Age of Arcane

Chapter 345

The difference in weapon generation and the amount of firepower per unit area made the seemingly impregnable defense in Port Samuel collapsed by the Raging City fleet.

On the surface of the water, the raging fire burned the destroyed ship, and the various equipment on the ship mixed with wood chips were sprayed out.The helpless sailors had no choice but to jump off the ship and flee for their lives, but in the water they had to face the raging waves and warships passing by, as well as the aftermath of range magic attacks.Sometimes when a thunderbolt strikes, the Leo sailors in the entire water area lose consciousness and sink and float together with the floating fish.

The sailors who fled ashore frantically fled towards the direction of Samuel City. The collapsed morale of the army and the crushed huge airship made the Leo soldiers on the shore also lose the courage to resist.

Once the big rout occurs, it will be difficult to stop, and a large number of weapons and supplies are abandoned on the docks.

The Marine Corps formed by the Raging Waves City Fleet for this war completed the landing almost without encountering any interception.A commando team composed of war machines took the lead in chasing down the defeated soldiers, preventing them from being organized to build defenses in the city.

The captain of the War Machine Assault Squad was Rossetti Owen, who was recruited by Luke from the barbed wire armor factory in St. Lun City.This young man has a very high talent for driving war machines. After the element fusion reactor is developed, he can manufacture special war machines that are a fusion of magic alchemy and steam machinery technology. At that time, Owen's strength fully exploded. time.

The current Owen is also a very good war machine driver. His war machine team members are all test drivers and drivers that Luke excavated for the future development of special war machines.

Named: Heart of Iron Squad.

The back of the war machine was specially made for the Iron Heart team. The steam engine roared at full power and emitted white smoke.The pace of war machines is heavy and nimble, they cross obstacles and run quickly under the driver's operation.With a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, he charged with the shield and slashed with the knife, just like a harvester driving into a crop field, leaving deep footprints and broken limbs.

After a short rest, the marines who landed later rushed to their respective targets according to the tasks of each unit.

Some of them will follow the Iron Heart team to chase the rout in the direction of Samuel City. If they find the city is empty, they will quickly enter the city, and use the fastest speed to capture the city's administrative buildings and large newspaper offices.

The other part encircled and suppressed the remaining enemies on the ports and docks.

At this time, without the containment and guidance of the surface ships, facing the coast shrouded in the fog of war, the coastal defense batteries became blind.After the Marine Corps of the Raging Waves City Fleet arrived, the surrounding fortresses that had no defense force turned into helpless isolated islands.

Leo's army, which had been cut off from fleeing, began to surrender on a large scale.

The ease and smoothness of the victory made the attacking Raging City fleet somewhat unexpected.

According to intelligence, Leo has deployed about [-] soldiers in the Port Samuel area, which is the most elite part of the Leo Navy.

However, the attacking force of the Raging Waves City fleet was less than [-], and even half of them were mobs supported by all sides.


In the original battle plan, the assault and melee on the water surface of the port could completely defeat the Leo Navy until the early morning, and the capture of the entire port area was estimated to take the dawn of the next day.

Now, Luke checks the time.

22:36 pm.

Only four hours had passed since the general attack launched at 18:30.

Some are too fast.

In a burst of shock, the "Tingtao" airship landed on a cleared space at the pier.

The hatch was opened, and a ladder was placed under the edge of the door by soldiers.Luke put away his pocket watch and saluted Agatha: "His Royal Highness...please!"

Agatha nodded to Luke, then walked down the steps.

Agatha and Luke were greeted with cheers like a tidal wave.

The warriors of the Raging Waves City Fleet raised their weapons high, saluting the Eldest Princess and the Meteor Governor, and some mages fired magical fireworks into the sky to celebrate.

Agatha walked on the steps and waved to the cheering soldiers, her eyes scanning the surrounding battlefield.

The sea surface of the port is full of burning ships, and the ships of Rage City are actively pumping seawater to put out the fire, and at the same time rescue the people in the water.

Occasional fighting broke out on the water.

The 39 first-class battleships that still retain their combat effectiveness are docked close to the shore, and the signal tower on the bridge continuously shines beams of light into the sky.A group of airships belonging to the fleet of Raging Waves City was approaching the airspace of Samuel City, and the airships from Leo's side went somewhere unknown.

The airship and the No. 39-class battleship group use optical signals to communicate frequently.When the airship and the battleship signal towers flashed regular red beams, the main guns of the [-] No. [-]-class battleships fired at Samuel City under the night.

The cannonball pulled out a long arc-shaped light trail in the air, and the sky of the port emitted a light band like an aurora due to the energy turbulence caused by excessive magic.

Against the background of light trails and aurora, the starry sky tonight is so beautiful.

The sound of the explosion came from the city of Samuel far away, and the flames rising from the city in the darkness could be vaguely seen.

The first-class warship launched a continuous bombardment of Samuel City to cover the occupation of the city by the Marine Corps.

On the pier, surrendered Rio soldiers lined up to hand over their weapons under the watchful eye of Marines.Even though the number of Leo soldiers far exceeded the number of soldiers in Rage City, they lost their morale and didn't have the courage to fight at all. They all wanted to end this nightmarish night as soon as possible.

A group of officers in Leo Navy uniforms are escorted before Agatha and Luke.They looked very miserable, with bruised noses and swollen faces, and shocking scars all over their bodies.

The leading Leo naval officer was supported to walk, and after seeing Agatha and Luke, he broke free from his subordinates' hands and protested angrily.

"You not only invaded our Leo territory for no reason, you even colluded with hell. You sent demons to attack our command post and killed General Fimmel. The Golden Shield Empire will be cast aside by the human-dominated international community!"

The excessive movement caused the wound on the abdomen of the Leo naval officer to burst open, and the blood quickly stained the bandaged gauze.


Faced with such an accusation, Agatha looked at Luke.

The reputation of demons in human society is very bad. There are demons in the fleet of Raging Waves City, which will seriously affect the reputation of the Golden Shield Empire.


Looking at the expressions of the surrounding soldiers of the Rage City fleet after hearing the demon, Luke blamed the tyrant in his heart.

Why is the work so rough!
Is it because I want to take you to Dongdu, and you deliberately make me look ugly.


Luke was not used to the tyrant's temper, so he summoned him directly here.

On the ground in front of Luke, a black shadow gathered first, and then the fire burst into flames.The ground cracked and hot lava poured upwards, a demon rose from the lava, and orange-red lava rolled down from his body.

His stature was extremely tall and strong, and the violent aura he exuded caused the soldiers of Rage City who had just won the battle to show fear.

This is a true demon, and most people will never see them in their lives.

Agatha put her hand on the hilt of her waist, staring vigilantly at the approaching demon.

She didn't expect that there was really a demon beside Meteor, and...

Even if there is a demon, do I need to summon him?

You said that there are no demons, what evidence can these officers of the Leo Navy come up with.

Now that you have openly summoned the demon, doesn't that mean you have admitted Officer Leo's testimony?
The scene fell into extreme silence, and even the Leo Navy Corps, who had just been angry, turned pale with fright.He remembered the tragedy that happened in the command post, where the devil brought the real hell.

Only the main guns on the first-class battleship continued to roar, and more and more fires spread in Samuel City.

"Meteor..." Agatha asked Luke in some pain: "Does your power come from this demon? You sold your soul to the demon!"

Luke didn't answer Agatha immediately, but took out a candy and put it in his mouth, and said to the tyrant nonchalantly, "Tell the people here... why are you here?"

The tyrant's aura immediately restrained a lot, and he replied awkwardly: "Can you not say it?"

"You just caused me such a big trouble when you came to me. If you don't explain clearly yourself, I won't be able to deal with it!"

"But I'm following your orders..."

Luke said, "Are you accusing me of not being clear enough, or that your head can't figure out how to do things?
Now Her Royal Highness suspects that I sold my soul to you, and everyone thinks so now.You let these people come here alive to accuse me of collusion with hell, don't say you are softhearted and can't bear to kill them. "

The cold wind of winter blows with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood.

Everyone looked at the demon and Meteor in disbelief and listened to their conversation.

Could it be that their soul selling contract was signed backwards? How could the relationship between the upper and lower levels be so reversed?
At this moment, the tyrant felt that he was shooting himself in the foot. He did intentionally let these Leo officers go, and showed his devilish appearance in front of them.The purpose is to take revenge on Luke for taking him to Winter City, so that he will be suspected of having an affair with the devil.

The tyrant originally thought that Meteor would deny the existence of the devil with the strength of the winner, but he never expected that Meteor would summon him out in full view and explain why he was here face to face.

how to explain?This is simply public humiliation.


"Please forgive me this time, can you not say it?"

The demon actually put on such a low posture towards Meteor, and once again shocked the jaws of the people around him.What did Governor Meteorite do to this demon to make him say prayers.

But Luke didn't intend to forgive the tyrant. He had to be taught a profound lesson this time, letting him know what it meant to obey orders, otherwise, if he was allowed to act recklessly, bigger things would definitely happen in the future.

"It's all over, can it be more embarrassing to say it?"

The fear of the devil was dispelled by gossip about the inside information, and everyone around was waiting for the devil's answer.

The tyrant endured it again and again, and Qingkong's slashing knife appeared in his mind again.You can't fight, and if Qingkong gets all the power of the World Tree, you can't escape.

"Okay..." The tyrant let go of his last insistence: "Because I committed an unforgivable crime, I was punished by Miss Skylight, and I served my sentence with Governor Meteor to atone for my sin.

can I go now? "

"Very good, you can go."

Hearing Luke's instructions, the tyrant quickly sank into the magma under his feet as if he had been pardoned.The lava extinguished, the fire subsided, and the ground turned into a smoking black volcanic rock.

At this time, everyone seemed to be under the spell of petrification.

This... is simply more inconceivable than signing a reverse contract with the devil.

Miss Weatherlight sentenced a demon, and the demon actually came to be detained and served.Is this one who just came out a real devil?
Luke said to the stunned Leo naval officer: "Have you heard clearly? No one colluded with hell, that demon was just sentenced by Miss Weatherlight, and he was detained here to serve some hard labor.

You should thank that demon for resisting this punishment, otherwise you would have no chance to bring any charges against me.

If you still have any questions, I can put you in a cell with the devil and let him answer you in detail. "

"No, no, no, don't lock us up with the devil." Leo's naval officer completely lost the momentum just now, not everyone has the ability of Fairy Clear Sky.

Being alone with demons is definitely worse than death.

Regardless of the bleeding from his waist, the naval officer took the sword and presented it to Luke with both hands: "I am Admiral Archibald Vedder of the Leo Navy, and I am now the Chief of Staff of the Leo Navy stationed in Port Samuel. commander.

Please, Governor of the Golden Shield Empire Rage City Meteorite, accept our surrender. "

Luke reminded: "Princess Agatha of the Golden Shield Empire is here."

Admiral Archibald Vader only then remembered that the highest position of the Golden Shield Empire here is the eldest princess, and he hurriedly turned to Agatha: "Please, the eldest princess of the Golden Shield Empire, accept our surrender!"

Although Agatha was also shocked that Qingkong had sentenced a demon, she knew that now was not the time to delve into the matter.

Accepting the surrender of Admiral Archibald Vader will help speed up the capture of Samuel City.

Agatha takes Archibald Vader's sword.

"As the eldest princess of the Golden Shield Empire, I accept the surrender of your ministry. I promise that all soldiers who surrender will be treated as prisoners of war, and all officers will be treated as matched to their status. When the war is over, you can return to your family. get together.

Thank you for your contribution to ending this war, your choices have saved many lives.

Surrender is not humiliation, it is just to end the meaningless battle as soon as possible. "

With the support of his subordinates, Archibald Vader bowed to Agatha and then to Luke: "No matter how embellished, surrender is not a decent thing after all.

I have to admit that the No. [-] machine-class battleship is indeed very powerful, and Raging Waves City is very powerful.This is a war that was doomed from the start...

Leo's dream of sea power was shattered.

goodbye! "

Admiral Archibald Vedder staggered away with the officers of the Leo Navy, knowing that the dream they had fought for was impossible.

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