Age of Arcane

Chapter 373 Chief's Ambition

Helkkin was waiting at the agreed coffee shop. He was wearing a large windbreaker and looked a bit bloated. The brim of his top hat was pulled down so low that only his chin could be seen.

The cup of coffee in front of him had already cooled down, but he didn't have the mood to taste it.

A brief but very important private gathering was held at the Hot Spring Manor yesterday. According to the limited information we heard, Luke was entrusted with a heavy responsibility to be in charge of the follow-up development of the Titan [-].

And according to other intelligence sources in the ice cave, the "Project Titan" is just the beginning. As long as Luke's steam laboratory produces results, there will be many advanced research and development waiting for Luke to participate in.

All the consortiums of Yate County United are staring at Luke closely, and the various wooing actions have not been implemented, and there has been an increased competition with each other.

Luke, who has mastered the two-phase steam engine of water molecules, is now a dark horse in Dongdu, and the future is really limitless.

Helking found that as a veteran agent, he should have seen a lot of storms, but this time he received Luke's appointment, why couldn't he help being a little nervous?
This is an opportunity. Whether he can get rid of his identity in the ice cave in the future and truly enter the upper-class circle depends on this interview.

Luke and Dalikova walked into the cafe together, and then found that there was no customer in the cafe except Herkkin.

Dalikova said in a low voice: "It must be Helkkin who has booked the entire cafe. Want to eat something? I'll go and order for you."

"A cup of coffee, two bagels, a sausage, and an fried egg. Order whatever you want, and I will charge it to you." Luke asked Dalikova to order, and then walked to Helkkin and sat down: "Chief, what are you doing so mysteriously for an ordinary meeting?"

Helkkin said: "Meeting with the people in the ice cave in private, if it gets out, it will greatly damage your reputation. The big shots need us, but they all hate us.

Sometimes I really envy the colleagues of the Golden Shield Empire. "

Luke said with a smile: "Such words should not come out of your mouth."

"I know that Mr. Luke is an upright person, and he will not spread my grievances. Darikova has already told me the purpose of your meeting with me. You need the ice cave to provide you with protection?"

Getting to the point, Luke said: "Yesterday's gathering was beyond my expectation, you should know about 'Project Titan'."

Helkkin looked at Dalikova who was ordering food, and replied to Luke in a low voice: "'Project Titan' is the key protection object of the Ice Cave, and there is a team of Ice Cave agents working in the dark 24 hours a day The vigilance, as well as Major Airrow's escort team, can be assured of safety issues.

For your personal safety...

In addition to the security team serving you on the bright side, Harut Heavy Industry has a more powerful force in the dark, always guarding around you.If our ice cave sends someone to protect you again, it will make Mr. Elvis unhappy. "

Helkkin's words are consistent with what Luke himself noticed. Since he accepted the exclusive interview with "Steam Weekly", he has many more stalkers around him.And their position is not like monitoring, but protection.

It can now be determined that these people belong to Harut Heavy Industries.

"If I hadn't listened to you, I wouldn't have found them."

Helkkin said with a smile: "You are an inestimable asset to Harut Heavy Industry, how could Mr. Elvis entrust your safety to a team of ordinary security guards.

Even our meeting this time is under their surveillance. If I show any hostility toward you, they will immediately stop me. "

"It looks very powerful." Luke turned his head and looked outside, as if looking for someone who was secretly protecting him: "But being watched like this makes me very uncomfortable, as if I am a criminal suspect."

"This is the helplessness of being famous, and as your status and reputation increase, your protection will only become more stringent.


Luke asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless you can prove to Mr. Elvis that you will always belong to Harut Heavy Industries and will not be poached by any other consortium."

"That doesn't seem like a good proof."

"It's easy to prove." Helkkin said to Luke mysteriously: "Mr. Elvis has a daughter. As long as you marry his daughter, you are your own person of Harut Heavy Industries. Not only can you get With a large share of Harut Heavy Industries, whatever you want to do in the future will be very smooth."

Luke looked at Dalikova who was still ordering, and said to Herkkin: "I have never met Mr. Elvis' daughter, how can I marry her casually?"

Helkkin persuaded: "Marriages in big families are all for the benefit of the family, and Mr. Elvis must be very willing to marry his daughter to you.

Of course, you don't need to be bound by marriage... As long as you don't overdo it, Mr. Elvis won't interfere too much in your private life. "

In Helkkin's view, all the conditions for Luke to soar into the sky have been met. He is talented, has the favor of Molson, and is responsible for the development of important national projects. The only thing he lacks now is the full support of the big consortium.

As long as Luke enters the Elvis family, the smoke and dust will be enough to take him away.

For Luke, this meeting with Helkkin was surprisingly smooth, without having to guide himself, this guy was already on the path to let him go.

I have to feel how disgusted Helkkin is for his identity in the ice cave, and how obsessed he is with climbing up.

"That's a good suggestion! But, isn't it too abrupt to propose marriage to Mr. Elvis?"

Seeing that Luke was willing to marry the young lady of the Elvis family, Helkkin was happier than getting married himself: "Of course it is too abrupt to propose marriage suddenly, and it will leave a stain on the outside world that you are clinging to the consortium.

Leave this matter to me, and I will talk to Mr. Elvis in secret.First arrange a banquet for you to meet Miss Angelia, and then a vigorous love will unfold.

When you develop the two-phase steam engine of water molecules, and you propose marriage to Mr. Elvis, no one will dare to talk nonsense anymore. "

Luke pretended to think for a while, and replied to Helkkin: "Okay, you can arrange it.

Thank you for being here this time. "

Helking heard that Luke was about to end these meetings, and he immediately stated his intention for coming this time: "Mr. Luke, I have some personal matters that I would like to ask for your help."

Luke said: "You are the head of the ice cave. If you find it difficult, I'm afraid I can't help you."

"No, no, no, only you can help me with this matter." Helkkin looked at Darikova again, she was very sensible and didn't come over, and gave the two of them a space to talk secretly.Then Helkkin said to Luke like a pious apprentice: "Mr. Luke, you know that I have a very strong interest in steam technology. I will buy every issue of "Steam Weekly" and read it carefully. I read a lot of steam books for self-study, but...

Don't be afraid of your jokes, I have quietly taken the steam engineer qualification exam many times, but every time I fell short.

I have thought over and over again that my repeated failures are due to the lack of guidance from famous teachers.You are a fourth-level member of the Society of Steam Engineers, have published many high-quality papers in "Steam Weekly", and have also accepted an exclusive interview with the editor-in-chief of Molson.

If... If you are willing to accept me as an apprentice and teach me how to learn steam technology, I will definitely be admitted as a steam engineer next time. "

As an "actuary", Hulking made his own calculations very carefully.

The normal way to take the steam engineer test requires real talent and learning. Helking knew that his talent in this area was indeed very average, and he would definitely fail the normal test.But having a well-known steam engineer as a mentor makes a big difference.Just relying on Luke's current status in the Society of Steam Engineers, guessing the questions casually, and making some adjustments in the final defense, wouldn't he be able to get the certificate smoothly?
Moreover, Luke agreed to join the Elvis family, and he was his first apprentice. With this relationship, he would definitely give him a hand no matter what position he rose to.

As long as Luke nods, the future can be said to be bright.

Although Luke guessed Helkkin's Xiao Jiujiu, he still showed a look of surprise: "I think your interest in steam technology is just a hobby, sir, I didn't expect you to take the steam engineer qualification exam.

That kind of difficulty cannot be easily passed by self-study. "

"Yeah! For example, I have been unclear about the steam flow value in parallel dense pipelines; there are also changes in the pressure vortex formula."

Luke said: "This is indeed an error-prone point, not only need to consider complex factors, but also require a lot of calculations.

Since you like steam science so much, I can teach you.But accept as an apprentice... I need to examine your talent in steam science, let's talk about it after passing the steam engineer exam. "

Helkkin knew that he wanted to be Master Luke's apprentice, and this request was a little too much.But fortunately, Master Luke did not completely refuse, and there will still be opportunities in the future.

Obtain a steam engineer certificate first.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Luke!" Helkkin stood up and saluted Luke as a disciple.

Luke said: "The teaching place is in my steam laboratory. The Titan I is a very good teaching tool. If you can learn 15.00%, it is enough to get the steam engineer certificate."

This is definitely another surprise for Helkkin.

Under the guidance of Master Luke, practice with the Titan I, steam engineer can pass it with your eyes closed.

"Thank you again, I won't disturb you and Ms. Dalikova sharing breakfast." Helkkin saluted Luke again, and whispered: "Please rest assured, Dalikova is in the ice cave. All the files have been destroyed, she is a free person and has nothing to do with the ice cave."

Helkkin, who had achieved his goal, left very tactfully.

Dalikova took the dinner plate and walked to Luke and sat down: "Looking at Helkkin's appearance, you must not be talking about protection."

Luke picked up the knife and fork to cut the fried egg and ate it: "Herkekin asked me to marry Mr. Elvis's daughter. Her name seems to be Angelia. Do you know her?"

Hearing that Luke was going to marry a lady from the Elvis family, Dalikova was in a daze for a while, but quickly adjusted her emotions: "Yeah... only a lady from a consortium is worthy of you.

As for Angelia, she has a bad reputation, a bad temper, and a chaotic private life, but she is a good person.

If you want her lineage, it's a marriage that many people would be happy with.

Did you agree? "

"Agreed." Luke said casually while eating breakfast.

Dalikova said with a bad face, " not like the you I know."

"What can I do?" Luke pointed outside: "You must know that Harut Heavy Industries has someone following me around the clock to prevent me from investing in other consortiums. If I don't have the protection of the editor-in-chief of Molson, they may go too far .”

Dalikova did not refute, that is the fact.

Moreover, marrying Elvis' daughter will greatly help Luke's future.

"We all have to bow to the consortia and the oligarchs."

"Don't talk about such unhappy things! Eat quickly, and then go to work... You go to my steam laboratory to report first, experience the new weapon, I will go back after checking the lines to be checked today."

Darikova asked: "What new weapon?"

"When you arrive, you will know."


Dongdu Magic Steam Academy.

Clear Sky welcomes the visiting engineer Davrion.

After listening to Davrion's intentions, Qingkong said: ""Nylonia Mystery and Ancient Witchcraft Handbook" does have a secret technique, which can make water pipelines without changes in thermal expansion and cold contraction, but if you want to achieve convection The air wall of the hood is not enough.

I can add the development of this occult to my schedule, and I will send someone to let you know of any progress. "

Engineer Duffleon did not expect Qingkong to agree to his request so easily, he said gratefully: "The secret technique may be the last solution to solve the air wall of the convection hood, thank you Professor Qingkong for your selfless help, what can I do for you? Did you work?"

Qing Kong said with a smile: "Academics have no national boundaries, and this is not a free help. If the secret technique is successfully developed, I will charge a patent fee.

I heard that the editor-in-chief Molson is not in good health.I am very sorry that I cannot see him this winter. "

The engineer Davrion shook his head helplessly: "You can't leave the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy, but the editor-in-chief Molson can't come here. Maybe you really have to miss it this time."

Qingkong asked knowingly: "Isn't the editor-in-chief Molson the dean of the Dongdu Magic Steam Academy before? Why can't he come here?"

Davrion replied: "It's not a secret anymore. Dongdu Magic Steam Academy used to be two schools, the Magic Academy and the Steam Academy. Later, with the help of Molson, the two academies merged into one academy.

When they merged, the two academies quarreled over who was in front of "magic" and "steam" and who was behind.In Dongdu, the 'steam' faction has a very high status, but the mainstream in the world is that 'magic' is higher than 'steam'.

When Molson was the dean, the 'magic' faction and the 'steam' faction were relatively peaceful, but after Molson left office, the contradictions between the two parties emerged again.If the editor-in-chief Molson came here, someone would definitely propose to him to change the Winter Capital Magic Steam Academy into the Winter Capital Steam Magic Academy.

Editor-in-Chief Molson's body is not fit to deal with such disputes anymore. "

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