Age of Arcane

Chapter 359 Ice Cave

Chapter 359 Ice Cave
Dongdu spends the Winter Hunting Festival in a happy and peaceful atmosphere. The failure of the abandoned factory makes Ice Cave have to re-evaluate the strength of Clear Sky. Luke and Del have played for a whole day without encountering any trouble.

However, on the second day after the Winter Hunting Festival, the Yate County League immediately announced a national conscription order, requiring all male citizens of the right age to register at the recruitment office opened, and be ready to be recruited into the army at any time.

The tension dissipated the joy after the festival, and the cloud of war hung over the ice and snow city.

As usual, Luke received a one-day inspection mission from Mrs. Yolanda, and then led the Norton team into the ground.

Good old Norton was in a very bad mood today, and he couldn't stop complaining in the rail car: "Didn't you say that everything went well on the front line? He also surrounded the Queen of the Golden Shield Empire in Snow City. Within a short period of time, the coalition forces of the county will be able to break through the defense line of the northern border of the empire, and then they can march towards the city of Shenglun.

Yesterday was the Winter Hunting Festival, and today's conscription is not what the war looks like. "

Luke sat in the rail car and read today's Winter Capital newspaper. It was full of good news, and the army of the County League was advancing triumphantly, sweeping away the decaying imperial army.

However, Luke can obtain real information on the northern battlefield through the Imperial Secret Service's site in Winter Capital.

After all, the northern border defense line has been operated by the empire for many years. Although the troops are insufficient, the morale of the imperial northern border army is very high because of the Queen's visit to Snow City.Now the two sides are fighting fiercely around Snow City. The imperial army occupied the strong city and fought more with less, so that the army of the county alliance continued to attack for more than ten days without any progress.

At the beginning of the invasion of the northern border, the Golden Shield Empire began a nationwide mobilization, and the first batch of 60 conscripted soldiers were receiving weapons for training and reorganization.

The nobles in the whole territory received war orders, requiring them to fulfill the promise of their ancestors and recruit soldiers from their own territories to form a noble army. They must have the ability to go to the northern border to fight before the end of winter.

On the southern front of the empire, General Joshuaer launched a winter offensive, using offense as defense to prevent the Duke of Celtic from taking advantage of the Northern War.

If the Duke of Celtic knew the normal timeline at this time, he didn't know how he would feel.

Originally, he was supposed to be the one who responded and led the noble army to tear up the twilight empire, but Luke appeared at the beginning of the timeline.

The imperial civil war broke out ahead of schedule, and the surviving Emperor Augustine had a very strong deterrent effect on the nobles of the empire.Luke made a trip to the West, and asked all the nobles of the West to present a letter of loyalty to Emperor Augustine.

The Temple of the Abyss, which the Duke of Celtic relied heavily on, also suffered heavy losses under the repeated blows of the clear sky.He now only has a barbarian army, and the external assistance he has received has become less and less after the Raging City fleet wiped out the Leo Navy.

Now that the Tedgar Hills are stable, the empire has more energy and resources to focus on the Northern War.

I want to come to Yate County United to see this too.

To expand the army is to prepare for the protracted war after winter.

Luke looked at the contents of the newspaper and compared the information he had obtained, but did not respond to Norton's complaints.

Rebecca asked: "Captain, have you received a call-up order? We are the company's security guards. Are we going to go to the battlefield?"

Snowman Amao roared at this moment.

Norton said: "I'm on the recruitment list, and I have to go to the barracks for training after get off work every day. I may be the next batch of recruits. Amao is the same as me...

I really don't know what the big shots above think.

Overthrow the royal family of the Golden Shield Empire and make it a free world.What does it have to do with us if the people there are not free? Why do we have to work hard? "

At this time, the thief Harry said in a low voice: "I have received the recruitment order, and I will report to the barracks tonight. This is my last day to work with you."

Harry's words made the already heavy atmosphere of the track car even more heavy.

Thieves often serve as vanguards in the army, facing all kinds of weird magic traps, the death rate of vanguards is very high.

When the rail car stopped, no one said anything to comfort Harry.

Luke folded the unread newspapers and put them in his briefcase, then said, "If you don't want to apply, I can arrange for you to leave here."

Norton immediately asked, "How did you leave? Where are you going?"

"This is a private channel, I promise it's very safe. As for where to go...leave Yate County United, you can go wherever you want."

Harry said, "I want to go to Rage City."


"Can I bring my family?"


"How much is it?"

Luke laughed: "I help you because I regard you as my friends, so keep your money and get used to your new life."

"Thank you, Mr. Luke. If I die, my father must die too."

Harry stood up and saluted Luke.

Luke asked Norton, "Are you going? Or are you staying?"

"I..." Norton hesitated, and said, "I'm leaving! I have nothing to miss here."

"Then come with me! Harry is going to report to the barracks tonight, and we will arrange things as soon as possible so that you can leave tonight."

Norton asked worriedly: "If Harry and I disappear at the same time, will it definitely cause trouble for you?"

"Trouble is just trouble, and the worst case is getting fired from Harut Heavy Industries. I'm a steam engineer, and it's easy to find a job in winter." Luke stepped out of the rail car, and asked Rebecca, "Can you leave?" Go? I can arrange for you and your family to go to Rage City."

Rebecca said, "I'll stay and protect you."

"Whenever you want to go, I can arrange it at any time. Norton, go find a car, and let's go to the motorcycle party bar."

Luke took the Norton team to find Chi Yan's younger brothers and asked them to arrange for Norton, Harry and their families to leave Winter City.

The demon Chiyan has a smuggling channel through hell, and usually also accepts smuggling business.Now that the investment of 60 gold coupons is about to be implemented, and the two parties are in the honeymoon period, it is not a piece of cake for Chi Yan to send a few people to Raging Waves City.

After everything was arranged, Luke asked Norton and Harry to go home and prepare, and he took Rebecca to finish the day's work.

When I got home at night, I was surrounded by a group of people in trench coats and felt hats as soon as I entered the door.

"Who are you? Why are you in my house?"

Luke asked calmly, looking for Mina.

She is not here.

"We are agents of the Ice Cave. I have a few questions for you to answer, Mr. Luke..." A gloomy-looking young man sat on the sofa in the living room and stared at Luke after he entered the door: "First Sit down, just a few simple questions, don't be too nervous."

Hearing that the other party was an Ice Cave Agent, Luke first guessed whether his identity had been exposed.

But if it is exposed, it is definitely not this kind of person.

Then listen to what they want to do.

Luke took off his coat and hung it on the hanger with his briefcase, took off his hat and put it on the hat rack, and sat down across from the young man.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Russell Enoch, and I am the senior commander of the ice cave." Enoch pointed to the clothes and bags that Luke had just hung up: "Can I ask my people to search ?”

"Yes..." Luke said casually: "But please search and return it to its original place. There are a lot of materials about Harut Heavy Industry in it. If you lose it, you will be responsible."

"Of course! You are the steam engineer of Harut Heavy Industry, and you are already enjoying the respect we give you." Enoch waved his hand and asked his men to search the clothes and briefcases on the hangers, and then said: "Now you can answer my question. Question?"

"Just ask, as long as it doesn't involve company secrets, I can cooperate."

"Let's start now... Is Mina the maid you hired after you arrived in Winter Capital?"

"Yes." Hearing Mina, Luke guessed something: "At this time, she should be at home and have prepared dinner for me. She's not here, could something happen to her?"

"I won't answer your question." Enoch kept his eyes on Luke, trying to determine whether the other party was lying: "The second question, why did you hire her."

"When I first arrived at Dongdu Railway Station, she tried to steal my suitcase, and then I learned that her family was in a difficult situation. Her father injured his leg and the family had no income. I thought she was pitiful, so I hired her As a maid, take care of my daily life while working in Winter Capital.

This sheriff can testify against me. "

Luke took out a business card from the drawer of the light cabinet at hand, the one given to him by the station sheriff.

Enoch took the business card, looked at it carefully, and then put it away.

"You are a kind gentleman. Did you fix the faulty steam pipe in the B36 mine?"

"Yes. Mr. Kun Deen, the supervisor of the B36 mine, gave me a sum of money to repair the pipeline. Although this is against the company's regulations, it should not be under your ice cave's management."

Enoch smiled: "Of course it's not our business. Do you know Mina's father?"

"do not know."

"Then do you know Mr. Bai Ye?"

Finally getting to the point, Luke replied: "I don't know. But I often heard this name when I was overhauling steam lines in the underground steam city. He seems to be very famous in the underground mining area!"

"It's just a small person trying to challenge the order of Winter Capital, we will catch him."

At this time, the Ice Cave Agent had already searched, and there was nothing suspicious.

Luke raised his hand: "Do you need to search me?"

Enoch wanted to do a body search, but after thinking about it, he gave up.The steam engineer Luke's itinerary in the underground steam city is very clear. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the mine incident, and the only connection is Mina's employer.

Now that the production tasks are heavy, all companies treat steam engineers like treasures, and try not to offend them if they can.

Besides, if there is a real problem, sensitive things will not be brought home, let alone carried on the body.

"No, I believe in you, Mr. Luke. You are not the same kind of people as those who are making trouble underground. Yesterday was the Winter Hunting Festival. Sir, you should be celebrating our festival for the first time. Did you have a good time?"

"It's interesting."

"Your landlord said that you and Mina went out for the holidays yesterday. May I know where you all went and what you did?"

Luke murmured inwardly that it was not good, if Princess Dai was involved again, the matter would get even worse.

"My trip was all arranged by Mina. We first went to see the float parade, then rented a sleigh and went to the glacier outside the city. Fishing, grilling fish...

In the afternoon we went to the underground steam city, watched the locomotive race, and ate a lot of delicious food. "

"Just the two of you?"

How to answer?

Luke didn't know if Mina had been caught by the Ice Cave's agents, and if she was caught, what would she say?
Just to be on the safe side, Luke replied, "No, there was a friend who spent the winter hunt with us."

"who is it?"

"That lady is very honorable! You asked me so many questions, and you didn't allow me to know the inside story. I won't reveal her identity and cause unnecessary trouble for her."

Seeing that Luke was hiding something intentionally, Enoch felt that he had caught something, and immediately forced me to say: "Mr. Luke, you'd better know one thing, the incident that can send our ice cave to investigate is definitely not an ordinary incident.

If you have no questions, please answer my questions accurately, otherwise, I can only ask you to take a walk with us.

The iced coffee in the ice cave is not so delicious! "

Luke took out the magic wand from his cuff and put it on the table: "This is a winter hunting gift from that lady, and she made it herself.

You look carefully, think about it, and then decide whether to know her identity or not. "

When Luke took out his magic wand, all Ice Cave agents were on alert immediately.After Luke put the magic wand on the table, Enoch slowly stretched out his hand.First release the detection magic to check whether the magic wand has been placed on the trap, and then slowly pick it up after confirming that there is no danger.

And when Enoch carefully observed the magic wand in his hand, his eyes could not help showing a look of regret.

So many rare and precious materials are made into magic wands in such a flashy way, it is simply a waste of money.

The magic wand is a prop for casting spells. The first thing that should be considered is the practicality, and the maximum effectiveness of the material should be brought out. The beauty is only a later embellishment under the premise of ensuring the function.

But this magic wand is completely upside down.

For the sake of beauty, the magic wand is full of hollow carvings.Although it is very beautiful when casting spells, if so many materials are not removed, more magic arrays can be placed inside the magic wand to make the effect of the magic wand even higher.

It's just...

Enoch tried his best to control his emotions. He might not be able to get such a rare material with the money he earned all his life, but he was so ruined by a girl.

And what kind of family background would such a willful girl have?
A girl from such a family made such a beautiful magic wand and gave it to the gentleman in front of her, and even spent the winter hunting festival with him, so what is their relationship?
No wonder he knew he was an agent of the Ice Cave, but he was still so calm. It turned out that he had a big backer.

Enoch was a little thankful that he didn't offend Luke from the beginning. If he had offended that girl, he might not be as simple as drinking iced coffee.

"It's an honor to see such a precious magic wand. Please keep it safe, Mr. Luke!"

Enoch returned the wand with both hands.

Luke took the magic wand and put it in his cuff, and asked, "Can I ask questions now?"

"Of course, Mr. Luke!" Enoch said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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