Age of Arcane

Chapter 367

Chapter 367
The Ice Cave of the Art County United and the Secret Love Bureau of the Golden Shield Empire were extremely fierce in the secret battle, and they fought back and forth.However, the status of the Ice Cave in the Art County Union is quite different from the status of the Secret Affairs Bureau in the Golden Shield Empire.

The initial purpose of the establishment of the Imperial Secret Service was to fight against the Brotherhood of Blades, which directly belonged to the royal family, together with the Royal Knights, the palace guards, and known as the three major personal soldiers of the emperor.Therefore, the function of the Imperial Secret Service is not limited to intelligence, but also has the power to supervise the court and the people, and has independent investigative power, law enforcement power and execution power.

Imperial agents can really walk sideways within the empire.

However, the Ice Cave Agent, who is the opponent of the Empire's spies, does not have such a high salary in the Art County United. Even an ordinary magic professor at the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy dares not to take the Ice Cave Chief in his eyes.

The reason is that at the beginning of the establishment of Ice Cave, the founders of Yate County United were afraid of giving too much power to this institution that was walking in the dark. In case one day they temporarily lost power, it would be used by political opponents to backlash themselves.

This cognition was recognized by all the founders of Yate County United. After all, no one can guarantee the longevity of himself and his family, and some unscrupulous methods must be restricted.

Therefore, the ice cave has been surrounded by various rules and regulations since its establishment.

Social status... But anyone with a certain status looks down on them.

Luke is now a person of status, and in winter he is a fourth-level member of the Society of Steam Engineers, and his backers are Molson and "Steam Weekly".

If Bingku provoked him for no reason, wouldn't it be provoking the steam engineers' association?

The invitation was returned coldly, but Chief Helkkin dared not have any dissatisfaction.As a reader of "Steam Weekly" and the leader of the ice cave, he knew very well that Luke could jump from a first-level member to a fourth-level member. It must be a certain technology that was approved by the editor-in-chief of Molson.

If this technique is heard by him, Luke can lock himself up with just a word.

Helkkin laughed and said: "Since it's a secret, of course I don't dare to listen to it, I'd better read the new issue of "Steam Weekly".

Mr. Luke came to the ice cave today, what's the matter? "

Dalikova brought over the iced coffee, and when she heard the chief's question, she replied: "The main gangsters of the underground resistance army are all from Harut Heavy Industries. When Harut Heavy Industries dispatched the security team to arrest them, Some security personnel tipped them off, so we arrested a group of suspicious Harut Heavy Industry security guards.

After interrogation, most of the people have been released, and the rest have various suspicions.

Mr. Luke wants to take away a security guard named Rebecca this time, she is a member of Mr. Luke's security team, but... the other three members of this team all escaped military service and disappeared..."

When Dalikova told Helkkin, Luke slowly drank the iced coffee, which had a special flavor.

Of course, this is not the iced coffee that the Ice Cave Agent said, it is a very cruel torture, and Dalikova dare not add ingredients to Luke's coffee.

Helkkin said to Luke after hearing this: "Mr. Luke, don't you find it suspicious that three members of a security team escaped military service and disappeared?"

Luke replied: "There's nothing suspicious about this! Rebecca didn't receive the call-up notice, otherwise all four of them might have run away, and it wouldn't be your turn to catch her."

"You misunderstood me, Mr. Luke." Helkkin said kindly: "The activities of the Golden Shield Empire Secret Affairs Bureau in Winter Capital are very rampant. The three people who evaded military service may be related to the Secret Affairs Bureau. The newly appeared The Rebels also have ties to the Secret Service.

Rebecca belongs to the same team as the three missing people. She is suspected, and we have the obligation to investigate her. "

"Let people go, or not?"

"Let go, of course!" Helkkin said with a smile: "With Mrs. Yolanda's handwriting and Mr. Luke coming in person, we will definitely let him go.

But Mr. Luke needs you to write a guarantee that Rebecca has nothing to do with the Secret Service. "

"Are you kidding me?" Luke said unhappily: "Whether Rebecca has anything to do with the Secret Service is your business, why should I guarantee it.

If you have evidence of Rebecca's treason, show it, and I will leave immediately.

If not, let them go!
The secret agents of the secret intelligence bureau didn't see you arresting a few, so it turned out that you were wasting time and manpower on such useless things.

My exclusive new steam engine laboratory is in preparation, but there is no time to waste here! "

Helkkin didn't expect Luke to be so difficult to deal with, and he didn't get into his trap at all.

Without knowing the other party's reliance and details, Helkkin decided to bear with it first: "Well, there is no need to write a guarantee letter, just sign it. I have a person who comes in and a person who goes out, and I have to stay." Down the record."

"It's OK to sign!"

Herkkin asked Darikova to bring the release sheet, and Luke wrote his name on it.

Rebecca quickly walked out with the support of two ice cave agents.

When she was caught, Rebecca was not wearing warm clothes, and her exposed skin was bleeding and scabbed.There were many welts on his body, and his wrists and ankles were covered with bruises from the bundles.

"Mr. Luke!" Seeing Luke, Rebecca's dull eyes immediately lit up: "I thought I'd never see you again."

Luke threw away the coffee in his hand, and immediately stepped forward to support Rebecca, first released fire magic to drive her away from the cold, and then used healing magic to relieve her injuries.

"It's okay, I'll take you home."

With some vitality, Rebecca forced a smile and said, "Thank you, Mr. Luke."

Luke supported Rebecca, without looking at Hulking, and left without looking back.

After the two left, Helkkin moved his eyes to the shattered cup on the ground, and the spilled coffee had frozen into ice.

"Is there any result from the interrogation of Rebecca?"

Dalikova on the side said: "Nothing was asked... The agents who arrested these Harut heavy industry security agents didn't even think about asking anything from them."

"Why did you provoke him?"

Dalikova replied: "Enoch was attacked after leaving his residence. What they talked about became a mystery. I wanted to ask him some questions and see if I could find some clues, but he was A very difficult guy.

The he really a fourth-level member of the Society of Steam Engineers now? "

"Are you questioning me? Or the Society of Steam Engineers?"

"My subordinates dare not!"

"Enoch looked for him but didn't arrest him. There must be a reason for not arresting him. I have already sent someone to monitor him. You have disrupted my deployment by finding him like this."

Dalikova immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. President, I didn't know that you had sent someone to monitor him. I just heard that he came to arrest someone, so I wanted to investigate the case of Enoch's attack."

"Don't deal with the case that doesn't belong to you!"

"Yes, Mr. President, I will not dare in the future. But my instinct tells me that Luke is definitely a person with a story, and it is necessary to investigate."

Helkkin showed admiring eyes: "Since you are so interested in him, I will hand him over to you, and find out what his origin is."

"Obey, my lord."

"Pay attention to your methods. He is not an ordinary person now. Editor-in-Chief Molson is not something we can offend. If he is really in charge of the development of a new type of steam engine, it is not something we can offend."

"I see!"


Luke took Rebecca back to his apartment, made some food for her to eat, and found a suit of clothes he didn't wear for her to take a shower.

During this period, Luke went out to buy some medicines, and came back to prepare wound medicine and frostbite medicine.

Rebecca, who was freshly washed, walked out of the bathroom wearing a slightly oversized dress, and her gait was a little staggered due to the injuries on her body.

Luke sat her down on the soft sofa and handed her the ointment to apply.

"Green cures frostbite, and red cures bruises. Just after taking a bath, the blood flow in the body is fast, and smear all the injured areas. I will prepare the healing potion for a while, and when I feel better, I will send you home. .

After being taken away by the ice cave for two days, your family must be very worried about you. "

Thinking of what she had experienced in the past two days, the strong Rebecca couldn't help but have tears in her eyes.

"I thought I was really going to die in there. But I really didn't say anything, please believe me, Mr. Luke."

"I know you didn't tell me, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance to save you. After rubbing the ointment on the wound, don't be afraid of the pain, rub it hard, so that the effect of the medicine will be better."

Luke instructed Rebecca to apply wound medicine to the wound.

"Sir, will rescuing me get you into trouble? They are ice cave agents and can do anything."

"Don't worry... I'm a person who follows me wherever I go, and I'm not bad for you. After I go back, I will take a leave of absence from the company's security department. When the injury is healed, I will come to protect you." I……

Apply a little extra to wrists and ankles without leaving a hangover. "

"Yes, sir... sir, my back can't be wiped... you, can you help me?"

Rebecca's voice was low, her cheeks flushed.

Luke replied, "Okay, you turn around."

Rebecca turned around as she said, and slowly took off her shirt to expose her back.

On Rebecca's back, a beetle-like metal body covered her spine from the neck down to her waist. The metal body shell stretched out to both sides and inserted metal pieces into the skin, connecting with the ribs.

In addition, there were a few welts where the skin was torn apart.

Luke used healing magic to heal the wound on Rebecca's back, then applied the ointment to the welt, and rubbed vigorously.Rebecca's muscles tensed from the pain, and she couldn't help moaning from her throat.

In order to divert Rebecca's attention, Luke chatted casually: "Snamming silkworm, a parasitic supernatural creature that lives in the polar ice sheets. They usually parasitize on the back of the ice bear, and the ice bear provides it with The nourishment for survival, it provides stronger strength for the ice bear.

The Institute of Extraordinary Biology of the Art County Union has improved and bred the Sinamin silkworm so that it can parasitize on the back of a person...

During parasite surgery, it must be very painful. "

"It hurts a lot!" Rebecca replied, "But as a girl, I want to make more money to support my family, so I can only choose to undergo extraordinary transformation.

Actually, when I was in school, I aimed to be admitted to Dongdu Magic Steam Academy.By becoming a magician or a steam engineer, I can get rid of my previous life, but the reality has completely shattered my dream. "

"Do you want to remove the spinal cord worm?"

Luke's words made Rebecca almost turn around, she stopped in time and asked: "Of course I want to remove it, but once the sminamina parasitizes, can't it be removed again?"

"Of course it can be picked, it's just an operation."

Rebecca's spirit was shaken, but soon sank down: "Take it off, how can I survive? I haven't paid off the debt I owed for the extraordinary transformation, and I can't afford another surgery fee.

Thank you, Mr. Luke.At least you let me know it's removable. "

"Rebecca, come out of the ice cave today, and your life will never go back to the way it was before."

Rebecca asked curiously: "Why? Mr. Luke."

"I can't tell you yet, please believe my words. During this period of time to recuperate well, and listen to me after work, in order to save your life and that of your family."

Although Rebecca didn't know why Luke said that, but out of trust in him, she replied: "Yes, Mr. Luke, I will listen to you in everything."

While Luke was applying medicine to Rebecca and chatting, there was a knock on the apartment door.

Rebecca put on her clothes in a panic, looked at her messy clothes and wet hair, and said worriedly: "Mr. Luke, will I cause misunderstanding here and damage your reputation?"

"I don't have a bad reputation. Don't move around. I'll go and see who it is. It may be the owner and his wife."

Luke told Rebecca to sit back on the sofa, and then went to open the door.

Outside the door was Darikova, the ace agent of the ice cave who had just met.

She took off the uniform of Ice Cave Agent and changed into a fashionable lady's dress, wearing lace gloves and a mesh bucket hat.A pair of big blue eyes are full of aura, and her temperament is like that of a famous lady from a big family. It is not at all obvious that she is an ice cave agent with countless lives in her hands.

Dalikova had a gift box on her wrist, and when she saw Luke who opened the door, she immediately smiled like a spring flower.

"Mr. Luke, hello! Please forgive me for visiting without an appointment.

After you and Ms. Rebecca left, the chief executive reprimanded me severely, and I also deeply understood my mistake.

This visit is to express my sincere thanks to you.This is a gift I prepared for you, the newly baked chocolate strawberry cake from Fanny Cake House, please taste it.

So Miss Rebecca is here too..."

Darikova looked up and saw Rebecca sitting on the sofa in the living room, and saw her wrongly buttoned jacket, blush cheeks, messy hair...

Luke took the cake box from Dalikova: "I accept the gift, goodbye!"

Luke wanted to close the door, but Dalikova slipped in: "Mr. Luke, I'm just an ordinary ice cave clerk, you don't need to be so wary of me.

Miss Rebecca, I sympathize with what happened to you, look what those bastards have done to you.Seeing you makes me more determined to leave the ice cave! "

(End of this chapter)

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