Age of Arcane

Chapter 325 Strategy of the Western Territory

People are knives, I am fish.

The nobles of the western region not only wanted to buy barbarian goods at a high level during this harvest festival, but also lost their unilateral pricing power over the barbarians because of the existence of the Moonlight Royal Court.

After this harvest festival, the first thing these nobles do when they return to their territory is to reduce the army and cut off all extravagant expenses.Also beware of possible rebellions due to the sudden reduction in the treatment of the territory.

At this time, the aristocrats of the western region were not qualified to negotiate terms with the empire.

Luke threw out the construction plan of the Western Territory Railway. In the past, it was a tiger's mouth, which fundamentally shook the ruling foundation of the Western Territory nobles.But now...the ruling foundation of the aristocrats in the western region is gone, and the project to build the railway in the western region has become their life-saving medicine.

This large-scale project can greatly absorb the abolished troops of the nobles in the western region, so that these soldiers can have jobs to fill their stomachs, so that there will be no troubles and mutinies.At the same time, after the railway is built, the empire's supplies can reach the western border at a cheaper price, and the tight pockets of the western nobles can support their luxurious life.

As for other thoughts, just let go of that idea!

Luke's plan to build the Western Territory Railway was unanimously approved by the major nobles in the Western Territory.

The main line of the Western Territory Railway starts from New Moon City and ends at the Moonlight King’s Court on the Grassland of the Ancestors, with a transfer station set up in Sunshine City.The entire large railway project is fully invested by Rough City, and Rough City Railway Company undertakes the railway operation.

During the construction of the railway, Raging Waves City can work with the lords of the Western Territory to jointly build a road radiation network centered on Sunshine City.At the same time, Raging Waves City donated a power plant and a glass manufacturing factory to Sunshine City.

Luke promised... Any good cooperation plan in the Western Territory will be vigorously supported by Rage City. Not only can they get low-interest loans, but they can even get related supporting equipment for free.

Kailinna put the printed out Western Territory Development Plan in front of the Western Territory lords one by one.

The content inside clarified the great development plan of the western region in more detail, and the lords of the western region were taken aback for a while.

Shouldn't they cede land and pay compensation if they lose a battle?
We are all ready to cut our flesh, why are you giving us money back!

Who wins this?
Luke saw the doubts in the hearts of the nobles in the western region, and said with a smile: "Swords and swords will only intensify conflicts, and win-win cooperation can form friendship. Your ancestors were the heroes who built and maintained the empire, and they have a deep relationship with the Augustine family. Comrades.

It's just that the distance makes this friendship more and more dilute, and the misunderstanding cannot be explained because of the distance.

Her Royal Highness the Princess and I have been on a mission to the Western Territory. Since we set off until now, we have never considered you as enemies of the empire. It’s just that the ideas of the Brotherhood of Blades are no longer suitable for this country.

This era is advancing rapidly and will not stop waiting for anyone.Internal friction will slow down the pace of the empire, and those who lag behind will be doomed!
There are some things that you may not understand.But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, just accept my plan for the western region, put away all your ambitions, and enjoy life as a lord with peace of mind... that's all! "

Looking at the thick plan for the development of the western region, the nobles of the western region knew that Raging Wave City spent enough money here to buy the entire western region, in order to fully integrate the entire western region into the empire's system.

Families like myself that are entrenched in the western region must give up some or even most of their power.

Seeing that the other nobles were afraid to speak, Earl Ould asked Luke on the basis of his status as the first refugee: "My lord, the desert in the western region is very unstable. If the lords do not have enough force, there is no way to resist the desert. The plunder of the subjects of the domain by robbers."

Luke said: "Necessary force can be retained. Besides, Her Royal Highness and I have a plan to recruit Sand Pirates. Most of the Sand Pirates will be transferred to the logistics company opened by Raging Waves City to participate in the circulation of goods to the west. The defense of your territory Pressure will be low.

I hope you will give up your monopoly on territorial water resources; allow your territorial subjects to freely accept employment from investment companies; foreign investors can freely buy and sell land; you must protect the safety and legal benefits of investors. "

When Earl Ould heard that Sand Pirates accepted the offer, he thought that Meteor had gone to Slave Point this morning.

The Gnoll Screaming at Slave Point is closely related to many large sand bandits. Meteor said that most of the sand bandits are very credible in accepting the recruitment.

This means that the nobles themselves in the western region are really surrounded to death.Some things are no longer a matter of giving up or not, it is also someone else's.

Earl Ould lost the confidence to fight for the rights and interests of the nobles in the western region. Anyway, it is right to guard the interests he has obtained.

"Sunyao Oasis is willing to fully open to investors!"

Knowing that they had no ability to struggle, the other nobles of the Western Region had no choice but to express their willingness to accept Governor Meteor's "suggestion" and open their territories to foreign investors.

Luke operated in one pass... Treating guests, beheading, and accepting pawns.

Benefits were given, power was taken away, and after the capital of Raging Waves City and the Reform Society fully entered the western region, these western nobles boarded their boat.The remaining strength in their hands can't cause big waves, but it is indispensable for the empire's rule in the western region.

Luke asked the nobles of the western region to sign the agreement on the development of the western region, and after putting it away, he said: "In the future, Raging Waves City will fully participate in the development of the western region. Do your best to work for the welfare of the Western Territory.

I also hope that all the lords will cooperate with me in accordance with the agreement to build the western region into a rich place for the empire. "

Earl Ould stood up with the nobles of the western region, and they saluted Luke together, saying in unison: "I am willing to obey the orders of Lord Governor Meteor."

"Okay, very good! Let's stop here for today's meeting. Everyone, go back to calm down and think about the future of the family.

For the follow-up, I will let my staff officer Yomington contact the lords and adults.After the Harvest Festival is over, the investment from Raging Waves City can come in. "

The nobles of the Western Region saluted Luke again, and then left the venue one by one with heavy hearts.

After the nobles had left, Luke waved his hand, and the guards left in a line, and soon Luke was left alone in the entire hall.

There was a sound of the cork being pulled out of the wine bottle, and two wine glasses were placed on the table.Agatha, who took off her armor, was sitting next to Luke in only her inner lining. She poured red wine into her glass and said, "This trip to the West is completely beyond my imagination, and definitely beyond everyone's imagination.

Since the establishment of the empire, the western region, which has troubled the emperors of all generations, has been conquered so easily by you.

I listened to what you said to those lords, and I saw how they left. The empire no longer has to worry about the western border. "

Luke picked up the wine glass rudely, and touched another wine glass.Accompanied by the pleasant sound, Luke drank half a glass of red wine in one gulp, and then let out a long breath.

"What a long day!

Since His Highness is so appreciative of my work, then give me all the credit for conquering the Western Territory, don't you have any objections? "

Agatha picked up her glass of wine and slowly tasted it: "All for you? I don't care, I'm afraid Alec will be unhappy.

When he rectified the Western Territory Legion, he wanted to make great contributions to calming the Western Territory and increase his bargaining chips for the throne.

You leveled the western border as soon as you came, and you didn't let him take the lead, how could he be reconciled? "

Luke smiled helplessly: "At first, I didn't want to care about these bad things in the Western Territory, and it was simply adding a burden to Raging City for no reason.

But His Majesty sent me and you to visit here, and I must consider the safety of both of us.For me, it is safest to take down the Western Territory, other impacts can be considered later.

If the credit for the western region is given to the second prince, the first prince may take risks on the southern front. I am also thinking about the overall situation. "

"I understand your concerns..." Thinking of the battle in the court, Agatha couldn't help frowning: "You do what you think is right, and Alec will let me explain.

It's useless for him to take away the credit here, and the father is not confused.

However, Miss Qingkong is the queen of the Moonlight Royal Court, and you are the head assistant of the Moonlight Royal Court. If Raging Waves City has fully entered the Western Region, the royal father may be even more suspicious of you. "

Luke laughed: "Anyway, he already has so much suspicion of me, so he doesn't care about adding more. He didn't kill me last time, and he won't kill me in the future.

You have to worry, you should worry about the northern border.

Once the news of the pacification of the Western Territory spreads, Yate County United will definitely not wait any longer. "

Agatha, who was already worried, became even more worried.

The stability of the western region means that the empire can free up part of its national power.The Yate County United, which has been preparing for the war, will never wait for the empire to make up for the spare part of the national power to the north.

If you want to fight, you must fight as soon as possible!
If it is too late, Attorney United will pay more.

Agatha asked Luke: "After you return to Rage City, how long will it take you to be free from the direction of Leo and move your troops north?"

Luke drank the wine in his glass: "I don't know, this trip to the Western Territory took me a lot of time. I have to wait until I return to Rage City before I can clarify the information from all parties.

Your Majesty's sudden appointment has disrupted many of my plans, accelerated the progress of the northern border, and slowed down the strategy of the east.

All I can say is... ASAP!

Anyway, there is the Second Prince's Western Region Legion, which can go to the northern battlefield when necessary, although the Northern Region is the territory of the First Prince. "

Agatha thought about it, and found that it was difficult to transmit information in the western region. Even if she and Meteor analyzed it, it was a groundless guess.

Agatha pinched the bridge of her nose to relieve the rising sleepiness: "The day after tomorrow is the Harvest Festival. Now that the matter in the Western Region is over and the Harvest Festival starts, you leave the necessary personnel to implement the Western Region Development Plan, and we will return immediately.

Is Miss Skylight coming with us? "

"No, she will wait until the harvest festival is over before returning to the grassland of the ancestors. The Moonlight King's Court will hold a celebration to commemorate the revival of the World Tree. After the celebration, she will return to Saint Lun City, and the King's Court will be handed over to the Elders and the Moonlight Knights."

Agatha stared at Luke: "I really can't figure out what is the relationship between you and Miss Weatherlight? Could it be that you are her... adopted son?"

Luke yawned: "If you can't figure it out, don't guess randomly... Today is really busy from morning to late night, and if you don't rest, Iron Man will fall apart from exhaustion.

I'm going back to my room to sleep, don't call me if I have nothing to do tomorrow, I can sleep until the Harvest Festival starts. "

After finishing speaking, Luke stood up and stretched, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Agatha, who had completed the mission, was full of gossips. She drank the rest of the wine in the glass in one gulp, and chased Luke up the steps. "You can't be her son, but you don't seem to have elven blood."

"Don't guess, you can't guess."

"You saved her life, and she swore allegiance to you."

"You are a bit reserved like a princess, okay..."

Early the next morning, a piece of explosive news spread into Sunshine City from the west.

The world tree has recovered!

A ferocious war song who traveled abroad returned to the grassland of the ancestors. She brought a method to revive the world tree and really made a new world tree grow from Moon Lake.

The new generation of World Tree is favored by the moon, so it is named Moonlight Tree King.The ferocious battle song and the Moonlight Tree King inherited the legacy of the previous generation of World Tree, called the Moonlight Queen, and they jointly established the Moonlight King Court.

Now the Moonlight Queen calls on the former World Tree survivors to return to the Moonlight Royal Court to defend the nascent World Tree together.

All the barbarians in Sunshine City were boiling, and they danced happily, even happier than watching the fireworks last night.

Those barbarians who thought they were inherited from the dead world tree kowtowed in the direction of the grassland of the ancestors, weeping with joy.Piously sing the songs passed down from generation to generation, praising the greatness and selflessness of World Tree...

Those who kneel down include the poisonous scorpion Mavesman in the slave corner, the howling wolf man who is the sand thief butler, and the mother and son who have been redeemed as free and have thin elven blood.

There is Orc Andre, the commander of the army of Sunshine City.

There is the orc Hamm who came from Burntwood Camp to participate in the harvest festival.

At this moment, there is no distinction between sand robbers, soldiers, merchants, free people, and slaves. The revival of the World Tree reconnects the broken hearts, and the noble beliefs inherited from ancient times make all the barbarians of the western border hold their heads high.

They are all citizens of World Tree, and no matter where they are, their spirits belong to the Moonlight Royal Court.

The wind and sand carried the news from the grassland of the ancestors, and continued to spread further afield.Wherever they passed, the climate changed from dry to cool. There was a light rain in Sunshine City that night, and the moon was particularly bright in the rainy night.

Under the moonlight, Qingkong stood on the highest spire of Zhonghu Castle.She stretched out her hand and let the raindrops fall into her palm.

Refreshing and cooling, with a little recovery effect.

This rain is World Tree's response to devout prayers.It won't be long before the oasis will expand rapidly under the nourishment of sufficient water sources.Small oases are connected into large ones, and large oases are connected into grasslands.

Although the advance attack on the Western Territory disrupted the original plan, it cannot be said to be a bad thing.No matter how well run Raging Waves City is, it's just a crowbar, while the Western Territory can be managed as its own base.

On World Tree, there are too many known and unknown things that can be developed!

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