erguya's body from his chest, and his left arm was also cut off by the battle axe.Sandpaper and kestrels float on both sides of Erguya, and various shooting weapons wear Erguya's body like a hedgehog.

At this time, all the barbarians outside the quiet courtyard were wiped out, only Ergu Ya's body still blocked the gate into the courtyard.

Taotie flew down from the air, opened its big mouth exaggeratedly, and then bit off Erguya's head and swallowed it.

Erguya's body crashed to the ground.

The sound of fighting in the quiet courtyard continued unabated, and the magical fireworks bursting in the sky never stopped for a moment.

The attention of the whole city is focused on the fireworks that fill the sky.

Earl Ould looked at Erguya's body, and said to Luke very respectfully: "Please rest assured, Governor, I promise that all the Blade Brotherhoods in the Western Region will join the Reform Society, and will not 'force' anyone."

"I'll see your performance. Let's go...Miss Qingkong has already entered!"

Luke stepped on the corpses all over the ground, and led the imperial spies into the courtyard of the quiet court, Earl Ould followed closely.

In Jingting's basement, Qing Kong opened the door and walked into the room where the blood oath's brute force was released.The blue fire was burning on the ground in the middle, and it shone faintly on the surrounding walls.

Qingkong walked slowly around the blue fire: "Sylvia, I thought I had to go to the Tedgar Hills to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to the western region. It seems that I can kill another abyss apostle .”

A shadow rose from the ground, and when it was about to attack, Qing Kong turned around, and the frightened shadow immediately retracted to the ground.

Sylvia's voice came from all sides: "How did you find this place? This room should be hidden in the cracks of the space by my secret technique."

Qingkong stood still in front of the blue fire, and she took out a glass bottle containing some yellow powder.Qingkong took out some powder and slowly sprinkled it on the blue fire.

After the blue flame came into contact with the powder, the yellow flame quickly subsided under the pressure of the blue flame.The light in the room is also like a filter, and the depression is replaced by the uplifting vitality.

On the wall, those wandering black shadows were expelled by the yellow light, and finally gathered into a cloud of black smoke and peeled off from the wall.

Black Smoke turned into Sylvia, she couldn't believe that the hiding technique she was so proud of was broken so easily by Qingkong.

Thinking of the great cleansing that the Abyss Temple was going through, Sylvia turned into light smoke and changed her position in fear, and then asked Qingkong: "Who! Who betrayed us?"

"Anyway, it's not Harriman, Portlem, Morris, or you." Qingkong raised his hand, holding the Canggu rock machete in his hand, and the scimitar on his back left the scabbard with a crisp sound.Then Qingkong said with a smile to Sylvia who was shrinking in the corner: "You are dead, and there is one less suspect in the abyss temple. There are three abyss apostles left, so it should be easy to find."

The black smoke outside Sylvia's body was no longer flowing like a veil skirt, and those retractable thorns showed how nervous she was at this moment.

The three abyssal apostles died one after another under the hands of Qingkong. This elf who mastered the book of calamity and knew the secrets of the abyss temple was simply the nemesis of the abyssal apostles.

Sylvia knew that she, who was alone, was definitely not Qingkong's opponent.But the way to leave has been blocked, and there is no other way but to fight to the death.

Fortunately, the battle outside created enough killings. Those blood and corpses, as well as the negative energy brought by death, are the best materials for releasing the secret technique of the abyss.

In order to buy time for the release of the secret technique, Sylvia changed her position again and said to Qingkong: "Since you are so confident in killing me, why don't you tell me the name of the traitor so that I don't have to die with this question .”

The direction Qingkong faces changes with Sylvia's position.She didn't rush to attack, but patiently waited for Sylvia to deploy the secret technique.

"Do you think I will tell you his name foolishly? Since I know so many secrets of the Abyss Temple, of course I know how you transmit information to the outside world.

I also know what secret technique you are arranging..."

Sylvia's moving figure paused for a moment, and then quickly moved in different places in the room without any concealment.

Regardless of whether one's own secret technique has been seen through or not, regardless of whether the other party has a way to crack it, one can only activate the secret technique.

The rest...just leave it to luck.

With the layout of the secret technique, the atmosphere in the room changed again.

The yellow flame in the middle turned black, and everyone and everything in the room turned black and white.

Sylvia's figure was hidden in the black smoke, and then in the black.The black fire burned fiercely, and the words of the secret technique were recited.

"A harmony of tones in black and white."

The death knell sounded, and countless sharp swords made of black pierced towards the clear sky.

At this time, the clear sky was also transformed into black and white, but her hair and eyes were still green like buds.

A black sword approached, and the tip of the sword radiated white light.Sylvia's figure was revealed, she was behind the sword group, her body was twisted by the black force formed by the secret technique, and her mask was twisted into a strange shape.

As the death knell sounded, Sylvia seemed like a god of death, wanting to easily take the life of a creature within her domain.

But... when those dense black swords were about to pierce the clear sky, all the black swords were swept by a green light.The black sword is dyed green, and the blade becomes a branch, the branches grow, the leaves unfold, and colorful flowers bloom.

Green light blew across the clear sky, restoring her color.

The green light brushed over all the items in the room, as if an outstanding painter had painted all the colors in an instant.Those blacks that had nowhere to be placed all turned into branches, and then opened the branches and scattered leaves, blooming beautiful flowers.

The dancing flames in the middle of the room turned a normal fiery red.

At this moment, Silvia's body was pierced and entangled by vines, and was pulled in front of Qingkong.Black blood flowed out from the wound, and the corroded vines emitted white smoke, and were quickly repaired by the life energy passed up.

"You, what are you?" Sylvia asked Qing Kong in extreme pain, her mask fell off, revealing an ugly face affected by the abyss.

Qingkong picked up the mask, looked at it for a while, and put it on for Sylvia.

"Me? I am the elf Qingkong... and now I am the Moonlight Queen of the Moonlight King's Court."

"Queen of Moonlight?" Sylvia heard this title for the first time: "Where is the Moonlight Court?"

Qingkong flashed the machete, her right arm shone brightly, and the holy flame was attached to the knife.

"Your news is too late! The World Tree revived, and the Moonlight King's Court was established in the grassland of the ancestors. Uld, whom you trusted, turned against the water because he knew the news about the establishment of the Moonlight King's Court, and he knew that following you would only lead to death.

It is better to dedicate you to the empire and keep his existing interests. "

"What? The World Tree that has been destroyed for thousands of years has been revived. How is this possible?"

Qingkong raised the machete burning with exuberant holy flames, and looked at the restrained Sylvia without any mercy: "Believe the facts you see, and pass them on.

The World Tree is not aggressive, but the Moonlight Queen is.The entire western region is covered by the roots of the World Tree, here... I am God.

All the forces of the Abyss Temple in the western region get out of here immediately, and then wait for me to come to the door in the Tedgar Hills. "

After finishing speaking, Qing Kong slashed down with a knife.

Sylvia's head fell to the ground, leaving a black bead after dissipating.

The mask rolled to the ground again, and petals danced around the clear sky.

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