Age of Arcane

Chapter 352 Sponsorship

Chapter 352 Sponsorship
In the following days, Luke was busy checking the pipelines for Harut Heavy Industry's underground facilities every day, and Norton's team also followed him in and out of the dungeon on a rail car.

No one brought up the topic of which day these days, and everyone tacitly seemed to have forgotten it.

Luke let go of his worries, and laughed at himself that he was just worrying unfoundedly, thinking things too complicated.

Just let it go.

Luke searched for the channels on the strategy during the day, and sneaked into the dungeon at night, bringing the secret materials to convert the channels into the required secret words.This is a rather large project, and it cannot be done by others, so Luke can only transform into "Super Mario", rushing between this pipeline and that pipeline.

It's just that there is no princess waiting for me to rescue...

ah!How can I set such a flag!

Thinking that there is a princess in Dongdu now, and that she is the kind who can be taken away at any time, Luke immediately wiped out his previous thoughts with a "peh pee".

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" Mina took a pair of polished leather shoes and changed them for Luke who was about to go out.

Mina is in a very good mood today. There is a big bow stuck on the headband of her hair, and the joy in her eyes cannot be concealed.

"Nothing?" Luke noticed Mina's change and asked, "The bow is beautiful, is it new?"

"Yes, Mr. Luke, my father bought it for me..." Mina wanted to say more, but remembering her father's instructions, she didn't continue to talk about the details of buying the bow tie.

Luke didn't ask much. It's normal for girls to be happy when they receive a gift.

After changing the shoes and taking the top hat and briefcase from Mina, Luke said to Mina, "Go home after cleaning the room. Your father needs your care even more."

"Thank you, sir."

Luke bid farewell to Mina and left the apartment to go to work. As soon as he entered the lobby of the company's office building, he met a nervous Norton.

Norton dragged Luke to the lounge of their team, and asked Harry to stand guard outside, and then said worriedly: "Mr. Luke, have you heard? Something happened in the B36 mine!"

Luke froze for a moment, feeling something was wrong, and asked, "What happened?"

Without waiting for Norton to speak, Rebecca said excitedly: "I don't know exactly what happened, but after two days of trouble in the B36 mine, the supervisor Kun Deen compromised. He promised to pay the full salary in the future, and No more asking for wages."

The miners' salaries will be deducted layer by layer after being paid from above, and the salary may be less than half of what they deserve.It is this half that is still being missed. If you want to work, you need to secretly give the supervisor a sum of money.

During this period, the production quota of the mine was very high, and the B36 mine had only been in trouble for two days, and the supervisor Kun Deen couldn't hold it anymore.

Luke finally understood why Mina was so happy today, it must be Kun Deen who sent money to her father.

Also... this incident happened in the B36 mine.

Luke smiled and said, "What does this have to do with us? Get ready to go to work. I'll go to Mrs. Yolanda to pick up today's inspection line. You guys bring supplies and wait for me at the rail station."

Seeing Luke's response in this way, Norton, who was looking forward to it, had no choice but to agree: "Yes, Mr. Luke."

Luke received today's maintenance line from Mrs. Yolanda, and joined Norton's team to go underground.

As soon as the rail car stopped in the company's control area in the dungeon, an official from the company's security department took an order to temporarily recruit Norton's team.

At this time, the security personnel in the entire company's control area were making an emergency assembly, first lined up and then boarded the car and drove out of the camp.

Norton looked at the order and asked at the same time: "What happened? And we are a guard team serving the steam engineer department, and we have a protection mission. This is Mr. Luke, he is a steam engineer."

The security officer of the company immediately saluted Luke when he heard his position: "I'm sorry, Mr. Luke. This is an emergency. The people in the A98 mine refused to work. They blocked the mine and kidnapped the supervisors and supervisors. Hostage. The company's underground city security brigade received an order to attack the A98 mine and rescue the company's employees.

According to the company's regulations, we recruit all security personnel underground. "

Luke and the others looked at each other.

I didn't expect the second incident to come so quickly and be so violent. The A98 mine is not like the B36 mine, which is resolved privately. Instead, the supervisor and supervisor were directly tied up to make things worse.

How to do?
Norton and the others waited for Luke's answer.

Luke said: "Since it is the company's policy, then take the person away. I also just take this opportunity to take a day off and visit the underground steam city by the way."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Luke."

Now that Luke said so, Norton had no choice but to lead the team and leave with the security officials.Cars full of armed personnel drove out of the camp one after another. It is not known what will happen to the workers in the A98 mine.

Luke became alone. Without the guards, he naturally didn't need to complete the company's tasks, and he was legally absent from work.

A person left the company camp and entered the streets of the underground steam city.

These days, in order to buy materials for performing secret techniques, Luke has entered the underground steam city many times.It's just that every time I come and go in a hurry because of time constraints, I haven't had a good time here.

Out of the company's control area is the real underground steam city.

On both sides of the street are houses built of stone and scrap steel. Black and rust red are the main colors of the city.Steam pipes tangle between the buildings like a giant spider's web.

There are various steam-driven machines on the road, and young people are driving homemade steam motorcycles on the road.

They were going very fast, and there was a young girl in the back seat.The locomotive roared and galloped on the road, and the drivers swung left and right to change lanes to avoid vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

The kind of madness that's all about going fast, with no regard for your own safety or the safety of others.

They are the well-known motorcycle party in the underground steam city, controlling all motorcycle races and gambling in the underground city.The road racing in the steam city is just an amateur race for the lower-level members of the motorcycle party. The real professional track is outside the city, where the road conditions are more complicated, and underground beasts appear from time to time.

According to statistics, the underground steam city professional motorcycle race has a casualty rate of more than 30.00% every time it is run.It is this kind of death-filled race that can provide people with very strong sensory stimulation, making related gambling very popular.

Not only the residents of the underground city like to participate in locomotive gambling, but even the dignitaries in the winter capital often haunt the arena.

So motorcycle racing has become the hope for many young people who want to change their lives. The winners enjoy honor, money and status; the losers either die in obscurity or live in obscurity.

There is a straight black tower in the middle of the underground steam city, and there is a giant evil eye on the top of the tower.It scans with its huge one-eyed eyes, and can take the entire underground steam city into its field of vision.

There is a spherical tower directly below the Xieyan, which is the center for organizing and operating all motorcycle races, and is one of the core industries of the motorcycle party.

Inside the tower is a large bar.

When Luke took the elevator into the dark bar, the music hit his eardrums.All kinds of people drank wine, danced to the music, and wore dungeon-style fashions, showing off their tattoos and avant-garde releases.Under the colorful lights, colorful smoke spewed out from the upper airway from time to time, and the people in the bar danced and tried their best to inhale the smoke, and soon became more excited.

Seeing the colorful smoke floating down, Luke immediately took out a medicine box from his pocket, quickly took out a pill and put it in his mouth.

The involuntary excitement brought by the colorful smoke gradually faded away.

Luke squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the depths of the bar. He refused to strike up a conversation with the girl in heavy makeup, and came to the bar and asked the bartender for a glass of wine.

"Sir, is this your first time here? It looks like you are an upper-class person in the winter capital. Do you want to have a bottle of 'Carnival Night'? It can make your five senses soar and enjoy things that you can't usually achieve. Wonderful feeling..."

The bartender tried to sell Luke a special drink in the bar.

Luke took out a bottle of crimson liquid from his pocket, smiled and said to the bartender, "I just bought a bottle, and I was thinking about where to drink it."

The bartender was a little disappointed that he didn't sell "Carnival Night" and couldn't get the commission, but he quickly suggested to Luke: "The next motorcycle race around the city is about to start, you can bet with me, I can provide you with betting reference."

After speaking, the bartender pointed to the magic projection on the top of the bar. The magic projection was connected to the view of the evil eye on the top of the tower, and the focus could be adjusted to clearly see the motorcycle track outside the city.

Luke asked, "What advice can you give me?"

In order to prove that he has a source, the bartender pointed to a special group of people in the bar.They all wear professional racing suits and enjoy beauty and drinks.The bartender said: "They're the racers for the next bike race around town, and I know how they're all doing, and... who's drinking 'Night of Carnival Condensed'.

Just place a bet with me, give me a little tip, and I'll tell you... who has the best chance to win. "

Luke sighed and said: "Ordinary 'Carnival Night' can already greatly enhance people's senses, and drinking 'Concentrated Carnival Night' is like racing against the god of death.

In order to win, the drivers really don't even want their lives. "

The bartender shrugged his shoulders as if he saw it through: "They are promoted from amateurs to professionals through desperate efforts. If they don't get a good ranking on the circuit around the city, their previous lives will be in vain.

Some of them broke their fortunes to buy a bottle of 'Carnival Night' just for this time.

How is it, sir, do you need a message from me? "

Luke took out a banknote and put it on the bar, pointed to a young man in the driver's area and asked, "Just introduce that person to me. I'm not interested in other drivers."

The money on the table did not meet the bartender's psychological expectations, but when he saw the driver pointed at by the guest, he readily collected the money.

"Is that the little guy with the red hair?"


"His name is O'Connor Nidick, we all call him a red-headed ferret. He's a decent driver, and he qualified for the professional circuit early last year. It's just bad luck for him, the first race was injured and the sponsorship wasted. The 'condensed carnival night' provided by the businessman.

In the following games, no one sponsored him, and he couldn't even afford the ordinary 'Carnival Night', so he could only come here to smoke free atomized 'Carnival Night' before the game.

His achievements can be imagined.

The red-headed ferret is just a poor companion, don't waste your money on him.

You only need to give me five hundred, and you can win money with a high probability. "

Luke watches Nidec while drinking.

He wore some shabby racing uniforms, and did not enjoy the pre-race service provided by the bar like other drivers. Instead, he sat silently under a vent, breathing heavily every time the colored mist came out.

"What's the odds on Nidic?" Luke asked the bartender.

The bartender was taken aback by the question: "Sir, Nidick can't win unless you offer him a bottle of 'Carnival Night Concentrated', but that's not something money can buy."

Luke said with some dissatisfaction: "You just need to answer my question. There are many places to bet here. You are not my only choice."

The bartender didn't know why the customer in front of him was so interested in the red-headed ferret, but no matter how small the betting commission was, it was still money.

"Nidik's odds are: the first eighth is [-] to [-]; the third is [-] to [-]; the second is [-] to [-]; the first is [-] to [-].

Sir, there are 25 drivers in a race, and most of them will drink 'Carnival Night Concentrate' or 'Carnival Night'.Unless half of them have an accident on the track, Nidik has a very small chance of entering the top eight.

Don't waste your money on him. "

"But I just have money to waste." Luke put a stack of gold coupons on the bar counter: "Here are a total of [-] face value gold coupons, all of which are bought by Nedic!"

The exchange of one hundred face value gold coupons into Atrein is more than 50.With so many bets, the bartender has seen many, but all of them buy an extremely unpopular driver... Isn't this throwing money into the water?

"Sir, let me remind you that the best result of the red-headed ferret was only No. 11, and that was the result of buying a bottle of 'Carnival Night' with his own money. Although you have a bottle of 'Carnival Night' ', but even if you give it to him, it won't bring you anything in return.

Only those who drank the 'Concentrated Carnival Night' had the chance to enter the top eight. "

"You talk too much nonsense, don't you want a commission for this bet?"

The bartender who was threatened immediately apologized to Luke: "I'm sorry, sir, I'm just thinking of you. Since you insist on buying Nidec, I'll bet for you immediately."

The bartender took the gold coupons on the table, and quickly completed the betting process, and handed a receipt to Luke.

Luke drank the rest of the wine in one gulp, ordered two more glasses of wine, and walked over to Nidick with the glasses.

Nedic was still smoking free smoke.

"Can I sit here?" Luke asked Nidic politely.

Nidik was closing his eyes to experience the enhancement of his senses from the free smoke. After hearing someone's question, he opened his eyes and saw the person's clothes, and immediately said respectfully, "Sir, of course, please sit down."

Luke sat down across from Nidick, and put a glass of wine in front of him: "Your, please."

Nidick immediately refused: "I'm sorry, sir...I can't drink until the game starts."

"Very good habit."

Nidick, who was praised, laughed at himself: "That's because I don't have the money to buy 'Carnival Night', in that state, the influence of alcohol is negligible.

I have to be in the best shape I have, or I will be disqualified from being a professional driver if I finish last. "

Luke said: "In two years, you can still stay in the mid-level of professional drivers without the help of 'Carnival Night', which shows that your driving skills are very good."

"Thank you for your compliment. I'm just a driver who managed to keep myself from being eliminated. Sir, you came to find me specially, what's the matter?"

Luke drank the wine and said casually, "Because I bet on you."

Being appreciated made Nidick look happy at first, but he quickly said: "Sir, you bet on will lose all your money, I hope you bet not much money."

"One hundred gold coupons, do you think that's a lot?"

Nidik was stunned when he heard that the gentleman in a decent suit in front of him actually bet a hundred gold coupons on himself.

"Sir, I don't know what to say. I can only... apologize to you! If you have checked my competition records, you should know that my best result is only No.11."

"I chose you just because I checked your race records." Luke showed a mysterious smile: "You are a racing driver with great potential, but you just lack a chance to shine."

With that said, Luke put the bottle of dark red liquid just now on the table in front of Nidic.

When Nidic saw the liquid, his eyes immediately sparkled with excitement.

"It's 'Carnival Night'! Did you sponsor me, sir?"

"Of course, my one hundred gold coupons didn't come from the wind. I have to be responsible for my investment. Drink this bottle of 'Carnival Night' and let me make a fortune."

Nidick picked up the liquid involuntarily.

Although my best result was No.11, that was when I first entered the professional competition.In order to get a good result and regain the favor of sponsors, I spent all my savings and borrowed money to buy a bottle of 'Carnival Night', but I didn't get the desired result.

Now I am very familiar with the track, and my driving skills are much better than before.If you can drink "Carnival Night", you may not be able to hit the top eight.

As long as you can get the ranking, everything will be fine.

Nidick said excitedly to Luke: "Sir, I...I will do my best to break into the top eight!"

top eight?

It wasn't the ranking Luke had in mind, and it wasn't just any "crazy night" he'd given Neddy.

The boss behind the underground steam city locomotive party is actually a devil.The so-called "Carnival Night" is a sensory inducer that acts on the soul level.It can allow users to greatly improve their perception of external stimuli for a period of time, thereby achieving a spiritual power improvement like the soul is out of the body.

Demons can absorb part of their soul energy from it.

Chaos and souls are demons' favorite things.

The locomotive race and the casino are the restaurants that the devil prepared for himself.

Luke knows the recipe for "Carnival Night", and at the same time there is a stronger demon who provides the demon blood that must be used in the potion.

At this time, the "Carnival Night" in Nidic's hand is the undiluted "Carnival Night", and because the devil's blood comes from an ancient demon, its potency is stronger than that in the hands of other drivers.

Nidic is the driver who will win the championship in the future. With the blessing of this "Carnival Night", if he doesn't get a first place, he will be sorry for the tyrant's blood.

Luke didn't tell Nedik that the "Carnival Night" in his hands was any different, let him experience it for himself on the track.

Luke held the wine glass and said to Nidick: "I expect you to achieve an unprecedented result. Is this glass of wine ready to drink?"

Nidick hurriedly picked up his wine glass and touched Luke: "Thank you again, sir, for your sponsorship, I... will definitely do my best!"


"Cheers, sir!"

Not long after, the race entered the preparatory stage, and all the drivers left the bar and went to the starting point of the race under the tower.

Behind the gates on the track, Nidic started his car, and the momentum responded quickly.Nidic debugged and checked the condition of the racing car, recalling the details on the track with his heart.

On his left and right sides, the riders took out the "Carnival Night" they had prepared, raised their heads and drank all the dark red liquid, and a low roar of excitement came from the depths of their necks.

The driver's eyes glowed slightly red, and the whole person seemed to have entered a state of madness.

Nidick knew that this was the effect of the "condensed carnival night", and he had experienced it before, but lost the opportunity to experience it again.

I can't lose this opportunity again.

Nidic took out the "Carnival Night" he just got, unscrewed the cap, and drank all the liquid in it in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but let out a low growl from the sudden outburst of rage.At this time, he felt that a strange self was awakened by some kind of power, and his perception extended to the outside of his body, allowing him to clearly hear everyone's heartbeat.

All the sights seen by the eyes were covered with a layer of blood, and those things were not blurred, but clearer than before, and the trajectory of moving objects was clear, as if they were slowing down.

Me, what am I drinking?
Nidick knows what it's like to drink "Carnival Night" and what it's like to drink "Carnival Night Concentrated".This feeling is different from them all, this feeling is simply amazing!

The starting gun sounds.

The moment the gate opened, Nidik started the locomotive and rushed out, rubbing against the edge of the gate that hadn't been fully opened.

Luke sat on the sofa in the bar, looking at the magic projection above his head.At the beginning, before the starting gun was fired, everyone here was shouting the names of the drivers they had chosen.

But when the race started and the drivers rushed onto the track together, the noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stared at the magic projection intently, their eyes opened as if they saw the most incredible thing.

The evil eye on the tower gives the perspective to the driver who rushed to the front, and the driver's appearance is clearly visible on the magic projection of the bar.The steam motorcycle sprayed white mist backwards, galloped forward along the road while the driver was driving, and opened a gap with the second-ranked driver.

It wasn't surprising at first, but now the red-headed ferret Nidick was the first one.

how can that be!

In previous races, Nidik was a driver who barely stayed above the relegation line. How could the momentum at the start of today's race be so fierce.And when running on the inner city track, the avoidance and cornering in the face of obstacles are all just right and silky.

Experienced people know that this kind of driving technology can not only be achieved by skill, but also requires extremely powerful perception ability to complete all actions in an instant.

The driver who ranked second was struggling to catch up, but the gap between him and Nidik who was the first did not narrow, but gradually widened.

In the silence, Nidic in the magic projection rushed out of the city circuit and entered the circle circuit.On rough and winding roads, high-speed spinning tires throw gravel backwards.Nidick faced every obstacle and curve, all of which passed perfectly and efficiently...

It's "Carnival Night"...

He must have had "Carnival Night" and it was condensed!
 Changed some sensitive words and finally released it.

(End of this chapter)

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