Age of Arcane

Chapter 362 World Tree Research Plan

Chapter 362 World Tree Research Plan

Coming out of the Secret Intelligence Bureau's intelligence station in Winter Capital, Luke mixed into the pedestrians, and then boarded a rail car to go outside the city.

At this time, Qingkong was drinking morning tea, reading a book, and tasting the Dongdu pastries that Jenny had learned to make.The black cat lay sprawled on the windowsill, enjoying the morning sun.Princess Dai stood by and recited the spell she learned yesterday, and the magic ripples swayed around her as she recited.

A knock on the door broke the atmosphere of the room.

Jenny walked over and opened the door, and there was Professor Antoine outside.

"Professor Qingkong, please forgive me for disturbing you so early. The head of the Ice Cave, Lord Helkkin, has important matters to see you. A team of Ice Cave agents was attacked last night."

Qing Kong put down the book and said, "What does the attack on Ice Cave Agent have to do with me? I don't want to deal with people outside of your academy, so decline it for me."

Professor Antoine said awkwardly: "Professor Qingkong, the college is under a lot of pressure, please understand."

Qingkong handed the book to Jenny, and asked her to supervise Dai'er to continue reciting the spell, then stood up and walked towards Antoine: "Then go and meet him. Is the person here the head of the ice cave?"

Antoine got out of the way, and then walked along the corridor with the clear sky: "It's Master Clement Helkkin, he is now the head of the ice cave, a big man that the academy must take seriously."

"what's going on?"

"This...Let Master Helkkin talk about it." Antoine didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, he changed the subject and said: "Professor Qingkong, regarding the establishment of the World Tree Research Institute at the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy, you so what have you thought of?"

Qingkong didn't rush to reply.

The real reason why Dongdu Magic Steam Academy resisted the pressure of Art County United and invited her to come was for the World Tree.

As an extraordinary creature that has existed since ancient times, World Tree has created a huge ecological circle with its own individual strength, opened up a rich oasis in the desert, and affected thousands of kilometers.

It can be called the top-level creature that there is no one.

The World Tree itself has great research value. Dongdu Magic Steam Academy has formulated many research plans including but not limited to magic, alchemy, pharmacy, biology, etc.Now wait for the Moonlight Queen to nod, and the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy can send a team to the Moonlight King's Court.

Regarding the establishment of the research institute, Antoine mentioned to Clear Sky many times.

About halfway through the journey, Qingkong said: "The new world tree has just been born, and I'm afraid that inappropriate research will cause harm to it."

Hearing Qingkong's tone loosen, Antoine immediately said: "Professor Qingkong, please rest assured that all our research on the World Tree can be carried out under your supervision. Moreover, we also have complete regulations to protect the World Tree, and all research has the highest safety standards.

Please believe in the professionalism of our Dongdu Magic Steam Academy, we will be able to protect this only world tree. "

"Of course I believe in you. During the exchange at the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy, I know that you are world-leading in many fields, and your academic attitude is as rigorous as this city."

Antoine asked expectantly: "Does this allow the Dongdu Magic Steam Academy to open a research institute in the Moonlight Royal Court?"

"What can the Moonlight Royal Court get?"

Negotiating conditions means that the matter is half done, and Antoine can't help slowing down: "We can pay the Moonlight Royal Court every year, and we can also help the ancestors grassland to improve the ecology there."

Qingkong smiled: "You guys are very dishonest. Raging Waves City has an investment plan of tens of billions in the grassland of the ancestors, and there is no need to repay it. How much can you give?"

Hearing the ten billion investment plan of Raging Waves City, Antoine's expression changed, and he said with a wry smile: "How can Dongdu Magic and Steam Academy compare financial resources with Raging Waves City, but we are very sincere. Professor, do you think we should What to do, please tell me..."

"Moonlight King's Court is not short of money." Qing Kong stopped, standing by the corridor and looking at the campus outside: "If you have been to the grassland of the ancestors, you can deeply feel the separation between it and the world. The world tree has been away for too long Well, turning it into a place beyond the reach of civilization is not something that can be solved simply by investing money.

I want to open a magic academy in the Moonlight Royal Court, so that the light of knowledge can re-illuminate that fertile soil. "

Antoine understood: "Our personnel working in the Moonlight Royal Court can serve as visiting professors at the Moonlight Academy of Magic."

"It's not enough..." Clear Sky looked at the students on campus, with a gleam of imagination in his eyes: "Dongdu Magic Steam Academy introduces at least one hundred outstanding students to Moonlight Magic Academy to teach every year, and allows Moonlight Royal Court to subsidize Art County The impoverished students of the Union are studying at the Dongdu Magic Steam Academy."

"We can introduce excellent students to Moonlight Royal Court, but what is the purpose of subsidizing poor students?"

Qingkong said: "If you want to build the Moonlight Academy of Magic, you must first establish basic education in the grasslands of the ancestors. But the grasslands of the ancestors are very poor, and it is difficult to attract excellent teachers.

The Moonlight Royal Court will sign an agreement with the sponsored student. After graduation, the student will go to the grassland of the ancestors to serve as a teacher for five years. "

Antoine thought about it, and felt that there was no harm to Dongdu Magic Steam Academy.

"Okay, the Moonlight Royal Court can subsidize poor students to enter the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy, but only for citizens of the United County of Arter."

"Of course, as I said before, I only fund the poor students of the Art County United." Qingkong then put forward the second condition: "All your research on the World Tree must be carried out under the supervision of the Moonlight Academy of Magic, and you must pay attention to the Moonlight Academy of Magic." Share research results."

Antoine said awkwardly: "Professor Qingkong, our research results should belong to us."

"But the World Tree is not yours."

"Okay..." Antoine knew that Qingkong would not make any concessions on this item: "We can share the research results, but Moonlight Academy of Magic needs to obtain the consent of Winter City Magic and Steam Academy to share again."

"I will definitely respect your efforts." Clear Sky continued to say the condition: "If the World Tree is attacked, Dongdu Magic Steam Academy must protect the World Tree unconditionally."

"Our people in the Moonlight Royal Court will definitely protect the World Tree, there is no doubt about it."

Clear Sky reminded: "I'm talking about Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy."

Antoine was taken aback suddenly: "Professor Qingkong, this range is a bit large."

"And it's not up to you." Qingkong said casually: "Take this condition to your college's internal meeting to discuss. It used to be that World Tree would only give and didn't know what to ask for, and let it be destroyed once, but this time With me!

Since you want to get what you want from the World Tree, you must consider whether you are willing to sacrifice for it, and whether what you get is worth the sacrifice. "

For Antoine, this is indeed a difficult problem that he cannot decide.

I heard that the Moonlight Royal Court is pursuing responsibility and compensation for the destruction of the World Tree of the previous generation against the five ancient civilizations.

This seems to be somewhat overreaching.

If the Moonlight Royal Court annoys the five ancient civilizations, will the Dongdu Magic and Steam Academy get involved in disputes in order to protect the World Tree?
"Professor Qingkong, can't the Moonlight Royal Court stop pursuing the five ancient civilizations?"



"Because I am the Queen of Moonlight who inherited the power of the previous World Tree."

The clear sky in Shengwei made Antoine feel a little crazy.

Both of them seemed to have forgotten Chief Helkkin who was waiting to meet Haruka.

At this moment, Helkkin was waiting anxiously in the reception room.

In order to "entertain" this unexpected visitor, Antoine specially arranged more than a dozen mages inside and outside the reception room to prevent the head of the ice cave agent from doing anything that would embarrass the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy.

"When will Professor Antoine bring the clear sky, I have been waiting here for an hour."

Helkkin questioned the mage who was guarding the door loudly, his bald head with scars and the ferocity of a born villain.

"Master Helkkin, please wait patiently here."

No matter how Helkkin asked, the mage guarding the gate had only this sentence to answer.Not only because it was Antoine's order, the academic mages didn't like the secret agent walking in the dark.

"When will you wait?"

When Helkkin wanted to rush out with his subordinates, Antoine and Qingkong opened the door and walked in.

The killing intent instantly locked onto the clear sky.

Qingkong didn't care about those sharp gazes, and found a seat to sit down on his own.

"Which one is Chief Hulkkin. If you have any questions, please ask, my time is very precious."

Professor Antoine stood between Helkkin and Qingkong: "Master, please sit down, please abide by our agreement, and give Professor Qingkong the safety and respect he deserves."

"I'm afraid someone didn't abide by the agreement." Helkkin glared at Qingkong angrily, then sat back in his seat, and asked Qingkong again: "Last night, from eight to nine o'clock, where were you?"

"I'm right here." Clear Sky replied.

"Who can prove it?"

Professor Antoine said: "I can prove it! Last night from seven o'clock to nine o'clock, Professor Qingkong instructed the students of the Department of Occult Arts to observe the fluorescence changes of moonstone in different positions of the moon, and collect and preserve moonlight according to the changes to make mysterious props.

During the period, it was only about 10 minutes... No, less than 10 minutes, as the students from the Department of Occult Arts who did the experiment together last night can prove. "

Only left for less than 10 minutes!
Helkkin found that the time was a bit wrong.

Arrive at the scene of the crime from the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy, arrange the space concealment secret technique, kill a team of ice cave agents, and then return to the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy.

It can't be done in 10 minutes.

"Professor Qingkong, can you tell me, what did you do during the 10 minutes you were away?"

Qingkong replied: "The exact time is ten or six minutes. I will go back to the room to get a copy of the materials needed for the experiment. Master Gary can prove it."

Master Gary was the mage who stood at the door to block Helkkin. He testified for Qingkong: "Yesterday I was responsible for protecting Professor Qingkong's safety. Professor Qingkong did go back to his room to take a note. I have been guarding outside the door. Until I accompany Professor Qingkong back to the secret arts classroom."

Helkkin didn't expect that not only the time was wrong, but Qingkong even had absent witnesses.

Could it be that the person who attacked Ice Cave Agent last night...wasn't Clear Sky.

"Professor Clear Sky, where were you on the day of Winter Hunting?"

Antoine rushed to answer: "Professor Qingkong is of course in the academy."

Helkkin looked towards the clear sky, waiting for her answer.

Qingkong showed a meaningful smile: "Yes, I was in the academy on Winter Hunting Day. At that time, a student from the Department of Occult Arts asked me about the secret technique of mechanical transformation. I answered many questions for her, and also made relevant demo.

This should be a secret art class she will never forget in her life.

Her name seems to be... Irabim, a very cute girl.

Professor Antoine, can I call Irabim, she can testify for me. "

An Tuowan thought for a while, and said regretfully: "Irabim's father dropped out of school for her yesterday, and they have to leave Dongdu due to work transfer.

Chief Helkkin, do you need me to find Irabim?Perhaps she and her family have not left Dongdu yet. "


Helkkin stared at the clear sky with uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

It was tantamount to admitting that she had killed Butler Kraft's team of agents on Winter Hunt Day.The tragedy in that factory seemed to reappear in front of my eyes, with scattered machinery and limbs that couldn't be put together in a human form.

Now another elite team has been massacred, and his intuition tells is very likely that it was done by the clear sky.

But there is no evidence, not even indirect corroboration.

"Professor Qingkong, it seems that this is a misunderstanding. Your identity makes us a little too sensitive."

Helkkin slowed down his tone to make himself appear more amiable.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, I have nothing to do..." Qingkong stood up and said to Antoine, "Professor Antoine, I have something to talk to you about the World Tree."

Antoine hurriedly stood up and saluted Helkkin: "I'm sorry, Mr. President! You can't send them off, you can leave on your own."

Qing Kong and An Tuowan walked away, and the mages also left, angry that Helkkin had blue veins in his hands.

"Enoch was killed by investigating the underground rebels. This at least proves that he found the place where he must die. Where did he find it?"

The subordinate behind replied: "Commander Enoch found out that the daughter of the rebel leader recently accepted the employment of a steam engineer from Harut Heavy Industry as a maid to take care of daily life.

Commander Enoch was ambushed immediately after questioning the steam engineer.We have deduced that the steam engineer should not have time to arrange such an elaborate ambush.

Agents who were watching closely did not notice him leaving the residence or communicating with the outside world. "

"Is the person watching the steam engineer still there?"

"They are all members of Commander Enoch. After Enoch's death, they were reorganized into other teams and did not continue to perform surveillance tasks.

Sir, do you need to ask that steam engineer again? "

Helkkin thought for a while and said: "Enoch didn't arrest anyone, which means he didn't ask anything. Send people to continue monitoring..."

"Yes, Mr. President."

(End of this chapter)

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