Age of Arcane

Chapter 334 Borrowing a Knife

Chapter 334 Borrowing a Knife
Queen Christina looked at Luke, and couldn't help but examine herself in her heart, whether she was a little overwhelmed by the sudden acquisition of huge power.Thinking back to the biographies of emperors and famous officials with tragic endings that I have read, at that time, I still wondered why those people indulged in power and let the power backfire, but it was my turn to know that power really makes people arrogant, proud, and arrogant , so as to captivate the eye and the mind.

If there is no self-control in the center of authority, it will only lead to destruction.

"Thank you for reminding me that forbearance is a virtue."

"No, it's not forbearance." Luke put down his teacup and said to Queen Christina: "It's called concentration! Forbearance is a sign of weakness. Forbearance is to be patient after setting goals, and wait for the right moment before making a decisive move.

Many things do not have another chance. If there is no certainty of winning in the decision-making of life and death, it is better to stabilize the status quo and slowly accumulate your own strength. "

After listening to Luke's words, Queen Christina felt her mood brighten up.

His expression also relaxed.

"I can finally understand why you can do so many incredible things in Raging Waves City, the palace, and the Western Territory, and why His Majesty is reluctant to kill you.

Whoever can get the help of your sincerity will definitely become the most dazzling Mingjun in this era.

The Cross Society is not something I can deal with now, but I can't do nothing either.I'll call in Gabriel for an audit and press him to place more orders for war supplies to your Northern Materiel Special Dispatch Office.With the purchase price comparison of Raging Waves City, I hope the Cross Society can restrain itself a bit. "

"That's no problem! The expansion of Raging Waves City urgently needs a large order to expand the factory. As long as Your Highness gives me more orders, the price will definitely satisfy you."

While Luke and Empress Christina were discussing in private which war material orders to distribute to Rage City, Agatha waited at the place where Luke was parted.

Outside the corridor is a garden.

When the mission left the imperial capital for the western region more than a month ago, there were still many flowers blooming in the garden.Now not only are there no flowers, but a lot of leaves have fallen.

This year's cold snap in the north came early, which was not good for the empire's defense in the north.

A gust of cold wind blew through the corridor, and Agatha tightened her clothes tightly, feeling a sense of sadness in her heart.The palace looks magnificent, but she can only feel oppressed and lonely.

"Sister Agatha!"

Princess Dai'er's voice awakened Agatha's scattered thoughts. When she turned around, she saw Dai'er running over, looking around as if looking for someone.

"Dai'er, are you coming to see Father?"

Dai'er came to Agatha's side, saluted first and then replied: "Yes, but Father still hasn't seen me. Uncle Milcombe said that Father needs to rest now and doesn't want to see anyone.

I don't know how many times I was rejected. I used to see my father every time I went. It seems that my father is really seriously ill this time. "

Speaking of Emperor Augustine, Dai'er's tone was full of embarrassment.Since she was "rescued" and returned to the palace, her relationship with her father has improved a lot.Basically, as long as she visited, Emperor Augustine would take time to chat with her no matter how busy he was.

Now being rejected continuously, Dai'er can't help worrying about her father's health.

Agatha comforted Dai'er who was depressed: "I just saw the queen, father's health is much better than we imagined. The major events that have happened recently are too concentrated, and father is too tired to have health problems.

Let him rest and rest... I am sure he will recover soon. "

"May my father recover soon." Dai'er prayed silently, and then asked: "I heard that Governor Meteorite also participated in this imperial cabinet meeting, why didn't I see him?"

Agatha said with a smile: "He...has been promoted again! Now he is a special cabinet minister and is in charge of the newly formed Special Dispatch Office of Northern Materials. When the meeting was just over, the queen summoned him again, it should be Talk about the production and dispatch of materials in the northern border.

Do you have anything to do with him? "

"Oh..." Dai'er rolled her eyes and said, "It's nothing serious. I heard that the World Tree in the Western Territory's Ancestor Grassland has revived, and Professor Qingkong has become the queen of the Moonlight Court. I just want to ask when Professor Qingkong, the Governor of Meteor, will come back. , and there are some issues related to the world tree.

I think... I want to do a project related to the World Tree, and I want to know more about this great and extraordinary creature. "

Agatha knew that Dill had other ideas when she saw the wandering eyes.

"Meteor has been away for a while, and it should come out soon. You wait for him here, and I will go back to Tulip Manor."

Dai'er asked, "Aren't you waiting for Governor Meteor?"

"I didn't wait for him at first, but I suddenly thought of something and thought about it here for a while. I just came back from the Western Region, and the Bureau of Secret Affairs has a backlog of things that I need to deal with, but I don't have time to waste time on him.

I'm going back, bye! "

"Goodbye...bye, Sister Agatha."

Dill watched Agatha go away, and began to look at the other end of the corridor.

Sure enough, as Agatha said, Luke walked over not long after.Seeing Luke walking with his head down and thinking about things, Dai quickly hid behind the pillars of the arch, and then jumped out suddenly when Luke approached.


Suddenly someone called out his name, which really startled Luke.When he saw that it was Dai'er who jumped out, he was relieved: "Why are you here? And why didn't you call me Meteor?"

"Meteor is just your code name, not your name. You and Sister Agatha refused to tell me your real name, so I have to call you Luke."

"Meteor is the code name, and 'Luke' isn't also a fake name I gave myself in downtown."

"A false name is at least a name. If you don't want me to call you by your name, tell me your real name.

Sister Agatha told me that you are now a cabinet minister, so it's time for you to reveal your real name. "

Faced with Dai'er's expectant look, Luke looked around first, and after not finding Agatha, he said to Dai'er: "When it needs to be made public, I will definitely make it public. Have you seen the eldest princess?"

Dai'er pointed to the place where Agatha was standing just now and replied: "Sister Agatha was thinking about things here just now, and now she is returning to Tulip Manor.

I was in a bad mood when I saw her, but I didn't dare to ask her, did something bad happen? "

Luke didn't know why Agatha didn't wait for him to leave alone, so he said to Dai'er: "It's all worrying things in the court, and there may be a war in the north. These have nothing to do with you. You can concentrate on your studies." can.

Come on, I'll take you back to Miss Weatherly's museum. "

When Daier heard that Luke was going to give her away, she immediately agreed happily: "Okay! I happen to have a lot of questions about World Tree that I want to ask you...

Have you seen the world tree?how tall is itWill you speak? "

"The time of this mission is too tight. I didn't go to the grassland of the ancestors to see the world. But Miss Qingkong said that the World Tree is 1000 meters high..."

Luke and Dai left the palace together chatting about the world tree, and then met a carriage guarding outside.Standing beside the carriage was an attendant with the Silver Manor logo on his clothes, and he conveyed the invitation of the First Prince to Luke.

Luke asked his attendants to go back first, saying that he would send Princess Dai back to Qingkong's museum, and then went to Silver Manor to meet the First Prince.

Nothing special happened on the way to send Dai'er back, but Dai'er chattered non-stop all the way, asking questions about the West Territory and World Tree, and talking about interesting things that happened in the academy.

After arriving at the museum, I watched Luke leave in the car with some reluctance.

Luke went to the Silver Manor non-stop, and was immediately brought in front of the eldest prince Fania by his servants upon arrival.

The eldest prince Fania was still wearing the clothes for the cabinet meeting, and the emperor's grandson Sinclair was arguing with him.

"Father, the Augustine family is not without men. It is far from the embarrassment that requires the queen to go to the front line. I have been serving in the northern border since I joined the army. I am very familiar with the situation there and the northern border army. No one in the royal family is more suitable than me to go to the northern border. Fend off the enemy.

Please take me to the palace now, and ask the queen to send me to the north. "

Fania sternly reprimanded Sinclair: "What do you know? The Northern Territory must have suffered heavy losses in the initial attack against the Yate County United. A large amount of land will be lost. The best case is to hold a few strong fortresses. .

Letting you go to the north at this time is tantamount to letting you die.

You are my son, who will become the emperor of the empire in the future.And the queen...if she dies, there will be a new queen to replace her!

Governor Meteor is here, step back!Don't interfere with our business discussion! "

Although Sinclair, who was trapped in the imperial capital, had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, he knew that as long as his father did not allow him, he would not be able to go anywhere.

Sinclair turned and left angrily, and when he passed by Luke, he just sighed and walked over.

Fania invited Luke to sit down, and then said directly: "You did a very good job in the western region, and I didn't let Alec get too much credit. I am very satisfied. It's just... at the meeting of the imperial cabinet, why did you Sinclair was suggested to go to the north, and Agatha was suggested to go to the north.

Is your position deflected? "

"My position has never been deflected. Everything I do is based on the fundamental interests of the empire. I support you as the crown prince because I think you are the only one suitable to be a monarch. I suggest that Sinclair go to the northern border just because he is the most The right one; Agatha was the second choice.

The Queen will be behind you and Prince Alec. In addition to boosting morale when she goes to the Northern Territory, her command ability will be improved to zero.If there is a situation of disorderly command, the queen's going to the northern border will be a negative increase in the strength of the northern border army. "

Luke stated his position solemnly, and there was nothing to refute what he said.

Of course, Fania knew that considering the national interest, it was most suitable for Sinclair to go to the northern border, but whether he could successfully ascend the throne was a higher national interest.Now that Alec and his Western Legion are free, if there is a change in the palace, the Western Legion moves to the imperial capital, Sinclair needs to take over the St. Lun City Garrison Army, Palace Guards, and Royal Knights to resist the rebels.

At that time, if the Moonlight Royal Court coerced the western nobles to attack Alec from behind, then there would be no suspense about the throne.

Therefore, even though Fania was a little dissatisfied with Meteor's handling of the nobles in the western region, the current Meteor was the person he had to do his best to win over.

When Fania heard that Meteor was still supporting her, she relaxed slightly.

Thinking about it again, although the meteorite pacified the western region and liberated Alec's hands and feet, it also made Alec useless.Moreover, at the just-concluded imperial cabinet meeting, the Queen wanted to mobilize the Western Territory Legion, but was rejected by Meteor in various ways, and was finally locked in the New Moon Oasis and could not move.

This is tantamount to giving me more maneuverable space.

The eldest prince Fania is in a better mood.

Regarding Luke's worries about the situation in the northern border, Fania said: "The most important thing for the empire at this stage is to defend the northern border, and the worst thing is not to let the army of the Art County United threaten the imperial capital circle.

I have asked General Josue to draw up a list of members of the Northern Operations Staff, and to send a number of regiments from the South to the North.General Anthony Luthern served as Chief of Staff of the Northern Operations Staff and was responsible for the final decision-making of the operational plan.

As long as the Queen does not intervene in command after arriving in the North, the Northern Army still has the ability to stop the attack of the Art County United.

After the Northern Territory withstood the initial onslaught of the Yate County United, the key to victory in the future depends on who can send more supplies to the front line faster. "

The Northern Territory is Fania's long-running family property, so naturally they will not just watch the Northern Territory Army be eaten by the Art County United.Although he didn't let Sinclair go to the northern border, he spared no effort to send support and supplements to the northern border.

This time Fania called Luke, in addition to confirming his position, he also valued the production capacity of Raging City.

"After the imperial cabinet meeting today, the queen summoned me and talked with me a lot about sending supplies to the north." Luke told Fania what he had talked with the queen, and mentioned the Cross Society's The purchase order at sky-high prices, and then said: "The Cross Society dares to suck blood from the national treasury at this time, it has gone too far.

Does Your Highness know of the existence of such a purchase order? "

"Of course I don't know!" Fania categorically denied, but his expression still revealed that he knew the existence of this list.

It takes a lot of money to run the northern border and win over court officials, and this money cannot be obtained through normal channels.

The Cross Society is an important funder behind the two princes. In the past, Raging Waves City had to hand in a large sum of money every year as a political donation for the Cross Society.Just from the nine tons of gold stolen by Luke, it can be seen how much money the First Prince can get from the Cross Society.

The money was not given for nothing, the First Prince must use his power and influence to benefit the Cross Society.

In the past, the Cross Society would pay attention to the accounts, making the accounts more beautiful so that it would not be easy to see the clues.It's just that in recent years, Emperor Augustine's energy has declined, and the Cross Society didn't even bother to do the accounts, so they directly reported them among other documents.

Fania did not expect that Queen Christina would discover the existence of the sky-high purchase order.

If Emperor Augustine knew about it, it would definitely be a big case that could break the sky!

After expressing her ignorance, Fania asked again: "Did the Queen say what Her Majesty thinks about that list?"

Luke pretended to trust Fania, and said: "The Queen was worried that His Majesty's condition would worsen after knowing this, so she didn't show the list to His Majesty. I also advise the Queen not to investigate this case when a war is about to break out in the Northern Territory. .

Since the eldest prince has nothing to do with this matter, I am relieved.When His Majesty's health recovers, he will definitely investigate this serious case of making the country's wealth difficult.No matter whether it is a cabinet minister or a member of the royal family, as long as it is involved in this case, it will not end well. "

While Fania was thankful that Emperor Augustine didn't know the sky-high price list, he also cursed the members of the Cross Society as idiots.After earning so much money, I don't even want to spend the money for making false accounts.

You are looking for death, and you are dragging me down!

"I really shouldn't let my father know about this matter now..." Fania asked again: "Does Agatha know about this list?"

Luke replied: "When the Queen summoned me, Her Royal Highness returned to the Tulip Manor. After I leave your Highness, I will go to meet Her Royal Highness. The naval battle against Leo is coming soon, and we need more information from the Secret Affairs Bureau. intelligence support."

Fania knew Luke wasn't lying.

News came from the palace that Agatha left the palace when Meteor was summoned by the queen.

Meteor came to Silver Manor immediately after sending Princess Dai back to the museum, and did not see anyone during the period.

"Don't let Agatha know about this for the time being."

Luke asked, "Why?"

Fania replied: "Agatha knows that this matter will definitely be investigated, which will cause turmoil in the palace, which will be detrimental to the war situation on the northern and southern fronts. It is better to wait for the father to recover and let him order the investigation to minimize the harm. "

Luke nodded: "Your Highness is right, let's wait for His Majesty to recover. Some people, even the eldest princess, cannot investigate casually."

Fearing that too many words would lead to failure, Fania shifted the topic to the supply of supplies to the northern border.

Fania knew what the northern border lacked most, so she chatted with Luke very carefully.It wasn't until the evening that Luke had dinner with Fania that he left Silver Manor.

Sending Luke away, Fania immediately called the butler.

"Can your Majesty's health be checked?"

The butler replied in a very embarrassing manner: "I'm sorry, master... Our insiders can't enter His Majesty's bedroom at all. All of His Majesty's daily life is in charge of alchemy golems, and the only people who can see him are the Queen and Knight Millscombe."

I don't know what is going on with Augustine the Great now, which makes Fania feel that he is in a situation where he can't advance or retreat.And the list in the queen's hand became a noose that could kill her at any time.

The cross will kill people!

Fania cursed loudly, and the frightened housekeeper quickly knelt on the ground: "Master, please forgive me!"

"I didn't mention you." Fania walked back and forth in the room, as if weighing an extremely important matter.When the butler's knees were numb, Fania suddenly stopped and said: "Intensify the monitoring of the palace, and do everything possible to determine your majesty's condition.

As long as there is an opportunity, we will do it! "

Hearing Fania's last words, the housekeeper's excited eyes lit up: "Obey, my master!"

(End of this chapter)

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