Age of Arcane

Chapter 370 An Unusual Private Party

Chapter 370 An Unusual Private Party
"Ace Agent! Chief Helkkin is really willing to give up! He said he would drive you out and drive you out. Doesn't it take into account your contribution to the ice cave?"

When Luke was feeling emotional, he looked for information related to Helkkin from the mobile phone database to see if he could analyze his purpose for doing so from his character.

Dalikova had an expression that she never thought she would be abandoned like this.

"Helkkin believes that with your talent and the favor of editor-in-chief Molson, if you are interested in politics, you will definitely be able to become a powerful figure in the Attorney League.

He doesn't want to offend you by investigating you, especially if I cheated on your feelings.You men are very sensitive to things about men and women, which is worse than cheating money.

For Helkkin, I was a decent tool, but if the tool might hurt him, he would throw it away without hesitation.

It's just that I didn't expect him to do such an amazing job! "

"It's quite unfeeling!" Luke echoed casually, while browsing Helkkin's information.

The head of the ice cave really likes steam technology. He has also signed up for the steam engineer exam many times, but he has never passed.

It seems that it is just a hobby, and he has no talent in this area.

However, a player who did the Helkkin task mentioned that he tried his best to help Helkkin pass the steam engineer exam.After Hulking obtained the qualification certificate of steam engineer, he first joined the Association of Steam Engineers, and then searched everywhere to find connections. In the end, he successfully entered politics and even achieved the high position of Secretary of State.

The player's description of Helkkin is: he is following the crowd, flattering the rich and powerful, and can do anything for the superior.Moreover, Bingku's resume has left him with a lot of black material about politicians. When he got rid of his identity as an Bingku agent, these black materials became his weapon.

It seems that there was no conspiracy in Herkkin's expulsion of Dalikova, but he was afraid of delaying his future.

Luke felt that he even had another thought. If he was interested in Darikova, he would definitely look for her.At this time, Dalikova has nothing to do with the ice cave, and her life is desolate. She is an innocent beauty who was given to future national dignitaries and technical authorities.

No matter how you calculate it, you are making money.

Luke suddenly felt that Hulking should not be a steam engineer, but an actuary.

After Dalikova complained for a while, the sullenness of these days finally spit out.She asked Luke: "Okay... I'm done with my business. I also paid a heavy price for deceiving you. How are you going to deal with me?"

Luke said: "You are doing your job, why should I dispose of you? And I am just an employee of Harut Heavy Industries, not a government official, and I am not qualified to dispose of you.

If you want to go back to the ice cave and continue to be your agent, I can talk to Helkkin. "

"No, I definitely won't go back again, and he won't let me go back either. I'm going to open a private detective agency, beat people, collect debts, spy on intelligence...whatever the job is.

You are my first client, and you will pay me for acting as your girlfriend this time. "

"How much?" Luke asked.

Dalikova considered for a moment: "1000 Att coins."

"no problem."

Dalikova didn't expect Luke to agree so simply, she immediately added conditions: "I'm paid an hourly salary."

"Okay, 1000 AT for an hour." Luke took out a stack of banknotes from his inner pocket, counted out 4000 AT, and handed it to Darikova: "I will pay for four hours first. If the party ends at four If it ends within an hour, the money is yours; if it exceeds, we will settle the account separately."

The temporary business was opened, and the minimum was 4000 Attcoins. Dalikova felt that her life was about to bottom out.She happily took the money and stuffed it into her bag without any order.

"Thank you boss! I will give you another bodyguard service, free of charge!"


Editor-in-Chief Molson lived in a large hot spring manor outside Winter Capital, which looked like an artistic ice and snow castle from the outside.

The car drove into the manor and parked in front of the main building. Luke and Dalikova got out of the car hand in hand, and the deputy editor-in-chief of Vartasky who got the news came out immediately.

"Luke, you are finally here. Editor-in-Chief Molson has asked many times. We have an important guest here today. If you are late, it will be very rude." Vartaski saw the bright and beautiful Dar Rikova saluted very gentlemanly: "Beautiful lady, welcome to the hot spring manor."

Darikova took Luke's arm, stretched out her other hand for Vartasky to complete the kiss, and then said in a standard upper-class tone: "I'm really sorry, Deputy Editor Vartasky, please don't Blame it on Luke, it's all on me... When I knew I was going to such an important party, I was so nervous that I spent two hours putting on makeup and another hour picking out clothes just to get the right look.

Fashion is changing so fast now that I need to update my wardrobe.

I forgot to introduce myself... My name is Nayastyn Dalikova, I am from Polar Sunlight City, just call me Dalikova. "

Vartasky judged that Darikova must be from a famous family, thinking that Luke and other juniors could... seem to be busy with work every day, but unexpectedly found such a well-educated, temperamental, and well-born girl with.

"Hello, Ms. Dalikova, only the Polar Daylight City has a beauty with ice-clean skin like you. Come in quickly, it's too cold outside..."

Vartaski kindly took Luke to the house and chatted with him about the recent physical condition of the editor-in-chief Molson.

The meeting place is in the library of the manor.

The library has a circular design, and a circle of bookshelves with a height of five meters is filled with various books.In the middle of the library, there is a circle of leisurely chairs, and the invited steam engineers sit together.

At this time, a steam engineer was talking about his research.

Vartasky, who brought Luke in, made a low-pitched gesture, and then slowly led the two of them to sit down, and he himself sat down on the chair on the other side of Luke.

Luke scanned the meeting place first, and there were 24 steam engineers who came, and all of them were listening attentively to the narrator's narration.Then Luke saw the editor-in-chief Molson looking at him, and he immediately nodded to Molson, who also nodded with a smile.

After about half an hour, the steam engineer finished his narration, and then came the discussion session.

Editor-in-Chief Molson, as the party host, temporarily interrupted the discussion process, pointing to Luke to introduce to the steam engineers present.

"This is Luke, the young steam engineer who proposed the two-phase steam engine of water molecules. I invited him to come, so that all the masters who have made unique achievements in their respective fields can provide him with some pointers.

He is young, talented, and very hardworking, and he will definitely open up his own chapter in the field of steam technology. "

Luke stood up and saluted the steam masters.

All the steam engineers here know that Editor-in-Chief Molson appreciates Luke, and that Luke is indeed very talented, but he did not expect Editor-in-Chief Molson to give him such a high evaluation this time.

Based on Molson's attitude, the steam engineers didn't dare to neglect Luke, and stood up together to salute him.

Dalikova, who was sitting next to Luke, tried her best to keep her breathing even, smiling naturally, and her heart was full of tides.

Although she doesn't understand steam technology, she knows the steam engineers present here, and any one she pulls out is a target that the Ice Cave Agent will protect regardless of sacrifice.

Now the head steam engineers of the Yate County United are gathered here, which can be said to have concentrated the foundation of the entire country.And Luke is qualified to sit on an equal footing with them... Is the water molecule diphasic steam engine so powerful?

Is the fee cheaper?

At this time, Molsson said to Luke: "What do you think about the principle of the air wall of the convection hood that the engineer Davryon just said?"

In the past three days, Qingkong did a lot of homework for this gathering. Luke thought for a while, and replied after receiving the answer: "I have read the research paper of Master Davryon on the air wall of the convection hood. The air wall of the convection hood was the earliest Master Dashiqi proposed that Master Dashiqi was also the mentor of Master Dufflyon.

The difficulty of the air wall of the convection hood is the regulation of the pressure difference and the impact of the two opposing airflows. These variables are constantly changing with the environment, and slight differences can cause unstable steam delivery.As a new technology for vapor transmission, it can only be realized in a laboratory environment.

It is the right direction for Master Duffleon to start with the material, to manufacture a steam pipe with constant properties that does not change with the environment, and to meet the harsh environmental requirements of the air wall of the convection hood.

I think that magic and alchemy with their own variables are difficult to produce steam pipes with constant attributes, and secret art is an incomprehensible constant mysterious art. Using secret art may be able to create the required steam pipes.

I read in the "Nylonian Mystery and Ancient Witchcraft Handbook" that there was a secret technique in ancient times to make water pipelines, which would not expand and contract with temperature differences, and could also repair themselves..."

Luke's words brought new ideas to the engineer of Duffleon, who has been troubled by materials. He urgently asked: "Water pipes without thermal expansion and contraction! Maybe the secret technique can really solve the problem that my mentor and I have not solved. Question, may I ask where you saw the "Nylonia Mysteries and Ancient Witchcraft Handbook"."

Luke thought about it for a while: "This is a very common secret art book, which records many strange secret arts. It's just that many of the secret arts in it are incomplete, and I'm not sure if this secret art is true. "

Duffleon couldn't help showing a look of worrying about gains and losses.

Editor-in-chief Molson laughed easily: "Engineer Luke really reads all kinds of books. If you hadn't reminded us, we would not have thought of a solution to the occult. After all, this is a very unpopular academic, and the secret Magicians are mysterious."

Luke said: "Mystery can be said to be the oldest science. It originated from ancient sacrifices. It has been a mystery that has not been recognized by mainstream academics for a long time. I think it has value since it exists. If it can be used Integrating into the current academic system, perhaps it can show another side that we have never discovered.

Therefore, when I was studying, I dabbled in some secret arts. "

After hearing this, Molson couldn't help but sighed to the other steam engineers: "Did you see that? These are young people! The thinking of our older generation of steam engineers has been somewhat solidified, and research is more dependent on experience, lacking the ability of young people not to be restricted by conventions." Thought.

Engineer Davrion, I think it is necessary for you to invite the Mystic Department of the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy to assist you in completing your research.During this time, Professor Qingkong, head of the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts, was invited to conduct an exchange of esoteric arts at the Dongdu Magic Steam Academy.

My students tell me that Professor Clear Sky is a true master of the occult.Although Oulu Academy has lagged behind in mystic research for a hundred years because of the abyss mage, but with Professor Qingkong, they will soon return to the top of the world in the field of mysticism. "

Davrion said in a dilemma: "Professor Qingkong is from the Golden Shield Empire. Is she willing to help the enemy's steam technology development?"

Molson said: "Professor Qingkong also has another identity, the Queen of the Moonlight Royal Court. The Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy has reached some teaching mutual assistance agreements with the Queen of the Clear Sky. You can try your luck. Your research institute can always serve Moonlight Wang Ting do something."

Davrion realized something: "Thank you for your suggestion, I will visit Professor Qingkong, I hope my luck will be good."

Molson nodded, then turned to Luke and said, "It just so happens that everyone gathered here today to talk about your water molecule dual-phase steam engine, and see what everyone can help you with."

When Luke stood up and was about to talk about his new steam engine research ideas, the servants of the manor came in and reported: "Master...General Vaughn and consultant Donahue have arrived."

Luke immediately looked towards the library door when he heard the two names.

General Vonn is the Chief of Staff of the Allied Forces Department in Yate County, and is responsible for the formulation of all operational plans for the Golden Shield Empire War.

Tang Naxiu is the chief technical adviser to Congress and is now responsible for planning the development and production of new weapons for the military.

Luke knew that this party was attended by big shots from the Yate County United, but he didn't expect that the level of the guests would be so high...about as high as he was in the Golden Shield Empire.

General Fu En, who was dressed in the uniform of the Allied General of Yate County, strode in with imposing strides.Following him is the chief technical adviser of the Congress, Tang Naxiu, a middle-aged man with a very bureaucratic air.

Seeing two people, Luke knew that this private party was not as simple as he thought, and it also reminded him of his own job.

As a senior agent of the Secret Information Bureau of the Golden Shield Empire, he participated in the top military secret meeting organized by the General Staff of the United Army Department in Yate County.How would Agatha feel if she knew the news that I was here?
Luke now had a keen interest in the real topic of the party.

Editor-in-Chief Molson said: "Please take a rest outside, and you can go to the hot spring here."

Luke pretended to stand up with Darikova, but Vartasky held him back: "I want to soak in the hot spring, I have plenty of time. Sit down, there are servants to take care of Miss Darikova."

Luke sat down for a formal meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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