Age of Arcane

Chapter 343

Listening to the battle plan drawn up by Mrs. Tasia and the fleet officer corps, Luke could only sigh in his heart: Simple and rude, it's all about working hard to make a miracle!
There is no fancy tactical coordination, no exquisite command art, only relying on one's own body to press up, so that the tactics and command formulated by the opponent will also fail.

Call it a military adventure... a bit.

But if you look at the composition of your own fleet, the advanced ones include the world's best all-metal warships in active service, while the backward ones also have wooden hull ships powered by pure sails; there are regular troops, pirates, and private armed forces; there are warship captains who graduated from military academy , There are pirate captains who are good at sea raids, and there are company hired captains who are good at escort.

Wanting to blend them together in a short period of time to create an exquisite naval battle coordination... is not unrealistic, but wishful thinking.

Instead, directly "flying dragon riding on the face" is suitable for his own fleet.

Luke knew that he was a layman in naval warfare. Since he chose these naval warfare commanders, he had to trust their professionalism.

Besides, Mrs. Tasia was quite right about one thing.

The Rio Navy's understanding of the No. [-]-class warships only exists on paper, and a port attack and defense battle with them in a satisfactory manner will only let the opponent understand the advantages and disadvantages of this type of warship.

Concentrating the No. [-]-class battleship "Blitz" can bring out the power and psychological deterrence of one's own new heavy armored weapons with an effect that exceeds one's actual combat effectiveness.

Luke nodded, feeling that it would be more appropriate if he grew a mustache at this moment.

Next, Mrs. Tasia introduced the strategic layout in other directions of the main battlefield.

Including the early harassment of various sea areas in Leo, the Leo Navy could not judge the main attack direction of the Raging City fleet in the first place, restrain the Leo army in other directions, and reduce their support to Port Samuel.

When the main fleet launched an attack on Port Samuel, the landing area of ​​the Marine Corps, and the attack targets of various ministries.

How does the supply ship carry out material replenishment and personnel rescue.

How auxiliary ships defend against underwater and air attacks.

Each airship controls the allocation of airspace, and if the on-board magic projection gun is used to build a fleet protective barrier, there is also the release of tactical and battle magic support.


In a world full of magic and superpowers, the battlefield is three-dimensional, and battles take place in the visible and invisible realms, and any shortcoming in any place may cause the failure of a battle.

Fortunately, the crisis-ridden Golden Shield Empire attaches great importance to the training of military personnel, and Luke also attaches great importance to the discovery of outstanding military talents.Raging City is rich, skilled, and attractive, allowing Luke to dig out a very good team of officers.

Therefore, although the general strategy of the entire war was a bit simpler, the tactical details of the Raging Waves City Navy and Cape Anti-Smuggling Fleet were well arranged.

In short, even if Raging Waves City attacks the power of a country with the power of a city, the fleet of Raging Waves City still has a very large advantage over the Leo Navy in terms of hard power and soft power.

The Leo Navy's defense in Port Samuel also proved that they saw this clearly.

After the combat plan for the Leo Navy was approved by Luke, the subdivided tasks were distributed to each combat unit.Then the ships surrounding Brilliant Island lifted anchor and sailed in different directions according to the instructions they received.

Luke boarded the airship "Tingtao" and led the airship groups parked around the island to take off.

Overlooking the sea from the air, the chimney of the steam turbine on the blue water is billowing white smoke upwards, and the mainsail of the large sailing ship and the clouds in the sky complement each other.

After the airship group ascended to the cruising airspace, it dispersed and performed the mission of early warning escort for the fleet.

As the general flagship, the "Tingtao" airship lowered the large-scale flag of the governor of Raging Waves City on the inverted flagpole at the bilge.At this moment, all surface ships and airships saluted the Meteor Governor who personally supervised the battle.

The large fleet lay on the sea and sailed in the direction of Port Samuel.

The sound of the siren resounding through the sky reached the airship "Ting Tao" surrounded by many airships.

Luke in the pod compartment said to the person sitting opposite him: "If you raise your flag out, I think the morale of the entire fleet will be higher."

Sitting across the table from Luke is the eldest princess Agatha. When she knew that the Raging City fleet was about to launch an attack on the Leo Navy, she put down her work and came to Raging City in secret.

Low-key did not appear in any public occasions.

Agatha listened to the whistle coming from the sea, one after another, it could be seen how high the morale of the entire fleet was encouraged by Governor Meteor's presence on the battlefield.

"You are the protagonist in this battle. The empire needs a hearty victory now. The situation in the northern border is very serious. After the Yate County Union knew that the Queen had entered Snow City, they attacked Ha Kui on the south side of Snow City. The Yin River Region has launched an attack. It is only a matter of time before the Empire loses the Harquin River, and Snow City will soon become an isolated city.

Now the spies and liberals of the Art County United have spread a lot of rumors unfavorable to the empire in the city of St. Lun. The father still did not show up in such a situation, which also made people in the palace panic.

It's going to be a tough winter without one big, exciting win. "

Agatha looked very tired.

She has not had a good rest for several days in a row, relying on the stimulation of spiritual magic and strong tea to maintain a stable working state.

The importance of this battle to the Leo Navy made her come all the way regardless of her hard work.

Luke took away the strong tea in front of Agatha and asked the attendant to change it to a glass of sleep-promoting wine.

"You also know that this crisis will not pass in a short time, so don't be too tired to stand up. Counting the sailing and pre-war arrangements, we will attack Port Samuel in the evening of two days later.

Take advantage of this rare free time and have a good rest. "

Agatha did not refuse the wine offered by the attendant, she took a sip and said: "Seeing you... and of course the fleet you have built, I am much relieved.

I saw the first-class warship, which is a floating war fortress in the sea.The ships in the entire world that can fight against it are still parked in the dock of the shipyard, and they will not be launched until next year at the earliest.

Victory in this war belongs to you, and to the Empire.

After the war, when can your army go north to support the northern battlefield? "

Luke thought for a moment and replied: "If Port Samuel goes well, my fleet will disperse and attack Leo's important ports and coastal cities, as well as attack important industrial facilities.

Then the fleet returned to Raging Waves City for repairs.

The fastest time to go north along the coast is definitely until the end of winter.

However, the reorganization and equipment reception of the Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division will not be completed until summer, and the war fortress built for the Northern Legion will also be delivered in summer. "

The effect of the wine was gradually revealed, and Agatha felt a little tired, but she was still thinking about the timeline and the situation in the northern border.

In any case, the North will survive this winter alone.

"The Winter Capital Intelligence Station of the Bureau of Secret Information sent information. After knowing that the Empire has all-metal warships, the Art County United also increased the development and construction progress of their own all-metal warships.

The Harut Heavy Industries Company is building a warship of the same type as the No. [-] class. If the Raging City fleet goes north after the winter, it is very likely to encounter the all-metal warship of the Art County United, which will be a formidable enemy. "

Luke comforted the worried Agatha: "Don't worry, the Raging City fleet at that time was not the current Raging City fleet. When the Navy of the Art County Union encounters my new warship, they will find that the number one The aircraft class is obsolete as a capital ship."

Agatha remembered the new type of warship that Meteorite had mentioned to her, and the drowsiness that swept over her was dispelled: "Is it really possible to build a [-]-ton all-metal warship?"

Luke replied: "That ship is not only a [-]-ton all-metal warship, but also uses a brand-new weapon system. In front of it, the No. [-] machine class is a little brother who can only be beaten.

There is another thing I need to tell you in advance. After the naval battle, I will secretly go to Winter Capital. "

Agatha originally wanted to ask more about the new warships while she had some energy, but she was so shocked by Luke's last words that she lost all sleepiness.

The name of the winter capital is Daanbabao, and it is the capital of Yate County United.Because Da'an Babao is located at a high latitude, the winter is very long, so it is also known as the winter capital.

Now that the Yate County United and the Golden Shield Empire are in a state of war, Meteor, as an important minister of the empire, ran to the Winter Capital, didn't he throw himself into a trap?

"Is there any important thing that you need to go in person, can't you arrange the spies below to do it?"

Luke replied with some helplessness: "It's because no one can replace me, so I can only go there by myself. Don't worry about my safety, I'm mainly going to the underground steam city of Winter Capital this time, and people there won't pay attention my identity.

If all goes well, I'll be back before the end of winter. "

Agatha knew that the matter decided by the meteorite must have a deep meaning behind it, and she had better not interfere casually.

But even going to the underground steam city in the winter capital is very dangerous.

"Do you need me to notify the Dongdu Station of the Secret Intelligence Bureau and let them cooperate with your work?"

"Don't tell them for now. If you need assistance, I know how to find them. And Qingkong will also go to Dongdu Magic Steam Academy to conduct academic exchanges on occult arts as the head of the Oulu Academy's Secret Art Department. Safety can be guaranteed. "

The clear sky also went with her, and Agatha's winter was expected, but it was beyond her expectation to go openly.

However, since she is going to Dongdu Magic Steam Academy for academic exchanges, Qingkong's official status in the Golden Shield Empire will not cause her any trouble, and she is also the Queen of the Moonlight Royal Court, an existence at the same level as the World Tree.

"Well, since you want to go to Winter Capital in person, there must be something you have to do. Let me borrow this glass of wine, and wish you and Miss Weathering a smooth trip to Winter Capital."

Agatha drank the rest of the wine in the glass in one gulp. She wanted to chat with Luke again, but her sleepiness soon overwhelmed her: "I'm going to rest..."

After Agatha left, Luke asked all the attendants in the cabin to withdraw, and soon he was left alone in this single room.

"Tyrant, your habit of voyeurism is very bad. If you don't get rid of this habit, I will send you back to Miss Weatherlight and ask her to change your sentence."

The figure of the tyrant appeared in the room. He was not surprised that he was found, but he justified himself and said: "Dear Governor, I am fulfilling the punishment imposed on me by Her Majesty the Queen, and I will protect your safety at any time and wait for you dispatch."

The tyrant bowed to Luke in a dignified salute, the horn that was cut off in the left half was very conspicuous.

Luke knew that the tyrant's heart was definitely not as submissive as it appeared on the surface. He was observing himself, and wanted to explore the secret of Clear Sky.So Luke doesn't have to be polite to him: "I'm going to fight the Leo Navy here, and you and your demons came at a very good time.

When the war begins, the Leo Navy will definitely dispatch powerful and elite fighters to carry out special operations.Your task is to kill them and protect the normal attack of the fleet on Port Samuel. "

The clear sky can subdue the tyrant in an instant, but it does not mean that the tyrant is weak.As a demon who participated in ancient wars and survived, although the tyrant's strength has been greatly reduced due to the loss of the artifact, he is still the top powerhouse in this era.

The war against the Leo Navy is not just about conventional warfare, the confrontation of advanced force is also an important part of the battlefield.

The Raging Waves City Fleet has its own elite fighter unit, with the top-level force guarantee of the boiling beautiful girl squad, which is enough to ensure that it will not lose the wind in the high-end confrontation.

If there are more sturdy top powerhouses like the tyrant entering the battle, it can greatly reduce the loss of one's own personnel and make the victory come faster.

When the tyrant came to Rage City to report to Meteor, he knew that he was definitely going to fight against the front line on the battlefield, so he readily accepted the task and asked, "Master Governor, you are going to the underground steam city in Winter Capital, do you know?" Don’t you know there’s an entrance to hell there?”

Luke looked at the tyrant and said with a smile: "Of course I know! Because of the influence of the entrance of hell, the underground steam city of Winter City has a huge underground thermal energy storage. The heat energy is converted into steam, which provides a cheap heat source and energy for the entire underground city and the winter city. power.

Therefore, there are many hidden hell tribes in the dungeons of Winter Capital, and the boss behind these hell tribes is also a demon. Do you need me to introduce you to each other? "

"No need!" The tyrant resolutely refused: "Except during ancient wars, demons are hostile to demons. If I go to the underground steam city in Winter Capital, it will probably be regarded as an invasion of territory."

But Luke said: "The underground steam city of Winter Capital is not the place of hell, and the demons who are doing well in the human world are not as stubborn and conservative as you. You should have learned how to adapt to the new environment with your younger generations. It's time, look at you've been miserable!"

Luke's ridicule poked at the tyrant's self-esteem. He was rejected in hell and had to go to the human world, and he was really not doing well.

"Are you trying to provoke me and ask me to deal with that demon for you? If you don't rely on the number of demons, none of those young demons are my opponents."

The tyrant's nostrils were breathing fire, and he was indeed somewhat irritated.

Luke smiled and said: "I didn't want you to deal with him. I just think...bringing an ancient demon as a follower will make him feel my kindness when I communicate with that guy. "

The tyrant said with a straight face: "I don't think he will feel kindness at all!"

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