Age of Arcane

Chapter 341 The Original Sin of the Shining Gold Civilization


Luke could only sigh inwardly.

It seems that the Governor had to jump into the hole that Pan dug.It's just that a woman as good as Yin is pitiful, but she has to be plotted against by her close relatives.

Luke looked at Yin, she lowered her head, her fair skin was flushed, her expression seemed to be immersed in the taste of happiness.Perhaps the education of the Shuojin people made her not know what the emotion in her heart was, but she had obviously fallen into the emotion that made her want to stop.

What is one step closer?
Luke just smiled and looked back at the square outside the window. A large airship slowly flew across the sky above the square.

"Let me tell you about the World Tree."

Yin looked up at Luke, and asked in surprise, "Can you tell me?"

"Of course... Anyway, I have to rest at noon. You can accompany me to lunch, and we can chat while eating."



Saint Lun City, Clear Sky Museum.

In the ancient books reference room, Qingkong, together with Bruce Ban and Jenferni and several magic professors, sorted out the ancient scrolls and books brought from the grassland of the ancestors.

Bruce Ban is responsible for repairing and restoring ancient books; Jenny and magic professors are responsible for copying.The repaired ancient books will be put into a special vacuum safe box, and then labeled and classified in the safe.The transcripts are made into books and handed over to Qingkong for screening, and the books that can be read by students will be included in the library at last.

"Professor Qingkong, there seems to be a secret technique recorded on this leaf."

Bruce Ban places a glass pane on Clear Sky's desk with a flat leaf embedded in the middle.The withered and yellow leaves are the size of a book, cut into a square, and the veins on it can be clearly seen.There are many symbols drawn on the leaves, and there are many kneeling villains.

Professional intuition made Bruce Ban feel that what was painted on it was not an ordinary sacrifice, but a secret ritual.

Qingkong picked up the glass plate and carefully observed the leaves inside, because there were many damages on it due to the age.

"This... is the leaf of the previous world tree!" Qingkong said his judgment: "I never thought that when I said I wanted some ancient books, the tribes in the grassland of the ancestors would hand over such precious things. I guess they didn't know it was what.

Since you feel that what is recorded above is a kind of secret technique, it is up to you to interpret it.

There should be many similar things, and we must focus on restoration and strictly preserve them.When the Magic Academy of the Moonlight Royal Court is established, the original will be returned to them. "

The black cat sleeping on the edge of the table looked up and said, "Your Majesty, isn't the thing in the Moonlight Palace yours?"

Qing Kong said to the sheriff: "Have you found everything I asked you to find?"

Who would have thought that the sheriff, who felt noble, replied: "As your Majesty's horse, I will always be by your side, waiting for your call.

I will let the mouse steal what you want... no, I will requisition it..."

The sheriff felt that Qingkong's gaze was getting sharper, and immediately got up: "I think Anye is too clumsy. Without my command, she will definitely not be able to complete the task that Your Majesty entrusted to us. I will go to Anye now, and I hope she will return." Didn't screw things up."

After finishing speaking, the sheriff jumped off the table, hooked the door with his claws and ran out.

Qing Kong flicked his fingers, closed the door, and said to Jennifer, who was copying the book next to him: "The sheriff has been flustered since he came back from the west, and he has to find a student to feed him when he comes back. When he comes back, educate him and let him know He's just a cat."

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Jenny smiled and said, "No! Yes, Professor Qingkong. In fact, the students really like to feed the sheriff."

"If you don't stop him in time, his next step is to recruit followers, set up territory in the museum, and become the lord comfortably."

Jenny imagined the sheriff leading a group of student entourages rampaging in the museum, and immediately agreed: "Yes, Professor Qingkong, I will educate him well."

At this time, the door was suddenly knocked open, and the sheriff rushed in as a black shadow.He ran to Qingkong's desk and turned into a large black panther, with all the fur on his body standing up, and his fangs were shining and making threatening sounds.

At the same time, he warned: "There is a high-ranking demon here, and I smell his scent."

Qingkong closed the book in her hand and said to the people in the room: "You all go out, I have a visitor."

Hearing the invasion of demons, the magic professors all took out their magic wands and put on a fighting posture, and then heard Qingkong's order.


Could it be that the guest is a high-ranking demon!
"Yes, Professor Qingkong." The magic professors put away their magic wands and walked out of the room one by one.

The sheriff looked at the clear sky, and immediately changed into a black cat, and then nimbly jumped onto Jenny's shoulder and left with the magic professors.

The door closed again.

The room was shrouded in red light, black shadows appeared on the wall, and then the demon tyrant walked out of the wall.He is tall and needs to bend to a certain extent so that the horns on his head will not reach the ceiling.

The tyrant walked up to Qingkong and bowed with his chest folded: "Your Majesty the Moonlight Queen! I believe you have received my request from Samuel."

Qingkong looked at the tyrant: "I received your request, but I didn't agree to see you. You came to my museum so majesticly and caused panic among the teachers and students. Are you not afraid that I will be angry?"

Facing the clear sky, even the demonic tyrant of the upper class did not have the confidence to show his strength. He said humbly: "Please forgive my offense. I am anxious to see you because I have something important to prove, which is really important to me. "

Clear Sky knows why the Tyrant came.

"Since you're here, let's sit down and talk first." Qingkong waved her hand, and raised a wicker chair opposite her desk. The width of the wicker chair was just enough to accommodate the tyrant's figure.

The tyrant glanced at the rattan chair, and he felt the power of the same source as the World Tree... The elf Qingkong really got the inheritance of the World Tree.

The tyrant was even more honest, he sat down on the wicker chair, and asked Qingkong, "Are you a Shuojin man?"

"What do you think?"

The tyrant stared at the clear sky and said: "Only the real Jin people can display the full power of the Jin language you use. You should be a Jin person. But I followed you with my method, and I didn't find another twin Son, and your behavior is also extremely inconsistent with the Shuojin people.

I don't know who you are, I hope you can give me an accurate answer. "

In order to reassure the tyrant, Qingkong said to him: "We can use the power of the Shuojin people, but we do not belong to the Shuojin civilization. That's all I can tell you."

Qingkong used "we" to tell the tyrant that there is indeed another twin, explaining how he can use the full power of the golden language.

When the tyrant heard Qingkong's answer, his expression relaxed a little.

And reminded Qingkong: "You must be careful of the Shuojin people. If they get the World Tree, they will definitely launch another all-out war."

Qingkong pretended not to know the secret of the World Tree, and said to the tyrant: "Why do the Shuojin people want to get the World Tree? And I think the current Shuojin people have been reflecting on that war. Why do you say that the Shuojin people have the World Tree?" Will start the next all-out war?"

"Reflection? This is just a pretentious appearance of the Shuojin people..." The tyrant snorted: "The loss of the artifact is equivalent to pulling out their fangs, so they have to behave docilely. If they get the artifact again, they will definitely start a war , this is the nature of the Shuojin people!"

"I think this is your prejudice against the Shuojin people!"

"Prejudice? No, no, this is the deepest understanding I have of the Shuojin people after experiencing that war." Thinking of ancient wars, the tyrant couldn't help showing a painful look: "Devils like to play with souls and fight among themselves; Very undisciplined, like to be in a daze and sleep; the shadow tribe is restrained underground, enjoying the worship and offerings of their relatives in their own small circle. Angels are intoxicated in narcissism, and like sculpture and performance art.

We all have our own nature, and in nature there is no expansion and annexation.

But what do Shuojin people like?

The practice of Shuojin people is to lower their emotions so as to increase the resonance in the hearts of the twins.If the Shuojin civilization wants to continue, it must obliterate the existence of individuals, and everyone must compromise for the overall civilization.However, the individuals of the Shuojin people are all plundered from other civilizations. The twins have been instilled with the idea of ​​being separated from their mother civilization since childhood, and they recognize the Shuojin people as their ancestors.

The nature of the Shuojin civilization is to plunder and invade, and this nature is caused by the sense of racial crisis.When there is a civilization more attractive and tolerant than it, so that other civilizations are no longer willing to dedicate their children to the Jin civilization, will the Jin civilization still exist?
In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, the best way is...the world is unified under the system established by the Shuojin civilization. "

After listening to the tyrant's analysis of the original sin of the Shuojin civilization, Qing Kong found that his previous understanding of the Shuojin civilization and that ancient war had a big deviation.

Most creatures in the world have their own way of reproduction.

Angels originate from the aggregation of light elements, and they are extraordinary creatures born in Sky City.

Demons originated from the evolution of hell creatures, and they are strong people derived from cannibalism.

Dragons are oviparous.

The Shadow Clan comes from the shadow parasites deep underground.

No matter what kind of advanced civilizations appear in the world, there is no way for them to perish on their own.

But the Shuojin civilization couldn't bear a civilization more attractive than itself.

Think Pan and Yin...

A man who deliberately wants to leave the Shuojin civilization, find his true ancestors and become a king.

The other is trapped in a burgeoning forbidden emotion.

The lust control training of the Shuojin civilization can't erase the true humanity. It can still absorb fresh blood now because it is still high above.

It is very clear that if civilization is to survive, it must always be on top!
Therefore, it launched the ancient war, trying to control the five artifacts and become the only existence of the Supreme.

If necessary, it will go to war again to keep its civilization high.

For the Shuojin civilization, the world tree is a threat, and the thriving new civilization is also a threat.

Qingkong suddenly felt enlightened.

"What does this have to do with World Tree?"

Clear Sky thinks that the tyrant who has experienced ancient wars is really a treasure, and see if he can get some words out of his mouth.

But the tyrant's mouth is very strict, and he also misses the function of the World Tree's artifact.

"I don't know the specifics. But the five ancient civilizations competing for the World Tree must be because the World Tree is very important to them. But my status is not high, so I don't know why they compete for the World Tree.

If you allow me to go to the Moonlight Royal Court and study it close to the World Tree, I may discover the secrets buried in ancient times.

Please rest assured, I will never do anything to destroy the world tree. "

Qingkong replied with a sneer: "Do you think I will believe your lies? A tyrant, a demon who can survive in ancient wars, is definitely not a small character! You came to me in such a hurry, and you made such serious accusations against the Shuojin civilization, Do you think I can't read your mind?

If you don't tell me the secret, I will never let you get close to the World Tree.

Think about it! "

The tyrant also felt a little impatient.

But he knew from Samuel that Qingkong entrusted Meteor to hold the five ancient civilizations accountable for the crime of destroying the World Tree, so he was afraid that Meteor would agree to the request of Shuojin Civilization.

Once the shimmering gold people enter the Moonlight Royal Court in large numbers, there will be no such thing as a lonely demon.

That's why the tyrant came here in such a hurry to warn, discredit the Shuojin civilization, and prevent the Shuojin people from studying the World Tree.

As a result, my little thoughts were also exposed.

The tyrant didn't dare to say that the World Tree was a potential artifact, and he had nothing to do with it.

"I never lied to you..." The tyrant even made an oath gesture: "I'm just afraid that you will be deceived by the appearance of the Shuojin people, so I am worried about my friends. I really don't know what secrets the World Tree has, and it's okay Big guy who doesn't go to hell."

Clear Sky didn't pierce the devil, but asked, "Did you participate in the battle for the World Tree?"

"No!" The demon tyrant immediately denied it, but under Qingkong's gaze, he realized that the elf knew his real name, so he changed his words: "I remembered. I participated..."

"So...the world tree is set on fire, and you also have a share?"

The demon tyrant was a little dumbfounded: "Your Majesty, I also obeyed orders. Besides, at that time, in order to prevent the other party from obtaining the World Tree, everyone was setting fire. I didn't set much... Really not much."

Qing Kong said with a smile: "I don't know if you set fires or not. But I know that there are not many guys who set fires on the World Tree alive in this world.

Since you voluntarily turned yourself in to me and confessed your crimes, let's talk about punishment now.

Tyrant, you are now under arrest! "

After Qingkong finished speaking, a large number of thick vines grew on the rattan chair where the tyrant was sitting.These vines bound the tyrant's hands and feet, and then wrapped around his body in circles, and the sharp barbs hooked his horny skin.

The tyrant wanted to struggle, but a machete emitting holy flames appeared above his head out of thin air.

The tyrant begged loudly: "Don't, don't kill me!"

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