Age of Arcane

Chapter 338 Amelia

The mobilization meeting is over.

In the next few days, Luke kept calling various departments for small meetings, and Rage City was quietly completing the transformation of the city's strategy.The appearance of the city is still singing and dancing, and there are continuous ships in the port, and everyone is rushing for wealth.

Everything seems to be thriving, as if the ongoing war in the empire is a matter of another country, and the dividends of the wind have attracted a large number of foreign investment to continuously pour into the city.

Numerous opportunities also attract those who are underappreciated.

Reginald Amelia is a neurotic young man whose autistic personality makes him have severe social phobia.His low sense of presence during school made it impossible for his tutor to call out his full name when he was giving a graduation debate.

In the eyes of the tutor, the graduation thesis was also a terrible mess. It was simply a bizarre novel mixed with fantasy magic and science fiction.Even if it is published as a novel, the magazine editor may not accept it.

In the end, the kind mentor was afraid that the nervous young man would pass out on the spot, so he reluctantly let him graduate.

After completing her studies, Amelia's job hunting experience was also very difficult.Unsociable, stubborn, and having crazy ideas from time to time, his colleagues fear that one day he will go crazy and blow everyone up.

Amelia's life is basically spent looking for a job and being unemployed. Her life is very tight, and she often eats her last meal without having her next meal.

And when Amelia was down and out, Raging Waves City sent people to find him.

A laboratory under his sole responsibility.

Unlimited research funding.

You can freely use the patented technology of the Urban Alchemist Guild of Raging Waves City.

There are no strings attached, no research indicators and tasks.

Just do whatever you want!
At first, Amelia thought that the person he met was a liar, but he quickly used his extraordinary IQ to judge that the person did not lie to him.

Amelia didn't know how the government affairs department of Raging Waves City knew about her namelessness, and why she gave herself such favorable treatment.But he knew what kind of city Raging Waves City was, because many of his classmates bought a boat ticket to Raging Waves City without hesitation after getting their graduation certificates.

It's a place where dreams can come true.

Even the mentor said so.

Amelia's character makes him very repulsed to leave the familiar city.Going to an unfamiliar environment... Even thinking about it made him feel nervous and a little suffocated.But if he continued to stay here, his fate would most likely be to starve to death.

So Amelia picked up her only suitcase, boarded the car sent by Raging Waves City, and then boarded the boat to the unknown future.

Amelia, who had reached Raging City, shut himself up in his room for a whole week, and the city terrified him.He had never seen so many high-rise buildings, it was simply a jungle made of cement and bricks; he had never seen so many cars on the road, as if if he took a wrong step, he would be crushed to pieces.

Everything is so different from my hometown.

Amelia watched the city from behind his window every day, and gradually his mood began to change.He saw what was behind the city, and he saw how the city fit the imaginary world that burst out of his head.

He became more and more convinced of his choice, and believed that everything in his mind could be realized here.

Amelia voluntarily left his room and told the escorts arranged by the city government office that he wanted to visit his laboratory.

The answer I got was: "Mr. Amelia, a gentleman wants to see you."

"Who?" Amelia was a little nervous.

"The ruler of this city, Governor Meteor!"

Amelia became more nervous: "Can I not see him?"

"I'm afraid this is not possible. Governor Meteorite is your biggest and only sponsor, and being summoned by him is an honor that many people can only dream of.

Please come with me... His Excellency said, whenever you leave the room, he will take you to see him. Your Excellency has time at any time. "

Amelia had no choice but to take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to follow the escort and get on the car to the City Hall.

This time in the car, Amelia didn't have the panic she felt when she first entered town.Although I was a little nervous about meeting such a big man, I also had a lot of expectations.

Is he someone who appreciates me?

The Governor's Office of the Urban Administration Department of Raging Waves City.

When Luke heard that Amelia had left the residence and was on his way here, he immediately put aside all his work and waited for the coming guests in a slightly excited mood.

At the beginning of the era, the driving force for the whole world to enter a stage of rapid development was the breakthrough of steam engine technology.The industrial revolution brought about the liberation of productive forces, relying on steam engine technology to set off a wave of technological innovation, one wave after another.

Although magic and alchemy technology also have a great momentum of development, most of them are driven by steam technology, which belongs to the icing on the cake for the steam engine mechanical system.

In the words of the players... it is walking with a limp.

This stage of asymmetrical development will be ended by Amelia.

The elemental fusion reactor used by Clear Sky's Heart was invented by Amelia.

This invention broke through the bottleneck restricting the development of magic alchemy technology in one fell swoop, and started another technological revolution.Strong, sufficient and sustainable magic energy allows many magic alchemy experiments to start.

The development of the world has entered a platinum period from a golden age.

door knocking...

"Please come in!"

Amelia walked in with Kailinna, saluted first and then stammered: "My lord, that's not right... Your Excellency Governor, hello. I'm Ami... My name is Reginald Amelia, from Voot City, graduated from Voote Magic University, my tutor is..."

"Don't be so restrained, sit down first." Luke said with a smile to Amelia, who was sweating nervously.

"Yes, thank you, Your Excellency Governor." Amelia walked quickly to the desk, her leg hit the edge of the chair due to her haste, "Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Your Excellency Governor!"

Karina stepped forward to open a chair for Amelia: "Please sit down, Mr. Amelia. The Governor is a very easy-going person, you don't need to be too nervous.

Want something to drink?

coffee?Or tea? "

"Thank you, miss... give me a cup of tea, please."

"Please wait."

Luke looked at the young man sitting in front of him. His face was a little thin, his skin was a little dull due to malnutrition, and his hair was a bit messy even after combing.His eyes flickered and he didn't dare to look at him, full of unconfidence.

If this had been an average interview, Amelia would have scored very poorly.

But thanks to his character, otherwise his talent should have bloomed long ago.

"I have read your graduation thesis."

When she heard the topic she was interested in, Amelia's eyes lit up instantly, and compared with the one she just came in, Amelia's mental state was like two people.

"Master Governor, you have read my graduation thesis! Did you invite me to work for you because of my opinion?"

This is Reginald Amelia!
Luke said with a smile: "The phenomenon of electrolysis of water molecules in high-temperature steam and the abnormal amplitude of water elements". In your paper, you think that water vapor in high-temperature and high-pressure, when subjected to a strong electric shock, will not only separate oxygen and Hydrogen also causes water element anomalies.

So you think that in the right environment and conditions, the water element can be broken down like water.

But as we all know... elements cannot be broken down. "

"But before water was electrolyzed to produce oxygen and hydrogen, who would have thought that water could be decomposed?" The professional topic made Amelia enter another state. He forgot who he was facing and the current occasion.He took the tea brought by Kailinna, drank it regardless of whether it was hot or not, and then said: "The high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor is subjected to electric shocks, which must have a reason for the abnormal amplitude of the water element. It may be affected by the energy of lightning." The generated mana oscillates, or it may be that the electrolysis of high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor produces some unknown substance, which makes the water element react.

If I want to prove what causes the abnormal amplitude of the water element, I need a professional laboratory, the best steam engine, and the best analytical instruments.There are also lightning generators, pure water refiners, needs... In short, many, many things. "

Karina whispered to Amelia, who was trapped in her own world, dancing and dancing: "Please calm down your emotions, Mr. Amelia."

"Ah!" Amelia woke up immediately. He finally realized where he was, and apologized to Luke in panic: "I'm sorry, Mr. Governor. I always fall into my own world involuntarily. Please forgive me if I offend you. "

Luke reminded Amelia: "There is a thin line between a genius and a madman. Your brain is very different from ours. It can make you or break you.

Follow the inspiration it gives you, and learn to release the pressure it brings you, otherwise your lifespan will be exhausted by it soon. "

Amelia looked at Luke: "You seem to know a lot of things that I don't."

Luke didn't expect Amelia's intuition to be so keen.

"You should know the news of World Tree's recovery."

Amelia replied: "Yes, the newspapers in Raging City report on the World Tree every day, that is a miracle."

Luke said: "Yes, the World Tree is a miracle. It can see many things that cannot be understood in the world. My friend Miss Weathering is the Queen of the Moonlight Court. After communicating with the World Tree, she told me something.

After I saw your paper, I found that the content in it was related to the information of the World Tree, so I sent someone to invite you to Rage City. "

Amelia finally understood why she was invited to Rage City and even received by the Governor of Rage City in person.

It turned out to be related to the world tree.

The world tree is indeed an extraordinary creature that existed in ancient times, and its mighty power is beyond the comprehension of the world.

Amelia asked curiously: "Can I know what information the World Tree revealed? It's actually related to my thesis!"

Luke suddenly felt that it was really useful to use the World Tree to explain such nagging things. If there is any problem, just push it to the World Tree, and it will not refute it anyway.

"Part of your guess is correct. The high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor is subjected to a strong electric shock, and in addition to decomposing into hydrogen and oxygen, new substances are produced. It is an unstable mysterious energy, which caused the abnormal vibration of the water element, But water elements don't break down.

It's just that this mysterious energy exists for a very short time, and there is no way to collect and store it. "

Amelia suddenly felt a sense of loss, as if she found a fun decryption game, but someone told her the answer as soon as she came up.If it wasn't because the other party was his boss and the governor of Raging Waves City, Amelia would have shown him what it was like for an honest person to be irritated.

"It seems like my thesis is pretty boring."

There are thousands of types of mysterious energy, and a mysterious energy that cannot be collected and stored is worthless.

"If it was boring, I wouldn't invite you to Rage City and build a professional laboratory for you." Luke said to the frustrated Amelia: "Miss Skylight is a master of mystic arts, she has seen your The paper said: Since this mysterious energy can cause the water element to produce abnormal amplitudes, it means that a secret language is in a state to be excited, but the secret language is not complete and needs to be completed by other conditions.

Lightning electrolyzes water vapor, and the element of thunder should be one of the adjuncts; the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen can produce fire, and the element of fire should also be one of the adjuncts.If the thunder element and the fire element can also produce the same frequency amplitude as the water element, it may be able to meet the conditions for secret language excitation. "

Using a short-lived mysterious energy to aggregate thunder elements, fire elements, and water elements to release secret words, what will be produced?
Amelia suddenly became interested again.

"Can I meet Miss Qingkong? Although I don't know the secret technique, I am willing to assist Miss Qingkong to complete the words of the secret technique."

Luke said: "Miss Clear Sky has already deduced part of her deduction, and let me tell you, the rest of the experiments are not what Miss Clear Sky is good at. Since you can find the abnormal amplitude of the water element in high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor under strong electrolysis, The rest of the research is something only you can do.

All the equipment you may need, I have someone ready to send to your lab.If there is anything else you need, just tell the Urban Alchemist Guild directly, and the president, Mrs. Mihir, will do her best to help you.

I look forward to your discovery of this arcane word soon. "

Amelia stood up and saluted Luke: "Thank you, Governor! Please also express my gratitude to Miss Weatherlight on my behalf. Although it is a pity that I did not discover that mysterious energy, knowing its existence proves that I am right. I am very important.

Now that I know how to conduct the experiment, I believe that I will soon find this secret word.

It has been an honor to be a part of the development of this arcane word. "

Luke replied, "I'll pass on your thanks to Miss Clear Sky. Let someone from the Urban Alchemists Guild take you to your lab. I hope you like it."

"I am looking forward to it... Thank you again. Goodbye, Your Excellency!"

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